Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Club Penguin You Decide Ice Sculpture? Wha?

Ok, this is kinda weird. If you go to Club Penguin's blog you can vote for a Club Penguin ice sculpture that will be made at some ice carnival in Canada. Okkkaaaayyy.

So if I get this correct, This sculpture we get to choose will NOT be on Club Penguin. It will just be at a Canadian carnival. They will post some pics of it so I guess we can see it.

Dunno, but I don't think I care that much, just sayin'. What about you?

Click here to go vote now.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


otiekinz said...

ok thats kinda, anyway i like the rocker better


otiekinz said...

lol, i just read club penguins post, yea i think im gonna travel to canada to see a carnival with a bunch of ice sculptures and hope that club penguins will win......yea not gonna happen,lol

no offence cp,

Blummyblue said...

WEIRD!!!!!! I like the rocker

Anonymous said...

I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)

iggy4u said...

umm ooook thats weird

Anonymous said...

yea that is lame why would it not be on cp but only in canada? i mean realy!

Director of the P.S.A. said...

the cp team is canadian

Penguie1199 said...

Cool mimo

cookie3303 {CPG MOD} said...

i like the rocker

Daz12 said...

I Live in Canada :D

but pretty sure not gonna go :(

i like Headstand

meepu32 said...

thats wierd but i still ike the idea. Club penguin probably payed money to advertise in canada during the winter olympics

Anonymous said...

i think rocker

Anonymous said...

cool i might get to go but..... its an 8 hour drive from where i live so i don't think so :(

Virginie said...

This Carnival is Quebec winter Carnival. It's the biggest winter Carnival in the world. I'm from Quebec, Canada and I do care. You may not, but there's no need to say that it's "kinda weird". The Club Penguin Team realizes that there's a lot of Canadian visiting their website; so I believe it's a good thing they're doing this. Plus, it's a good publicity for Club Penguin in Canada. I doubt they would miss this opportunity.

CPAlphaTeam said...

"The Rocker" is the clear winner.

That's too bad... "The Handstand" should win! I wanted to see how the sculptors would balance the ice sculpture on one flipper. XD

Coolman9321 said...

otiekinz said...
ok thats kinda, anyway i like the rocker better
Yeah, i voted for that too!


Coolman9321 said...

otiekinz said...
lol, i just read club penguins post, yea i think im gonna travel to canada to see a carnival with a bunch of ice sculptures and hope that club penguins will win......yea not gonna happen,lol

no offence cp,


Always on the go,

Coolman9321 said...

Blummyblue said...
WEIRD!!!!!! I like the rocker


On the go,

Coolman9321 said...

Anonymous said...
I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)
Cool! Whats it like?

On the go,

Coolman9321 said...

iggy4u said...
umm ooook thats weird
I aggree!

On the go,

Anonymous said...

I voted 4 the rocker!

~ Dude99235 ~

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Well i see some ppl might go but i might have to take a 14 hour plane trip and 1,000 dollars ROFL

i like the handstand its cool the rocker eh just not cool and winter fun umm it never snows in aussie so i dont care

Cheiky said...

Blummyblue said...

WEIRD!!!!!! I like the rocker
I like the third one, it's going to be the hardest to make! CP, you better win, otherwise this is a waste of my time!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Kingfisher81 said...

I would like to actually see them make the handstand sculpture.I mean, come on!It could fall! And crush the elephants in the cherry trees! At least my friend will see them.

Kkkkkk123 said...

canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!

hazy543210 said...

okaaaaaaayyyy thats relly wierd but my fav is the rocker.

Racket2000 said...

WOAH! Thats actually KINDA cool!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Anonymous said...

I live the uk so i wont get to see it anyway...

Mr chip6 said...

It might be in the 2010 canadian winter olympics!! thats my theory... i like the rocker

Anonymous said...

its wierd because were not going to see it on clubpenguin

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt care either I live in the US soooo it wouldnt be that fun for me. It's like you building a ice sculpture and they take it away too Canada. Then they come back with pictures.

Strong and waddling,
Rondny 101 (i made my own slogan!)

pilpulp said...


Anonymous said...

Mimo, I wrote to Club Penguin about the cave and this is what they said. So this means it might be a permenant room, but maybe in a few months.

Hi there,

Thank you for taking the time to write us here at Club Penguin Support in
regards to the newest room on the island! That is really cool to hear that all
of our fellow penguins pals are loving the cave, and we will definitely be
keeping it open for a few more days still. However, we are not too sure if it is
completely safe for our fellow penguins. We are still going to do some testing
to ensure it's safe, and if we find it unstable it may be closed until proper
fixes can be made.


vampiregirl015 said...

umm ok that one is kinda weird. So it's not going to be in Club penguin... just in Canada? I live in Canada and even i think that is just kinda dumb!Oh BTW does anyone know where they are holding it in Canada cuz if its in Ontario i might just go cuz I'm bored. ( i like the hand stand)


Misstiss66(CPG Mod) said...

