Woot! The orange puffle is finally here! Go get yours now! (if your a member, that is :( )
Wow, do you like this new puffle? Do you think it is bigger than the other puffles?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
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I got one HOORAY
wow! so cool!
i have one, they are really funny
I'm going to name him Tangerine!
yay can you post a picture i can't get on club penguin anyway rock on mimo
I know im in the pet shop right now.
first woot mimo ur the best i check ur website everyday
I have one I called it bubky because of the buck teeth but when I make it play it is always the wagon not the box
I think it does look bigger than the other puffles. It's cool how it has buck teeth!
Awesome orange puffle lol look how goofy it looks!
I got one I named him Goofy :D Thay dance so cool!!! When they dance thay Hoola Hoop!!! They are sooo cute I'm sooo glad clubpenguin made the orange puffle!
Orange Puffle Lover,
Tori :D
Its soooo kool and i <3 the new orange puffle!
rok on mimo!
I've got one. It's name is Zany. actually I got two.
- Mittou
Woopwoop i got 1 called coo coo he is soooooooooooooo cool even though im a member i wish that if non members tried to get 1 withing 1 day of them coming out they could get it!! =']
Can you get them in the treasure book?
Anonymous said...
I have one I called it bubky because of the buck teeth but when I make it play it is always the wagon not the box
Yeah, It's also happening to me. I wanna see him play with the box!! LOL
-Buddytoe (CPG Mod)
You Can Buy 18 puffles not 16 now!
IT'S THE BEST PUFFLE EVA!!!!! Like I said, I named him Fred. I love that he's really crazy and I like that it has buck teeth. LOL! Yeah, I noticed in the Pet Shop (over the brown puffle house) that it's pretty big. I love it!!! But I hate they're making lotsa stuff for members. ALL penguins should have the same rights! I want nons to have orange puffles!!
P.S. Why didn't they change the Pet Furniture catalog? I want an orange house and bed for my puffle!
I monitored CP until it came out!
WOOT! I just saw the orange puffle play with a box! Finally!
I want 2! My current one is called Mac donald!
That's awesome! Too bad it's members only :P Cmon' CP, why can't you make a new puffle for non members too?
dang it if they had a choise for orange puffle or a new mission they would chose the puffle i want a new misson! and im getting membership tommorow
i called mine tango!
Lol i named him bubbah because he looks big in the pet shop..is that odd??
i think its big. but only cuz its new....
Hey Mimo! Doesn't it seem like the orange and white puffles are the babies.
spycomic29 said...
Can you get them in the treasure book?
Hmmmm, you can adopt puffles in the treasure book. But I think you may be able to adopt them in the soon to come treasure book. I think its number 7. Look out for it.
Rockin, Rollin, Waddeling on!
~Bumper98(CPG Mod)
Sorry I'm shouting, I'm just SO ANGRY that Club Penguin never allows non-members to buy new puffles.
I LOVE MY ORANGE PUFFLE!!!! her name is clementine!
I guess now we know who will mostly be in the April Fools Party.
Hey mimo you know what that wagon pin is for? Look in that picture you see the orange puffle in the wagon!
CUTE!! Im getting one right now! Thanks for the heads up!! :D
CP should make a game called box racing in the box deminsion and the orange puffle can play it with you.
ooh when he dances he hoola hoops and in the pet shop hes real big he must LOVE to eat!!
i hate it
:( the buck teeth ruined it!
Wow! The new puffle is awesome! I don't think it's bigger than other puffles though. I think CP were trying to use perspective in the Pet Shop. Anyways, ORANGE PUFFLEZ RULE!
Thats Mama Luigi to you, Mario!
Anonymous said...
I have one I called it bubky because of the buck teeth but when I make it play it is always the wagon not the box
Puffles will play 2 different ways, when they are super healthy they will play a much cooler way and when they are not as healthy they play a different way.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Peace, love and polka-dots
i got one! hes so wacky and awsome thanks mimo i probably wouldent have know about it until 3 weeks from now! lol thanks mimo u rock!!!
hmmmm i hope there will be a brown puffle!
Anonymous said...
I have one I called it bubky because of the buck teeth but when I make it play it is always the wagon not the box.
Probablly his health/rest is to high up. Also yeah Mimo it does look bigger then to others. Maybe more fur? If you buy one and look at the postcard if you compare it with others it looks way bigger.
mine is called Pumpkin!
i got one too!!!
-Happy DOg Pp (CPG MOD)
mine is orangepuffle
Anonymous said...
yay can you post a picture i can't get on club penguin anyway rock on mimo
That is the picture.
Anonymous said...
