Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Club Penguin Pin Cheat - COMPASS PIN!

Club Penguin Pin Cheat - COMPASS PIN!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin COMPASS PIN cheat.

Step 1. Click your map.
Step 2. Now go to The Plaza.
Step 3. Go into the manhole by the Pet Shop. (Which by the way, is the secret entrance to the Underground)
Step 4. Now click the green door and go into the Boiler Room.
Step 5. Now click on the pin!


Wha? No 250th Newspaper pin? Hmm, I guess we will need this compass for our Mountain Expedition, huh?

Want the Mimo Pin Finder? Click here!


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Graser10 said...

Thanx for the update =)

Skyxxx7 said...

pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?

David Louch said...

I think its a compass because of the mountain expedititon, so we dont get lost XD


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mimo! It took me a couple tries to get it.

Chaos6267 said...

uhh yeah. i have a question. how do you get compressed air mode for aqua grabber? it says its not member only but i cant figure out how to get it!

MoonDPC said...

so its not a 250 newspaper pin eh?

blueboy1022 said...

i think its for the mountain expedititon aswell ,.................... rock(waddle)on mimo........cp

leilani98 said...

i just saw you! lol i was on your site and i went to the pin then i came back to the window and you were there.. lolz! that was so weird but you just left lol -leilani98

Spike4421(CPG MOD) said...

Awesome post mimo!
~Spike421~(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Super Coolio! I found it by myself aqt first, but then I helped my friends! Feels a lot. XD

Scamper52596 said...

Hey Mimo. I like the new pin. Probably for the expedition. Sorry I havn't commented or modded in a while, i've been on vacation. Just incase you didn't know, the trailer for Club Penguin Game Day has been released and some new screenshots. Pretty cool.

Scamper52596 said...

Skyxxx7 said...
pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?
It's probably for the Mountain Expedition we do on August 13th. Lets climb some rocks! Wow that rock is high... Umm, cheese cake anyone?

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Skyxxx7 said...
pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?
It's probably for the Mountain Expedition we do on August 23th. Lets climb some rocks! Wow that rock is high... Cheese cake anyone?

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

coolgem50 said...
I think its a compass because of the mountain expedititon, so we dont get lost XD

I wonder if a Club Penguin pin can show us the way. Does the compass needle move around on the pin? That would be cool if when we're climbing the big rock shown in the Club Penguin Times, we would get a Club Penguin compass on the bottom left of our screen. It would have to help somehow...

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Chaos6267 said...
uhh yeah. i have a question. how do you get compressed air mode for aqua grabber? it says its not member only but i cant figure out how to get it!
You have to complete Time Trial first to unlock it. Compressed Air Mode is fun. You move around really fast but if you hit anything you lose a sub... Have fun!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

MoonDPC said...
so its not a 250 newspaper pin eh?
I know. I thought there would be one. Maybe next hundred issues!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

leilani98 said...
i just saw you! lol i was on your site and i went to the pin then i came back to the window and you were there.. lolz! that was so weird but you just left lol -leilani98
Cool. Next time poke him and maybe he will wave to you.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
Super Coolio! I found it by myself aqt first, but then I helped my friends! Feels a lot. XD
Cool. I would have looked for it myself but I didn't know it was out yet and I went to Mimo's site and saw it. lol.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Fedrick said...

Skyxxx7 said...

pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?
Well It has to do with the mountains we are climbing August 13th read more about it in the newspaper. You don't want to get lost do you? Thats why theres a compass.

Fedrick (CPG mod)

Dianac99 said...

Spike4421(CPG MOD) said...
Awesome post mimo!
~Spike421~(CPG MOD)
No, it's not awesome dude. It's cool beans! XD

Dianac99 said...

MoonDPC said...
so its not a 250 newspaper pin eh?
I question that...let's wait 50 more papers for a 300th paper pin! Yay!

Dianac99 said...

Scamper52596 said...
Hey Mimo. I like the new pin. Probably for the expedition. Sorry I havn't commented or modded in a while, i've been on vacation. Just incase you didn't know, the trailer for Club Penguin Game Day has been released and some new screenshots. Pretty cool.
Welcome back. Have a good vacation? I will check out that trailer, thanks for letting us know! ;)

theman009 said...

