Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Town, Plaza and MORE Room Updates!

Club Penguin recently updated a few rooms and apparently everyone liked them. So, they decided that they should update a BUNCH of rooms in a few weeks.
So here is a sneak peek of two rooms:

Ok, I thought that Cp couldn't get farther away from the old Cp but....
It's officially gone);

What do you think of the new room updates coming soon? Old Cp or new (Disney) Cp?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Limadude said...

I was on since Christmas of the first year. It may sound funny, but this is extremely sad. It will never be the same. I might just turn to CPPS's for the Club Penguin I once knew.

Mr2010 said...

Old News I've already seen these pics. They are also going to update the dock and the beach

Bobawesome said...

Mimo it is called The Journey in which Generation 2 (2007-20012) is ending and Generation 3 is starting. PS. Generation 1 was Penguin Chat 3
PSS. I am sad to see old CP leave but I guess the show must go on?

Anonymous said...

I like old CP. There's still the boiler room, underground pool and mine, though.

Caitiecat12 said...

Disney keeps changing the things we love, the things that got us intrigued and playing Club Penguin in the first place. They should bring an old party back at least, or not change everything. Hardly recognise a thing any more, thanks to Disney.

Scamper52596 said...

Need more snow on the ground.

Anonymous said...

People, learn to embrace the change.

Anonymous said...

D: The old cp is offically gone. RIP cp. But the new rooms look awesome. :]

Anonymous said...

I'm loving it.

Anonymous said...

To me I believe that the new room updates are cool.
I think its great how Club Penguin is changing and createing a new image. I've grown up with the old Cp and I'm exicted for the new Cp!
I've really liked what Club Penguin has done to the rooms.(:

Anonymous said...

Cries :'(
I miss the old CP already :'(

But hey mimo look closely at the new plaza. Is that the ice rink!? is it finnaly back!? Please say it's true!

Grande pie said...

Actually, all these rooms updates appeared in the video. Guess what's next? Dock and Snow Forts!

Stickers303 said...

Your right. It will never be the same. As being on CP a while I don't think I like it. But for new audiences I think they will like the updates.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!
I think that this isn't about old or new CP. These changes will bring CP back like never before!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I agree. I'm sad to see the old rooms go away. BUT, look in the bottom left corner. Don't you see that? I think it'll be an entrance to a new room!

Anonymous said...

AWSOME!!! i love these updates! its about time too..the old ones were way out of date and new players didnt like the old graphics...this new look will bring in new and more players.

Anonymous said...

i miss it i first joined cp when i was in 1st grade i was born on march 17 2002 so i forgot the year in first grade then i forgot my pass so i came back in 2nd grade during the christmas party i think i miss old cp alot new stuff everwhere!! :( but still cool stuff dont forget the mine shack didnt change only a little and the ice burg too didnt

Drosofilosof said...


Calmly yours,

Eva said...

Now, now, Mimo777. The ski hill and lodge haven't gone... yet.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye, awesome and free CP, hello membership and not awesome new one. This sucks so much and I'm going to miss old Cp because it's offically G-O-N-E.

Anonymous said...

Olp CP has died but like a phoniex it rose lives again. Just with a new face. I saw the history video Mimo posted. We have come along way. Nothing is going to be the same. There are cool parties like Marvels Super Hero(cool!). So somethings while stay, others will change, but onething is for always going to be there, the PENGUINS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There's barely any snow in the new Town.

Anonymous said...

Again, this is exactly the purpose of the Operation: Blackout Party.....

Out with the old, in with the new. CP is moving on in a new direction.

Anonymous said...

They have a new area in the left bottom corner of the 1st pic

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From someone who has been playing Club penguin since the early days, it's really sad to see how the game is evolving. But I have to say the new look is pretty sleek and nice. I'm actually excited about it.

mario30206 said...

i like all the new room updates.i hope they update other rooms after they change the plaza and the town.PS. at least they arent making every room look like places from Disney shows Mimo.

mario30206 said...

they should have a Star Wars Party.i think it would be pretty awesome to meet a Darth Vader penguin or an Obi-Wan Kenobi penguin.

