If you read Club Penguin's blog today you will learn they are preparing for the Halloween party. Here is a cool sneak peak of the Underground Pool.
Let us know if you find any mysterious activity before the Halloween Party.
Oh, and don't drink the water!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
hey did u no billybob post a pic of the underground pool which had the pupkin thing look at the blog the pumpkins gone. Guess billybob made a mistake. Also the company that told cp to take out the smiley is yahoo
this Halloween party is gonna rock!
oooh first comment!! Can't wait for the halloween party. What is everyone dressing up as (you and ur penguin) for halloween??
where can you read the clubpenguin blog?? sorry im new to this site lol
but i love it here!!
lol- dont feel to bad mimo! its ok, we still love you!
Shon :D
that is so awesome! i can't wait 4 halloween party! water jewels
Hi. Here is Club Penguin's official blog.
hey mimo dont feel bad about the tower is ok dont cry sniff sniff
hey where do yo get that secret?
how do you know this
WHAAAAA!, sniff... I'm ok now.
hey its ur bud jimy. whats up
hey dont feel bad and i promise u i wont drink the water.
p.s. do u want to meet me some time
please answear back
there is a pumpkin basket in the top corner do you think there is gonna be some candy or a fair or somthing?
hey its jimy again if u want to meet me try meeting me at server beeni in austraila thursday at 6:00 club penguin time plzz show up ur pall jim0123
woo rock come to club penguin:)
mimo guese wat. ok you didnt guese it but i foound out if you throw the snow balls at the top of the clock tower is DISAPEARS. -DINNERROLLS-
Jimy, I'ds love to meet you! I am planning another party soon, sshhhh!
my penguins name is daisydarr.HAPPY HALLOWEEN MIMO!
i cant breath drank the water it leaked into my igloo cough cough
you do know if you go to the homepage of cp and click what's new it takes to the blog site it is exactally the same and by the way billy bob says more free items are on the way for halloween
Thanks for your work, i love this site....clock tower?...I must have missed somthing what was that about?
what happened tothe clock?
Mimo can you tell me please.in the billybob picture up its not pumpkin .And down its not map and chat bar.Tell my why and where you get the picture.
it looks like there might be a scavenger hunt or something, did u see the pumpkin next to the mod logo?? u americans r lucky to celebrate halloween us aussies dont really do it
Mimo do you think there will be free items. Like for members and non-members. And also i herd that for the club penguin 2 year anneversity they might be giving out these limited addition hats and the hats will never come back to CP again! so you better get one and be there!
ummmm.....what's the jacko-lanten next to the moderator sign for anyway?
i noticed something its,
getting darker! like night time.
yay! the halloween party will rock!
do you by and chance know what's next to the moderator badge and why it's there?
What Clock Tower Post? And how did u get the full pic of Halloween sneak peek?
From Doobie Pengu.
hey mimo its me again. how did you get in there when the party hasnt started!? Well, you're awesome, mimo. i'd love to meet you! your best pal, blackjack12323
Why was the Clock Tower Post bad?
What's with the pumpkin in the right top ? Is there going to be something lika a contest ?
The preview of the Halloween party photo is probably unfinished. I don't think it's a big deal.
Cha! This party is gonna' be kickin'!
Pssst! In the newspaper a dark shadow is rising. Have your flashlights. For Club Penguino is going.....DARK.
What tower? What tower?! What tower?!?!?!
I wonder why my comments aren't being posted??
I bet the darkness will fall on a party day...i just KNOW it!
ok...why are they doubling the score for ice fishing and puffle round up?
Wow you think that well have a tirck-or-treating pary???
thanks for that link to the blog :]
i loveee you soo much!!!
iwant tooo meet you please mimo!!!
well i dont think the underground is that cool but the goo in the pool was AWESOME!!!
I wish you could show us another cooler picture!
from corteego
dude sometime im making a website and its like clubpenguingang the glitches and stuff can you put it on here as your favorites? cuz dude its gonna be AWESOME!!!!!
Later this is corteego!! oh and keep making that website you said you would i really want to see it im thinking its awesome like you MIMO777!!
dude please can we meet sometime and dude when you making a party just email me im not good at the find the code to find me thing at corteego@gmail.com nobody eles email me!!! and dude its ok about the tower!
Yup. The clock tower was always broken like that. Sorry dude. Anyways, whatever happened to the Sports catalouge? It's mid October and there is no new catalouge!
Hi mimo what server will u be on at the cp 2 year anneversery?
hey yeah mimo club penguin is totally getting darker but they just gave out a newspaper aexplainning why. i think that they are going to have a storm dont you think?? :) im so excited!!!! halloween is one of my favorite holidays!!
what clocktower post give me the link!
I found a glitch!!! ok so heres what you do...very simple.
Step#1: hold down the tabs button on your keyboard.
Step#2: Click any door example the pizza parlor door and little and big yellow boxes will appear and its quite cool!
mimmo, what clock tower post? i have no idea what your talking about.
this is gonna be rock!I hope the northen lights stay at the iceberg. it was sooooo cool!
p.s.i agree, club penguin is getting darker,but its because when its halloween last year it was night,SPOOKY!
p.s.s i gonna make a website abit like urs,u okay with that?
oh its okay mimo hehe you are way too funny! anyway this sneek peek looks so cool thanks for posting this and everything!=)
i bet i know wat that bag in the top right was for.....CANDYYY WERE GUNNA HAVE CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think they should have skateboards on cp
i know why mancala and find4 arent working.theres abug in it and cp just repairing it
The coffee shop has no1 in it well some but not much.
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