As many of you have already noticed, there will be a new mission coming soon! I can't wait. But in order for you to do a mission, you must be a Secret Agent. And if you are new and don't know how to be a Secret Agent, you can click here for Cheat Guide instructions. When the new mission is released, I will have another Smart Cheat Guide ready for you.

After Halloween I will be having another great Mimo Party! Woo Hoo! All you Penguins are so much fun at my parties! So keep watch, I will be posting hints as to where and when the party will be. Only the smartest Penguins will be there. ;-)
Many of you post comments asking me questions. I love it and I read everyone! Please forgive me if I don't answer your question. Please understand, I just don't have time to answer everyone. I spend most of my time trying to find the coolest cheats just for you! You are all awesome Penguins!
Do you have the Halloween Scarf yet? Do you have the Spider Pin yet?
What do you think the new mission will be?
By the way, the Halloween Party ends Halloween night.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
First Comment!!!!!
I have the first comment!!
I cant wait for the new mission
What do you think it will have to do with mimo777
I have the scarf and the spider pin. I got so mad with the spider pin! It was so hard to get it! I had to come here to find out an easier way to get it. The Halloween party is a blast!
cool cant wait for the mission YAY FIRST COMMENT!!!
Are you on right now? If you are what server are you on?
when is ur party .can i be ur buddy. im bball426 cya
hey its ur bud jimy i cant wait for the next mission and i relize it would be hard to ansear every question and dont make the mimo party that late a night
You rock Mimo!! Yay frist! =)
Mabye it will be about the white fur we have been finding? Or a new room. have anyone noticed the black blank extra screen?
Mimo what do you think?
Hey mimo I found something cool. If you go into the forest and go into the tree on the top left then click on the tree to the right you get to go through this path to the other tree.
First post! Awesome! This is a great website, and I can't wait for what the next secret mission is! I have no ideas though...
First post! I wonder what it is...
ur wrong the party ends on Nov. 1st look:
this party ROCKS!!! My favorite part is the way u turned the mine shack into a creepy house. P.S How long is the party going to last? Plz post
Posted by Fanta1254 on 2007-10-26 19:30:40
Party lasts until Nov. 1
Posted by Billybob
i found a cool cheat if you click on the ski lodge and before you walk to the door put the cursor over the tour guide shack and whenits loading click where the cursor is and you will be able to read the tour guide book in the lodge
first comment again. i am so excited about the new mission and your party. please tell me where it is because i so badly want to go. and r u a member mimo?
oh and this is the first commenter. i think the new mission will be something to do with halloween like case of the missing pumpkin
i cant wait either!!i wonder what the new mission will be.
Well, first of all im new to this site, and i think its really good, and miro u come up with tons of good ideas for it! Also, I hear that if you tip the iceberg you get money...
Anyways, back on topic! I really can't wait until the new secret mission comes... It's boring when all the secret missions are done now, and I'm very bored as a secret agent sometimes...
Oh yeah, and is there anything talking about how you can get certain puffles? My friend told me that if you beat astro barrier you get an orange and brown puffle, and if you buy all of the puffles, you get yellow. True?
Wow thank you so much!! You are awesome mimo can't wait for the next party and the new mission!!!
You never commented on my idea b4 mimo, i think u should start a petition that club penguin should let us trade eachother for items and pins and backgrounds (this will make money more of a necessity for non-members)
for once can you make it easy to find out where the party is because some of us are not smart and really want to go to the party
Yay first comment and this party rocks yea!!!
And do you every see penguins with ninja masks its always memebrs!!!
i have a feeling when ninjas come up it will only be for mebers like the hair :(
Have you every seen a non-member with a ninja mask Mimo777?
Cpg rocks and clubpenguin lol!!!
Qutegrl ;)
fun! can't wait! i wish you could decorate cp for your parties...
Cool i hope i make it!
hey mimo-
i bet the mission will include the answer to the white fiber mystery- i bet it's a polar bear!
Hi! My penguin name is violet05 and i will be hosting a party on on the server called Antartic. I dont know what flag its on but it is the flag to the extreme right. Anyways, the party will be from 5 to whenever u want to leave. the party will be TOMMORROW!!! so plz make sure u r there and it will be on the iceberg. any qwestons email me at SEE U THERE!!! ps sry 4 such a long comment!
Hey Mimo I found a glitch. Its with the scarf. If you go to the cove and then click to leave then click your pumpkin basket then click claim prize if you have gotten all candy then you have the scarf hovering over you!
