Isn't it about time for me to have another party? I thought so. Here is how you find out about it. Hidden in this word search puzzle are the clues to my party. There are only 4 words you need to find.
1. The name of the server
2. The name of the room
3. The day
4. The time (It's A.M. in Club Penguin Time Zone)
The words are NOT hidden backwards or diagonal.
Are you smart enough to figure it out? I know you can do it! Have fun and I'll see you at the party.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»Grrrrr ITS TO HARD!!!
What Is It Im Confused Please Help Me :( ): ..
I want to go.Mimo can I be your friend on CP?
I might have alredy said this.
plz help
Huh? This doesnt make any sense at all Mimo
i cant find the time i found every thing else except the time. please give me a hint mimo!
Give us hint, please!
plz tell me or else none of use can come
HA! I figured out the puzzle! C you there mimo777
i figured it out!! finally. so hard!!!
wow thats hard but i WILL figure it out! ive been to EVERY mimo party yet iand i want to come so i WILL be there
i will see you there i my penguins name is febgirl27 see you there
its on a usa server right cuase it says usa
HOW do you say the time like 3 OCLOCK???
i just want to know if the time has "o clock" or not.
While playing cart surffer if you press the space bar and then up while in the air your penguin will flap iits arms.
now THIS is fun! i like this!
I figured it out! Great puzzle! :D See you there Mimo!
i only got one right but not the rest your very smart!!!!
dont worry mimo i wont tell anyone.
dudes! i got all the answer and it is most likely i, Beaker 497 will be at that awesome party. but i have a question, mimmo777, do u get any cool stuff at your parties?i sure hope so because since i am not a member i am really looking forward to getting things,going to the party,meeting u,and becoming your friend.might c u there.
Hey Mimo i finally got it.
Pretty easy actually.
I'll see u there.
My penguin is Iichan.
Im a girl.
yay for mimo!!! i figured it out!!!!!! see u at the party!
i will be there. im glad the time will be good for me this time.
i LOVE this!!!!! do it for your next party, too!!!!
That was so easy it took me 2 minutes! =) mimo i will see you at the party!
Hey i did it!!! With my brother and sister it was kind of easy!!! IM GOING TO BE THERE!!! IM EMAILING YOU JUST TO MAKE SURE!!!
See you there!
My penguin name is greenfire009!!!
cool i got it
i just need the day
I will figure it out!!My penguins name is FlamingX
yessssssss =D i find it =)
cya!!! =)
Kisses Pamm*
Hi Mimo
The puzzle was fun, se you there:)
We have not tiped the iceberg yet, but we can get it to disappear (almost).If a lot of penguin turn to light blue and turn so theirs face dont show and stand close together we colour the ice berg blue like the ocean and... the iceberg disappears:) Maybe next party?
I got it! cya there mimo! looking foward to meeting you again! ttyl
Hey mimo, if u want to see my penguin i finally got it on! Thanks for the instructions! its called Me In My Igloo. its in the penguin catagory my penguin's name is Daisydarr. please check it out.
sorry mimo i wont be there couldn't figure it out i tried for like an hour but if u see me around my name is kittybriana and im usaly purple
I only go the server and time.
hey mimo, why do i have 101 buddies?
wheres your party
PLease give a hint everyone!
I hvae not been to any of mimo's partys before! Help! Mimo if your reading this PLS reply! It would be a great help!
I got the Server, room and date
yay i found em all lol ill see you there mimo!!!!
Mimo, I don't usually ask you stuff but can I be a featured penguin. You've been on my penguin.
mimo it's unfair its too late for me the time u put it at!!!
pls give us some clue.
What shall I do considering I live in the UK?
It's hard as! I need 1 question which serveser!
its tpugh i just found the palce and day anybody who eho is kind please tell.....
anyways mimo777 u r clever.
ill b waiting for reply
It wasent so hard ! I did it in 15 mitutes ! I will be there !
It is hard
Mimo can you help me?
I really want to go to the party
put me on ur sie mi pic is on rmp
xtra cold
this is gonna take awhile....
This thing stinks!
You don't want anyone too come too your party!
I don't really mean it just, This with take hours!
Anyone have cheats?!?!?
This is my first comment ever on this blog!
I finally figured it out. See you there Mimo
I am not solving puzzle to get on a party (which will probably be when I sleep). Also, I thought I will let you know you can probably get yellow puffle if you *somehow* click on it in Puffle Roundup. Red puffle doesn't blink yellow. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog (solve this). Adio.
oh my gosh this is sooo hard
mimmo, i have 299 buddies!
i got it but may not be able to come but ill try! hopefully c u there!
squilers :D
Please tell, Mimo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be able to come if u dont
Hey Mimo,
I figured it out! See you there!
Yes, I did it!. WAS TO EASY!!!
If it is on a USA Server what shall people in the UK (like me) do?
...OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant ...
