Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, February 1, 2010

Club Penguin Puffle & Play Sneak Peeks!

Whoo hoo! Club Penguin will be having a Puffle Party this month! You can tell the first picture (on the right) is at the Dock and has things for puffles to play with.

The next picture (top right) looks kinda like a furniture item from the new Puffle Catalog that will be out on Feb. 12th. What do you think it could be?

The last picture (bottow right) is from the new play that will be at the Stage on Feb. 12th! Hmm, is it a tail, a worm, or something else? Let me know what you think the Secret of the Bamboo Forest will be about!

Also, today is payday for Agents and Tour Guides! Woot!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee

Musicboy8 said...

I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)


Anonymous said...

I so can't wait for the new things coming this month i wander what happening at the puffle party i think that will be so kwl.

Musicboy8 said...

Anonymous said...
I so can't wait for the new things coming this month i wander what happening at the puffle party i think that will be so kwl.

Me either!! I hope the puffle party is soon before my membership expires!!


Musicboy8 said...

Anonymous said...
i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee

A squirrel? Hmm.... Maybe! I like your idea about puffle toys!


Safa153 said...

Sweet Post!

=> Safa153 <=

Anonymous said...

I thnik its a tail aswell! Maybe a squirrel!

seth said...

I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.

coolgem50 said...

NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)

Krazykid said...

Hi mimo I was thinking maybe you could have another tootsville party! I was not in tootsville when you had your last one there and I would really like to do that! Also if you could make the mimo pivit come back out again!

Thanks! ~Krazykid

Pinkcookies5 said...

I loooooooooved the puffle party last year! I wonder if there will be a new puffle...

Racket2000 said...

Awesome, AWEsome, AWESOME!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

PS: Mod changes tonight? I have a couple good choices for new mods...

Jitsu jedi........................ said...

its a monkey made outta puddin!

Jitsu JEedi

Racket2000 said...

Anonymous said...
i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee
Yah, it does look like a machine that makes puffle toys!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Anonymous said...

i dont know i think its a squirrel? but i really want to know what is

Racket2000 said...

Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)

Yah, and when you save up, you end up with 12,000.00 a year! WoW!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

Anonymous said...
I so can't wait for the new things coming this month i wander what happening at the puffle party i think that will be so kwl.
Yeah, it was PUR-TY cool last year! Lol,

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

lemon2608 said...

i got my pay for being an agent and a tour guide and i just got a lot of codes so im rich and i bought a new igloo and some clothes. im saving the rest for the costumes for the new play and puffle furniture!! rock on!
~the pickle is out of the jar~

Anonymous said...

me thinks its a tail of a lion or somthing like that...................

Kyroid said...

The orange puffle will come after the puffle party
Like last year the white puffle came after it!!

Anonymous said...

o o o i just had the coolest thought what if the picture with the squar puffle is a mechaine to turn your puffles diferent shapes and sizes

Anonymous said...

i think the tail is part of a new puffle who has a tail.

Jamesscn said...

Has anyone thought about this... CP has distracted us all from thinking of shapes so there could be Square or Triangle puffles!!! Also there is a bushy tale in the stage, Could this have anything to do with the puffles?

Racket2000 said...

Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)

Opps. I meant to say you earn 6,000 dollars a year.

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Sjr17 said...

Hey Mimo! I think the green puffle thing coming outta the metal thing is a.........

Super puffle cleaner 300 that Gary will make. My guess! ---Sjr17

Cublikefoot said...

Mimo, you said that the picture that was at the dock was on the right when it was really on the left! just trying to help...

Anonymous said...

Yeah. OOO i know! its the puffle partay! And its going to come out on Feb 12! Just a guess

Waddle On!
*Leaves to sniff zebras*

Snow51 said...

I think the picture on the top right is a puffle dryer >:D lol!

mqpb1 said...

i think the puffle thing could be from the new mission and the tail looks like a squirrel.

Anonymous said...

omg!i cant wait,they might have free items!(bb9087)

Anonymous said...

On the puffle party i think club penguin will let us be puffles. So we can play on the big puffle toys.I think a long time ago they let the penguins be puffles on some party. Idk but its just a theory.

penguin name- Avenged7xxxx

Anonymous said...

MIMO you reminded me its a repeat of last years puffle partyand if you have that srry i was so ecsited I went straight to commets lol
Club penguin name:Yoyobia

Caramel2600 said...

sorry that i havent answered in a while i was busy studying 4 test all week but i am back! ready to keep on training 2 b a cpg mod now 2 answer anonymous's question

Caramel2600 said...

