Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, July 30, 2010

Club Penguin August Sneak Peek!

Here is what Billy bob has to say about upcoming August events:

A brand new event called the Mountain Expedition is coming soon. And it'll have LOTS of surprises for members. Check out the items at the Gift Shop soon for gear!

There will be updates for Elite Agents. Keep your eyes on the Command Room and your Elite Gear...

And finally, something that everyone can look forward to... More stamps!

There are lots of surprises set for next month - so let us know what you think they may be!

I think the Mountain Expedition sounds awesome, don't you?

Play Tank Duel!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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marc98789 said...


berserkerike said...

its awesome!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, LOTS of stuff for members, it looks cool to me, but I hope nons can go into it too atleast. Hoping for them!

Clone 000 said...

I know theres going to be dinosaurs in the mountains flip the picture and it looks like the mouth and the eyes of a dinosaur!

Anonymous said...

mimo!!!!! There was a glitch in Sever: Fjord Time: 6:45 PM Eastern Standered Time Day: Friday! All of us only have Pins in our Stamp Book!
0 Stamps!

(first time poster)

Dashy999 said...

There was a glitch on club penguin where everyone lost their stamps. To get your stamps back you needed to log off and log back on.

Anonymous said...

it looks cool, but its probably gonna be for members :(

rrmc86 said...

cool!!! yep short and simple perfect

no one (9 icey 1) said...

its going to be card jitsu snow!
(i hope XD)

9 icey 1 said...

Dashy999 said...
There was a glitch on club penguin where everyone lost their stamps. To get your stamps back you needed to log off and log back on.
easy soulution. thanks dashy!
-9 icey 1 (CPG MOD)

9 icey 1 said...

Anonymous said...
it looks cool, but its probably gonna be for members :(
hmmm I dont know! im sure that non members will have rights in this! keep your fingers crossed.
-9 icey 1 (CPG MOD)

Private1998 said...

Hey Mimo,
I was thinking..... maybe that "Mountain Expedition" has to do with the Ice in card jitsu. Maybe, Maybe not. Idk. Im not billybob! hahahaha

BTW: your awesome!!

P.S. When are you going on CP again??

9 icey 1 said...

Clone 000 said...
I know theres going to be dinosaurs in the mountains flip the picture and it looks like the mouth and the eyes of a dinosaur!
eh........... yeah. (?)
it does clone!
- 9 icey 1 (CPG MOD)

otiekinz said...

It looks awesome too but I agree with Dianac99 100%.....


Jojojo33342 said...

I know what the third one is, you have to play puffle rescue! It's the black puffle level. Sorry, nonmembers. Last day of July and Mimo hasn't done the monthly shack up. It looks like a big month for members. o_O.

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous Clone 000 said...

I know theres going to be dinosaurs in the mountains flip the picture and it looks like the mouth and the eyes of a dinosaur!
Jojojo33342 said...

Hm. Good eye. Nice one. I hope the Mountain Expedition turns out to be Card- Jistu Ice.

Jojoj33342(CPG Mod)

Joshpenny406 said...

20 bucks says it has nothing to do wtih card jitsu snow.

Anonymous said...

SWEET! the thing that is that really puzzleing me is that black eye thing. is that like a giant bug eye or something...but i cant wait for the new clothing catalog!

Dashy999 said...

Mimo if you are reading this you should pick 9 icey 1 as a moderator as he is really helpful in answering lots of responses.

Anonymous said...

I bet in the EPF thingy there will be only 2 items for non members and 1000 stuff for members...Im a member I TOTALLY feel sorry for the non members... lead a happy life poor members =(

Anonymous said...

yay, i won a twelve month membership in a raffle, its really cool, im spending all my hard earned cash!

Anonymous said...

Private1998 said...
Hey Mimo,
I was thinking..... maybe that "Mountain Expedition" has to do with the Ice in card jitsu. Maybe, Maybe not. Idk. Im not billybob! hahahaha
I think that is what it is

Yoshi8899 said...


Asol1524 said...

Mimo, they doubled the coins in Cart Surfer instead of getting 500, you now get 1000. Awesome!


Anonymous said...

Club penguin is getting so unfair lately. I mean we can only do a few levels of thin ice and astro barrier when a nonmember. ITS NOT FAIR!

Anonymous said...

When i first read it i sensed that the mountain expedidion is only for members. Like the ice maze on CP it was lucky I was a member that time. But maybee now the mountain expedition is maybe only for members.

Anonymous said...

More surprises for members. WHOOPDEEDO!

Ribsymc33107 said...

guys your talking about card jitsu snow. card jitsu water comes out before card jitsu snow

9 icey 1 said...