Oh yeh...found it!!
see you there Mimo!
nice puzzle hope to c u there
i found it out
p.s. ill be there early
woo hoo its easy
I've found all of then but 1 the server But with the server is it the pitcures one or a name of one of Those names you click before you go to the place? Please a hint cuse it's hard? :( :(
Try and have all your parties on weekends so schoolkids can go too!
its so hard some1 gimmie a tip i never been 2 a mimo prty b4
Also I will be having a party at the cove, My name is "Uncuepa" and im a member, it will be on thursday and 8:00pm (PST) club penguin time! click on my name above to get more in formation!
is it night or day?
i found it out in five seconds so see you there mimo
my cp name is pow wow3
plz help me on server???
It's impossible.
Nice, but a little i mean very hard.
im awesomeme and my friend supernova 77 figured it the way my names snuffy66
I figured out everything except the name of the room. Also i want to be the featured penguin & my name is Quacko4
i will get this done if it´s the last thing i do today!
Can someone tell me what day it is on?
mimo you should just tell us when ur pary is ive been wanting to go to one for six months!
Help!!!!! i cant figure it out ive wanted to go to ur party mimo ive been waiting for 8 months!!!!!!!!!
i need help!!!!tell us server at leastn i only found the time and the place!plz tell us the server mimo777 you rock and you would rock harder if you tld us :) >_<
Im just wondering Mimo777 how did you create the word search puzzle?
i found the time i think but it was in spanish
ok nevermind i found EVERYTHING EXCEPT the day.maybe if mimo lets me give hints i would help yall.
its too difficult
Is the day mean this week? Im confused :(
help me please can sommeone help me
is there a trick to the time? ITS SO HARD! Ive tried 3 times
this is too hard you are too mean for makeing us do this!!!!
i got them all and they are sooo easy to find i see you there mimo-dinnerrolls-
See you at the party!
Speckelgiant-club penuin username
i need help and i really want to go i was one of the penguins who figured out the find the differences in the stage thing (lemonlime44)
and i wanna be ur buddy
plllllzzzzz help!
can you please tell us which country it is in please from your freind mit
hey Mimo777, i tried last night sooooo hard and found the server, then day, then time just randomly loking, but i couldnt find the room, but then i got my sister to help and found which room!! awesome place to start the party Mimo777!!!!!!!! C U THERE!
Tamiflu p.s.-Tamiflu is my penguin name too
that was sooooooooooooo fun mimo!!!!! do it again for ur next party!
C U THERE!!!!!!!!
this is by club penguin time right?
am or pm?
I THINK I got it.... cheats, anyone?
Cool, count me in! I'll be there!
Nice site:)
omg i don't get a single 1 of them
i need help i realy want to go to the party someone HELP!!!plz
when is the party someone plz tell me plz i never been to 1 of his plrties never plz someone plz help me
noo!! i want to kill my self :(
that day i have english classes.. :(
='( i want to cry.. :(
pamm :(
i finally got it, it took me a while but i found it out with the help of my brother.ill see u there my name is sunoco and my brothers name is paintball246
im mad i cant do it! its to hard i tried to go to your last one but the it didnt make since!can you please help me mimo!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!? i really need it you always make it so hard!
I only found to i need help please
I Have found everything but the time someone please help me
YES! i found them all! i am so excited. this is the first party that i ever went to of mimo's! MIMO u rock!!!
I NEVER GET TO GO TO YOUR PARTYS!! :(:(:( ya know what im quiting sorry but i cant come to your party i can only find the server and day but the TIME and ROOM is impossible please give us a clue!!!!
I need help with it
Everybody Just Keep trying. The only way you dont get farther in life...(more like a video thingy) is if you dont try. I found it in like 5-7 minutes.
GLITCH FIXED! The yellow pufflew is back to blinking with yellow eyelids
I am so confused! please help!!!!
I REALLY WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!
can i be your friend???
its SO hard!!!
uh mimo777 was the party nov.28(today) cause if it was then i missed it:( which i didnt want to. well if i do c u then my name is coolioh1 so maybe c u
That was too easy. i found them in 2min. Do the wrdserch harder next time. I love ur site and u are AWESOME!!:) ;)
Man I only found the Room...
Do we need to know what time it is on that day mimo because i found the day but not the time
can you plz help me on it im confused
yes i got it! You should do this for more parties Mimo! It's cooler! See you there!
P.s> My penguin's name is Blacksundae2!
OMG! This is sooo difficult! arrrgghhhh! :( ive nevr been to a party either! i've got to figure this out...
Hey mimmo777 you took are request you made the mimmo parties easier to get
I'll be there!!!!! :) :}
mimo? when u say not backwards do u mean bottom to top also?
ur fan,
king Bubba 3
its so easy i found everying in 1 min omg try to make it better time i thought it was gonna be harder but i cant wait till the party see you there Mimo
Just to let u know i found out the puzzle and can't wait to come! Just a few quick questions tho. Will u be in that certain room the whole time or will u move? and, how long will u b on for?
King Bubba 3 (cp name!)
p.s. for all those other ppl, just keep trying!! ull get it!
im haveing a party ok im having at usa at yeti and at sautardy 9:00 cp time its at the pizza parlor and if want to know im Thepinke
who knows the server
i have only figured out the server the rest i cant find .... plz help me mimo.