Mr chip6 said...
It might be in the 2010 canadian winter olympics!! thats my theory... i like the rocker
Right, I just remembered the winter olympics were in Canada! I personally like the handstand. The sculptures sound cool, so I might beg my parents to drive 6 hours to see them. :)

Toysgoneby said...

Wii Wii Wii1 said...
Well i see some ppl might go but i might have to take a 14 hour plane trip and 1,000 dollars ROFL

i like the handstand its cool the rocker eh just not cool and winter fun umm it never snows in aussie so i dont care
Yeah, I'm not going.... I don't feel like going to Canada.... where I live, it snows all of the time, and just when it all melts, it snows again...

- Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)

lemon2608 said...

Im not gonna be able to see them but theyll post pics anyway. I voted just cuz i had nothing else to do. I voted the handstand.

lemon2608(CPG Mod in training) said...

vampiregirl015 said...

umm ok that one is kinda weird. So it's not going to be in Club penguin... just in Canada? I live in Canada and even i think that is just kinda dumb!Oh BTW does anyone know where they are holding it in Canada cuz if its in Ontario i might just go cuz I'm bored. ( i like the hand stand)

I like the hand stand too:) I agree its weird that theyd have PENGUINS voting for something not even in club penguin!?!?!
-Lemon2608(CPG mod in training)

Anonymous said...

I'm canadian and I think it's a great Idea! There's more penguins from the US thrn Canada and if they do this then CP could get more penguins to go to there site.
I won't be going since I live on the other side of Canadain.

Anonymous said...

I still voted im not really a jerk so yeah. Also if you wondered i voted for the rocker its in the lead.

Hi466 said...

Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
i know! also the US!

Push Zone(CPG mod)

BC Ferries (CPG Mod-to-be) said...

First of all, CP Inc. is in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. If I'm going, maybe a 10-hour round trip. I live in Vancouver soI'm staying for the olympics. Maybe, just maybe, the CP team will be at the olympics WITH the ice sculpture! If they are, how are they going to transport a ice sculpture into Vancouver?

kou7 said...

I live in Canada! The carnaval is called "Carnaval de Quebec!.It will be in CP ice garden!

Unknown said...

no mimo their having ice sculptures on cp not in canada their just sayin that there is some in canada but were gonna have our own little one on cp

Unknown said...

o w8 maybe I was wrong their gonna have their own little section in it dats so cool!! I wish I lived in Canada :(

NicNat said...

Uh yeah I dont think I am a fan of this post from cp, but hey if I had to vote rocker all the way!

Lots of Love

lila lola said...

hey mimo just wondering what happend to the new mission i have been waiting for a new on for years

Anonymous said...

wow,why do we care its not going to be in clubpenuin(bb9087)

Anonymous said...

OMG, I did a report-type thing on Canada last year and I wrote about that.

Yeah, that festival is pretty awesome. Google it. I can't describe it. I got some pretty night pictures with all the lights and stuff.

Anywho, I liked Winter Fun the best, but I think The Rocker would look the best as a sculpture so I voted for The Rocker.


Anonymous said...

umm ok that one is kinda weird. So it's not going to be in Club penguin... just in Canada? I live in Canada and even i think that is just kinda dumb!Oh BTW does anyone know where they are holding it in Canada cuz if its in Ontario i might just go cuz I'm bored. ( i like the hand stand)

It's in Quebec somewhere.

Lawlz, we're not paying for passports and skipping school for a long drive to freeze our fingers off just to see some sculptures.

And for all of you who want to see it balanced on one hand, the rocker (which is clearly going to win) is balanced on one foot so that'll be interesting too.


Anonymous said...

I'm canadian and I think it's a great Idea! There's more penguins from the US thrn Canada and if they do this then CP could get more penguins to go to there site.
I won't be going since I live on the other side of Canadain.
I agree, it's a cool idea, but CP is BURSTING. We don't need any advertisements for more members because CP is already making tons of new servers every month.

And for those of you who think it's weird for us to vote on something that's not even in CP, it's because it's CP-related, they want us to choose. I think it's great they're letting us get more involved in CP decisions. That's one good thing about Club Penguin post-Disney.


Anonymous said...

no mimo their having ice sculptures on cp not in canada their just sayin that there is some in canada but were gonna have our own little one on cp
No we're not.

Mimo is right.

We're not having sculptures unless we have another Winter Carnival party in Club Penguin.

Which case, we have to /draw/ the sculptures.


Anonymous said...

hey mimo just wondering what happend to the new mission i have been waiting for a new on for years
We all have. It's not out yet.


Hnwjanuary11 said...

Anonymous said...
I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)
Wow! Yeah I am glad CP is getting involved. I wish I could go there to see it, too bad I live in...well you don't need to know where I live! Except in the U.S.! :)

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Director of the P.S.A. said...
the cp team is canadian
I know! That is super offense to Canadians, but still!