Anonymous said...
i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee
Well chimpombee nice guess maybe! but im slow at these things lol!

Anonymous said...

I think its a crazy penguin that G made and it grew a tail :D (BTW you had a typo you said look at the right it looks like its at the dock then you said look at the right it looks like item) 2 rights make a right? LOL

Anonymous said...

The tail kind of looks like a fox or something to me. Maybe the puffle thing in picture 2 has to do with the new mission 11 with Herbert and puffles? Hey, never know!


KT said...

Musicboy8 said....

I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)

Hey Musicboy8! You know, you can also become and agent and get double the money!

berserkerike said...

i think the new play will be about a giant monkey!!!
That would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

i think that the green puffle is some decoration or a toy and i think the pink puffle is a balloon and the tail weird guess but i think its a trunk to a elephant or a weird penguin lol

Anonymous said...

maybe its
-the pink puffle is a balloon
-the green puffle is a part of a machine toy or somethin

if u look at where the green puffle is placed theres somethin that looks like an air conditioner that holds it maybe its like a music box or somethin and the tail idk but i may be some random creature

big fan

Hnwjanuary11 said...

My guesse(s): A puffle machine that switches your puffle to any color, a puffle party, and a stage play about a tailed puffle! Who doesn't adore puffles?!

Anonymous said...

I think it could be a monkey's tail or a squirrel. I think maybe it is a machine just like the one during the sneak peek of the cave. Also I can't wait for the puffle party.

Dylnsprse said...

I think the second pic is one of G's new inventions.

Anonymous said...

The dock picture is on the left, not the right!!!

Anonymous said...

its probably a monkey

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Anonymous said...
The dock picture is on the left, not the right!!!
Yeah! I noticed too!

Waddle on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Super Mod)
~Leaves to sniff the zebra~

Anonymous said...

Hmm. . . . that tail looks like a monkey tail! Haha what if Monkeys came to club penguin? Haha that would be FUNNY! Club Monkey. It also looks like a squirrel tail and what on earth is that green puffle doing in that box thing? It looks so funny ^_^

KT said...

Policeman655 said....

Has anyone thought about this... CP has distracted us all from thinking of shapes so there could be Square or Triangle puffles!!! Also there is a bushy tale in the stage, Could this have anything to do with the puffles?
Hey Policeman655, LOL square puffles eh? It would be hilarious just to see them move. Would they roll like a cube? LOL, just thinking about it makes me laugh!

Thinking about square puffles
~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

KT said...

coolgem500 said....

NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
Awwwww, that really stinks. Losing your membership when theres a party coming. Hmmm maeby you'll get it back before the party!

~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

KT said...

seth said....

I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.
Welcome aboard the S.S.Mimo seth! Your guide to ALL Club Penguin news! I went to the last puffle party and it was awsome! Hope to see you TOO at the party!

~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

Csquadqb17 CLICK ME! said...

I think the tail is a new puffle WITH a tail

KT said...

Krazykid said.....

Hi mimo I was thinking maybe you could have another tootsville party! I was not in tootsville when you had your last one there and I would really like to do that! Also if you could make the mimo pivit come back out again!

Thanks! ~Krazykid
Hi Krazykid! Im sure you arent the only one who wants Mimo to have a Toots party! Im pretty sure Mimo will have one soon! He might just be thinking about it now!

~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

KT said...

lemon2608 said....

i got my pay for being an agent and a tour guide and i just got a lot of codes so im rich and i bought a new igloo and some clothes. im saving the rest for the costumes for the new play and puffle furniture!! rock on!
~the pickle is out of the jar~
Hello lemon2608! Hey, thats exactly what im doing. Saving up for new furniture and clothing is always a good idea! I really want to see your igloo sometime!

~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

Goldenlatios said...

Haha looks like a monkey tail o-o
I seen that giant thing at the dock last year i LUV the black puffle place its a skating place. The puffle partyis my favorite.

The green puffle looks like it was bouncin on the speaker in the night club and got sucked into a machine.

KT said...

Kyroid said....

The orange puffle will come after the puffle party
Like last year the white puffle came after it!!
Woah! Nice theory, it could be an orange puffle or a differnt color puffle like a Zebra puffle! Woot, id buy one for sure anyway! See you at the puffle party!

~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

TulipPearl1 said...

Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Awesome, AWEsome, AWESOME!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

PS: Mod changes tonight? I have a couple good choices for new mods...
When did he say there were mod changes? Or do you just assume since it's Febuary. oh well, I still can't wait!

ninja46810(cpg mod in training) said...

i think its gonna be a puffle party, new furniture and a new play!!

ninja46810(cpg mod in training) said...

Musicboy8 said...

I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)
dear musicboy8,
nice prediction! yeah i love the money too,i want it every week~!!

ninja46810(cpg mod in training) said...

seth said...

I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.
dear seth,
welcome! yeah the puffle party last year was fun! i bought 6 puffles!!! there was only one problem with it and that was that it got in the way of one of my videos, if you wanna see it its called murder on penguin street part 2 (part one is better)

Lava22 said...

I think that the puffle item is a Puffle Washer. If you look at it looks like the machine that does your laundry and a green fluffy puffle is coming out. Other furniture helps your puffles play this may wash them!(By that I mean it might help there health. Even though I don't know whats so healthy about being in a puffle washer... lol)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah. OOO i know! its the puffle partay! And its going to come out on Feb 12! Just a guess

Waddle On!
*Leaves to sniff zebras*
Hey! That's a trademark! Lol, just kidding, you can use leaves to sniff zebras. But I am a little tired of people copying me on my sign-outs. First Warped and Waddling, now zebra sniffing! :S

Waddle on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod)
~Leaves to sniff the zebras~

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Policeman655 said...
Has anyone thought about this... CP has distracted us all from thinking of shapes so there could be Square or Triangle puffles!!! Also there is a bushy tale in the stage, Could this have anything to do with the puffles?
Maybe? I don't think that's it, but that would actually be very cool, now that I think about it!

Waddle on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod)
~Leaves to sniff the zebras~

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Kyroid said...
The orange puffle will come after the puffle party
Like last year the white puffle came after it!!
Gasp! Yes! Yes yes yes YES! I almost forgot about that! Great job, Kyroid!

Waddle on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Awesome, AWEsome, AWESOME!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

PS: Mod changes tonight? I have a couple good choices for new mods...
I don't think Mimo is doing any Mod changes tonight. But, I do think it will be in a couple weeks, in the middle of February! Just a guess...

Waddle on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod)
~Leaves to sniff the zebras~

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Pinkcookies5 said...
I loooooooooved the puffle party last year! I wonder if there will be a new puffle...
I loved it too! And, yes, maybe the orange puffle will turn up! Or...AHH! COOKIE MONSTER PUFFLE! (Sorry for all-CAPS)

Waddle on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Super Mod)
~Leaves to sniff the zebras~

Hnwjanuary11 said...

coolgem50 said...
NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
Ouch! That stinks worse than a smelly zebra dropping a bomb in the dump! And trust me, that's hard to beat!

Waddle on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Super Mod)
~Leaves to sniff the zebras~

Anonymous said...

okay here it is.
like my bud hnwjanuary11 i need an ending phrase. anyway here is what i think that everything is first picture: puffle party, too easy cp! second one: new mission, i mean come on figure it out people. and finally the third one: from the play, a tiger, a cat, a dog even? too easy cp u only have one secret of the bamboo forest thing.

Wilbur5700 said...

Okay here it is.
1. Here to not get you banned(my old one)
2. Off to get some pie
3. Sniffs the air and smells smelly zebras so decides to leave (kinda long)
4.Off to look at cps new adventures
5. Leaves just because she gets some food.

Hellomimmy said...

I think the tall worm is actually some tail. I think a monkey tail

Anonymous said...

the tail looks like a monkey's tail

I Pod1346 said...

lolz i though of a panda with an orange tail that's my prediction....

Spam said...

The puffle thing might be a Super-Puffle-Fluffer 3000 in the Night Club.

Lexi said...

Looks like a cat tail or something! (Possibly a new type of pet) The mission might be about Herbert using puffles for something evil.
Peace, love and polka-dots

Anonymous said...

Maybe..... a sqiirrel? a legendary puffle????? a horse? a bird? maybe a free puffle item? a trap? a lever to a room? a game? So many options!!!!!

Lexi said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...

My guesse(s): A puffle machine that switches your puffle to any color, a puffle party, and a stage play about a tailed puffle! Who doesn't adore puffles?!
Lol, all of your ideas involve puffles!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG mod)
Peace, love and polka-dots

Lexi said...

Caramel2600 said...

sorry that i havent answered in a while i was busy studying 4 test all week but i am back! ready to keep on training 2 b a cpg mod now 2 answer anonymous's question
Mimo totally understands (I hope!) We are all kids (hopefully lol) and I personally think academics come before computer!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG mod)
Peace, love and polka-dots

Lexi said...

seth said...

