Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Club Penguin Yellow Puffle Paint Puzzle!

Ok, now this is weird. Look at the red and yellow Puffles as they blink. You can see yellow paint around the eyes of the red Puffle. And red paint around the eyes of the yellow Puffle.

Club Penguin says the yellow Puffles are creative and like to paint. Maybe the yellow Puffle is actually a red Puffle painted yellow. And the red Puffles are yellow Puffles painted red. Hmm, there are many theories. Is it a glitch? What do you think?

Hey if you own a red Puffle, watch it blink to see if it has yellow on it. Post a comment and let me know.

Thanks to Kezzarooney, Bluepenguinh, Jhyr99, Birdpark, AlSamFish, and a few others.

UPDATE: After comments by a few of you, I checked and it seems this glitch has been fixed. It was cool while it lasted. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

im not sure i looks suspicies maybe something like a glitch or like what you said but sure does look like a glitch to me because they are perfectly round -dinnerrolls-

Anonymous said...

I think that the yellow puffle is tring to hide so it painted the red puffles yellow and itself red

Anonymous said...

i dont know what to think now. we'll just have to wait.

Squilers :D

Anonymous said...

I think the Yellow puffle are an artist and decorate itself and friends:)Hope Yellow Puffle have some sparkling colours to:)

Anonymous said...

it took me like forever to find out that you had to turn the puffle side ways to see it i was sitting there for quite awhile.-dinnerrolls-

Anonymous said...

i dont believe it its a superstition

Anonymous said...

Yay second comment!
yea i saw it to.
its kindaa wierd!

Anonymous said...

i think its the real deal, day by day their is more stuff about the yellow puffle, and also remember soon their will be a new caterlog in the puffle shop *cough *cough

Anonymous said...

I think what happened is it is a glitch. When adding in the Yellow puffle into Puffle Roundup the red and yellow eyelid layers where swapped, hmm...this is going to be a hard one to fix...

Anonymous said...

When my red puffle blinks nothing happens.

But how cool is this??


Anonymous said...

in the penguin newspaper it said a yellow puffle was painting a cannon and red puffles fire themselfs out of cannons so i think they are red.

Anonymous said...

nope my red puffle blinked a notin!

Anonymous said...

I've figured it out. I've asked clubpenguin about this glitch, and they responded. They said that they were not real, just that the red puffles had colored them selves. It's part of this new party their going to have in January. When the red puffles come out of the cannonball, its going to be like a paint cannonball!! Total excited about it. But they did say that they would show the 'yellow' puffles more through out clubpenguin...


Anonymous said...

hmmm....... I dont know. Maybe it is true or it could just be a little screw up from cp. Ill be sure to email cp about this though

Anonymous said...

I have a red puffle and I tried it as soon as I read your post. Even when he was turned sideways a little, I saw NO yellow. Anyway, I think you have a great website. I go on it more than onece a day. Keep up the good work!

P.S. Where could I find you if I wanted to meet you?

Budder Boy
(That's my Club Penguin name)

Anonymous said...

I think the "yellow puffles" are just red ones painted yellow.

Anonymous said...

its a glitch because it didnt work for me! but if it is a glitch its still cool!

Anonymous said...

its a glitch! it didnt work for me but its still cool as a glitch. :)

Anonymous said...

Cool!!! I cant wait to get the yellow puffle. Ive been dreaming of one all my life! Im sure it will paint as a hobby. It was probaly trying to paint masks so it could work in the theatre!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello again! Ive been doing a little advestigating about this yellow puffle paint and have good evidence about why the yellow puffle is hidding its true face.Yellow puffles are artist They are shy And in the newspaper cp said that a penguin say a yellow puffle drawing a canone(red puffles play with canons)

Anonymous said...

I dont know what it is mabye a glitch maybe there painted. i sure hope that the other yellow puffles that are apearing around club penguin arent just painted yellow. that would really stink. i want a real yellow puffle. this is a great site i vist about 5-7 times a day.

