Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I ate too much candy tonight. I'm feeling stuffed! Did you get enough? I went to a cool party tonight. What did you do?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

i cant beliave it a golden puffle!
i went trick or treating

Anonymous said...

ugh.....toooooo muuuuchhh caaaanddyyyyy...
PS: I like the picture!!

Anonymous said...

In my country we can´t enjoy this party :(
I love this party i always dream with a fancy dress for halloween But this party doesn´t exist here :(

well i hope that you have enjoy the party! =)

Kisses Pamm*

PD: Mimo, where are you from? Usa?

Anonymous said...

hey its ur freind jimy, if u go to the home page and click on the coffe shop door a blue penguin walks out. tell more penguins about this plz MIMO777

Anonymous said...

Pame, I am from the United States. Do you ever get to dress up in costumes?

Jimy, I've posted on that before. Probably back in June or July. Try to find it.

Anonymous said...

lets see... Well I went trick or treating around my neighborhood (every1 was giving out these huge candy bars, hershey's, snickers, etc.) PAME_87V--habla espanol?? Si comprendes, vives en Espana?? parle francais? vous etes de france?

Anonymous said...

pame_87v-- what country do you live in? Qual pais vives? où habitez-vous?

Anonymous said...

im the same as pame_87v. in live in australia and we dont really celebrate halloween or anything. some people do, butmost people (especially parents) dont like it.
ive always wanted to go trick or treating.

PS: The golden puffle pic is awesome!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo
i know theres gonna be a new mission, new filter and a new comic page.

Anonymous said...

Mimo wat does the secert agent code in the newspaper say?


Anonymous said...

caN We TaKe tHE GoLdEn PuFfLe MImO77?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip about the blue coffeshop penguin that was cool

Unknown said...

i went trick-or-treating with my brother...... he was dressed up as a hula girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i went trick or treating.

Anonymous said...

i went to a halloween party and got 60 sweets and a halloween goblet

i also did a magic show and watched the simpsons halloween speical
i love your site

its wicked

the best cheat site EVER!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I went Trick-or-treating! It was AWESOME!!! I went to my preschool teacher's house and she gave us these HUGE candy bars!

Anonymous said...

hi mimo!

Anonymous said...

cause I live in Australia.
I go trick or treating every year and all the people in my neighborhood usualy give me candy.
who else dosnt celebrate it?

Anonymous said...

ok i was a princess for halloween (not like i m nt xD)i think im gonna have enough candy until next haloween...i collected almost alll over my big town
pame,thaz 2 bad,wat country DO u live in? i live in da US.

Anonymous said...

i went trick-or-treating but i didnt get5 much candy as last year.I got only 144 candies :(

Anonymous said...

Mimo, yes i have weared a fancy clothes for partys, but it's a private party, it is not a national party like in your country.

Anonimous, Si hablo español, soy de Argentina, como te diste cuenta? vos de donde sos?
in English: I'm from Argentina.

kisses Pamm*

Anonymous said...

i went trick or treating!!!and my got a rock!!

Anonymous said...

wow wow wow wow wow wow!!

its quaddz. Thats so amazing a golden puffle wow wow wow wow wow

Anonymous said...

I went and toilet papered my friends houses for Halloween!!
It was Sweeeeet!!
~vball ruz~

Anonymous said...

Well I did alot of stuff! ummm... first i went to my 7th grade Halloween Dance. Then I Went to my friends party. then TRICK OR TREATING OF COURSE!!!!! I GOT ALOT OF CANDY!!! Then I watched WWE on tv! It was a perfect Halloween/Friday!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey i see violet! (from willy wonka and the cholate fac.)

Anonymous said...

I have the silver surfbord, but if you hold your arrow over the ordenery dasy board(not the oan turn to silver)you get a hand for evry flower. Is somthing more hidden? Mabye a golden surf board?
Anyoan nows about this?

Anonymous said...

oh its FAT to much blue candy and its blue but brown and why that one is needed to post there were only talking about clubpenguin and thats not a secret or cheats or anything but IM SO SORRY to to inform this comment ;p

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sara, I've posted on that before. I think it was last month. Take a look.

Anonymous said...

i live in germány and we went treak or treating!^^

Anonymous said...

hallowee'en was amazing
i got so loads of sweets(im from england ,so i say sweets instead of candy) I went as a devil and i went a a bit hyper lol

Shanti said...
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Anonymous said...

my dad stole my cany bag and left me all the bad candy oh well what can i do

Anonymous said...

for haloween i was a nun even though im a guy me and my friend were the same

Unknown said...

hey mimo777,please be my buddy.You are a great penguin and i want to be you buddy.Can i plaes be your buddy?if yes,be at the night club on sever icicle at 7:30 P.M on november 5 2007 and look for scatcam(my penguin).

reply to-


Unknown said...

How old are you mimo777?

Im ten years old.


Unknown said...

Dear Mimo777,

I have an idea for the Club Penguin Gang (CPG) membership. The idea is, anyone that is a member (with clothes and a cool igloo) can be a member. If you dont like the idea im sure someone else will find a way.

From, Cameron

Anonymous said...

i live in england n i went trick or treating i got LOADs of sweets n i dressed up as ScReAm!

Anonymous said...

i got a glitch on clubpenguin!!! in the pet shop move your mouse over the glass puffle cage and click. don't move your mouse away. when the pet magazine apears click on the "x" and the puffles will keep jumping until you leave or you move your mouse on the cage again!!!! cool huh? =) =) =)

Anonymous said...

i found a chase game

go to the pet shop and in the top left corner there is a red puffle and if you move your mouse over the red puffle he will move away.

Anonymous said...

i went trick or treating

Anonymous said...

to much candy

Anonymous said...

That's some descriptive piece of writing..

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