I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.
You should be! It is very fun, puffles are sooper fun too!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Peace, love and polka-dots

Lexi said...

Anonymous said...

Yeah. OOO i know! its the puffle partay! And its going to come out on Feb 12! Just a guess

Waddle On!
*Leaves to sniff zebras*
I think it will be sometime in late Febuary.. BTW, you copied Hnwjanuary11's logo thingy. Not cool!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Peace love and polka-dots

Anonymous said...

Maybe the play is about a new puffle coming

ninja46810 (cpg mod in training) said...

Anonymous said...

me thinks its a tail of a lion or somthing like that...................
dear anonymous,
me's thinks to

Anonymous said...

i think the tail is a monkey tail the pink puffle from last year ar dock and im not sure about thepuffle machinemabye a special room with a machine that makes your puffles play or cleancant wait for puffle party!

Anonymous said...

puffle partys are fun

Anonymous said...

the white puffles in the puffle party were in the words puflle party before it came out and theres a orange word after white then brown then dark pink so maybe orange puff next

otiekinz said...

WHOA! i got a totally wierd theory! what if this month when we open the cave again, we find a really cool new spicies of puffle in there that have tails!?!?!?!? it could explain the pic of the new play, lol. that would be soo cool!


otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)

i know right!? i think you are right about the party, im so excited!

otiekinz(cpg mod)

otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

coolgem50 said...
NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
mine too!! i think. lol mutated green puffle, lol

otiekinz(cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

A lot of you guys wrote comments during school hours... do you have school off or something?

Anonymous said...

it may be part of the New puffle party,and there may be the squirrle toy for the green puffle,and the new stage(bb9087)

Anonymous said...

it may be part of the New puffle party,and there may be the squirrle toy for the green puffle,and the new stage(bb9087)

Mmorrrad1999 said...

Well if you are new then you might not know that the first is a puffle party and the second one is actully remember wen herbert left the pack of seeds well maybe the puffle will eat it an will puff up!thelast one is a squirrel in chia bamboo forrest.(If you want to find me on cp my name is
mmorrand199) Bye!

yoshi said...

the bamboo stick has something to do with the new play. when you showed it there were bamboo sticks.the play is coming February 12.

coolguy7414 said...

the 2nd picture looks like a washing machine for....puffles?
cool! :D

Mika(shadeofbliss) said...

I think the picture at the dock is new pet furniture/a puffle party and possible new pin. The bamboo is for the new stage play.

Mika(shadeofbliss) said...

I'm hoping extra hard that my wishes have been granted on the last picture!
I think/hope it is a new catalog item that will feed, bathe and rest your puffles in a single instance, like we press a button and watch the puffle go through a conveyor or something as it eats, gets cleaned and naps. That would be awesome and I would spend all my igloo upgrade coins for it!!!

jonnyyyyy88 said...

hey mimo remember the 2009 puffle party that was the way we found the white puffle remember that yeah you do anyway i think that they are doing the same thing this time with the orange puffle ;D see i think i got this correct :D well anyway that's my guess :3 anyway tell me what you think ;)

Vyolit said...

Policeman655 said...
Has anyone thought about this... CP has distracted us all from thinking of shapes so there could be Square or Triangle puffles!!! Also there is a bushy tale in the stage, Could this have anything to do with the puffles?
------------------------------------------ It would be kewl if they were gonna do that, wouldn't it? I can't imagine triangle puffles..... lol.
Vyolit, CP Prodigy (cpg mod)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee

I totally agree! Good guess, I think you're right! =D

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)


Yeah, that payment idea was fantastical! The puffle thing looks REALLY cool -- like the Puffle Party they had before the White Puffle was introduced.

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

cookie3303 {CPG MOD} said...

i think in secrets of the bamboo forest there will be a panda.

Anonymous said...

I think the green puffle pic is a machine that shapes puffles.

Doodlebug277 said...

Oh yay the last puffle party was great!!! Oh and Mimo you spelt bottom bottow :)


Doodlebug277 said...

Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)

Yah, and when you save up, you end up with 12,000.00 a year! WoW!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Wow that is a LOT of money, Im gunna save up!!!

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

Doodlebug277 said...

otiekinz said...
WHOA! i got a totally wierd theory! what if this month when we open the cave again, we find a really cool new spicies of puffle in there that have tails!?!?!?!? it could explain the pic of the new play, lol. that would be soo cool!



