Fairy Fables will be returning to the Stage soon. Last year, this play won "Best Costume" at the Penguin Play Awards. So, be sure to check it out!
Club Penguin says we will soon be able to vote on their blog to decide which plays will be competing in the Penguin Play Awards for 2010! Sweet, huh?
So, which play do you think you will vote for?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
I think squidoid is the best cosstume for plays.
jamchip-Cpg mod
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
if we had another award i would vote for Quest of the golden puffle again because it ROCKED MY SOCKS!!!!
I don't know it is so hard to choose they are all so good!
I would vote Ruby&The Ruby for best costumes, it was my first time seeing Ruby&The Ruby and i LOVED IT!!!
I like Quest for the Golden puffle for the best! And Fairy Fables for Costume! And Ruby and the Ruby for like stage, cause of the hidden pin and stuff!!
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
What's with the sheep in the pic?
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a play that has a slight twist to a story! So it's like Repunzal but the Prince brings some food and the Grupunzal (Repunzal but angry) get's really angry! There also a sheep involved and a fairy, the fairy tells the tale to the audence
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) Go CPG4!
P.S (a lot of people are posting on the CPG update blog so I will post on this blog so people will see my comment!lol)
A CPG Mod Rule that a lot of people are not getting is "When You are not answering a question, do NOT put CPG Mod next to your name" EXAMPLES:
Cp is the best game ever!!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is Cp the best game ever?
To me Cp is definnently the best game ever!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Please folow this important rule!
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Dear Snowball6778,
Fairy Fables is a play thats like the classic tale of little red riding hood and also some parts of the tale Rapunzel. But with a twist! Rapunzel is grouchy, instead of the big bad wolf its the big bad Sheep! This is one of my favorite plays and I hope you'll enjoy it too.
-Fluff458(CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It's from the play Fairy Fables, the sheep i s amain star same as all the characters really! Lol!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG4
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Don't worry about it! We were all new at sometime! Anyway the penguin play awards is where penguins vote for their favourite plays out of plays like
Quest for the Golden Puffle (The one on right now!)
Shadow guy and Gamma girl (or something like that!)
Fairy Fables
Ruby and the Ruby
And maybe something else but I can't remember! I'm sure you'll find out soon! Anyway those were the nomanies last time!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG4!
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Awesome! I remember my first comment! Actually I don't but I won't ruin the moment!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG4!
LegoBoy1665 said...
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
I LOVE Indiana Jones too! GREAT MOVIE...wonderful. Because for me, I am a type of penguin who is FULL of adventures!
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
619reyrey2 said...
I don't know it is so hard to choose they are all so good!
Mannn..I know!! I love them ALL sooo much! Hmm...but if I could pick one..it would be...UGH I STILL DON'T KNOW! :( Club Penguin made really great plays!
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I would vote Ruby&The Ruby for best costumes, it was my first time seeing Ruby&The Ruby and i LOVED IT!!!
I would too! I loved their costumes. It looked soo...rich/mysterious...you know? :D
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
the penguin play awards was an award show that took place last year where we voted on the best club penguin play.
- Madecool316 (Cpg Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Ok, Fairy Fables is a play that has been here from the past. It's REALLY GOOD. It's about this fair who tells tall tails about different things, like rupunzel is grumpunzel, little red riding hood is a different name too. It's AMAZING! I loved it! And I am sure you will love it too!
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It also involves the play of Fairy Fables! :D
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It's ok! We all understand! That's what Mods do, help other people!
The Penguin Play Awards was an event that happened at the Plaza in the middle of 2009/beginning of 2009. We all got to vote on our favorite plays so far, Fairy Fables, Quest of the Golden Puffle, Ruby and the Ruby, and Gamma Girl and Shadow Guy. Wehn you entered teh stage, there would be PLENTY of chairs and a WIDE screen saying penguin play awards (in other words, it would look like an award show). Then there would be a backstage. There, you would be able to get a free item, a Penguin Trophy, and sometimes you could meet Cadence, Gary, and the Penguin Band there! This room was for members only. The Quest of the Golden Puffle won for most of the categories, and as you can see, when you look at its Trunk, it will show as Penguin Award's Favorite (something like that). Hope this helped!
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
i don t think the quest for gold puflle,fairy fables etx.
will be in the vote this year cuz there were in it last year
i will vote for norman swarm for all of them
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Welcome to CPG World! This is an awesome world that you can party, comment, becoming a CPG mod and have fun!
