There's a new secret mission coming to Club Penguin. The mission will have something to do with the Lighthouse. It should hit about the same time as Rockhopper's arrival this Friday. We think the mission might have something to do with Rockhopper.
What do you think?
- Club Penguin Gang
hmmmmmmmmmmm very odd
i think that the new mission will be great fun!:-:-
ok, on your computer you had to set the time ahead,becuaese its not in the folder yet.. so in other words, your cheating..
hmm I think you might have to find he origina.l eyepatch and you will also discover something about rockhopper but i dont know what yet
Swimdude, How are we cheating? We are just guessing! What do you think the mission will be?
That's a mad idea!!
I think u cheated because it's not in the folder yet and the faunt is different from the rest!
Its no cheat because if you go on "Whats new" on Club Penguin they have pictures of the new mission but anonymous is right they wrote that just to show you but it is true it should come out soon!
Its just an example DUR
cant seee the mission
i agree, the mission will be to do with avalanche, but what i don't get is why in your pic the name of the mission is there, and in my computer it is not in the folder??
The mission hasn't started yet. We guessed and put a mission on it just for fun.
the misson is going to rock! i bet the eyepatch is close to the avalanch
so your saying that you wrote it over the pic??
how do you know that it will have something to do with the lighthouse?
i hate it when you are in the HQ and someone is sitting there telling every one how to do the mission. SOME OF US WANT TO FIGURE IT OUT ON OUR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello cpg,i want to what a good job your doing.
Thanks, Paintboy100. Say, why don't you post your penguin on http://www.ratemypenguin.com. You would probably get the highest rating ever!
na im alredy famous.[im not braging]
hey paintboy wats up dude
not much swimdude.
hows your blog
hello paintboy. i just wanna know if you will meet me sometime? I'm your biggest fan!!!! and i reall really want too meet you!!! say mammoth next thursday on ice palace 8:00 pm??? how does that sound? plz reply!
We'll be back soon.
Thanks for your
its not called rockhoppers eye patch its called avalanche rescue....i jus finished it go see for your self
Its not called Rockhoppers missing eye patch its called Avalanche Resuse. Its hard and fun!
Between you guys and I, I've already seen the new mission. You might think I'm lying, and you can think whatever you want, but I saw it! It will be difficult, but fun!
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