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I just won't post the above kind of sillyness. K?
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If you leave tips for me, I'll ALWAYS give you credit. ALWAYS! Many of you give the same tip and sometimes you don't leave your name. Or sometimes I found the tip or cheat before you. So, thanks for your tips! You are awesome!
It's funny how we were supposed to keep Herbert a secret from the public. I never actually thought the CP team would go this far. I mean, I thought the Pop-Corn explosion was too extreme for a children's game. If you think about it, Herbert was trying to kill us. But now, he is kidnapping penguins, he is destroying buildings with solar powered lasers and he's taking over the whole island. I'm very impressed. I'm actually looking forward to this party, I can't really imagine what the EPF will do with Herbert after they defeat him.
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- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Club Penguin Cheats Gang is:
MiMo777, President
U Fride, Chief Cheat Agent
ZoeZoe11, Chief CPG Moderator
Me Santa, Cheat Agent
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This made me freek out SOOO bad!!!
It's funny how we were supposed to keep Herbert a secret from the public. I never actually thought the CP team would go this far. I mean, I thought the Pop-Corn explosion was too extreme for a children's game. If you think about it, Herbert was trying to kill us. But now, he is kidnapping penguins, he is destroying buildings with solar powered lasers and he's taking over the whole island. I'm very impressed. I'm actually looking forward to this party, I can't really imagine what the EPF will do with Herbert after they defeat him.
0:15 thats the sketch that lane showed us on twitter and by the way that viedo looked like it could be a movie
Hopefully this will be lots of fun! I really miss PSA point and click adventure missions, but this looks cooler then field ops!
LOL. 0:06: Herbert was hugging Gary. Loveluna 19
maybe op blackout is a mission but with party decorations like in i think it was may when the sports shop was full of popcorn!!
sooo, basically it might just be a mission with party decorations
i just cant wait for herbert again :)
Hey Mimo!
I just realised that there is a new night club!
hey mimo this is BIG if the huge snowstorm that herberts gonna create is big enough it may make a mountain for card jitsu snow!
The video would sound better if they played Rango's Suite in the background. What do you think?
ummmmmmm mimo777 i think EPF will blow and we have new EPF room... so i'm just guesing it...
Maybe the epf hq will be destroyed so then they decide to go back to the old psa and sports shop! :)
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