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

DJ3K Loving Penguin said...

That's odd my class just started stauding the carnival in school...
I hope we get to study club penguin...

Braceface27 CPG MOD said...

I think it's odd that they are doing it in Canada. I mean, don't most of the players live in US or Australia? Not ONE of my online friends are fron Canada.

Braceface27 CPG MOD

Hnwjanuary11 said...

CPAlphaTeam said...
"The Rocker" is the clear winner.

That's too bad... "The Handstand" should win! I wanted to see how the sculptors would balance the ice sculpture on one flipper. XD
I like the winter! I think it should win, after all, it's a Winter Carnival! And the cute puffle would totally get people stirring! :D But the handstand is cool, too!

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

sprocket07 cpg mod said...

Anonymous said...
I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)
so would i! it sounds cool! ttyl- sprocket07

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Anonymous said...
OMG, I did a report-type thing on Canada last year and I wrote about that.

Yeah, that festival is pretty awesome. Google it. I can't describe it. I got some pretty night pictures with all the lights and stuff.

Anywho, I liked Winter Fun the best, but I think The Rocker would look the best as a sculpture so I voted for The Rocker.

I like Winter Fun, but I do agree that the Rocker would be the best...But it's a WINTER carnival so...yeah!

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG super Mod)

Digital Boy said...

im pretty sure the handstand would either be physically impossible, or really hard. I mean getting all that weight of the ice to balance on the flipper and not break?

Digital Boy said...

What is so weird about it? They just felt like asking people what would look the best as an ice sculpture.
Why does everyone have to criticize that?You do know that the workers of Club Penguin work in Canada so why must everyone get in a fuss over this? Just my opinion.

Neon 90 said...

BC Ferries (CPG Mod-to-be) said...
First of all, CP Inc. is in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. If I'm going, maybe a 10-hour round trip. I live in Vancouver soI'm staying for the olympics. Maybe, just maybe, the CP team will be at the olympics WITH the ice sculpture! If they are, how are they going to transport a ice sculpture into Vancouver?
You have a good point! It might melt by then!-__-" But hey! You live in vancouver? You're lucky!

Neon90 (CPG Mod)

Yellow20 said...

I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!

Csquadqb17 CLICK ME! said...

yeahhh... that's just a little weird!

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!
I agree, you shouldn't be talking like that about Canadians. What's wrong with them, they never did anything to us! (Well, except for stealing our ham and calling it bacon ;])

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Digital Boy said...
What is so weird about it? They just felt like asking people what would look the best as an ice sculpture.
Why does everyone have to criticize that?You do know that the workers of Club Penguin work in Canada so why must everyone get in a fuss over this? Just my opinion.
I agree!

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Pinkrosie909 said...


Pinkrosie909 said...

CPAlphaTeam said...
"The Rocker" is the clear winner.

That's too bad... "The Handstand" should win! I wanted to see how the sculptors would balance the ice sculpture on one flipper. XD
I totally agree with you. why cant evryone vote for the handstand so it falls over :P
Peace: Pinkrosie909

otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

meepu32 said...
thats wierd but i still ike the idea. Club penguin probably payed money to advertise in canada during the winter olympics
true! very true

otiekinz(cpg mod)

otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

Kingfisher81 said...
I would like to actually see them make the handstand sculpture.I mean, come on!It could fall! And crush the elephants in the cherry trees! At least my friend will see them.
LOL!elephants in the cherry trees? where did that come from? lol, thats coll that your friend will see them.

otiekinz(cpg mod)

otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\\ club penguin in canada or the club penguin team from there? maybe thats why

otiekinz(cpg mod)

otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
its wierd because were not going to see it on clubpenguin
yea, it is wierd, maybe they wanted to post a you deside but couldnt think of anything that would be in cp, lol but probably not.
otiekinz(cpg mod)

Teddy1144 (mod) said...

The sculptures would be for "Le Carnival D'hiver" in quebec.

My schools gr 8s go there every year.

Anonymous said...

i found a a funny easter egg!
look, if you wear a santa clause beard and go to fire sensei he says this:"Oh! You have a beard! A fine choice. Mine helps me train... Wait... Is that tied on?"
Mimo, if you upload this can i get some credit? and, i decide the rocker dude because rocking on my guitar is so fun in life and on clubpenguin!


Giraffegrl said...



i think when its made il go see it!

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Digital Boy said...
im pretty sure the handstand would either be physically impossible, or really hard. I mean getting all that weight of the ice to balance on the flipper and not break?
I would think they would use supports, but you are right. Luckily for the sculpters, that choice is in dead last. It looks like the Rocker will win. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well Clubpenguin was made by Canadians, which doesn't make much sense. One side of the world are Canadians, Greenlandians, and Arctic people. One the other, are Antarcticans aka penguins. So why Canada and penguins?


Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???
Haha! Or the US? lol. But Club Penguin is located in Canada. ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Braceface27 CPG MOD said...
I think it's odd that they are doing it in Canada. I mean, don't most of the players live in US or Australia? Not ONE of my online friends are fron Canada.
Yes, but club penguin is located in Canada. And I think it would be hard to put up ice sculptures in Austrailia where it would melt. ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
wow,why do we care its not going to be in clubpenuin(bb9087)
So? Club Penguin is going to be represented in this, and at least they are trying to include us all even if we dont live in Canada. ;)

Anonymous said...

The Rocker


Aarbenhar2 said...

I love how they do that because I live in canada!

Anonymous said...

hey guys check this out. I downloaded freerealms to my laptop and when it loaded. My laptop crashed and it restarted.

Lexi said...

Anonymous said...

I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)
Cool that you live in Canada, I live in America so it doesn't really matter to me.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

Racket2000 said...

Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!
YAH! I care and I don't even LIVE in Canada! GOSH!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod


Racket2000 said...

CPAlphaTeam said...
"The Rocker" is the clear winner.

That's too bad... "The Handstand" should win! I wanted to see how the sculptors would balance the ice sculpture on one flipper. XD
YAH! Me too!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Lexi said...

Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
lol, if it was in the UK people would be saying, Uk the UK? why cant it be in Canada or the US?
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

Lexi said...

meepu32 said...

thats wierd but i still ike the idea. Club penguin probably payed money to advertise in canada during the winter olympics
I think its a festival or something.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

E said...

Blogger Kkkkkk123 said...

canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
They CANT have everything in UK so they have to spread it out.

-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)

Lexi said...

Digital Boy said...

im pretty sure the handstand would either be physically impossible, or really hard. I mean getting all that weight of the ice to balance on the flipper and not break?
You are right! Maybe we should've voted for the handstand to win...
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

Cash Bash123 said...

Anonymous said...
yea that is lame why would it not be on cp but only in canada? i mean realy!

well its because cp base of operations is located in canada!!! and if the biggest winter carnival is in canada why wouldnt they do it !! - Cash Bash123

Cash Bash123 said...

v.letourneau-clement said...
This Carnival is Quebec winter Carnival. It's the biggest winter Carnival in the world. I'm from Quebec, Canada and I do care. You may not, but there's no need to say that it's "kinda weird". The Club Penguin Team realizes that there's a lot of Canadian visiting their website; so I believe it's a good thing they're doing this. Plus, it's a good publicity for Club Penguin in Canada. I doubt they would miss this opportunity.

i totally agree with you because cp only cares about the money from the buisness guys come on theyre adults !!! anyway ur Right!!

- Cash Bash123

Lexi said...

Digital Boy said...

What is so weird about it? They just felt like asking people what would look the best as an ice sculpture.
Why does everyone have to criticize that?You do know that the workers of Club Penguin work in Canada so why must everyone get in a fuss over this? Just my opinion.
He wasn't criticizing. Mimo just said that it would be weird for us to vote when it isnt going to be on CP.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

Anonymous said...

Just because it's in Canada doesn't make it "Weird". U guys should be glad that CP is letting other countries contribute by voting. If it were located somewhere in the U.S.A, you wouldn't be calling it weird now would you?

Lexi said...

Anonymous said...
OMG, I did a report-type thing on Canada last year and I wrote about that.

Yeah, that festival is pretty awesome. Google it. I can't describe it. I got some pretty night pictures with all the lights and stuff.

Anywho, I liked Winter Fun the best, but I think The Rocker would look the best as a sculpture so I voted for The Rocker.

I think Winter Fun would fit the meaning most. Thats cool that you have some background knowledge.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

E said...

whens your mod overhall

Anonymous said...

otiekinz said...
ok thats kinda, anyway i like the rocker better
You should vote for it!
danoli (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)
sounds fun I wish I could!
danoli (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

yea that is lame why would it not be on cp but only in canada? i mean realy!
I agree they should put it on cp too. on display at the iceberg or something
danoli (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Director of the P.S.A. said...
the cp team is canadian
good point!
danoli (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

meepu32 said...
thats wierd but i still ike the idea. Club penguin probably payed money to advertise in canada during the winter olympics
ya and also the headquarters of cp is in canada
danoli (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

v.letourneau-clement said...
This Carnival is Quebec winter Carnival. It's the biggest winter Carnival in the world. I'm from Quebec, Canada and I do care. You may not, but there's no need to say that it's "kinda weird". The Club Penguin Team realizes that there's a lot of Canadian visiting their website; so I believe it's a good thing they're doing this. Plus, it's a good publicity for Club Penguin in Canada. I doubt they would miss this opportunity.
there are a lot of players from canada, especially because cp is based in canada!
danoli (CPG mod)

Ethan Carbonaro said...


Ethan Carbonaro said...

Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
Canada is where MOST of the CP staff is.

Jojo Yoyo1 said...

hey mimo if u go to the dock and go right to the left end of the bridge u will only see half ur penguin. like half the snow in that corner u can sit on but the other half hides u. looks like they forgot some details huh?! please give me credit and be my buddy!!! please!

Puyttre said...

otiekinz said...

lol, i just read club penguins post, yea i think im gonna travel to canada to see a carnival with a bunch of ice sculptures and hope that club penguins will win......yea not gonna happen,lol

no offence cp,

One of Mimos Rules: Don't say "No Offense". Sheesh, enough
I don't balme you though cause Mimo made the rule and allowed ur comment.

BC Ferries (CPG Mod-to-be) said...

Yellow20 said...

I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!
You know what Yellow20? I SO agree.

-BC Ferries in Club Penguin
-CPCCP in Pandanda
-chrislo27 in ROBLOX

Anonymous said...

Ya Canada! U jealous of Canada? lol


TulipPearl1 said...

Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
Because they don't want to call it a "Whole Wide World Carnival" lol

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Braceface27 CPG MOD said...
I think it's odd that they are doing it in Canada. I mean, don't most of the players live in US or Australia? Not ONE of my online friends are fron Canada.
Well as some people are saying, the CP HQ is in Canada. But I think you're right about where the users mainly are.

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Anonymous said...
yea that is lame why would it not be on cp but only in canada? i mean realy!
Well where would you put an ice sculpture of a penguin in a virtural world.

Jojo Yoyo1 said...

HEY PPL. U GUYS ARE LUCKY U EVEN SEE SNOW!!i live in Western Australia, Perth and there will never be snow here! so why not make the most of it in canada! its not weird ur weird so just back off.

Racket2000 said...

Fluffygood said...
whens your mod overhall
YAH! When Mimo?

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

Anonymous said...

I love the winter carnival, I went with my grade 8 class a couple of years ago and it was so fun! I love that Club penguin is getting involved in Canadian traditions. I would love to be there to see it:)
Yah! Me too! It would be PRETTY cool!! :)

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

Jojo Yoyo1 said...
hey mimo if u go to the dock and go right to the left end of the bridge u will only see half ur penguin. like half the snow in that corner u can sit on but the other half hides u. looks like they forgot some details huh?! please give me credit and be my buddy!!! please!
Mimo can't be your buddy- but, if you became a Mimo Mod or higher, you can be his bud! Lol,

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...
Anonymous said...
yea that is lame why would it not be on cp but only in canada? i mean realy!
Well where would you put an ice sculpture of a penguin in a virtural world.
Well, clubpenguin does have the ice sculpture party... But people draw them, not build them!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

ninja46810 (cpg mod in training) said...

otiekinz said...

ok thats kinda, anyway i like the rocker better


dear otiekinz,
me two. i wish they would have another ice sculpture contest and they could make alot of sculptures ans sell them in catalogs

Unknown said...

hey mimo did u know that it's impossible to beat waddle squad now because when you help rookie and you get out of the room you have to do it all ovr but you cant because you need that thig hat connects to the magnet.

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Fluffygood said...
whens your mod overhall
I talked to Mimo on twitter. He said is getting to it. ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Ya Canada! U jealous of Canada? lol

Yes, actually. lol. It actually sounds very cool! ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Jojo Yoyo1 said...
hey mimo if u go to the dock and go right to the left end of the bridge u will only see half ur penguin. like half the snow in that corner u can sit on but the other half hides u. looks like they forgot some details huh?! please give me credit and be my buddy!!! please!
Thanks for noticing! Mimo can only be friends to Mimo mods or above. He's a popular penguin. ;)


Anonymous said...

yeah i agree it is pretty random but i voted the rocker anyway :D
I was just wondering when you will be posting a rory the construction penguin tracker because I heard he would be making an appearance at the mine event :D It sounds soo cool and I really want his autograph! Thanks Mimo and WADDLE ON!

Anonymous said...

it's really not that weird, and i vote rocker

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
yea that is lame why would it not be on cp but only in canada? i mean realy!
I agree they should put it on cp too. on display at the iceberg or something
danoli (CPG mod)
You have to remember that this will be a real sculpture, so they can't really turn it virtual. This is just an opportunity CP accepted, and I think it is so cool! ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Just because it's in Canada doesn't make it "Weird". U guys should be glad that CP is letting other countries contribute by voting. If it were located somewhere in the U.S.A, you wouldn't be calling it weird now would you?
I agree with you, and I live in the USA. I think it is cool that CP is getting into this festival! It sounds neat! Someday I want to check it out! ;)

Sora436 said...

I agree! (i am not Canadian or making fun of 'em!) I'd much rather play hockey in Vancouver! And hunt moose, eh? (Sorry if I insulted! Didn't intend to!!) Lol, sorry! I just had to do that! But, yeah, this is weird! It's over in Canada?? Why not have the guy walk around ClubPenguin and we could watch him carve it!! That would be cool!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo that wasnt nice some people go to that carnaval every year and i learn about that in french class!