~~Maximum Ride Lover 100~~ said...

i have a red puffle and it does not do that. maybe it is a glich.
Max Ride100

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, im a myth testor and i tested this painted puffle theory and i concluded that 70 percent that this is a glich and 30 percent that this is a painted puffle mystery. but, i bought a red puffle and watch it blick for about 10mins and it showed no sighs of being painted...
Cp name: Myth testor
Other Cp name: Iceman13cool

Anonymous said...

i think the red puffle dosent like red and it wanted to be yellow

Anonymous said...

I dont think its any thing of great concern. Its probably just a glitch.

Anonymous said...

I think Rockhopper brought us Yellow puffles with red paint. ;-)

Anonymous said...

its a glitch i sent a emailed to club penguin support they said its a glitch. So update it!

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the ones who told mimo!

~~Sarah Skelton~~

Anonymous said...

i think libery has book about a yellow puffle p.s you rock mimo

Anonymous said...

I think that when you buy the yellow puffle (painted red puffle, thats what I think) when you play with it, it will paint and get all dirty so then you'll have to bathe it to keep it healthy what do you think about the glitch, Mimo777? Tamiflu

Anonymous said...

i studied the red one at the pet shop...and nothing its just red. i saw it in the puffle round up..but thats it. im going to investigate this more and see wats going on. if i find any thing i'll tell u. im going to check other red puffles and see wat i find..i'll update u if i find any thing.

Anonymous said...

i discoved that its only in puffle round up. i check members, friends, and my red puffle...nothing just plain red. it just the game so most likly its just a glich but im going to keep looking.

Anonymous said...

i noticed that the red and the yellow only show the colors every so offten when they blink and not every this calls for more investigations

Anonymous said...

i now no they must turn sideways to blink yellow or red...further studies r needed

Anonymous said...

it didnt work with the owned red puffles so i am almost sure that it is a glich

Anonymous said...

I know! Me and my friend noticed that too! But the red puffle at my house doesn't have yellow paint on it's eye when it blinks.

Anonymous said...

hi mimo!

what about this? maybe its just the wild red and yellow puffles that have the weird eyelid thing? also, since they are getting yellow puffles, do you think that their are more to come? like pink and orange and white and rainbow and and and.....


Anonymous said...

Maybe the Yellow and yellow are bet friends and those are their best friend charms.

Anonymous said...

I'ts not a Glitch my red puffle has a yellow spot on it's eye when he blinks.


Rigden said...

I thought it was a glitch


Anonymous said...

I dont think its anything but a glitch maby some problems wt puting the yellow puffle in the game. but anyway thats what i think. Oh and Mimo I wanna be ur bud and UR CHEAT SITE ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

I was the first to post about that.....

Anonymous said...

No my red puffles don't have the yellow circles around it's eyes. Maybe When the painters changed the color of the puffle they forgot behind the eye spot.

Anonymous said...

idk weird though u rock mimo!! plz have a party!!

Anonymous said...

I've figured it out the puffles (yellow & red) are trying to trick us the yellow one painted itself red and the red one painted itself yellow They're trying to fool us.

Anonymous said...

Thats not true because I watched my red puffle blink and it didn't turn yellow its just a glitch

Anonymous said...

i have a red puffle and i looked at it when it blinked but it was not yellow it must be a glitch!


Anonymous said...

It forever for my red puffle 2 turn sideways and it only works around the yellow puffle.

p.s. i wanna be part of the club penguin gang

Anonymous said...

It did not work for me.:-(

Anonymous said...

when i tried it didnt work. It didnt work at home and it didnt work at the pet shop. any advice???

Anonymous said...

i own a red puffle but it does not have the yellow stuff in its eyes when it blinks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think the yellow puffle is a red puffle .....see ya!

Anonymous said...

i dun think this is true becuz i watched my red puffle blink and it didn't turn might be just a glitch....:)

Anonymous said...

when i see my red puffles around the eye wasn't yellow at all maybe it is a glitch i don't know

Anonymous said...