Anonymous said...

Looks terrible. It is all child-ish Disney. Can't wait to see what Star Wars Ep. 7 looks like. Let me guess the penguins and Snow White team up and take out Herbert.

Anonymous said...

I will miss cp. I might be retiring from cp now. Ive been in cp ever since the beta tester hats. I remember when the dojo iceberg and mine were secret...if disney changes the attic, the ski lodge, the ice berg, the ski hill, the pool, the boilder room, the cove, the forest, and lastly the beach I will quit cp forever.

Shadow25256 said...

guys dont give CO ANY IDEAS!!

Shadow25256 said...

AHA! that bottom left entrance thingy is the new hub spot. they told us that in the 2nd CP guide that they will have a hub with a notice board, fountain and tour guide table!

its about time, too.

Anonymous said...

I miss old cp new cp is horrible i miss psa i hate epf and i miss all the old rooms R.I.P :'(

Anonymous said...

i been playing a long time not always with the same penguin though:D its sad to see it go it seems like just yesterday me and my friends tried meeting on club penguin (we never could hehe)its hard to see it go but yet again what can we do. well i guess well have to sit back and watch and see what club penguin becomes.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what will rare penguins in Sleet do since the Dock is going to be updated? Will they quit once and for all?

Anonymous said...

Cp should in a couple of months have it so a party with ALL the old stuff just after they created cp. and they should give non members stuff cause I'm a non member




Um 54 said...

NOOO I LOVE THE OLD CP!! they didn't even have the epf when i started! The old cp is way better! my penguin is 1580 days old. my name is Um 54 add me

Anonymous said...

oh be qwiet it good :)

Anonymous said...

The old cp is gone long time ago =/
I guess the next will be they take out or "update" the old (rare) items and evryone can buy them.... i wouldnt be suprised =/

Anonymous said...

well i like it and i dont like it also im not any of the other Anonymous above me

Sandonfeet said...


Anonymous said...

looks nice, but I'll likely still miss the old club penguin that I grew up with...

Anonymous said...

Oh no :( This is horrible. These news rooms are so much uglier! I miss the old CP!

Anonymous said...


Trainpower10 said...

I knew this was going to happen
I might quit soon anyway because I'm getting older :)

Anonymous said...

i hope that disney realizes that what they're doing may not be the best for club penguin, and ask billybob to come back and give it to him :)

follow me on twitter!

Minisamfizz said...

I realized something! In "The Awesome Official Guide to Club Penguin" there's something very interesting on page 18. It shows a room with the town in the distance. There is a fountain, a gazebo, a notice board, tours, and a building with the letters I and E (the rest is covered up by the text). It also says this will be the room you will be in when you log in. Maybe the big open space at the bottom of the new town could lead to this mysterious place?

ExcelUp said...

I actually pretty like the new updates, because they update the Pizza Parlor, Pet Shop, Dance Club, Clothes Shop, Coffee Shop but they never change the town or Plaza and it looks a bit weird without that.

Anonymous said...

That is a buidboard at the bottom left of the town !! :D :D :D :D LOL ROFL ROCWISL (roll on ceiling while in space laughing) it's for astronauts ;)

Anonymous said...

Clubpenguin is advancing to the future, also like we are doing now. The world is changing to a modern technology. By the 2020 you'll understand what I'm saying. That's why Club Penguin is changing, is moving on to a new modern century. The new clubpenguin is so much cooler than the old. Bond to the future!

Balib3 said...

I prefer the old rooms. They changing everything what we loved? :(

Hermione 67 said...

Ohemgee I hate it D: I liked the rooms the way they were before. I don't care how spiffy and 'cool' they're making them look now; I love the OLD art :(

Rest in Peace, Old CP :'(

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