Yeah that would be cool, but the tail in the bamboo is probably just a character is the new play on 12th Febuary :)

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

vigster said...

i think that might be the orange puffle abd we might find it at the new play, Bamboo forest.

Jesslania said...

I think the machine is a thing that when your puffle goes inside it will become a shape! suppose you set the machine on "Square" and when your puffle goes inside the puffle comes out square!

No idea about the play though!


Cheiky said...

Pinkcookies5 said...

I loooooooooved the puffle party last year! I wonder if there will be a new puffle...
Possibly, with all the hubbub going on about new puffles, I wouldn't be surprised. The 'puffle furniture' Mimo mentioned is probably some sort of gadget Gary made.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

tahny 3773 said...

herbet may be making the puffle party, change us in to puffles and keep us caged up! ohno......
this may be the end of club penguin! it could soon be club puffle!
mabye im going over the top....

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee
Maybe. Great guess! And squirrel play would be so much fun!
Cant wait for puffle party! :)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)

I cant give guarantee but I think its coming on Puffle Party! And also, I think Puffle Party is going to start on 19th Feb! Cant wait for that! :D

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Racket2000 said...

coolgem50 said...
NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
HAHAHA! Mutated GREEN Puffle! Lol!!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
I so can't wait for the new things coming this month i wander what happening at the puffle party i think that will be so kwl.
Yeah! I think Herbert will make a new plan and capture ALL of puffles! Then with a mission 11, Agents and G will catch herbert and rescue all puffles! After that, the puffle party starts! Cool ideas, huh?! ;))

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Racket2000 said...

TulipPearl1 said...
Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Awesome, AWEsome, AWESOME!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

PS: Mod changes tonight? I have a couple good choices for new mods...
When did he say there were mod changes? Or do you just assume since it's Febuary. oh well, I still can't wait!
I can't wait either!! Your a great mod!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
My guesse(s): A puffle machine that switches your puffle to any color, a puffle party, and a stage play about a tailed puffle! Who doesn't adore puffles?!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
I so can't wait for the new things coming this month i wander what happening at the puffle party i think that will be so kwl.
Musicboy8 said...
Me either!! I hope the puffle party is soon before my membership expires!!

Cool! I'm 100% sure there will be something new for members during the party! Good for you ;)
Keep commenting!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

coolgem50 said...
NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
That's so bad. I hope you get a new membership for that. And you said mutated puffle? Rofl, haha! Cool idea! Maybe we will be able to adopt mutuated puffles, huh? That'd be so much FUN! :D

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

ninja46810 (cpg mod in training) said...

Anonymous said...

A lot of you guys wrote comments during school hours... do you have school off or something?
dear anonymous,
that may happen but remember, some schools you can go on CP on those computers in school, i can't though. :'(

Safa153 said...

seth said...
I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.
First of all, welcome! lol. And I must say, Puffle Party was awesome! Decorations were excellent!
Cant wait for party! Keep commenting! Waddle ON!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Krazykid said...
Hi mimo I was thinking maybe you could have another tootsville party! I was not in tootsville when you had your last one there and I would really like to do that! Also if you could make the mimo pivit come back out again!

Thanks! ~Krazykid
Oh, yeah, lets party! lol. Maybe he will have a new party on Tootsville upcoming days. Just a possibility! ;)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Pinkcookies5 said...
I loooooooooved the puffle party last year! I wonder if there will be a new puffle...
I wondered too! And Im quite sure about that! Maybe there is going to be a BROWN puffle! Or maybe ORANGE? Or a new puffle for 'everyone'? Woo, I loved the number 3! lol.
Lets wait and see! Keep commenting ;)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I think the furniture item and it makes puffles in to square shape and the play looks like bambooo

Safa153 said...

Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Awesome, AWEsome, AWESOME!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

PS: Mod changes tonight? I have a couple good choices for new mods...
Mod Changes TONIGHT? :O Going to check Mimo777's Twitter now! *Checks* Hmm, maybe but I dont think so.
Keep modding! :-)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
i dont know i think its a squirrel? but i really want to know what is
Just wait. Only the time will tell what it is! ;)
And everyone thinks its a squirrel! Great guess but.. another ideas?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

lemon2608 said...
i got my pay for being an agent and a tour guide and i just got a lot of codes so im rich and i bought a new igloo and some clothes. im saving the rest for the costumes for the new play and puffle furniture!! rock on!
~the pickle is out of the jar~
Sweet! Enjoy your membership ;)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Kyroid said...
The orange puffle will come after the puffle party
Like last year the white puffle came after it!!
Excellent! I think there are two possibilty: Orange Puffle or Brown Puffle!
What do you think of the new puffle color?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
o o o i just had the coolest thought what if the picture with the squar puffle is a mechaine to turn your puffles diferent shapes and sizes
Nice idea. Exactly, the COOLEST! Lets wait and see! Very exciting things on the way this month! xD

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
i think the tail is part of a new puffle who has a tail.
:O What an awesome guess! You are one of the most creative person, I've ever seen!
Maybe a new type of puffle! Really wondered it.