I'm going to name him Tangerine!
Awesome name!
Anonymous said...
I have one I called it bubky because of the buck teeth but when I make it play it is always the wagon not the box
When all the bars are full, it plays with the wagon. When they are not, it uses the box.
Hope this helps!
Bobhead202(CPG mod)
Mine is named Drowsy!
i think clubpenguin shoud mahe the oranga puffle cn enter cart surfer
That's so COOL! Too bad it's for members! Come on Club Penguin. Everyone should have the same rights! Oh I got three of them! My first one is Dwayne Wade( a basketball paler of the Miami Heat if you now him and if you watch the NBA)! Second one is orange, and the last one is Tangerine!(I got the idea myself)
YAY!!!! i named mine goofy. but i am mad it cant play games with us penguins
ooooooo... they shood make a game in the box demension that they can play with penguins
Anonymous said...
yay can you post a picture i can't get on club penguin anyway rock on mimo
Mimo posted pictures (Usually if a new post is JUST posted that you think should have a picture, come back to clubpenguingang in 5 or 10 minutes and mimo probably put a picture on and edted the post so the picture shows up) ;)
~Old CPG Mod~
Anonymous said...
Sorry I'm shouting, I'm just SO ANGRY that Club Penguin never allows non-members to buy new puffles.
They allowed us to get the red puffle... the white, yellow, and orange are new so of course clubpenguin won't give them to non-members... they want non-members to pay clubpegnuin so they can get one! :)
~Old CPG Mod~
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo you know what that wagon pin is for? Look in that picture you see the orange puffle in the wagon!
Yea! he likes to roll in style i guess. :p Pretty awesome!
~Old CPG Mod~
IT'S THE BEST PUFFLE EVA!!!!! Like I said, I named him Fred. I love that he's really crazy and I like that
Buddytoe said
it has buck teeth. LOL! Yeah, I noticed in the Pet Shop (over the brown puffle house) that it's pretty big. I love it!!! But I hate they're making lotsa stuff for members. ALL penguins should have the same rights! I want nons to have orange puffles!!
P.S. Why didn't they change the Pet Furniture catalog? I want an orange house and bed for my puffle!
Well, You can't change the puffle catalog too often.
But just wait until the next one, I'm sure that'll have exactly what you're looking for.
-Goldylocket (hopes to be a cp mod)
~Waddle on!
Goldenlatios said
ooh when he dances he hoola hoops and in the pet
shop hes real big he must LOVE to eat!!
Great observation! I can't wait to see it!
~Goldylocket (HOpes to be a cp mod)
~Waddle on!
Gonna get my silly carrot colored cutie today! Not sure on a name yet but I'll think of a good one.
I still really want the brown puffle sooo bad and hope it has something to do with chocolate, hot cocoa and marshmallows : )
Gonna get my silly carrot colored cutie today! Not sure on a name yet but I'll think of a good one.
I still really want the brown puffle sooo bad and hope it has something to do with chocolate, hot cocoa and marshmallows : )
i got it i got it!
LOL they can eat anything
OMG I love when it sleeps it's just like me I LOVE IT I named mine Peach.
mine is called orange fire
These puffles are so weird and warped, like you Mimo!!
Well white puffles are smaller so orange puffles are bigger
i got a question... does it have a favourite game???
I have one! I named it Citrus!
I was in the dance club and a lot of orange penguins or puffles where there and the whole setting changed..... it was like it was an orange dance club!!! IT LOOKED AWESOME!!!!
Anonymous said...
That's so COOL! Too bad it's for members! Come on Club Penguin. Everyone should have the same rights! Oh I got three of them! My first one is Dwayne Wade( a basketball paler of the Miami Heat if you now him and if you watch the NBA)! Second one is orange, and the last one is Tangerine!(I got the idea myself)
Awesome! I love Dwayne Wade! MIAMI HEAT! I named my Sherbert cause I like the orange sherbert
green puffles arch enemy is going to orange puffle!!
no mission this is really bad the one thing non members have they completely forget about
I got one, their SO cool!!!
(and they match my hair!!)
i have two and i couldnt think of names then i decided to call them tango and mango
there soo cool, i named mine Tangy
i cant buy orange puffle as i am not a memeber :(
and now v cant buy even a puffle
member is needed :(
I just got one!!!! yay yay yay yay
I love it because it look so crazy and i named it grape fruit because all of my puffles are named after food!!
Would be even better if they gave the orange puffle a game to play with you. oh well.
Lilzy 3000
I wish I'm a member so I can buy one!!! :(
Yes I do I lvoe the orange puffle it is zany just like me!!! I got one my self!!!