Graser10 said...
Thanx for the update =)

Yep! I would have NEVER looked in the Boiler Room! I wonder if there's ever been a pin in the Town...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

wow its small like the older pins b4 disney took over cp

rrmc86 said...

250th pin probly later man im really not in a typingmode srry typeing mode ya see but will do it for u mimo because ur so awssome!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

nice post mimo =)


Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD) said...

Scamper52596 said...
Skyxxx7 said...
pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?
It's probably for the Mountain Expedition we do on August 23th. Lets climb some rocks! Wow that rock is high... Cheese cake anyone?

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
Creepy I just had cheese cake today. :-o

Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

blaze duskblade said...

hey mimo i found out if you beat something on aqua grabber you can go back on anytime and do it again even compressed air mode

Anonymous said...

Chaos6267 said...

uhh yeah. i have a question. how do you get compressed air mode for aqua grabber? it says its not member only but i cant figure out how to get it!

You can get it if you finish one of these options "Find the main treasure"", Find the rare treasure", "Finish without losing a sub", or "Time trial".

Tycoon101 said...

Skyxxx7 said...

pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?
mimo tweeted an idea that it might be related to the "mountain expedition". it makes sense...

Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

MoonDPC said...

so its not a 250 newspaper pin eh?
it might be the next one we never know..... :P

Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

Graser10 said...
Thanx for the update =)

Yeah, you wouldn't think it would be in the boiler room would you. lol

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

Skyxxx7 said...
pins always have a thing to do with cp, wonder what this means?

Maybe for the Mountain Expedition on August 13. We'll have to see...

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

coolgem50 said...
I think its a compass because of the mountain expedition, so we dont get lost XD

Yeah, you're probably right. Good theory!

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

Jodo42 said...

Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
Graser10 said...
Thanx for the update =)

Yep! I would have NEVER looked in the Boiler Room! I wonder if there's ever been a pin in the Town...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Nope, no pin has ever been in the town. I remember reading it in the newspaper one time, I think.

Anonymous said...

mimo i found out u can rotate pins or stamps (in the stamp book) around by useing the arows.


Graser10 said...

Did you notice that NOW you get twice as many coins in cart surfer?!]

cphockey said...

Now you can rotate your stamps and pins on the front cover of your stamp book by press the Arrow Keys left or right and you will be able to rotate your stamps.

Scamper52596 said...

Dianac99 said...
Scamper52596 said...
Hey Mimo. I like the new pin. Probably for the expedition. Sorry I havn't commented or modded in a while, i've been on vacation. Just incase you didn't know, the trailer for Club Penguin Game Day has been released and some new screenshots. Pretty cool.
Welcome back. Have a good vacation? I will check out that trailer, thanks for letting us know! ;)
Im still on vacation, I just had a little time on my hands. Im on a two week vacation and I left... *Counts in head* Oww. Well, I left the day the stamps came out. Lets just leave it at that... And yes, I am having a good vacation. Thank you.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
wow its small like the older pins b4 disney took over cp
Yea, I prefer the smaller pins cause it's more of a challenge to find them.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

mimo did you notice that when you play games that dont have stamps, they double the coins you earned at the end automatically? even if you lose, like me with pizzatron 3000! i mean its cool, but weird...

Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

Fedrick said...

Chaos6267 said...

uhh yeah. i have a question. how do you get compressed air mode for aqua grabber? it says its not member only but i cant figure out how to get it!
Well when you walk to aqua grabber theres three options to do Start game clam waters and soda seas you click start game and you have to beat it to get the compressed air.i hope I helped you with this.

Fedrick (CPG Mod)

Fedrick said...

Graser10 said...

Did you notice that NOW you get twice as many coins in cart surfer?!]
Well at least that happened because how would you buy clothes without doubled coins?

Fedrick (CPG Mod)

Fedrick said...

