Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Club Penguin Surprise Party starts tomorrow!

Starting tomorrow, we will be having fun partying Club Penguin Style. But what party theme will it be? Will it be a Western, Sports or Pirate theme? Let me know what you think. I'm hoping for a Pirate Party!

Also, I will have the new free item posted here very first thing! Check it out tomorrow!

Also, starting tomorrow will be the newest hidden pin. I always like to guess what room it will be in. I think it might be in The Stage. What do you think? I'll have it right here tomorrow!

I guess we can expect to see the Yellow Puffles around Club Penguin get a little more brave. We should see them pop up around a little more. Let me know if you see them in other rooms besides The Stage. And of course we will be able to adopt the little yellow ones soon. That will be so cool!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

Hi! I cant wait until the yellow puffle gets adoptable!

Anonymous said...

when do u think we can get the scoop on the party?

Anonymous said...

yay im first comment i think i cant wait for the party!!!

Mimo my nam eis winterfan and i want to have you as my buddy and I am a member :>

Anonymous said...

omg i can't wait for the puffle to come out. i bet it will be sold in the catalog on November 30!! I voted Western Party. what about you Mimo??

Anonymous said...

wow i hope it will be the western party

Unknown said...

Golden puffle

When I first saw the gloden puffle it was amazing!! I thought my eyes were tricking me!! I am wso happy to see a golden puffle. But when will we be able to adopt one? Please let it be for nonmember penguins and member penguins. PLEASE!! Thank you ! Happy Thanksgiving!!

From, Pinkbird652.

Anonymous said...

I voted for the Western party!

Anonymous said...

its going to be a western because thats what everyone voted for on the cp site poll.

Anonymous said...

i was hoping for pirate too but i think its gonna be western.thanks

Anonymous said...

hey! i really hope that yellow puffles will b avalible 4 nonmembers so i can have 1. i think they will @ least 4 a couple weeks.

Abby said...

Oh My! I just stuffed myself with turkey! Yummy! Hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving!

Anyway, I sure do hope the yellow puffle is available for non-memembers too! That would be such a let down if it was only a memember thing. I was really upset that nothing in the new stage was available for us non-memembers. I would have really enjoyed being able to get a free item!

Tommorow, we will get up early (not too early. that's insane!) and go shopping. Then go out to eat for lunch. We'll go see a movie and then go shopping some more! What a fun day! But we'll be sure to make some time to hop on the computer and check out the new suprise party! (we voted for a pirate party!)

Unknown said...

the popular vote was western, so im guessing thats gonna be the party. i think that the pin will be in the pizza parlor, has it ever been there?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be cool if there was a yellow puffle pin.

Anonymous said...

I think its going to be a western party.

Anonymous said...

I think its going to be a western party. Happy Thanksgiving mimo777

Anonymous said...

Im hoping for a western party. Cuz I missed that one. I was there for the pirate and the sports. By the way, At the pirate party, they gave out a pirate puffle bandana and a sailor hat as a free item. I think at the sports party, they gave the face painting, but I cant really remember.

bye! :)

Anonymous said...

Why is America, Canada, etc one day behind Australia. Far out! It is the 23rd today and right now it is the 22nd in America. Now I have to wait one for day for the party + free item. Grrr!

Joe said...

neither can i!i am going to be one of the first people to adopt one for sure;-)

P.S. i voted for the western

P.S.S. my name is ghettoj on cp
and im always on subzero

Anonymous said...

i voted for the sports party the western parthy seems stubid

Anonymous said...

I know what it is! If you go to the igloo catalog and go to the lodge, it said: Create a cozy winter cottage or decorate a WESTERN theme with this custom built home. So it is a western party! Please post this, and give credit to Brandon5856. If you don't believe me, check for yourself!

Anonymous said...

Please Be PIRATE or WESTERN party!PLEASE!:]

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777,

Did you have a Thanks giving feats? Or do you not celebrate it?
I can't wait for the Party! It is going to be a Western Party!

Picture Penguin said...

Mimo I'm a blogger too and I want to put you on my blog roll but I don't know how! Please help!

Anonymous said...

im hoping for sports party (the piarate party was boring i was there and trust me a big BORE!)

Anonymous said...

Yes! I had turkey and lots of deserts! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I think the pin was in the Pizza Parlor. Wasn't it under the piano before?

Anonymous said...

Yes it was under the Pinao before

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo777,

Can you go to the Server Frozen and then go to the dock! Please! All the Famous penguins are there like WWE ADAM! I am Cena12121.

Anonymous said...

Man Mimo!

i hope non members can adopt them! I'd name mine Aurelis, which means golden in latin :-) Im sure Blueberry and Razzywoo (my current puffles) wouldn't mind another playmate!

<3 aphrodite990

Hasake said...

ya the yellow puffles are so cute i just cant wait till we can adobt them there so cool

Anonymous said...

Can't wait!! Thanks for all the help with the pin, and with everything. Ur really helpful! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay! The yellow puffle is going to be adoptable! And also if its for members I don't care because I am a MEMBER!

Anonymous said...

Yarr, go pirates!

Anonymous said...

if you click on the happy and the sad puffle on the top of the stage a couple of times the yellow puffle will apere

Anonymous said...

Hope all of you had a Happy Thanksgiving!Tomarrow i will be having leftovers O joy

Anonymous said...

It's not exactly about the yellow puffle, but i have a question. okay, there is a little piece of paper (looks like a note) on the side of the fireplace in the Sport Lodge. I was wondering what it said, and why it is there.

Anonymous said...

u can get the yellow puffle in the pet shop cause my brutha got it and i saw him get it! Allu hav to do is click on adopt the yellow puffle. It is afta the red puffle! If u dont belive me check it out for yourself


Mimo ure the best

Anonymous said...

The yellow puffle appears in the game puffle round up so I predict we can adopt it but I think it is only for members. I hope anyone can buy it because I want it.

Anonymous said...

I saw the yellow puffle in Puffle Roundup!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo!
I have a blog also and everytime i take a picture and put it on my blog it's all digi-itised and noone can read it.
How do you get your pictures so good?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mimo777, i think u should let non members buy one thing from any catolog every week so that it would be fair to the non members.Please think about.

Anonymous said...

Mimo doesnt own club penguin.

Anonymous said...

MIMO777 DOES NOT OWN CP!! E-mail CP about it!!! Smartypants!

Anonymous said...

i wanted a pirate party


Anonymous said...

i think its un fair that only memebers can have the yellow puffle ive been waiting for them to tame it and now i cant get one UNFAIR and also non members should be able to have at least 4 puffles and any kind of puffle should be an option to us non members

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