Enjoy ClubPenguinGang!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
jamchip said...
I think squidoid is the best cosstume for plays.
jamchip-Cpg mod
I think the best play is Ruby and the Ruby! Because there was a pin for nonmembers =P JK.
Lol, I liked that play because decorations were awesome and its music of course! =D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
if we had another award i would vote for Quest of the golden puffle again because it ROCKED MY SOCKS!!!!
I think this time, we cant vote for Quest of Golden Puffle. Because it has already been awarded last year! Just my idea ;)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I would vote Ruby&The Ruby for best costumes, it was my first time seeing Ruby&The Ruby and i LOVED IT!!!
I did, too! That was an awesome play! Probably I will vote for it this time ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Hey, Mimo! Exams this week and gonna end next Monday. So I wont be Modding regularly. Thank you!
BTW; I want a new CP Party! I want to figure out new clues! =))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Ruby & the Ruby for like everything, it is so cool, so many different things too!
penguin play awards 2010?! SAWEET!! I LOVED PENGUIN PLAY AWARDS
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a stage play on Club Penguin. It is like a Fairy tale, but just not... well famous.
Polkadotblu9 9CPG Mod)
Kkkkkk123 the other play is the penguins time forgot
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It is a character is the play Fairy Fables.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It is where you get to vote on the best plays throughout the past year. For example, you could vote Fairy Fables for best costume and Ruby and the Ruby for best stage music.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Hey Mimo! I'm probably gonna vote for the Viking Opera if it's there! Otherwise, I would vote for Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl and have a Superhero parade around Club Penguin! lol!
Vasetown ;-]
(Hey ppls, do you think I should be a CPG mod?)
jamchip said...
I think squidoid is the best cosstume for plays.
jamchip-Cpg mod
Yeah I agree! I love wondering around Club Penguin in my Squidzoid costume!
Vasetown ;-]
(Well? Should I be a mod?)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Hey Snowball!
Fairy Fables is a play with lots of fairytails mixed into it, but with a twist! For example, there is a prince delivering some crossants (like Little Red Riding Hood), there is a Big Bad sheep, (like the Big Bad Wolf) and a princess with long hair (like Rapuzel)! Also, there is a fairy telling the story from her house! It's a very weird and different play which is quite good!
Vasetown ;-]
(Should I be a mod?)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
the club penguin play awards is where you can vote for your favorite play in different catagories. then, after the voting, they annouce the winners. my favorite play is the ruby and the ruby which i'll be voting for!
Mraz Albums AKA Push Zone(CPG mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
the sheep is from the play "fairy fables," one of the plays you can vote for.
Mraz Albums AKA Push Zone(CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
P.S (a lot of people are posting on the CPG update blog so I will post on this blog so people will see my comment!lol)
A CPG Mod Rule that a lot of people are not getting is "When You are not answering a question, do NOT put CPG Mod next to your name" EXAMPLES:
Cp is the best game ever!!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is Cp the best game ever?
To me Cp is definnently the best game ever!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Please folow this important rule!
nice example! but, it was kinda long. still, nice example!
Mraz Albums AKA Push Zone
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
Hi the sheep in the picture is a charater from the play fairy fables
Maendu28-CPG Mod
Snowball6778 said... What is the Penguin Play Awards?
Last year in march we had an award ceremonie for the best play! On Club Penguin in March 2009 we got to vote for our favorate play! Fairy Fables won! Also at the PPA you can meet cadence,gary,Aunt Arctic & the Penguin Band!
-Stickers303 CPG MOD
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
That sheep is a character in the Play Fairy Fables! He is called 'Big Bad Wool!' If your a member you can buy his outfit!
-Stickers303 CPG MOD
Ruby & The Ruby is the best!
hi the pic of the sheep was there because a sheep was in the fairy fables play. it was a costume.hope this helps you snowball6778
rrmc86 (cpg mod)
Hey Mimo.
You will never guess what we got in the mail today?! A Club Penguin Postcard! Me and my brother sent Club Penguin a Christmas card and they sent us a Postcard in return! It's so cool! If you want to see it we can scan it and send it to you.
Alexrider14 and Vallanding
Cool Mimo!
~Lil Man 2k9~
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Hi Snowball6778. The Penguin Play Awards are hosted at the stage. It's where you can vote for the best music out of all the plays, best costumes, best play, and things like that. If you are a member there is even a room you can go in. Sadly, it's a member only thing. There's a really cool video that they show with all the plays in the Penguin Play Awards. The nominees are usually plays that have been popular or ones that have been shown a lot. Hope I helped!