Anonymous said...
SWEET! the thing that is that really puzzleing me is that black eye thing. is that like a giant bug eye or something...but i cant wait for the new clothing catalog!
in my opinion, the eye is the eye of the squid you see in aqua graber!
I cant wait for the catolog either, I bet it will have gear for the climb!

-9 icey 1 (CPG MOD)

Muddy Duki said...

OMG, Looks awesome! I just wish non-members could share the room(or whatever lol) too! But of course, if that happened, there would be another just for members. I'm a member, but I feel so bad for non-members!

~Muddy Duki~

Muddy Duki said...

Clone 000 said...
I know theres going to be dinosaurs in the mountains flip the picture and it looks like the mouth and the eyes of a dinosaur!
Kind of... except it is really hard to see it that way, well for me it is lol. Creative thinking! DINO PARTY! XD

~Muddy Duki~

Muddy Duki said...

Hey Mimo,
I was thinking..... maybe that "Mountain Expedition" has to do with the Ice in card jitsu. Maybe, Maybe not. Idk. Im not billybob! hahahaha

BTW: your awesome!!

P.S. When are you going on CP again??
Possibly, cause its a mountain, and mountains have snow. It's probably true, since there is a valcano for Card Jitsu Fire, so it would make sence.

Although, I'm a little bit too lazy to finish card jitsu fire! lol
And hopefully after this, non-members can also enter the fire ninja valcano.

~Muddy Duki~

Muddy Duki said...

Joshpenny406 said...
20 bucks says it has nothing to do wtih card jitsu snow.
If you're wrong, you're paying me. Lol jk.

~Muddy Duki~

Muddy Duki said...

Anonymous said...
I bet in the EPF thingy there will be only 2 items for non members and 1000 stuff for members...Im a member I TOTALLY feel sorry for the non members... lead a happy life poor members =(
Ikr! Soon the whole website will be just for members... I don't blame disney. Well kind of. Disney has a TV channel, disney world, websites, costumes, toys, etc. Do they really need that much more money? But then again, the money they get from members goes into CP, not just there wad of cash.

~Muddy Duki~

Anonymous said...

oh great MORE new items!!!
they will never bring back ANY old items NEVER! when was the last time space adventure was at the stage hmmmm, 2 years ago? and now we have to get more stamps? seriously everyone knows taht they have a stamp cheater now!

Anonymous said...

why do we call non members "non-members" it just shows how mean club penguin they are to players who don't give them money :(

any way 20 bucks says the new items will be rubbish! (like they always are, they can't bring back old ones cus they are in sports)

king of aero said...

if they bing out one more pile of junk like that i'm quitting!, it all looks good on the menu but the meal might not taste as nice

Anonymous said...

remeber card jitsu fire?, it looked good but in the end it wa terrible, because everyone had to play it loads of times before they could get the fire gem!, whats to say this isnt any different

Anonymous said...

mimo is right, disney owns a theme park, 6 tv channels (i think), a store,loads of websites and millions of films!, soon club penguin will just be member penguin, but i think that would mean no more free items :(

Unknown said...

you know i bet the red thing is somekind of elite climbing gear because he mentions four things stamps it has a pic of a stamp he also mentions epf there is a pic of epf he also mentions mountain expedition there is a pic of that so that means the last thing he mentioned is the climbing gear and that red thing is the last picture right
-fluffysheep1 (been wanting to be) (cpg mod)

claw said...

It looks like there will be new stamp or mistery stamp for aqua grabber, mountain explortion, ski hill chair lift and obviously something to do with EPF.


Anonymous said...

Wow im quiting clubpenguin im so going to pirates its really fair like the cool ships but i dont care adleast you can still steer them though. make a account its really awsome! One day i was on pirates and there was a noob so i said go to clubpenguin! LOL! Anyway what a big month for members really unfair im deleting my penguin

Anonymous said...

mimo u should sooo talk on your post comments then you would have like trillion Comments because there would be a big discussion then all your family could go on like your sister .. by the just in case this supports the idea ... Your fans want you to! . Think about it

Your Friends , Your Fans.

Unknown said...

Mimo I just thought of something you may have noticed if you go to the last page of the stamp book there is a question mark well i think the aqua grabber thing with the question mark has to do with that
i am first person to post it so please give me credit
-fluffysheep1 (cpg mod)

Creeper S said...

Hm. Good eye. Nice one. I hope the Mountain Expedition turns out to be Card- Jistu Ice.

Jojoj33342(CPG Mod)

Dear Jojoj33342

The Card jitsu ice will not be coming so soon. Actually the Water jitsu will come first.
I hope this helped!!

-Greendude497 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

in the 2 pic it looked like a squid we have lots of penguins seeing squids in games and other places so its a squid

Livipie22 said...

Hello Mimo. I have a feeling that the mountain expedition might be the new ninja dojo for Ice, just like there is for Fire. It might not be but it could. Please post this :D

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