I saw this but i thought i was imagining it.

Hi said...

uffle won't come out in december, it will come out in november 30th, in the news, it states in "events" nov. 30th --> New Pet Catalog, i think that kind of reveals everything, and when my red puffle blinked, it did not have yellow spots, it's probably a glitch.

my penguin name is NOELLE

Anonymous said...

i saw during puffle roundup that when red puffle winks it turns gold for one second.

Anonymous said...

I've seen the yellow puffle 15 times! All you have to do is be patient and keep on playing the game.And yes it's true the red puffles when they blink their eyelids turn yellow and the yellow turns red.YOUR GREAT AT FINDING STUFF THANKS!;-)

Anonymous said...

i also the gold puffle turn red

Anonymous said...

Mimo I have a red puffle when it blinks No yellow paint.:(

Anonymous said...

There is a book at the library that has the legend of the golden puffle !!! :)


Anonymous said...

around my red puffles eye it does go yellow when it blinks! it is so cool.


ps wht serva do u go on mimo

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see anything wrong...

Anonymous said...

I think it will come ot next week as the new puffle catalog is out!Also i think is if you are alowwed to get the puffle then the if you click play it might paint!!Or the yellow puffle is the red puffle its just yellow puffle is hiding and it will paint itself red

Anonymous said...

Also look in the libary and go on penguin tales and on the front cover you will notice the yellow puffle
if you make this a post please say thanks to harryhills12

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

i cant see anything when my red puffle blinks maybe because he or she quickily washed it of lets see what happeneds next

Anonymous said...

when i look at my red puffle blink its not yellow on the side its just fake dont belive these cheats fake i tell you.

Anonymous said...

hey guess what....I just saw the yellow puffle in the stage. Your'e right he is turning up in other places. P.S. Mimo77 youve got the bestest website ever. Thought you would want to know. -Mr Stickiby

Anonymous said...

I´ve bin loocking so mutch but i cant see the yellow spot at the red puffels.... But i´ve bin seeing something even cooler! I saw a green spot around my blue puffels eye when he was playing! It was awsome! Loock if you can see the "glitch" or watever it is....

Anonymous said...

I thought that that photo was an edit when I first saw it but I'm really not sure what could be going on Club Penguin with the puffles. For all I know my blue one could be a yellow one!

Anonymous said...

I´ve bin seeing pink circels around the eyes on my purpel puffel when she was eating! It was so strange. I´ve also saw the yellow circels on my red puffel. I think that there are mayby going to be colour chanching puffels... but who know? Keep on working with the cheets! It´s great!

Anonymous said...

they fixed it a couple days ago!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i have 2 red puffles and when it blinked it was not yellow so i think its some kind of glitch

Anonymous said...

the red puffles dont have gold on them

Anonymous said...

OMG he's yello. i stayed up for like HRS and it tired like for ever and blinked. after 17 hrs, he blinked, i saw paint appear and he went completely yello about 5 seconds! please look at this mimo

Anonymous said...

I have a red puffle and when he blinks he doesnt have yellow on his eye.

CrAzYBoY7(my club penguin name)

Anonymous said...

When I am at my Igoo I watch my red puffle and when it blinks so many times nothing happen no yellow spot by the eye I think it was a glitch - 6susie6

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont know what it is mabye a glitch maybe there painted. i sure hope that the other yellow puffles that are apearing around club penguin arent just painted yellow. that would really stink. i want a real yellow puffle. this is a great site i vist about 5-7 times a day.


Anonymous said...

i didn't see my red puffle blink yellow.....i think the yellow puffles play is painting...look in newspaper....thanks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

u have a great web site and find cool things!! P.S. Plaese have a party I did not like the Western party:-(

Gerrardfan67 said...

Nice Glitch!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well i looked at the yellow and the red puffle in puffle round up when they blinked there wasnt any paint on there eyes

Anonymous said...

i think it will eat us all!!! run penguins run!!!!!!! beware fellow penguins, beware!!!

