Last week Club Penguin asked us what our ultimate spy gadget be?
Awesomeguy27 had an awesome answer...
What I think would be the ultimate spy gadget would contain everything our current one has, and some other things. First, it would have an extended notification system. For example, if a penguin needed help, it would show up on the screen. We could teleport to that penguin immediately and help them. Second an emergency first aid kit to help me as well as other penguins in case of an injury. Finally, a fully stocked fridge. Come on, some people get hungry on important missions! ;)
Saweet review! Gotta love food, right?
For the next review, Club Penguin wants to know what has been your best Card-Jitsu Snow strategy so far?
Hmm, good question. Anyone out there have a good answer?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Yep! I always use Power Cards first on the snowmen so that they're weaker to start with! Then I make sure that the other ninjas are always healthy and ready to battle! I never chicken out because to many are on me! I battle and battle till we heal me.
my secret is play as snow and when the enemy who holds a sled pops up only the snow can defeat him with out being hit by him!
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