Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, August 30, 2010

Club Penguin Adds More Stamps!

Along with the new Field Ops today, Club Penguin added more stamps. You can now earn stamps for Puffle Rescue and Missions. Check it out:

Pretty smoove to already earn ALL the Missions stamps, huh?

Do you like that new stamps just randomly show up? How long do you think Club Penguin will be able to continue to add more? Let me know what you think!

VERY COOL GAME - Solipskier!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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Hickorydickorydock said...

Thats so cool! I cant wait to earn more stamps!!
-Waddle on!

Yay Guy said...

Yay! New stamps! I saw them 6 minutes before this post, I was going to warn you!!!

Tycoon101 said...

Im personally fine with it. I think they are going to keep on adding new stamps until they run out of things to make stamps of. The only reason they wouldn't would be because there would be a bug or prob with peeps computers loading the stamps and stuff.

Tycoon101 :B

hjkdyt said...

Wow! I was so happy that Puffle Rescue and Mission stamps showed up! But, I think they should announce first that they are going to add cause I had no idea till I checked here! But, in all I like the stamps. What do you think Mimo? :)

~CP Name: hjkdyt

Carabu said...

Sweet New Stamps! I was waiting for these! Super Cool! Now I have some work to do!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG I got to try more! Also, my membership expired and the next second, I'm a member, is this a bug?

Dingeljoe said...

i liked how the randomly showed up!


Jojojo33342 said...

I( was just about to tell you that! lol. I earned two puffle rescue stamps already. lol


Polarbrownie said...




Anonymous said...

:D I think it''l continue forever!...Till CP is overated and it's off the PC or Public PC ya thats sad.

Haz Baz1 said...

Hi Mimo,
I love your site and have been using it since i have joined Club Penguin a year ago. I would love to be buddies with you on CP. Do you want to meet me on Club Penguin?

-Haz Baz1

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

Hickorydickorydock said...
Thats so cool! I cant wait to earn more stamps!!
-Waddle on!

Me neither. I'm so excited!

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

[~Jazz94~] said...

:D Cool! The more stamps, the better.

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

Yay Guy said...
Yay! New stamps! I saw them 6 minutes before this post, I was going to warn you!!!

I know! Mimo post's fast. Once I went to look at the comments then when I came back there was a new post! XD

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

Livipie22 said...

Hi Mimo. I've seen that you have a 22 stamp picture for the missions, correct? Well, I've done all the mission myself but do not have that picture. Have I missed an award?

Anonymous said...

Awesome new stamps!! I'm gonna get finding them right away!! :D


Anonymous said...

hjkdyt said...
Wow! I was so happy that Puffle Rescue and Mission stamps showed up! But, I think they should announce first that they are going to add cause I had no idea till I checked here! But, in all I like the stamps. What do you think Mimo? :)

~CP Name: hjkdyt

I know what you mean, I only just found out when I checked here too. Club Penguin should tell us. What about you Mimo?

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Will there be a walkthrough on how to earn the Puffle Rescue stamps, at least the non-member ones?

slippeestars said...

i have all missions and i love the puffle rescue and love the way they do it without us knowing

slippeestars said...

Hickorydickorydock said...
Thats so cool! I cant wait to earn more stamps!!
-Waddle on!
i love the puffle rescue stamps i got 2 yesterday

slippeestars said...

Dingeljoe said...
i liked how the randomly showed up!

me to ;D

slippeestars said...

Yay Guy said...
Yay! New stamps! I saw them 6 minutes before this post, I was going to warn you!!!
cool mimo was probly making the post lol

slippeestars said...

hjkdyt said...
Wow! I was so happy that Puffle Rescue and Mission stamps showed up! But, I think they should announce first that they are going to add cause I had no idea till I checked here! But, in all I like the stamps. What do you think Mimo? :)

~CP Name: hjkdyt
i like how they do it random,i had no idea the new stamps were out yesterday(monday)intill i was on a chat and my freind said im going to earn mission stamps bye i was like wahhhhh!

slippeestars said...

Carabu said...
Sweet New Stamps! I was waiting for these! Super Cool! Now I have some work to do!!!
me to lol,how to you tpye in bold??

slippeestars said...

Anonymous said...
OMG I got to try more! Also, my membership expired and the next second, I'm a member, is this a bug?
lol mabey cp made you a member but like wasent suposed to or you have it for more then 1 month if you do like they shut it of turned it on lol

Elizabeth said...

i love the new stamps but then i turned the page after the pins and i realized that there was no question mark I wonder what is coming now.

Fooby1997 said...

Rockhopper is closer!! Rockhopper is Closer!! look, you can see his boat!


Muddy Duki said...

I didn't notice the page, but I was editing my stamp book yesterday and I put 1 of my mission reward thingys on there. This is awesome!

I love stamps! :)

~Muddy Duki~

Dj Wazzer said...

