Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, February 18, 2013

Where's the Snow Dojo?

Ok, we all know Card-Jitsu Snow Beta Test is coming soon to Club Penguin. And we know that the Snow Ninjas, Fire Ninjas and Water Ninjas will be teaming up to take down the new villains Scrap, Tank, and Sly!

So now we ask: Where will this battle take place?

Where do YOU think it'll be!?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Chrissuper12 said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe the tallest mountain. Although that may be a bit far away. ?
. .

Perapin said...

That sketch is the Snow Dojo I'm sure. :)

~Perapin :)

Anonymous said...

Ice Berg? or maybe the mountains. I'm not sure, it's just my guess! :P

flatmat said...

There should be a huge snowfall then when it clears there is a new dojo lol

Ashley22894 said...

ice berg or mountains

Anonymous said...

I know where the snow dojo is :)



aurelio505 said...

look at the right of the town. You can see a waterfall (water dojo) volcano (fire dojo) and a snow mountain (snow dojo?)

Anonymous said...

A mountain. One of the mountains. Or THE mountains.

Unknown said...

i think it is between the dojo and the mountains behind the sky hill.
the image is just like in one of the missions(the place behind the sky village).

Unknown said...

i think it is between the dojo and the mountains behind the sky hill.
the image is just like in one of the missions(the place behind the sky village).

Anonymous said...

Above CP :p

Citrus Peal said...

There's an entrance space in the dojo already.
I guess it's up above the dojo so you can see the beach they show between ski hill and ski village.

Anonymous said...

Flatmat I was waiting for Herbet to freeze the island then I thought the snow dojo would appear. :P

Stickers303 said...

Could be where the fire and water dojo is. Probably the opposite side of the fire dojo in the ninja court. Forgot the room name :p


Anonymous said...

A mountain!

Anonymous said...

Hmm,you know the member thing where you play water and fire?There!

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