Thursday, November 29, 2007
Yellow Puffles Ready and other Stuff!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, parties, yellow puffle
Well, they have finally rounded up all the Yellow Puffles and will be making them available to adopt tomorrow. Awesome! But it is kinda sad that all the mystery and fun surrounding the little yellow ones is over. Now, we need to start wishing for another kind! I think I'd like to see a rainbow Puffle! What creative kind of Puffle would you like to see?
I'll have all the new cheats, if there are any, from the new catalog coming out tomorrow I'll be the first! Thanks for all of your support. I love do this for all of you!
I'm glad you are enjoying the new puzzle. I think it was a fun idea too! Don't worry if you can't find it. I'll be having another one soon. Besides, we don't want too many penguins there anyway. Thanks for all your comments. I read everyone. I'm trying to make a way to be able to respond to more of your comments. Sorry about that.
I am slowly still working on a bunch of new ideas, including a new site. But if you have any creative ideas that you would like to see on Club Penguin Gang, please leave a comment.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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Im first comment I think yay if i am
any hints to the crossword puzzle??? I am really bad @ them but bye!
I really want to be your buddy my name is winterfan
i cant wait for the yekkow pluffles first comment 2 this is mmy lucky day
I hope I'm the first comment!! Did you hear about that coins for change thing?? i really think that is a GREAT idea! What do you think?
Heyy Mimo777
I happy so happy we weill be able to adopt the yellow puffles but like u i am sad too. I will be at ur party and i Love ur site and i found another cheat. You no how u click on the N on nightclub try clicking on the penguin u can change its costumes!!Kewel,huh? i love looking for cheats. Ttyl I am Awesomek on cp! Cya at the party!
i cant wiat till the yellow puffle also in the news paper did you notice that the penguin holding a paintbrush with red paint up to the puffles eye just like the puffle round up has with the yellow puffle!-dinnerrolls-
I want a yellow puffle!!!
i would like a rainbow or camo puffle
i think an orange puffle would be nice :)
Camo Puffle! Cool idea!
I would like to see a camo Puffle too!
Wait about a plaid puffle? Love the camo idea!
yeah whaat they said for the puffle idea's.... :>
is the party PM or AM? Could u b my buddy? I'm Squishy467! Im soooo excited for the yellow puffle!! C ya at the party!
Yah I'm really excited too! Hmm... cameo puffle would be awsome and nice idea! But hey heres an idea what if puffle could were clothes(hats) Like say if I went to drill in some holes my puffle could were a working hat and driil too!
but the golden puffle its only for members? or for all
I think it will be for everyone, but that is just what I think... I'm pumped up for the yellow puffle, I think for it's special play it will paint a picyure of your penguin
hey have another party tommorow with the yellow puffles
i want a spotted pufle black and white
i love the cross word puzzle! it took me some time but i figured it out an i'll see you hope fully my name is cheese242
heyy do u no if yellow puffles can be adopted by peeoplees that r not members?
Hey the new thing coins for change,is great!Clubpenguin can finally help people!That might bring more people to clubpenguin too (maybe!)!
i love the crossword puzzle but i can't make it!! it's WAY too late over here! any possibility you could have another party in another time???
Hey Mimo,
When is the member thing on Clubpenguin going to be finished coz' i want to join!
also... how about a new thing for findin your mimo777 party's! how abot theres a prty for each contry-say where they're going to be and when but don't say what server! coz' that way there will be a HUNT!
HI mimo what time will ya party end?cause i found all of the things but i wont be able to come at that time.