Also I got the Bracelt on to work!!
ihy uy ockry imomy henwy siy ouryy artypy
this is a code
its put the first letter in back add a y
We are saying the same thing. The last day of the party is October 31. On November 1 the party will be over.
Camcorder, that is not true about the Puffles.
hey mimo did you know you can get to the mine through the swimming pool?
Qutegirl, no I have never seen a Ninja before. Also, I am not a member. Non-members are way cool. ;-)
ummmm i think that the new mission will have something to do with the "scary movie" in the lighthouse!! hah byee i <3 mimo777
soo much
<3 Aeogirl55
penguin name!
it mite be for the new room i dont know it might cause theres one screen left so mabby if you complete the misoin you can go to it or sumthing like that who knows (w44rig55)
hey i found a glitch or a bug if you go to Austria then Brumbly it only has one smiley but when you click on it it says the server is full check it out. And mimo you are as cool as a member what you where just works.
shoot my glitch doesn't work now but don't think i lied it worked sorry cryyyyyyyyyyyy
i think the new mission is going to be awesome. i think you have to find the culprit to the crime of the coins and the avalanche!!!!!
Man, I can't wait till the new mission.
hey cool a new mission! I've been waiting 4 ever! You know the shadow of a penguin in the Ski Lodge mirror. Well the Haloween decorations are covering it.maybe its not there anymore? I'm very interested in this whole ninja thing. keep me posted .
hey its me again. i think ill host a party! Okay its on the 29th of oct and i want all u guys to be there. Its in australia at Beanie at iceburg! any questions e-mail me at
Hey I have the scarf and pin. I think the movie in the light house is pretty cool. I wanna be in the Club penguin gang. Hopefully you'll let us join after the party. I'll try to get there.
But I have a cheat. If u dont want the giant home music thing that makes music then heres a way to have music without ant music making machines. OK first put the sterio, piano, pipe organ, jukebox, etc. in your igloo. put on any music. then take it out and the musik still plays. its really cool. By the way my name in timmy0406 so maybe ill c u at the next mimo party
Mimo777, I know you're busy, but if you answered my question it would mean a lot. Here it is:
How do you copy and paste all those pictures from Club Penguin?
I can't wait until the next mission!
Zieda, there are several ways to do it. You can right click on a picture or hit the print key.
Members are cool too. ;-)
the club penguin owner said it will last untill novmber 1st
i think the new mission will be the case of the missing white fur animal
I wonder if the white fur is from a polar bear...
anyways, YOU'RE NOT A MEMBER??? wow...ur right! nonmembers do rule!!
Maybe that's why we never get member party pictures.
MIMO....That cheat where the color braclet floots up there in air...well i did the same thing with the halloween scarf!
I have put these possibilities:
It could be a investigation about the white fur. (this is because of what G said at the end of Mission 4)
It could be another wilderness mission (this is because the message said get ready for the next mission, not something like beware on the iceberg).
I love your parties.
Its aboout tyme they made another mission, ive been done the other 4 for the past month! i wonder wat it will be about. i love cp and cpg. if it werent for this site, i would have been SOOO frustrated with that spider pin. MIMO RULES! i so want them on my buddy list. one thig that sucks tho is that our skool district gave us laptops, but cp is blocked! i was soo upset. anyways, bak on topic. this site rules and if u see me on cp (lindy90210 or gutrgrlmoll) totally ask to be my buddy. moll only has, like, 12! anyways, this site rules and im so sad that 4 of them got sent out to cyberspace. ROCK ON DUDES AND DUDETTES! IF UR ON CP, UR THE KWLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!
mimo do u like ice cream
Great! New Mission! Mimo, do you know what it is?
let anyone be a secret aggent or tour guide
i can't wait for your party i must meet your penguin i will defenitly be at that party ps i can't wait for the new mission
DOes anyone know what the green and yellow fog is at the iceburg. its weird. i guess its dark matter.wot im seeing is a rubber band floating above youre head in message 3 or the other one. its been following me aroud! see you at the party mimo (if i find out where u are). oh and i found out another glitch. the snowball goes right through the movie screen.
hello my penguin name is 453007ali add me
Hi Mimo777!I know the secret to behind the white fur we'll keep finding on our missions.It belongs to a
Yeti aka Amomidible Snowman.Also I want to have a party with you in the server Down Under in Austrailia flag on 10/28/07 at 4'o clockat the Ice burg then travel anywhere else.P.S My name is Dancy3525 and im your number 1# fan.