Anonymous said...

plus you can go rockclimbing play in with cool ice mazes its cool

Hi466 said...

BC Ferries (CPG Mod-to-be) said...
First of all, CP Inc. is in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. If I'm going, maybe a 10-hour round trip. I live in Vancouver soI'm staying for the olympics. Maybe, just maybe, the CP team will be at the olympics WITH the ice sculpture! If they are, how are they going to transport a ice sculpture into Vancouver?
the can use a HUGE airplane called the Beluga. It has a GINORMOUS top that can TONS of cargo. That would be sooo cool if they could do that.

Push Zone(CPG mod)

Hi466 said...

Digital Boy said...
im pretty sure the handstand would either be physically impossible, or really hard. I mean getting all that weight of the ice to balance on the flipper and not break?
well, at least it isnt in real life otherwise there would be a big CRASH!!! or a big BOOM!! that would be cool though.

Push Zone (CPG mod)

Lexi said...

Braceface27 CPG MOD said...
I think it's odd that they are doing it in Canada. I mean, don't most of the players live in US or Australia? Not ONE of my online friends are fron Canada.
It's because that is where the annual ice carnival is. It's not only for Club Penguin.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots*

Hi466 said...

Anonymous said...
Well Clubpenguin was made by Canadians, which doesn't make much sense. One side of the world are Canadians, Greenlandians, and Arctic people. One the other, are Antarcticans aka penguins. So why Canada and penguins?

well, because penguins are cool! Lol! apparently, penguins are a hot topic.

Push Zone(CPG mod)

Hi466 said...

Anonymous said...
Just because it's in Canada doesn't make it "Weird". U guys should be glad that CP is letting other countries contribute by voting. If it were located somewhere in the U.S.A, you wouldn't be calling it weird now would you?
mimo777 didnt mean "weird" in a bad way. mimo meant it in "mysterious" way. MAYBE i'd be calling it weird in a different country. that depends.

Push Zone(CPG mod)

Hi466 said...

Anonymous said...
Ya Canada! U jealous of Canada? lol

no. I'm not jealous. *Turns away, showing jealous face.* maybe a little...

Push Zone(CPG mod)

Hi466 said...

Jojo Yoyo1 said...
HEY PPL. U GUYS ARE LUCKY U EVEN SEE SNOW!!i live in Western Australia, Perth and there will never be snow here! so why not make the most of it in canada! its not weird ur weird so just back off.
so? come to my home and we only get an average of 5 inches of rain per year!

Push Zone

Go 3! said...

vote for 3. 2 makes club penguin look teenager only.

Anonymous said...

yea that is kinda weird...

Anonymous said...

Well every one I found this SICK little cheat! If you check out the Clubpenguin home website page, you'll notice that the water on the left is alot lighter then it WAS. Is that because of the cave?

-Happy Dog Pp (CPG Mod)

Vyolit said...

I like the handstand one.

yolit CP Prodigy

Rico Rodriguez said...

i like the handstand

Lexi said...

Jojo Yoyo1 said...

HEY PPL. U GUYS ARE LUCKY U EVEN SEE SNOW!!i live in Western Australia, Perth and there will never be snow here! so why not make the most of it in canada! its not weird ur weird so just back off.
Aww! I live in America where there is snow. You will see it sometime in your life!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
*Peace, love and polka-dots)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Jojo Yoyo1 said...
hey mimo if u go to the dock and go right to the left end of the bridge u will only see half ur penguin. like half the snow in that corner u can sit on but the other half hides u. looks like they forgot some details huh?! please give me credit and be my buddy!!! please!
Mimo can only add you on Club Penguin if you are a Mimo Mod...a level on the CPG Mod list. Is that what you meant by be my buddy?

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Fluffygood said...
whens your mod overhall
My guess is wither middle February of early February. Who knows?

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!
YAH! I care and I don't even LIVE in Canada! GOSH!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Race, I don't think the Mod changes will be for a while! Maybe sometime in February? And, really, it feels like YESTERDAY that there was a Mod overhaul! :D

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Anonymous said...
hey guys check this out. I downloaded freerealms to my laptop and when it loaded. My laptop crashed and it restarted.
Omg, really? Yeah, you have to download Free Realms? I didn't know that! But, it doesn't really look that interesting to me, but still, that's, umm, weird!

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Anonymous said...
Well Clubpenguin was made by Canadians, which doesn't make much sense. One side of the world are Canadians, Greenlandians, and Arctic people. One the other, are Antarcticans aka penguins. So why Canada and penguins?

Greenlandians...? Is that a real word? ;) (No...seriously is it?)

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)

Unknown said...

yo mimo, i like the rocker . and when will the new mission be out... please write back mrhersheyjr

Sora436 said...

Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!

You know what? I agree! Respect Canada! My best friend is Canadaian! And so are a lot of my classmates! I really wish I could go see the 'Carnival', but doubt it'll happen! But I don't really care 'cuz I'll be able to see the sculpture on the blog! Yey!

Anonymous said...


epoleonx2 said...

v.letourneau-clement said...
This Carnival is Quebec winter Carnival. It's the biggest winter Carnival in the world. I'm from Quebec, Canada and I do care. You may not, but there's no need to say that it's "kinda weird". The Club Penguin Team realizes that there's a lot of Canadian visiting their website; so I believe it's a good thing they're doing this. Plus, it's a good publicity for Club Penguin in Canada. I doubt they would miss this opportunity.
There are also lots of CP players in other countries, not just Canada. So it's bad they're not doing this anywhere else. :(

Anonymous said...

The handstand would be one dangerous ice sculptuer to balance! LOL!If it's chosen i hope stuff like extra ice or metal poles are used to support it!

Rebecca said...

Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!

You know what? I agree! Respect Canada! My best friend is Canadaian! And so are a lot of my classmates! I really wish I could go see the 'Carnival', but doubt it'll happen! But I don't really care 'cuz I'll be able to see the sculpture on the blog! Yey!


I agree, it's rude to say that. Every country is special and unique and has something that seems weird to other people when it's actually not. Don't judge, most people here have not even been to Canada!

Anonymous said...

really random club penguin! i dont see the point, its not like we are all going to get a plane trip to canada just to see some ice sculture we voted for!!
not cool cp, sorry


Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

meepu32 said...
thats wierd but i still ike the idea. Club penguin probably payed money to advertise in canada during the winter olympics

I think so... anyway, it's a good idea.

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

It's cool!

Braceface27 CPG MOD said...

I still thinks it's odd that it wont be on Club Penguin. Thoise billions of people who don't live in Canada will never get to see the dumb sculpture except on CP blog.

~Braceface27 CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

mimo i think the underwater room is for card jitsu water!

Captan Hop said...

Im in Canada I know what Carnival, It it Le Carnival, its in Quebec!!!

Its a big winter festival, and they actually will make them into real ice sculptures!!!

~Captan Hop

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
yeah i agree it is pretty random but i voted the rocker anyway :D
I was just wondering when you will be posting a rory the construction penguin tracker because I heard he would be making an appearance at the mine event :D It sounds soo cool and I really want his autograph! Thanks Mimo and WADDLE ON!
Mimo will most likely be making this tracker whenever Rory is spotted. Rory may not be here quite yet. ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Sora436 said...
I agree! (i am not Canadian or making fun of 'em!) I'd much rather play hockey in Vancouver! And hunt moose, eh? (Sorry if I insulted! Didn't intend to!!) Lol, sorry! I just had to do that! But, yeah, this is weird! It's over in Canada?? Why not have the guy walk around ClubPenguin and we could watch him carve it!! That would be cool!

That would be cool, but this is real life stuff, so it would be very hard to turn it virtual. Club Penguin is very generous in letting us decide what will happen. ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo that wasnt nice some people go to that carnaval every year and i learn about that in french class!
Mimo wasn't trying to insult it, he was just curious why Club Penguin was telling us about it if we weren't going to be able to do. That carnival does actually sound fun! ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Well Clubpenguin was made by Canadians, which doesn't make much sense. One side of the world are Canadians, Greenlandians, and Arctic people. One the other, are Antarcticans aka penguins. So why Canada and penguins?
Well, it doesn't really matter where the team is located really. To be around penguins, they would either have to work at the southern tip of South America, or actually in Antarctica! lol. ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Well every one I found this SICK little cheat! If you check out the Clubpenguin home website page, you'll notice that the water on the left is alot lighter then it WAS. Is that because of the cave?
I think it looks the same, but I don't know. Maybe you are right! That's cool! ;)

Silveratom (CPG MOD) said...

ssweetgirloo1 said...
yo mimo, i like the rocker . and when will the new mission be out... please write back mrhersheyjr
Nobody knows when the mission is coming, but people think very soon. With all of this mysterious cave stuff going on, it's bound to happen soon. ;)

Racket2000 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!
YAH! I care and I don't even LIVE in Canada! GOSH!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Race, I don't think the Mod changes will be for a while! Maybe sometime in February? And, really, it feels like YESTERDAY that there was a Mod overhaul! :D

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod
YAH! Lol,

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Anonymous said...


Hi466 said...

Anonymous said...
Well every one I found this SICK little cheat! If you check out the Clubpenguin home website page, you'll notice that the water on the left is alot lighter then it WAS. Is that because of the cave?

-Happy Dog Pp (CPG Mod)
maybe! nice cheat. you have good eyes.

