Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Halloween Furniture Catalog Cheats

Awesome hidden cheats in the new Better Igloo's furniture catalog. Check it out.

To find the first hidden item in the new Better Igloos Catalog do this.

Step 1. Click on your "Home icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon.
Step 4. Click on page 4.
Step 5. Click on the fire.

Now you have found the Candelabra!

To find the next hidden item.

Step 6. Click to page 8 in the catalog.
Step 7. Click on the Upright Piano.

Now you have found the Pipe Organ!

To find the next item do this.

Step 8. Click to the 11th page.
Step 9. Click on the Home Stereo.

Now you have found the Concert Lights!

Make sure you check out the new Igloo Upgrades as well.

Did I miss anything?

This is going to be one awesome party!

OH! And don't forget to play Ice Fishing and Puffle Round Up. You can earn double the coins! Cool! That helps when buying all the new stuff. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

you missed some stuff like the stone igloo!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I give your site a 10/10. Very rarely would I give a site this. It is up to date and good ideas are in this site. Try to make penguins join your site.

Smudge-a-rater (I rate penguin sites)

Anonymous said...

Wassup Mimo! first comment! well, pretty sweet cheats. the only thing is i'm not a member. did you read that cheat? if you throw a snowball to the clock in the snow forts, it will go through! also, one more. log in and go to any room and start dancing. then click on the symbol to go to your igloo, and don't move the mouse. your still dancing! later!

your pal,

Anonymous said...

cool thanks for the cheats escpecaily the chandaliar YAY IM FIRST

Anonymous said...

Hi its me Delibird22, the puffle round up and fishing games are pretty better now. Even though i'm not a member.(I wish I was). The catalogs are cool too! I like to comment on the blog every now and then. By the way, Halloween 2007 will have free items!!( I asked Billybob). Free items, if any non-member is wondering. Enjoy Halloween 2007!
Thanks Mimo777.
From Delibird22

Anonymous said...

I know where a stone igloo is:
Click on the igloo icon and flip to the page with igloo removal and there is some silver tool, and click on the tool and you can buy the stone igloo

Anonymous said...

Hi yall...wats up...mimo u rok man...ya too many dots but who cares

Rlin said...

yay i found all the items!Mimo plz let more epenguins join.Sweet cheats!

Anonymous said...

i have a secret go read the newspaper flip to the joke page then click the word jokes and a hiddin joke will pop up!

Anonymous said...

yeah how do you get the stone igloo?

Anonymous said...

once again, I love ur website! Thanks for all the updates. They're awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Hello its me Delibird22, according to Billybob, he's putting an extra feature during the Halloween Party. He says its a surprise for all penguins.

Anonymous said...

the pumpkin igloo is cool to bad im not a member i really want to be one. :( hi mimo

Anonymous said...

i'm just saying... that in ice fishing only the reward if you catch the big fish gets doubled.
or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

hey himo, you know how if you play puffle round up, and ice fishing you get double points?... well do you know how to catch the big fish on ice fishing?(i think its name is guppy)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo I just started my own blog and I was wondering how you got so many people on yours? Any advice or anything?

Anonymous said...

personaly i would let ads come to clubpenguin so us non members can do stuff to!!!

p.s. are you a member mimmo777???

Anonymous said...

aw im not a member!!

please post i never get posted!!!


Anonymous said...

heres a cheat, you go up to the book room and go over to the chair and click on the stairs and then click on the books and go over to the bracelet and click on it, but dont say yes. If you have the right timing then the bracelet will stay at the top of the screen.(until you log off)

Anonymous said...

Well i think i'm better cause i found every single thing in the catolog at 7:00 on october 19 right when it came out so ha! :P

Anonymous said...

we cant get into the coffee shop

Anonymous said...

i know how to catch the big fish on ice fishing.instead of the little worm bait it has make on of the fishes your bait.happy halloween!

Anonymous said...

click on the crowbar in the floor removle service

Anonymous said...

Hey if your wondering how to get the big fish, just grab a little fish and put it to its mouth. Oh and the big fish appears when you catch 50 fish.(every item goes away when you catch your 50th fish). One more, when youcatch your 50th fish theres about three more fish comeing when you catch the third leave itin the water to where the mullet(big fish might have his mouth.

Thanks Mimo777
So Hyun2

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, I have a suggestion... put the music from previous parties on the home stereo system. i liked a lot of the old party music and it would be awsome to play it in my house. BTW: the fall fair music is still playing in the lighthouse, is it supposed to be like that?

Anonymous said...

Attually, Cart Surfing is the best to get coins and it is short and easy to do tricks. Ice fishing is to long and it dosn't pay much. Puffle round up will probably not pay much at all. Mimo, I'm not so sure you're right this time. Club Penguin is trying to rip you all off. Get more coins on Cart Surfing.

Anonymous said...

there is a snow globe igloo too. its a secret. click on all the words "snow" in the igloo catalog. also click on the window, in the basic snow igloo.

Anonymous said...

yeah the stone igloos well cool

Anonymous said...

is it true that club penguin is deciding to do partnership with Walt Disney, that will be cool. I wish on club penguin that there would be cars and cool transportation. they should like... make a disney castle with a whole new world in it to adventure as a disney character and when u leave your a penguin in the penguin world. Hey! its only my imagination!

Anonymous said...

what do you do if someone who is on one of your cheats is doing something bad and you can't find them? FROM SECRET AGENT DOING JOB

Unknown said...

i had that pumpkin igloo for awhile....then i got a new one, and a new one after that, and after that. oh, you get the picture, lol!

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