Seems there's something going on at the Plaza. It says, "Actors Needed Soon." Wow! Are they going to have a play? Maybe so. We'll find out soon enough. I'm going to take a wild guess it is a theater. What do you think it might be?
- Mimo777 Club Penguin Gang President.
i think its going to be a stage or a play or sumthin
well i think it is a therter as well. mimo can u b my friend?
hey mimo did you look at the blue prints on the side i think it says stage and something else maybe you can make it out i can't
i think it is a theater as well but it can also be a carnival
i think it is a theater as well but it can also be a carnival
wow a party..i think this is not a party because its fixing something..can u find out for me and sent me at errafazirah@gmail.com ok..
i think it might be something to do with the new mission, like the avalanche last time. and i agree with mimo its probaly going to be a theatre.
Hey i think they will ummm do a thetere..But another Q. Do you think they will get random peopel like u n me??
I think its gonna be a theatre to, cant wait till its finished!
YAY you fixed the problem
Maybe its for Rockhopper when he comes. Or they're making for the new mission or it might be the new room we've been waiting for. Who Knows.....
i think its a theater! i cant wait 2 audition for the shows!! WHOO HOO
look on that table, it says STAGE on that blueprint
Hi i saw this too also look carefully on the blueprints in the corner on the table and it says in caps STAGE. I agree i think its either a theatre or a film studio as in the Lighthouse there was that movie and they may want to continue with that.
hey mimo.i know what there will be.a stadion!
people are saying there are going to be a cinema!
is it true?
there going to build a thearter and we have to dance and stuff
This is the coolest site eva thanks
Your probably right
(that was what I was thinking)
FIRST COMMENT AGAIN! Yeah i saw that in the plaza and i was like "What the?" its really weird maybe its like the stage in the lighthouse their going to have a play!
maybe there building a theater
I found that today aswell. Maybe they are going to have a new room? I don't know. But I can't wait till it's finished! I wonder what it's going to be.
By the way they are making a movie theatre at the Plaza...a fellow penguin told me
hey Mimo! Is that yellow puffle really true? if it is that is sooo cool! I dont actually reckon they'll have a theatre - theres already the lighthouse stage... but whatever it is i'm sure it will be AMAZING! I soooo want to be an actor!!
check out the website mimo club penguin
It might be a cinema!!!!
or on You Tube...Minimen10
its a hard one but i might see ya on club penguin Princess Haz
i could be a cinima
hi its me jamiewhiff1 again i reckon the new mission is about the actor thing plz let me be a member on cpg
waddle on
its gotta be something to do with a theatre . i mean why else would it say actors needed soon? plus are girls allowed to act in it as well?
Ive seen it to! Personally, I think it's going to be a theartre. What do you think?
i dont know, but i want to be a actor!!!!!
It says on the blueprints on the table stage in small writing :D
hey mimo check out the blueprints in the plaza, it says STAGE, go on check it out!
Yeah what is up with the plaza and I saw that and I said WHAO!
i dunno but whatever it is it going to be soooo coool! club penguin always is!! :)i'm really lookin forward 2 it omg i really wanna be an actor lol
its strange beacause if it is a theater then they need a stage but there is a stage in the lighthouse.Ithink it might be something to do with the next misson !
I love this site
p.s YAY first comment lol
post this to please x
wow a theathre i thought so mimo i thought that maybe thre is something about the mission about actors
ps. please post it mimo can i meet you and when is there going to be another party???????????????????????????????? i am hamruninu mimo thanxs for the cheats
Everyone's guessing it's gonna be a theater! i think so myself.
Did you know you can hide from your enimies (if you have any) on the map!! cool huh? well i think so.
yea mimo i guess its a theatre too
and i love this website!
you guys are doing a very good job!
keep it up guys!
Yeah! I agree with you! a theater!wow! - bubblyflames
They're making a stage!!!! look in the lower left corner!!!! The blueprints say "stage"
Hi Mimo
When i went to check out the actors thing i saw these mysterouis (sorry for spelling mistake) 4 penguins,
You couldnt click them,
They had no names,
but they were all drilling,
i took a screen shot so if you'd like it i'd send it you,
But were they NPC's?
They arent there anymore though.
idk but it is going to have a stage and actors mabey a theater or a mvio theater plus the new mission sneak peek is here on billybobs's blog -dinnerrolls-
I think it IS a theater!
i fink da same ad you
Yeah i kno an im mad cause it wont even let u be in it yet so like its jus sittin there teasin u
first comment im thinking it is got to do somthin' with the new mission like how the person tried to steel the money . mabby he tried to get the money so he could build the theater? who knows?
it like happenend in the middle of the day but i think that wood erea is for a play biulding cool huh
Maybe it will go with the new mission.