Push Zone(CPG mod)

Hi466 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Anonymous said...
Well Clubpenguin was made by Canadians, which doesn't make much sense. One side of the world are Canadians, Greenlandians, and Arctic people. One the other, are Antarcticans aka penguins. So why Canada and penguins?

Greenlandians...? Is that a real word? ;) (No...seriously is it?)

Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 ~CPG12~ (CPG Super Mod)
i dont even think that's a word... Greenlandians...?

Push Zone(CPG mod)

Club Penguin Cheats said...

YAY i live in Canada!!!

Soccerbro22 said...

Blummyblue said...
WEIRD!!!!!! I like the rocker

Dear Blummyblue,

I am so with you on that one :]

*Soccerbro22(CPG MOD)

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Well Clubpenguin was made by Canadians, which doesn't make much sense. One side of the world are Canadians, Greenlandians, and Arctic people. One the other, are Antarcticans aka penguins. So why Canada and penguins?

Wait what? Are you saying you want the cp people to be Antarcticans? Is that even a word?

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Fluffygood said...
whens your mod overhall
Most likely Febuary.

vampiregirl015 said...

Yay go Canada!!! i kinda wish i could go to the winter carnival in Quebec but for me its like an 8 hour drive cuz i live at the southern end of Ontario :(
ps. he hand stand should totally win


TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!
YAH! I care and I don't even LIVE in Canada! GOSH!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

ME too! But it won't be here until early Feb or middle Feb.

Kkkkkk123 said...

Yellow20 said...
I am a canadian and just because you guys are not Canadaians, you don't have to be so sarcastic or offensive.

I am severly offended by mimo, and all of you, saying you dont care.

If you didnt know, Canada is a country with the most snow/ice/winter. So respecting Canada is a step to respecting Club Penguin.

I hope I got my message.

Thanks, and cheers!


This must be exciting for you! I think we're all just a bit shocked thats all, we do respect you! And I'm sure it will be really fun your way and we ALL hope you have a fun and great time!

Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) GO CPG12!

Kkkkkk123 said...

Push Zone said...
Kkkkkk123 said...
canada Why does it have to be there??? Why can't it be in the UK???

Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!
i know! also the US!

Push Zone(CPG mod)


No offense but the US get everything CP! Look it's cool about Canada and stuff but it's like give someone else a turn like in the UK and Canada and also Australlia! Cause in the UK we can't get them plastic figure toys! So let someone else have some fun! Again please don't take this the wrong way!

Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) GO CPG12!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

I hoep cp do 1 in england lol, id take pics n send them 2 everyone lol xD


hallie_girl said...

i kinda think tht is stupid. they should put it on cp too! i like the handstand.
I told my parents i wanted to go but they said 'ok! we can go but u need to come up with 2000$ first' i live wayyyy to far away

Anonymous said...

OMG! I live in Canada! Except I dont live in Quebec... :(


Anonymous said...

cool i live in canada and it is at the rideau canal wich is the longest skating rink in the world. There is an ice sculpture show so like cool i like the rocker and ill see it so yah!

Bubblesh203 said...

That's so cool!. In french class we watched a video on the Winter Carnival and I was like I want to go there. I'm not from Quebec but it's really cool that they are going to have a sculpture in it.

Doodlebug277 said...

thats really weird... I wouldn't be able to see it (Im in the UK) so im not gunna vote on this one :)


Anonymous said...

I wish I could go since it is the most popular carnival in the world. I live in Manitoba so my parents won't let me :(

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go since it is the most popular carnival in the world. I live in Manitoba so my parents won't let me :(

blondieboo124 said...

It's called the Quebec Carnival, I know this because I live in Canada and its a big winter festival and they build ice sculptures, ice castles, and I'm talking REAL massive castles that are bigger than houses. They also have an ice hotel that they take guests in! I think its a great idea because the carnival is better than any winter activity you will ever go to.

So don't judge Canada, we have the same everything as US, so just please- don't judge.

Anonymous said...

i love the handstand!

Anonymous said...

yay i live in Canada so i might be able to see it!!! xD

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just because it's in Canada doesn't make it "Weird". U guys should be glad that CP is letting other countries contribute by voting. If it were located somewhere in the U.S.A, you wouldn't be calling it weird now would you?
mimo777 didnt mean "weird" in a bad way. mimo meant it in "mysterious" way. MAYBE i'd be calling it weird in a different country. that depends.

Push Zone(CPG mod)


Good point, Push Zone, but he said he didn't care and was being very sarcastic. Canadians are people too, and there have been a lot of exciting things in the U.S.A about Club Penguin, and they don't whine and complain about how they barely ever have opportunities like this. Mimo can think what he wants about this, but he shouldn't go on the internet and post things like this. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I apologize if anyone's upset about this ice sculpture being located in Canada, and thank you for taking the time to listen to my opinions. I love Mimo, but calling it "Weird" and saying you really don't care isn't kind at all. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Yea mimo i think the rocker is better. What do u think?

(CPG MOD) -legorobin

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