For Zielda you can print screen pictures from CP or CPG by clicking on the PrtSc button including the ALT button together at any server and go to a program such as Paint in your Acceries and click in Edit and click on Paste.You've made your very first screenshot! By Bill Gates who found your website.
I am Dancy3525 from the party comment from before and um,I need to tell you that I am nonmember and they RUlE!!!!!
I alreadly saw he mission...annoying
I have the pin and the scarf they are both really cool! I think the next mission will be finding the crook behind all this stuff in the previous missions and the crook will be the ambomidable snowman (excuse my incorrect spelling) Your cheat guides have been really helpful!!!
umm exuse me mr mimo. umm im not very old.(not telling age) but i have a website and well i was wondering how to put a picature on my site
Hi Mimo777! Did u look at Ratemypenguin 4 Peach1526, yet?
Hey if you look really closley at the northern lights at the ice burg you can kind of see some secr`et agent code. Maye its another sighn of the ninja............
P.s. The hand that was above the fire place in the ski lodege, is now in the attic!
I heatd rumors like 5 months ago that there was going to be a new mission this November that had to do with ninjas. Well put it all together. There are ninja shadows all over. And a new mission this November! I also heard that the blank TV in the HQ is going to be a new room that has something to do with ninjas. But whatever IDK if that was just a lie but i think it may be true!
hey mimo777 im sammy247
and i kind of think it sux how u have to pay to b a member
i wonder what g has install for us as the new mission???
HI MIMO u rock i love your site and i think that the new mission is going to have something to do with ninjas because i asked club penguin about ninjas and they said they were working on it and they mentioned the new mission at the same time
Im Turtle time1
Thanx for responding Mimo777! It works! I am such a big fan of your site! Again, thanx for responding! ;)
ok now i dont kno if this is new or old but i found 2 cheats in the catalog in the gift shop....... if u click on the pizza on the pizza stick thingy it will turn into a fish pizza and if you click on the designer glasses u will get swim goggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the green an yello lights are called the northern lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUP YUP I kNO
hey wat do u think the new mission will be Us FELLO PENGUINS need to Kn0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok.... now i dont kno if this is old news but if u go in the sports shop an click on the board that the penguin is holdin it will change patterns
i think the mission wil have rockhopper in it. he's the only famous club penguin person not in a mission.
Hi Mimo!!!! I'm Madylina , Your buddy!!! I wait excited the new mission...I think 'Case of Rockhopper's Eye patch
i wanna see that golden puffle but today morning its halloween!thats why im on the computer early lol.anyway,when is your party?
!!!this is important read it all!!!
ok now i really wanna kno wat the new mission is gonna be!!!!!!!!!! :D i think it is gonna be like ROCK HOPPER like someone..... wait i kno well it think it will be the guy with the mysterious fur an the weird foot prints like stealin somethin from rock hopper or somethin... or like we get to go to rock hopper island... !!!!!yeah now im gettin real excited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh an a clue is if u go in the HQ an u look in that book the fish there will be some code letters on one of the pages u need to figure out wat the says for the futer missions........................... ko i kno wat it say say now u need to write this down ... it says... mullet likes eating fish more than worms
hey is there a trick 2 tha pin because i cant seem 2 cach the pin
I have a cheat you may like.......
its about negative coins. Click on feed your puffle with under 10 coins. Give it the regular food. It will ask if you would like to buy it. Click yes then it will say you need more coins, and you have negative coins! You can do this over and over until you have as many negative coins as you want! It works on my computer!
i have played the secret missions but on G's Secret Mission i cant find the paper/lint to start the fire!! do u know where it is?? please help me. if anyone knows please let me know!! just leave a comment under mine. PLEASE!!!
Hi mimo777
I can't wait until the new mission this next question is a little off topic:i finished g's secret mission but I forgot how to do it can you tell me plz :) it will mean alot to me if you tell me
mimo what is your email address!!!!!
why did they make members? oh how i wish to be a member!
hiya i cant wait till the 7th mission :)!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way do you know when the next mission is coming up dw if you dont know
Hey Mimo!How do u complete the 7th mission???? plz tell me!!
Heyy, can any1 tell me how to do G's secret mission i can cattch the fish but after that it's difficult please some one help quick
I just discovered in G's secret mission, that when you put the sled down next to 'Test Drive' and it's loading, it says 'back'. If you click on that, you do the ride from a side angle! Sweet! :D
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