MoonDPC said...
so its not a 250 newspaper pin eh?
Well maybe they thought that the 150 newspaper pin was enough for the newspaper pins! lol

Fedrick (CPG Mod)

Cheiky said...

MoonDPC said...

so its not a 250 newspaper pin eh?
I liked the golden newspaper pin.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

oh bad thing i wanted it to be 250th or in a year 305th but anyways cena12121 knows clearly that the mountain expedition is gonna be climbing the tallest mountain in cp so compass u may need

Anonymous said...

i think it should be a 250 newspaper pin like the 150 newspaper pin

DMA0712 said...

Mimo, just to let you know there is a new book called "Awesome Official Guide To Club Penguin". It comes out on August 26, but you can preorder it from Amazon now if you wish. I just thought I would let you know...

Waddle On!


Anonymous said...

I think you maybe have to have that compus to get to the top of the mountin thingi or you'll get lost otherwise? 'Cos you had to have a key pin to enter rockhoppers thini room... Hmm....


Me said...

Mimo in Aqua Grabber The First Level It will say level complete if you bring the pearl shaped rock to the net

Anonymous said...

Scamper52596 said...
Dianac99 said...
Scamper52596 said...
Hey Mimo. I like the new pin. Probably for the expedition. Sorry I havn't commented or modded in a while, i've been on vacation. Just incase you didn't know, the trailer for Club Penguin Game Day has been released and some new screenshots. Pretty cool.
Welcome back. Have a good vacation? I will check out that trailer, thanks for letting us know! ;)
Im still on vacation, I just had a little time on my hands. Im on a two week vacation and I left... *Counts in head* Oww. Well, I left the day the stamps came out. Lets just leave it at that... And yes, I am having a good vacation. Thank you.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
Took a look at the trailer, it's cool! I didn't expect it, I'm probably going to get it for my birthday on the 28th of September. Good thing that your having a good vacation, and when you get back, consider me the first person to welcome you back. Just because I welcomed you back, before you were back. Wait, did that just make any sense at all?!

Creeper S said...

Dear penguins that have commented

All of you have said something about Mountain Expedition that is coming soon. Well I know everything about it.
It will probably involve finding your way up the mountain- If you go the wrong way you start again.
There will probably be a free item for everyone at the top, but members can go in a special room or that big balloon and get a member item there.

From Greendude497 (Greenguy497 on Youtube)

Creeper S said...

Dear penguins that have commented
I have posted a comment before saying exactly the same thing but here I go again!!
Most of you have said something about the Mountain Expedition in your comment which will be coming soon.
But I know what will happen on this event.
You will have to find your way up the mountain but if you go the wrong way you start again at the bottom.
Once you get to the top you get a free item. There will probably be a member room or that big balloon for members. In that member room members will get a free item.
New stamps could be involved in this event e.g. Getting to the top of the Tallest Mountain.
Hope this information helped you.

-Greendude497 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Chaos to get copressed air mode in aqua grabber you have to beat the other modes first
Mikemike9 (CPG Mod)

Fedrick said...

Scamper52596 said...

Hey Mimo. I like the new pin. Probably for the expedition. Sorry I havn't commented or modded in a while, i've been on vacation. Just incase you didn't know, the trailer for Club Penguin Game Day has been released and some new screenshots. Pretty cool.
Scamper I hope I made your Vacation fun so far.Do you still have that cheese cake?I think you're a great mod too.

Anonymous said...

I know why it isn't a 250th pin. Because that it is in the boiler room where the NEWS is kept!!!

Unknown said...

Chaos6267 said...

uhh yeah. i have a question. how do you get compressed air mode for aqua grabber? it says its not member only but i cant figure out how to get it!
after you compete it without loosing a life, complete time mode, and find the hidden treasure (which by the way it is the black pearl) you will unlock compressed air mode
fluffysheep1 (cpg mod)

Black Lab 26 said...

You know, Look at your old cp items! then look at the new! you can tell what was by the old cp and what was by Disney! and the weird thing is this looks pin like an old cp item! you can just tell by the looks! look at your old items then new then this pin and tell the difference!

Anonymous said...

What a really fun post

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