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Racket2000 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!
GREAT Idea! ;)

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Safa153 said...

Sjr17 said...
Hey Mimo! I think the green puffle thing coming outta the metal thing is a.........

Super puffle cleaner 300 that Gary will make. My guess! ---Sjr17
Super Puffle Cleaner 300... It sounds nice! lol. What do you think of the new puffle party?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
My guesse(s): A puffle machine that switches your puffle to any color, a puffle party, and a stage play about a tailed puffle! Who doesn't adore puffles?!
Lol yeah, I really liked the tailed puffle idea! I cant imagine how its gonna look like! Hmmm.. xD
Keep commenting! ;)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!
First of all, THANKS! And a question, can I vote for myself? If yes, Im voting for...
1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

Number #2, Safa153! lol. And any votes so far?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Racket2000 said...

Policeman655 said...
Has anyone thought about this... CP has distracted us all from thinking of shapes so there could be Square or Triangle puffles!!! Also there is a bushy tale in the stage, Could this have anything to do with the puffles?
GREAT theory!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

seth said...
I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.
Welcome to CPG!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Safa153 said...

Anyway, cant wait for party! And new mission is on the way, I think! Just two or three weeks.. ;)

Keep Modding and Commenting everybody! xD

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Oh, and sorry for putting (CPG MOD) on my last comment. Okay? ;)

=> Safa153 <=

Unknown said...


Mika(shadeofbliss) said...

I hope that my wish is coming true on the last picture. I hope it's a puffle item that will feed, bathe, and rest our puffles in one instance. That would be cool, especially if you have lots of puffles!

Mika said...

the picture at the dock looks like a puffle party and puffle toys/and possibly a new pin for us

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A lot of you guys wrote comments during school hours... do you have school off or something?


Haha we wish we had school off yesterday! The reason for that is probably because of the different time zones. You could have been at school while they had just gotten home. :)

Hope I helped!
Princess7635 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

wow awesome cp rocks aha aha... so do u so do u....

Pengocent said...

MIMO! i got the best ever glitch its awesome look when someone has 3D glasses on when they dance the blue part and the red part of the glasses switch!

Appleywazza said...

Hey this probably sounds weird but like a month before the agents and tour guides pay cheques came out I wrote to Aunt arctic to see if we could get paid for jobs! Freaky.. Maybe it was my idea...

Kkkkkk123 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!


Well I don't know....

Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) GO CPG11!

Anonymous said...

maybe they are going to make a new puffle

Dedgie02 said...

seth said...
I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.
Dear seth
Welcome! the puffle party is really great.


Dedgie02 said...

Snow51 said...
I think the picture on the top right is a puffle dryer >:D lol!
Dear Snow51
Awsome idea! i think it's good. nice idea!


Dedgie02 said...

the picture in the bottom right looks like a bamboo forest with a furry animal that looks like a brown bear's hand or tail. The left picture is definatly the puffle party for sure and the top right picture looks like a puffle dryer or a puffle cusion maker. Well that's what i think.

Dedgie02 said...

Anonymous said...
i dont know i think its a squirrel? but i really want to know what is
Dear Anonymous
We all want to know what it is...actually that might be what the play is about! it could be called "Mystery of the brown thing".


Giveback88 said...

OMG! Mimo i just won a t-shirt on radio disney i called in and won a crossword game so i won a tshirt & 100 entrys to meet selena gomez &! Justin Bieber at NYC!=D

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that that tail is a monkeys tail

liv clusy205

Dedgie02 said...

csquadqb17 said...
I think the tail is a new puffle WITH a tail
Dear csquadqb17
That might happen since we know there will be a new puffle soon.


lemon2608 said...

Many mods have good sign offs turns out i need a good one as well.... here are my choices

1. ~the pickle is out of the jar~ (my old one)
2. off to sniff cheese
3. *falls asleep and snores in front of computer* (kinda long but...)
4. Abe lincoln ate my pickle, gone to get it back
5. Gone to austrailia, the land of kangeroos and bellybottons
Well vote for which one you like best!!!!!