I agree with you mimo777. It probably is a theater.
i agree i also thnik it is a theater and maybe we are in the play!
it might be a stage you know for bands to prefrom other than the lighthouse and since alot of servers bring you to the plazza you can see more bands play
Dude that's sweet. I can't wait to find out what it is.
dude im so confused whats going on here
I don't know, but club penguin is getting better by the day! I just need 1 question answered. Have you read that snow forts clock glitch I've sent you yet? PPLZ answer Mimo! You are the best!!!
wen do you think it will come bak??
i think it can be a theater or a movie studio
i think its a movie studio or a thetar
im first yeah and i know what it is go bobamba
I sure hope mimo!
I love the golden puffle it is sooo CUTE!!!!!!!!By the way this is blackdalek20 speaking and i would LOVE to meet you and all the the other gang oh and i am on sherbet ALL THE TIME!Im a girl but sometimes i dress as a boy kk over and mimo!:P
I think it has to do something with the new mission. im the one who posted about the plaza thing!!!
on club penguin wikipeda,it said theres gonna be a royal party in november 2007.well i think there building a royal premeer!
i think its going to be a stage:)
hey mimmo what do u think its going to be about if its a stage play?
in the offical blog there is a sneak peak for new mission
it'll probably be like the lighthouse, you know, with the band!!! yay!!!!!
i think if it is going to be theater it should be very good and will put some fun into club penguin!
i think it will be a theater but aswell i think it could be a pantomine.
hey mimo i found out some cool stuff or should i say CHEATS on club penguin´s home page.i found two things.first when you click on the N of nightclub it shows a ninja outfit.two when you clik the penguin that stays on top of the PLAY NOW button it changes clothing!!!!!!!i don´t want any credit if you put it on the page,well....you´re welcome anyway!!!!!!
I think its going to be a theater.
any news on the ninja thing?
you guys are the best!! i hope they make it avalible for us soon i cant wait!
Jai is rite, i was being boss and i saw the blueprints 2. WOOT WOOT LOLZA XD
I think it's a new icebreg which is gonna be created!
I think itis going to be a theater too!All I want to know is when it is going to come to clubpenguin.From, Wondering
Definetly a Cp Cinema because there's already a Lighthouse stage.
Hey Mimo, do you hate me? I mean like you keep eliminating my comments for some reason. Waddle On!
One thing is for sure its gonna have a stage and also if it is like the cove when it first opened only members will be alowed in at first.
P.S Im a member
I think it will be a stage, but will have something to do with the new mission! =) email me at: clubpenguinrocks1
Yea i think so too but how do you use the jackhammers?
hey do you have an email so i can send you a screen shot please tell me it might help you.
it has to do with the mission! check out whats new for a preview!!
Dear Mimo777,
As you noticed, the construction.
As you said it was going to be a theater.I am not meaning to prove you wrong ,but it is not.It is going to be a stage as the blueprint says.
Where, in your mind, is a stage?
The simple answer: Usually a Theatre.
Stages are never by themselves.
What is there more to prove my theory?
Actors Needed.
The only places ACTORS and STAGES are together is in theatre.
Of course, a theatre could also mean a Television Set, which could utilise the spare TV in the Spy HQ.
Also, as said above, it will most likely be linked to or use the TV in the Spy HQ, a stage just in the plaza would not do this, however, an extra room would.
Also, look at the plans: the object being build is a building shaped like a pentagon
maybe its the one on the snow forts the bulls eyes the one we trow snow balls on it and it moves in the penguin time clock becuase if you trow snow balls on it it will not move becuase somethings break or missing or anything please mimo read and answer this thank you ;p
Throw a snowball just ubove the sign
wait and see what happens
hey mimo
for full respect tell me HOW TO DO THE MOONWALK? im begging please answer the question please
i sent a email to club penguin support about the yellow puffle and they said:
A yellow puffle on Club Penguin? I long to see a yellow puffle on Club Penguin but have yet to see one.
It would be very cool if a yellow puffle could appear in the new mission on Club Penguin. I will be sure to discuss this with the Club Penguin team so that we can consider using your idea.
If you have any other great ideas, questions or concerns, please email us again.
Allison W
Club Penguin Support
she is discussing it with club penguin!!!!
Def a theatre, but how do they choose actors?