-misstiss66(CPG Mod)
Sorry this is totally off topic but, My computer says I have visited this site 75 TIMES in the last MONTH!Wow that is a lot!
(this question by Snowball was on the last post, i thought i would answer it here)
Snowball6778 said...
What's a MOD?
A mod stands for moderator, someone that answers questions, makes sure the site is safe and all that stuff.
Polkadotblu9 9CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Cool, it is the first comment on the post too. Hope you enjoy Mimo's site!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
I would vote the robot penguin one lol.
- Mittou
Probaly The 12th Fish, The Penguins That Time Forgot, Haunting of the Viking Oprea, Red V.S. Blue, and Space Adventure.
Firstly, there are new servers! Secondly,I think that the plays for penguin play awards should be....
1.Viking oprah (thing idk typo?)
2. The underwater play
3.Space adventure **FIRST PLAY EVER I WAS THERE!**
4. Team red and blue rally
5. qftgp (quest for the golden pufffle)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
-----------------------------------its ok even mimo didnt no much about clubpenguin when he first started! the penguin play awards is when the stage is all decorated like a big fancey theater and you can vote on your favorite play from the past year! And if your a member you can go back stage and meet famous penguins like aunt artic who writes in the clubpenguin times. glad i could help-
Rsnail098 (CPG MOD)
I think Norman Swarm, Quest for the Golden Puffle, Fairy Fables, Some Other New Play and I think the Twelfth Fish will return.
Nice Mimo!
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It's a costume in the awesome play "Fairy Fables"
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
The Penguin Play Awards is catagories. You vote what place has the best of the catagory.
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Awesome pigpoo!
Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
I love the Penguin Play Awards!
jamchip said...
I think squidoid is the best cosstume for plays.
jamchip-Cpg mod
I love that costume,you can use it anywhere, oh back to what I'm modding on, ok jamchip if your making just a regular comment don't put CPG Mod or you won't be one, remeber in the Moding rules,don't put CPG mod if your not answering a question.
Karate song (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Dear Snowball6778,
Fairy Fables is a play at the stage. There are sheep, fairies, and a bunch of other fantasy looking objects :)
*Soccebro22* (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
That's the Big Bad Sheep, replacing the Big Bad Wolf in the story!
LegoBoy1665 said...
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
Hmmmmmm interesting!
Karate song (CPG Mod)
I will vote for:
01. The 12th Fish
02. Underwater Adventure
03. Norman Swarm has been Transformed
04. Haunting of the Viking Opera
Can you believe this!! CP only released 3 NEW plays in the whole 2009 year!! Geez!
Anonymous said...
if we had another award i would vote for Quest of the golden puffle again because it ROCKED MY SOCKS!!!!
It rocked my socks to, there still dancing in my closet!
Karate song (CPG Mod)
Kkkkkk123 said...
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It's from the play Fairy Fables, the sheep i s amain star same as all the characters really! Lol!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG4
Dear Snowball6778 and Kkkkkk123,
Kkkkkk123 is right! There is a sheep (big bad wolf), and a fairy (Repunzel). It is just a mix up of the story :)
*Soccerbro22* (CPG MOD)
619reyrey2 said...
I don't know it is so hard to choose they are all so good!
I know there all so good, but don't worrie I know you will figure out what play you like best!
Karate song (CPG MOD)
This is off topic but... I think Mimo should have...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name.
Anonymous said...
I would vote Ruby&The Ruby for best costumes, it was my first time seeing Ruby&The Ruby and i LOVED IT!!!
I loved it to! The pin and the costumes, it was awsome.
Karate song (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy fables is a play which has 3 or more plays in it.
Karate song (CPG Mod)
January 4, 2010 9:50 AM
Kkkkkk123 said...
I like Quest for the Golden puffle for the best! And Fairy Fables for Costume! And Ruby and the Ruby for like stage, cause of the hidden pin and stuff!!
Hmmm Interesting!
Karate song (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Dear Snowball6778,
The penguin play awards is when all of then penguins get to vote on your favorite play on the stage! You can choose from:
Gamma Girl and Shadow Guy
Quest for the Golden Puffle
Ruby and the Ruby
Fairy Fables
and Norman Swam has been Transformed
Vote for your favorite one :)
*Soccerbro22* (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
Fair fable has the big bad sheep, who is just hungery to tell you the truth.
