Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, September 13, 2010

Club Penguin Adds More Stamps!

Woot! More new stamps! Remember when Club Penguin added stamps for the Field Ops and lots of you didn't get the stamps because you had used your badges to buy Elite Gear? Well now you do not have to save your badges to earn the stamps! Awesome!

Also, check out the new Wii stamps!

Awesome! I can't wait to get some of these stamps!


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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Anonymous said...

Why is there a little pac man eating the letter p?

Anonymous said...

hey there two new activity stamps they are to earn 25 stamps and 50 stamps

PS:I might get the wclub penguin wii game

rrmc86 said...

Anonymous said...
Why is there a little pac man eating the letter p?
rrmc86 said...
i think thts a yellow puffle eating an o berrie.

Anonymous said...

when is club penguin game day out in New Zealand

kimosabe550 said...

when is club penguin game day out in New Zealand
Well you just have to be patience because it takes time to shipping and copying the game.

-kimosabe550 (trying to be a CPG mod)

Sufyan said...

Why are there no stamps for the DS games?

Anonymous said...

I think the new cp game day stamps would be a bit hard to earn cos how would the computer know you've achieved the stamp

Dedgie02 (CPG MOD) said...

Vio19 said...
Why are there no stamps for the DS games?
Dear Vio19
That is probably because the games came out before the stamps.

*Being crazy and awesome!*
<~Dedgie02 (CPG MOD)~>

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