I mean i am an actress i go theatre school in real life and am working on several productions and been in casualty!
I Think it may be a Theatre for Puffles.Plz Post
In the agent HQ theres an empty black screen in the top right corner..perhaps the theatre is going to be there=]
on that blue piece of paper it says STAGE...so it's probably gonna be a stage. or maybe it's gonna be a new building, something like a theatre that has a stage inside.
Everybody says "it says STAGE on the bluepint". But why dont you zoom in more. Then you can read THEATRE, PROJECT and STAGE on the blueprint. Try it.
Hey guys! I found a cheat! Follow these instuctions to sit on the Hydro Hopper boat!
1. Go to the Dock
2. Go over to the Hydro Hopper boat
3. When it asks you, "Would you like to play Hydro Hopper?" say "No"
4. Hit the S key on your keyboard
That's all there is to it!
hi its me jamiewhiff1 again i reckon its a theater and the new screen in the hq is going to go to the thetre
the blue prints dont just say stage they say theater project stage
Mayby it is going to be a game!
hey i know a glitch:
put your stuffed parrot on then close your player card.then open your player card, put the stuffed parrot away and put the ice cream thing and this time don't close your player card and dance. it looks like you're feeding your parrot, doesn't it!!!!
I think it's going to be a new theatre and something to do with the black screen in the HQ.
-Graser 10
I think we are going to do a play. well, we should find out next thursday in the newspaper!
Heyaa Mimo.
Exciting News!!!
Some Penguin Entertainment!
Please Be My Freind Mimo
Love Yaa =] x
Hey mimo i found out something cool but we kinda know it soo the refferee shirt buy it and wave ur penguin hand and it says GOAL!
on my computer i can zoom in on the page... and what i could read from the blue prints that were to the side:
first word-no clue!
seccond word- majest: (not sure possibly major?)
last word: stage
and then a picture of a stage and a buiding so its definitly something like a theator!
-Sharpie Pen
0H MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!
dont u know mimo??
It might be a movie theatre. They might have liked the idea of the movie theatre on Halloween, and maybe they wanted to have one. I think they should make a club penguin mall
I have a question that is totally unrelated. I have seen people in club penguin with instruments such as tubas and stuff.Where do you get the instruments? I have a guitar but no others. HELP!
I heard its a Movie theater
paramore is right, if you look at the blueprints it says stage.
A play defintly a play. Rock on Mimo
ithink it will be a theater too!and to be actor u will maybe take a quizz like u do to be a secret agent.and every week it will change from a theater to a movie theater.
Ping, I posted on the here:
This is one of the newest places in Club Penguin.It will probely be a Movie Theater.Yes!!!Woo!!Who!!!
0 thanx mimo777 i didnt know you had already posted it... :) sorry... buh*bye
mimo does colors work?
i think it will be theator where we can act in plays and watch movies mabey of the plays mimo plz be my buddy.
i think its a thater as well i am so xcited about wat it will be:)!
well i think its gonna be ROCKS!
I think it is going to be a theatre but i hope it is more organized for the plays then it is for the stage at the lighthouse. because at the lighthouse everyone is going on the stage and everything and there is never really anyone playing music as a band or anything.
i think that that is not enough room for a theater
who is mimo and why the heck do we need a theater on club penguin here is a tip if any of you heard of the dojo there both hidden on you map i just found out the iceberg too!!!!! nick i live in grand forks north dakota
i rekon its a big stage like the one in the lighthouse
u know
actors for a band, it all ads up
or maybe another resturaunt
u know seeing actors need to own in
but their "acting" to be it
cuz their is pizza and coffee but i dont have any idea
ok i think it's going 2 be like a stage or some thing. my penguins name is laqtstar say hi if you see me!
i think it will be a place where plays are held
;) :0
and i know a glitch for snowballs:
Throw a snowball just at or just above the 'actors needed soon' sign
i think it will be a new building... like, we will be able to make our own movies and it will be presented on the big screen. That was just a wild guess though.. i ma noto sure. bye!
Hey Mimo! I was wondering... Are you a member? If not thats cool! You can add me to your buddie list and hang at my place!
- Lorelei92!
hey this is sweetsport96.this website is awesome ans so is clubpenguin.all the people here be my buddy.me name is sweetsport96 and i am always on the server america and went on rockroad.bye peeps.luv ya all! :)
im really happy club penguin keeps on updating it.And making new games and stuff.I think it will be a theather or stage.also MIMO U ROCK!
It is The Stage.
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