Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, November 19, 2012

Daffodaily5's Featured Fashions: November 19th!

Check it out, there is a new Club Penguin blog post!
Daffo found StarPuffle00 waddling around, and she thought her outfit was "brill"!
Take a look!

 Daffo would love to hear "your ideas on how to accessorize those costumes, so make sure to leave me a comment! I’d also like to feature some of your penguin pals in future fashion updates, so if you’ve got a friend who’s got great dress sense, pass on their username in the comments and they might appear in my next blog post!"

Is that it? One Featured Fashion outfit. Come on man....
What do you think of there only having one FF? Should they have more next time? Or none at all, EVER!?  

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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