Racket2000 said...

Pengocent said...
MIMO! i got the best ever glitch its awesome look when someone has 3D glasses on when they dance the blue part and the red part of the glasses switch!
Cool glitch!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!
I vote for... ME! Lol.

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Anonymous said...

ps my cp name is red202:)hope we can meet!

TheTThree ClubPenguin said...

Hey, do you think there'll be a new puffle? The white puffle came during last year's puffle party.

Blacksnake10 said...

i know wat the machine thingie does it makes cube puffles! just think! soon we will have square dances!

Taylor9080 said...

i bet the right top one is a washing machine the gives your puffle a bath

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Another thing 4 the Weekley CPG Poll, you cant vote for urself! (RACET!!!) ;)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

lemon2608 said...
Many mods have good sign offs turns out i need a good one as well.... here are my choices

1. ~the pickle is out of the jar~ (my old one)
2. off to sniff cheese
3. *falls asleep and snores in front of computer* (kinda long but...)
4. Abe lincoln ate my pickle, gone to get it back
5. Gone to austrailia, the land of kangeroos and bellybottons
Well vote for which one you like best!!!!!
I like #2!

Waddling on and on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod) (Sorry I change my sign-out so soon...)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Safa153 said...
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!
First of all, THANKS! And a question, can I vote for myself? If yes, Im voting for...
1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

Number #2, Safa153! lol. And any votes so far?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you can't vote for yourself! That wouldn't be fair! (Looks disapprovingly at Racet2000...jk, lol)

Waddling on and on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Wilbur5700 said...
Okay here it is.
1. Here to not get you banned(my old one)
2. Off to get some pie
3. Sniffs the air and smells smelly zebras so decides to leave (kinda long)
4.Off to look at cps new adventures
5. Leaves just because she gets some food.
#2's pretty cool...and short!...But I'm going with #4, because it dort of adds CP into things. I hope you get a lot of votes for this and good luck!

Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

I said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!
IMPORTANT! If you are Saavy, Safa, Race, Stickers, or Polka, you CANNOT I repeat cannnnnnnnn NOTTTTTTT vote for yourself!

Hnwjanuary11...this does not count as Modding if it is my own! :S

Racket2000 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Another thing 4 the Weekley CPG Poll, you cant vote for urself! (RACET!!!) ;)

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Lianna154 said...

lol, I can't wait to see what's up with the green puffle boxy-thingy! I'm guessing that the mission is coming out during or near the time of the puffle party!

Wilbur5700 said...

Another poll.
Who goes on Club Penguin Gang the most?(besides Mimo777)
1. Hnwjanuary11
2. Safa123
3. Saavy
4. Racet20000
5. Wilbur5700
Don't vote for yourself!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A lot of you guys wrote comments during school hours... do you have school off or something?


Haha we wish we had school off yesterday! The reason for that is probably because of the different time zones. You could have been at school while they had just gotten home. :)

Hope I helped!
Princess7635 (CPG MOD)

Actually, I live on the east coast, so I was out of school before anyone else. And actually I had school off yesterday- it was a snow day.

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Wilbur5700 said...
Another poll.
Who goes on Club Penguin Gang the most?(besides Mimo777)
1. Hnwjanuary11
2. Safa123
3. Saavy
4. Racet20000
5. Wilbur5700
Don't vote for yourself!
Tricky...Gotta go with Safa153! (I would go for myself but you know...)

Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Super Mod)

Racket2000 said...

Wilbur5700 said...
Another poll.
Who goes on Club Penguin Gang the most?(besides Mimo777)
1. Hnwjanuary11
2. Safa123
3. Saavy
4. Racet20000
5. Wilbur5700
Don't vote for yourself!
HEY! Its Racet2000! Not, RACET20000!! Lol!!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Mimo, quick question: When does the contest end?

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
I so can't wait for the new things coming this month i wander what happening at the puffle party i think that will be so kwl.

Yeah, sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? But who knows, maybe it's not a puffle party after all! But it looks like it. It looks like the puffle place at the dock that was there during the Puffle Party that took place just before the White Puffle was up for sales.

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Safa153 said...
Sweet Post!

=> Safa153 <=

Oh yeah! =D

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
I thnik its a tail aswell! Maybe a squirrel!

Yeah, I agree! It looks a lot like a squirrel tail, too. But it could also be a monkey tail or something. Maybe a Bigfoot tail!