I have a cheat! Ummm... Here are the steps:
1. Open up your player card.
2. Put only the propeller hat on.
3. Close your player card.
4. Open it up again.
5. Take off your propeller hat and put your tour guide hat on. (don't exit out your player card)
6. Drag your player card in the corner so you can see yourself.
7. Click actions and click wave. (or you can just press the key "w")
Try to put on other clothes on, then take them off, then put your tour guide hat on, (don't exit out your player card) Its very cool! Mimo, I love your site! I hope this cheat helped! ^-^
hi, remember those pictures u would take n then redo them? those were fun i want more of those
Yellow puffles can be adopted by non-members otherwise,why would it be in the newspaper!!
see you at the party! im gonna give hints the room word on the puzzle is not up or down its just straight the server word is found by solving it from the bottom the day name is solved down the time is straight
Hi I have a really big problem I have two puffles can I still buy the yellow puffle
It took me forever to send the comment i did before this one i couldnt figure out how to do it!
everyone come to tundra right now at the pet shop dance party so we can wait for the yellow puffles
wat about a polka dot puffle or striped ^o^
why didnt you post my other comment mimmo????
I want to see a RaInBoW pUfFlE!
To Mimo,
I would like to see stripy, spotty, camoflagued, posh, girl, boy and white puffles.
from PepsiMax1234
hi there I really wanna come to your next party so can I please be your buddy. please
Hi Mimo777,
I am a non member, so i am not sure whether i can buy another yellow puffle, but cross your fingers!! Anyway, did you know that when you take your puffle go play the surfing game, it will feature in the game, following your every move? My tip here, and my penguin name is Susie100! I love your website!
Mimo, create a forum!
Heyy Mimo777
That puzzle was EASY !!!
I got the yellow puffle its wicked . . . Be my buddy at the party im Eve1hundred xxx
I don't realy care about the Puffles cause I am not a member but I have a idea fore the site !!!
I think it will be nice to have a video section.At every new secret,glich,chet,etc. to put a picture and a movie with you at the secret.If you don't know how to film I recomand HiperCam2(You can find it on for the site you could put more pictures of penguins ang other things.
P.S. Sorry for the grammer !!! I am a Romanian !!!
Mimo im starting to think u dont like me very much. i gave u a good idea and people said it was good also and u never said nething about it. i hadda say it at least 5 times and i even sent u an email about it because i thought maybe u didnt see it. its the one about the petition about trading items
QBcrusher, I appreciate and read every post, but like I've said many times, I just don't have time to answer every post. I'm sorry. Also, I don't answer emails sent to me. Keep up the good work. :-)
ok thx!
i would like to see a big buyer
burner rainbow puffle in stores
Hey mimo777 i think ur really cool will u be my buddy?I have a piczo and a msn account.Will u reply coz i dont want anyone else 2 no my piczo in case they hack it.
My penguin is rhia4000 i am normally on sherbet(england),bellyslide(england) and mammoth i think u know that server plz reply and say what server u go on.Anyone else if u want 2 be my buddy same goes for u!Plz check out my piczo and plz dont leave horrid comments plz put ur name.CP rox
okay all u guys and girls i just figured out how 2 make daisies com out u press ef then the daisy will come out im greencidric
dear mimmo777
your site is great!
I would just like to know one thing you said you would be giving a thing to help none members get yellow puffles! when will you be doing that?and when will the gift card be ready?
Hey Mimo!!
You could have a Mimo party in my igloo! It's the biggest one in the upgrde book! We can work things out about it later!
P.S. I can never find my posts to see your answer :( are you deleting them???? :( :( :(
Hey Mimo777...
My name is Foetjiess and I really want to be ypur friend and win the FREE 6 MOnths thingie because I want to have a Yellow Puffle..
My Idea is that you can have a competion about the penguin who helps the most.....
Like the change coins thing....
I help... And all my friend we given 500 coins each for the thing...
what about in the iceberg, to TIP! it!
hi uh I guess i never heard of yoursite before yur mimo777 rite? i think i met u in brumby on ice berg
that is so cool mimo but when i made an account yellow puffles were not new i think i made an account January or February!
sjt11201 (CPG MOD)
Hello everyone!!! Im from the future and now they make orange,white and yellow puffles!!!
this is angel: also plz give more non members cheats i nned some!!! good luck!!!
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