Here is how to find Secret "Expert" levels in Astro Berrier.
Step 1. Click the MAP icon.
Step 2. Go to "Town".
Step 3. Click on the "Night Club" door.
Step 4. Now go upstairs.
Step 5. Click on the "Astro Berrier" game.
Step 6. Click Start. Do NOT press "Enter"!
Step 7. Now skip to level 30 by pressing "3" on your keyboard.
Step 8. Play the game and pass level 30.
Step 9. Now wait about 30 seconds for the blue ship to appear.
Step 10. Now shoot the blue ship.
Sweet Cheat don't you think?
- Club Penguin Gang
all you really have to do is get to level 11 and wait 20 seconds for the blue ship. then hit it and get to the expert levels! its so much easier
You're right, xcellent comment!
Here's some other Astro-Barrier cheats:
1. After level 6 when it tells you to shoot the blue ones first, on the info screen shoot the two blocks they’re using as examples before hitting enter, you’ll get a free life.
2. Same info screen for lvl 11 shoot the orange switch then the block for extra points, before hitting enter.
3. After lvl 11 when it shows the info screen (there’ll be a ship and two blocks) hit the ship and ta da.. secret levels
Hi, do you have any other cheats besides Astro-Barrier? I need money cheats plz! thx!
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hi,there i wanna know how to do tricks in club penguin but without getting banned so please can you help me! well i always read in others sites but then i try to do but it never works! so i thought that you may help me and i wont get banned too..thank you for your help and your understanding!
What kind of tricks do you want to do? This site can help you. Just read and try few of them out.
can u get money with out playing games even if u get banned coz i dont care i just want the money
brilliant thanx !!! :)
Hey, I've done the cheat where I wait 20 seconds after level 10 until the blue ship comes up and I wanted to know how to get past level 10. The one where the target moves with the ship around the circle? I've been trying to get past it but I can't and it's buggin the heck outta me!!!! help?!
just move to the left andshoot and the missle will drift into the target
skyblueranda, how do ya get the level 10 secret astro barrier?
It does relly work and its cool got to go to school now and im a boy c u!
Cool Mimo!
Awesome man!
M-I-M-O! What does that spell? MIMO!
You know, thereare tons of secrets to find in Club Penguin.
Go ahead and check the past posts of this blog and you may find tons of amazing suprises.
-Beta Tester
Um, mimo, i don't konw how to put this but my sister Vasa12345 has cancer. I will be posting for her from now on untilshe feels better and her surgery is done.
-Vasa12345's sister
This is one of da best cheats I have ever found! Ware did u get it? Well anyway, thanks! O, and Vasa12345, feel better soon! I send my best. My username is Superstar19 so be my buddy. Go on blizzard as soon as u get this comment witch is Jan. 1st 2010.
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