Elizabeth said...

i love the new stamps but then i turned the page after the pins and i realized that there was no question mark I wonder what is coming now.

I've noticed this too!

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

slippeestars said...

Jojojo33342 said...
I( was just about to tell you that! lol. I earned two puffle rescue stamps already. lol

i just earned 2 more today or 1.....i think i have 4 puffle rescue

slippeestars said...

Polarbrownie said...


plz dont use all caps
and i want all 158 but so far i have like 98 and im going to get my rockhopper stamp
ps.mimo just had a party

slippeestars said...

Anonymous said...
:D I think it''l continue forever!...Till CP is overated and it's off the PC or Public PC ya thats sad.
i hope it goes forever to

Dingeljoe said...

Fooby1997 said...
Rockhopper is closer!! Rockhopper is Closer!! look, you can see his boat!


Woot! It looks like this party is going to have the best decorations!
Rockhopper sure knows how to party!

-Dingeljoe (CPG Mod)

slippeestars said...

Haz Baz1 said...
Hi Mimo,
I love your site and have been using it since i have joined Club Penguin a year ago. I would love to be buddies with you on CP. Do you want to meet me on Club Penguin?

-Haz Baz1
we all love his site;D,i almost saw mimos site like a month after i started playing alot and became a member i found it,mimo cant add you he probly wjants to meet you but he might be full or it wouldnt be fair so if you get to mimo mod he will add you ;D

slippeestars said...

[~Jazz94~] said...
:D Cool! The more stamps, the better.
yep!i want them all but i dont have them

slippeestars said...

Livipie22 said...
Hi Mimo. I've seen that you have a 22 stamp picture for the missions, correct? Well, I've done all the mission myself but do not have that picture. Have I missed an award?
do you have every thing like extra pirzes?

slippeestars said...

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...
Hickorydickorydock said...
Thats so cool! I cant wait to earn more stamps!!
-Waddle on!

Me neither. I'm so excited!

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

stamps rock im always exited even if there was going to be a color change to thecoler of the staroi at the night club XD

slippeestars said...

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...
Yay Guy said...
Yay! New stamps! I saw them 6 minutes before this post, I was going to warn you!!!

I know! Mimo post's fast. Once I went to look at the comments then when I came back there was a new post! XD

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)
ill have to try that sometimes lol

slippeestars said...

Doodlebug277 said...
Awesome new stamps!! I'm gonna get finding them right away!! :D

stamps are fun to colect when bored on cp :D

slippeestars said...

Doodlebug277 said...
hjkdyt said...
Wow! I was so happy that Puffle Rescue and Mission stamps showed up! But, I think they should announce first that they are going to add cause I had no idea till I checked here! But, in all I like the stamps. What do you think Mimo? :)

~CP Name: hjkdyt

I know what you mean, I only just found out when I checked here too. Club Penguin should tell us. What about you Mimo?

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)
i dont know i kinda like random new stamps it gets me exited,mabey at the new room near the town with the notice board it will tell us?

slippeestars said...

Elizabeth said...
i love the new stamps but then i turned the page after the pins and i realized that there was no question mark I wonder what is coming now.
sometimes the question mark dosnt load for like few seconts

slippeestars said...

Fooby1997 said...
Rockhopper is closer!! Rockhopper is Closer!! look, you can see his boat!

mimo aledy posted if you scroll down i wonder what goodies he has for us this time

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Tycoon101 said...
Im personally fine with it. I think they are going to keep on adding new stamps until they run out of things to make stamps of. The only reason they wouldn't would be because there would be a bug or prob with peeps computers loading the stamps and stuff.

Tycoon101 :B
Or a lack of creativity but I think that computers will fail before CP fails XD

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Polarbrownie said...


Pst! Hey polarbrownie. Don't do all caps. And also we don't know when his next party will be. Probably not for awhile but keep checking Mimos twitter because every now and then he does a quickie party.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Haz Baz1 said...
Hi Mimo,
I love your site and have been using it since i have joined Club Penguin a year ago. I would love to be buddies with you on CP. Do you want to meet me on Club Penguin?

-Haz Baz1
You have to be a Mimo Mod or higher to be his friend on CP. Sorry. At least I think its a Mimo Mod but I'm too lazy to double check XD

Anonymous said...

Mimo777, What Do YOU Think The Mystery Page Is?

Anonymous said...

Mimo, please stop posting Sleepstars! Hes takeing up most of the page! >:(

Sheriff said...

I'm a non-member and I have all puffle rescue stamps except "Snow Hero" Stamp! I'm sure I did what it wants to earn it. Did you guys earn it?

11feel2like3doing4this said...

Livipie22 said...
Hi Mimo. I've seen that you have a 22 stamp picture for the missions, correct? Well, I've done all the mission myself but do not have that picture. Have I missed an award?
Ifi you are certain you got all the medals and special awards, check the number on your top right. It says 21/22 for me, even tho I hace 22 medal/letters/gifts. Yours might also be a glitch.

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