Do you have a orange puffle Mimo?
My puffle is named Rafi, he is really cute and wacky!
I also think it's super unfair that nons can't adopt these puffles. When the yellow puffle came out I was a non and I was really mad that I couldn't adopt it. CP already does a whole lot for members; it's time to give a shout-out to nons too!
On Club Penguin I am having problems since buying the Orange Puffle! Whenever I try getting into my own iGGY iT WON'T WORK.Please Help this is true and I am for sure not lieing someone please help me
I got one! its name is Tropicana!
Yay!! Its here!
They are really cool.
They play with trucks and boxes.
When you dance (when walking them) they hula hoop.
~Waddle on!
that is so cool!tnk mimo
ps buddytoe they make an orange bed because they just updadeid it
servers with 1 bar pon people on say they are full. I just seen this.
jamchip~Cpg mod
spycomic29 said...
Can you get them in the treasure book?
Maybe.They usually don't update it as soon as it comes out.
-Doggyface369(CPG Mod)
woo hoo i got 1 there so cute i think they are bigger than normal 1s and they have got teeth!ps i called mine orange
hey i heard thaat 1 of the old member puffles are going to become non member because of the orange new 1
YAAAAY! The ORANGE puffle is sooo cool, I got two and i named them riku and zesty! I am a bit curious as to how you get them to play with the box and I was just wondering mimo...aren't you a bit dissapointed that you can't get an ORANGE puffle because you aren't a member?
Princeo...I LOVE CPG
spycomic29 said...
Can you get them in the treasure book?
I am not sure, but you can get them from the pet shop if your a member.The treasure book is new for me lol.
Simplycreamy (CPG Mod)
~Old CPG Mod~ said...
Anonymous said...
Sorry I'm shouting, I'm just SO ANGRY that Club Penguin never allows non-members to buy new puffles.
They allowed us to get the red puffle... the white, yellow, and orange are new so of course clubpenguin won't give them to non-members... they want non-members to pay clubpegnuin so they can get one! :)
Does this mean that once Club Penguin introduces even MORE puffles, non-members will be able to buy the puffles which would then be classified as "Old"?
If only that could happen... :(
Smart Sir
P.S. Old CPG Mod, who ARE you?
mimo i saw nonmembers wearing them so you can go get one when i get $800 coins im soo getting an orange puffle! rock on mimo!
haha its cool how the player card for them is different than the rest :)
AWWW C'MON!!!! I'm gotting pretty sick of "members only" stuff
I have already two puffles, how can I sell them?
I have already two puffles, how can I sell them
You cant sell them srry but thats a great idea you should ask cp
Cool! Even though I'm a member and all but i feel bad for non-members. Maybe they should have a party for non-members only, but still members can just cancel their membership, then regain it. But they only have memberships so they can make money, because then they'll beg their mom or dad to get them a membership cause the would say its "Not Fair". but its perfectly fair cause how else are they going to make money (CP is owned by Disney though, they just want more money) -Ribsymc33107
(my user name is pronounced Rib-se-mic-33107)
Oh yeah i forgot. I named my orange puffle BeaverBoy Lol because of the buck teeth ;)
Anonymous said...
I have already two puffles, how can I sell them?
You can't really sell them sadly, you just don't feed them and they eventually run away. It would be a good idea for club penguin to do that.
Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)
Has anyone noticed how the yellow puffle has a purple tongue too? And the orange puffle? I think there might be a connection.
i go one i named it mr buckteeth so cool
i got one i named it mr buckteeth so cool
I hope my mum will let me be a member during the holidays :) If I act REALLY nice maybe I 'll become a member & buy a orange puffle!!
Waddle on!
its huge
is it bigger i cant tell
Yeah, the Orange Puffle is a bit bigger than the rest... And the White Puffle is smaller than all the others... Weird, right?
I Have An Orange Puffle!
i love them there so cool i have 6
does anyone else kinda dislike the orange puffles?
I think they went a bit over board, in the sillyness part, and the wrong type of sillyness...
you rock mimo your the best i cant wait to see the next puffle next year
your the best
Yeah it's bigger I'm pretty sure!
I named him Dorito after the crisps!!
i got one called tango!!! if u look in the pet shop where the orange puffle is sitting, hes sitting on a BROWN puffle house. might be a clue to the next puffle!
the orange puffle isnt on puffle round up.
yay finally a puffle in my fave colour!
it is a little ugly... but only a very little bit... it has a purple tongue...weird... :l
Dang! i just lost my membership so I can't get it! I lost it the day the orange puffle came out! I am so jealous of the people that have one!
i got 2!!!!
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