Anonymous said...

i did saw it. when i was playing. but my red puffle doesn't have the yellow paint on his/her blinking eyes. :d

mimo777 what server are you alwyas going to? mine is mammoth my name in cp is Goshimcute. :D


Anonymous said...

hey mimo! i like your blog

Anonymous said...

dude thats pretty cool but im sad that the yellow puffles are red on painted DANG!!!!!!!!!
so dude you have a great site you know what i love about this site?
you have the things posted soooooo quickly!!!!!
i get up in the morning and look on your site if there is somthing new coming out on CP and when i look you have the new thing posted!!!!! you are awsom dude you have a great spirt of helping out and god likes that.

my name is Peter Momjian

User name Ppeter10000

i am a member on CP

I am a acoter in real life

and i also play Runescape

and i am 9 years old

i am homeschooled


Peter Momjian

Anonymous said...

Answer to Roffie1.

I did too saw the green spot at my blue puffel! But... I think it´s a glitch cause if it wassent why would the spots attac the blue puffel too?

Anonymous said...

Peter, Wow! Thank you for your very nice words!

Anonymous said...

Where did you find this

Anonymous said...

i think the BLUE puffle is an artist and it is painting itself yellow to get more attention


Anonymous said...

Me too. I notice that when I play. My pet red puffle doesn't turn yellow when it blinks, though.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's paint because in the club penguin newspaper they said it was a yellow puffle.

Anonymous said...

it did not happen to my pet

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo i have been playing the puffle game 8 times today to check this puffle thing out,and,GUESS WHAT!!! their sure much been a glitch because thier were no purple puffles i played eight different tiems and got to way far different levels BUT NOPE no red puffles do you no whaat it could be.WELl if you find out that would be great.YOu are the best at this lcubpenguin stuff.I tryed it with my puffle to and didnt find anything out but i will email clubpenguin and figue it out.I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE ABOUT THE MYSTREIOUS YELLOW PUFFLE!?!?!?!!?

Anonymous said...

hi again this reasearcher clowdy56 the yellow puffles will be up for adoption in a week or so maybe even less!well they look really shinney and healthy so far and are eating some o berrys they r painty very cute pictures of g /agents/tammers witch is very nice.
weve seen some strange footadge of puffles that had some yellow/blue/pink/green and red stripes.i will let you know when we have ferther investigaitions!from clowdy56

Anonymous said...

hmm... dunno. u got a point there. but i can'y see the yellow puffel!

Anonymous said...

i think tghat it is just a glithch or u r LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because i played puffle ruond up and look at my and other penguinas puffles and that did not happen so i think that u r just seeing things!or maybe u just changed it on ur page so everyone will get all "wow thats amazing" or"oh cool i wanna try and see if that happens" but whaterer it is not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

logan said...

does anyone know if it is available to non-members?

Anonymous said...

For a yellow pufle become a member and then buy it. But be sure to cancel your membership so you don't have to pay. The puffle will stay but you can't put on clothes you bought

Anonymous said...

my puffle blinked gold a little on the eyelid. im pretty sure its a glitch, but thats pretty freaking cool!
from Weazely

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any yellow on a red puffle, or any red on a yellow puffle...

Anonymous said...

I think the glitch is rare for an
agent i have a red puffle named reneboy and do club penguin have an vetenarian?

DashPenguin said...

Haha after I read it I tried straight away then I saw the notes and the comments... Oh well. By the way what's this contest about?

Anonymous said...

I cant see it man! Whats wrong with the pic.?

Anonymous said...

Hello Mimo777, This is Mario Kart Gang Saying that you are the best kid that we know so i want you to have a great 2009 because you are really good at finding things. Oh and were making a new Mario Kart for Ps3, Xbox360 or Wii. Have a nice day Mimo777!

~Mario Kart Gang~

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any yellow around the red puffles eyes.

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