Yo, there is going to be like 5 people at your party! This is WAY to hard!
mimo coming fro a friend this time its hard!!!!!!!make it easier next time!!!!!ill see if can figure it out my self!!
hey, think i got it - can't wait!! how long does it go on till?? c u there!!
Hey Mimo, I found out this awsome cheat!
If you open your player card and wear something(e.g tour hat of inner tube) and then remove your clothing.Don't close your player card. Open your buddy list and click on any buddy at random. Close all the cards. You should be able to see your clothes still on! Try it!
I am so close I just need the time
quite hard. Mimo can i be ur friend in clubpenguin?
I thinck I got it Mimo can you tell me if I am right?
I foumd everything but the server....Mimo777 please give us a hint on what the server is...plzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!! :-(
i cant find the time...where is the time?? could someone give us a LITTLE hint about the time? and by the way does it say o'clock or does it just say the number?? HELP ME EVERYONE!!
i got it and im goin to try and come but the only thing its ten at night and i have got to get up at six the next day for school coz i live in saudi.its not fair but my mum might go to it for me and screen capture some of it.i reli hope i can make it.
the wordsearch waz so much fun mimo
wht serva do u go on normally coz i reli wanna meet u before i have to go to this place where they dont have internet connection so i cant get onto clubpengin, i haveto live there!
the time doesnt have oclock it is just a number
YES! i got it. see u there mimo
OMG it says my name in it_brio =D
I've got all but the time.
Sorry mimo I won't be coming cos it is tooooo hard.
Too easy Mimo! Why don't you make a really hard one next time?
i can't find the room! argh!
i found every thing i wont tell it to anyone mimo777 so dont be worried
i wish the time will be in p.m in c.p
its hard, Ive figured out the day but not the rest
i can't find the server!!!!!!!!!!
someone help me. please.
When is the next party, may i know?I can't wait
i really wonder the day is it based on cp day lol.
Girl of Rose I found everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is very simple.
yay i got it
See you there Mimmo My penguins name is FlamingX
hi there mimo777 iam akshay8 i figured it out
hi there mimo777
I can only find the Room and the Day D:
This was so much fun. it took me ages to figure out but i did!
This will be my first party so i will see you there Mimo777
Yay I finally found it all!
Ill meet you there :D
- BlooeyGlooey
mimo you're really late! hurray up wasn't it today?
>b< i once had 116 friends but i normaly go on sherbet !
I've only figured out the place!!
anything else!!!
bye Mimo777!!
I've found day, server and room, but whats the time?
Akshay8, Hi!
some 1 help me i founed day i cant fined aney thing els
can you help me mime a clue thats alllll plezz pretey plez =D
Plz Mimo give me a clue it's ded hard
MIMO I FOUND OUT A NEW CHEAT!!! when you get on the homepage click the penguin it doesnt turn into a ninja anymore it turns into other penguins like a pink penguin with a red gutiar a penguin with a sumbreo and a penguin with a hammer hat and alot of other penguins! from corteego
ugh!!!!!! it's TOOOOOO hard!!!! no fair!!! some1 tell the answers!!!
im so mad! im not coming im not just going to wast my time on this!
i oudn the room the server and the day but i cant find the time! can you tell us if its top or bottom?
This is really hard ahhhhhhhhhh
help please
I wonder why my comments arent being posted SO I WILL POST THEM AGAIN i guess.............
Everybody keep trying. The only way you don't get anywhere in life... i mean a video game.... is if you don't try. I found them in like 5-10 minutes. JUST KEEP TRYING
i can only find the place :(
Hey Mimo! I figured out that puzzle! My name is juju124 and i'm coming to rock your stinking penguin socks off! (i will never have three cups of coffee again)!
how long will the party be? from BLANK for 1,2, or 3 hours?
-Tamiflu thanks!
p.s. i am going paintballing that day, so thats y i wanted 2 know
we need a word bank
i found it all! my penguin name is cutie red see you at the party!
fun but toooooo e-z but cat wait till the party c u there
PS. try to make it harder next time mimo
my name in cp is Pow Wow3
I'm now sooooo close! I found three out of four :( Now all I need if the time... GRR!
I have the server abd place. What is the time and date?
I GOT IT!!!!! YAY I FOUND THE DETAILS OF THE PARTY!!i cant wait. my penguin is m2346a
I don't GET IT- please help Mimo- I think it is too hard!
has the party end??
Mimo- My penguins name is garnetgirl03- c u there!!!
please tell me the time!i can't wind him!
Hey mimo! i've got the puzzle!
Gudluck to your party!
i will be there with my friend!
see you.
btw, MY penguin name is Goshimcute and my friends name is Either Cosmo979 or Angelnix.
bye mimo!
i hope to see you there!
omg mimo77 i found the room and day but phewwwwwwwwwwwww i cant find the other stuff please give us a hint so we can com......
you all know what?????be smart noone is going to tell where is it because whenever you publish your comment mimo77 has to read it first and approve it. he wont approve it if they tell so be smart i couldnt find all yet to only room and day keep trying maybe mimo77 will give us a hint......
hi found everything but i cant find the server!!!!!!!!!
Mimo what server do you go on i wanna be friends
Mimo i know where it is i just dont know everthing else
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