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

seth said...
I am new and i heard about the puffle party last year and i am exited about it.

Yeah, the Puffle Party last year was really cool. Not only that, but it helped introduce the new White Puffle that just came out recently! We were all so excited about the White Puffle--everyone was talking about it. There were hidden White Puffles everywhere! It was so awesome!

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

coolgem50 said...
NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)

Well, at least you're not as bad off as me. Twice my membership expired the day before a big party! But it still stinks, doesn't it? But i won't have to worry about that for a while, because I got a six-month membership for Christmas! I'm so happy about it! I love decorating my igloo a lot, and dressing my penguin.

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Pinkcookies5 said...
I loooooooooved the puffle party last year! I wonder if there will be a new puffle...

That would be awesome! Maybe there'll be a zebra-striped puffle, or maybe an orange puffle! That's in memory of the good old times when Mo was orange, and not aqua....

And, yes, I agree! The puffle party last year ROCKED SOCKS!

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Birdygurl (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
o o o i just had the coolest thought what if the picture with the squar puffle is a mechaine to turn your puffles diferent shapes and sizes

:O that would be animal cruelty! ROFL!

-Birdygurl (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ok, I am starting "CPG Poll of the Week"! Anyone can do this, Mod or Non-Mod, and here are the choices for this weeks poll:

Who do you think is the better Mod out of all these Mods?

1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

This poll can help other Mods improve! Please vote, it will be today through Friday! Then another one will be next Monday!
Safa153 said...
First of all, THANKS! And a question, can I vote for myself? If yes, Im voting for...
1. Saavy
2. Safa153
3. Racet2000
4. Stickers303
5. Polkadotblu9

Number #2, Safa153! lol. And any votes so far?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Hnwjanuary11 said... you can't vote for yourself! That wouldn't be fair! (Looks disapprovingly at Racet2000...jk, lol)

Waddling on and on! ~Hnwjanuary11~ (CPG Super Mod)
I think its fair (JK) lol. Okay okay, if I could vote for myself, I'd vote for myself. If not, I'd vote for no one lolz. xD
Any votes so far?
Keep polling :D

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

flippie3 said...

Ok just to say Poor puffle so cute (why are they round there cuter boxed shape)

Hi466 said...

when are you doing mod overhaul?

Push Zone

Anonymous said...

This kind of relates to this subject... does anyone know when the February clothing catologue comes out? I really would like to buy some NEW stuff for a change.

Waddling along in CP,
--Miss Brook22 (hopes to be a CPG mod someday)

Anonymous said...

coolgem50 said...
NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
uh oh, the green puffle got stuck in the air duct, AGAIN. (*sigh*) lol, i entered my membership on the 28th of January, so I could get BOTH catologues. Great minds think alike, i guess ;) HAPPY GROUNDHOGS DAY EVERYONE!!!

lol, oh yes, I believe that Elmo's birthday is today! o.O

waddling along on CP,
--Miss Brook22 (hopes to be a CPG mod)

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i think that the tail might be a squirrel? maybe. the green puffle thing looks like its come from some sort of machine that makes puffle toys. thats my guess!
- chimpombee
It seems more like it would be a monkey but cool idea!

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Musicboy8 said...
I got my money for being a Tour Guide! I like how they do that every month! I think the thing at the dock will come out when the new puffle furniture comes out on February 12th!! :)
Yeah its pretty cool that they give you money, and it adds up to a lot.

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Cublikefoot said...
Mimo, you said that the picture that was at the dock was on the right when it was really on the left! just trying to help...
Yeah your right, lol!

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

coolgem500 said....

NOOOOO NOT FEBRUARY 12TH!! MY MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES THE 4TH. NOOOOOO!!!! the top right pic looks like a mutated green puffle :)
Aww sorry, mabye you can get another before the party :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I have a theory of the Picture up right, well as it is obviusly a puffle furniture item, I thought, "Why would club penguin create a puffle furniture item with an exact replica of a green puffle?", And then this idea Came to my mind, maybe it's related to the puffle Care!!, but i said, it can not be a feeding item, it cant be a sleeping item, and then i said: I know!!! It is a cleaning object, maybe something erre the puffle pass trough and at the end their Hair sponges, then they spin their heads and everything is the same!!! What do you think???

Anonymous said...

wow this is going to be very fun! I have lots of puffles!

Anonymous said...

top right looks like a mission.

Anonymous said...

its a tail its a tail its a tail!

SJaaay said...

Caves are so awsome
Once you discover whats there.
They are not scary

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