Karate song (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It just and awards thing for plays like we get to vote on what plays we like best!
Karate song (CPG Mod)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
Mimo Level 26 on Fragger!
Mimo Games Rules!
Soccerbro22 said...
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Dear Snowball6778,
The penguin play awards is when all of then penguins get to vote on your favorite play on the stage! You can choose from:
Gamma Girl and Shadow Guy
Quest for the Golden Puffle
Ruby and the Ruby
Fairy Fables
and Norman Swam has been Transformed
Vote for your favorite one :)
*Soccerbro22* (CPG MOD)
Soccerbro22, You're correct on everything except the plays you can vote on, forgot about viking oprah?, The underwater play?
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a play that comes to the Stage. Hope i helped.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D CPGmod
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
Part of Fairy Fables. Hope I helped.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D CPGmod
madecool316 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
the penguin play awards was an award show that took place last year where we voted on the best club penguin play.
- Madecool316 (Cpg Mod)
It will also take place this year and probably many upcoming years.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I will vote for:
01. The 12th Fish
02. Underwater Adventure
03. Norman Swarm has been Transformed
04. Haunting of the Viking Opera
Can you believe this!! CP only released 3 NEW plays in the whole 2009 year!! Geez!
Whoa! I don't believe it! (Sarcasim, haven't you noticed CP changing in the last couple years?)
Anyways, Hope I helped, Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
LegoBoy1665 said...
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
lol me too
otiekinz(cpg mod)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Well done for being a Mega Mimo Mod!
Yeh even though I'm a member it is awful for those non-members, I feel for you! Seriously!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG4!
LegoBoy1665 said...
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
Cool, my fav play would have to be Ruby and the Ruby, lol total opposites.
Polkadotblu9 9CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I would vote Ruby&The Ruby for best costumes, it was my first time seeing Ruby&The Ruby and i LOVED IT!!!
oh yea! that was really fun! i think it was the best set too. i loved also!
otiekinz(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
This is off topic but... I think Mimo should have...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name.
I have never thought of that! Pretty original idea too!The name of the super hero play is Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Hey that,s good! If you post more and more and answer questions you might be able to become part of the MODs. Tons of people try out a lot. but mimo piks the best!
Anonymous said...
P.S (a lot of people are posting on the CPG update blog so I will post on this blog so people will see my comment!lol)
A CPG Mod Rule that a lot of people are not getting is "When You are not answering a question, do NOT put CPG Mod next to your name" EXAMPLES:
Cp is the best game ever!!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is Cp the best game ever?
To me Cp is definnently the best game ever!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Please folow this important rule!
Mods did that last night because they were very excited on which section they moved up to. Hope i helped,
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
fairy fables is a play in club penguin. i dont really know what its about so yea...lol. im guessing its a fable about fairys =]
hope that helped alittle,
otiekinz(cpg mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a play where there are sheep, a fairy , and repunsel. It is a cool play with cool costumes!
Metalp10- CPG MOd in training.
Anonymous said...
Kkkkkk123 the other play is the penguins time forgot
Thank you!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CGP4!
Thanks guys for helping me!
Another question!
Wheres this backstage everyones talking about?
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is where you vot for your fav play in catogories like, costume acting set story and others.
Metalp10 CPG Mod in training
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
i started cp almost a year ago and i think i started right after the penguin play awards so here is what i think and heard what it is: its an award seromony where you vote what the best play is on cp, the best costumes, the best set, the best script, all that stuff. alot of famous penguins are there also i think.
otiekinz(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Welcome to the commenting of the Club Penguin Gang's many readers! If you have any questions about CP, post them here and the MODS will answer them!
Happy Commenting!
- Toysgoenby (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Yo Snowball6778! Here's the answer to your question!
Fairy Fables is a CP play and it is pretty much a fairy tale play. It has some pretty awesome costumes and many penguins find it too girly.
Hope I Helped!
- Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
You can buy a sheep costume from this play's costume trunk, and trust me, the sheep costume is AWESOME! I recommend that you buy it because you can put it on with a funny hat or pair of glasses and you look really cool!
Hope I Helped!
- Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Actually Quest for A Golden Puffle won last year!
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a wonderful play that involves a fairy telling a story that follows the plot of Little Red Riding Hood.
Polkadotblu9 is doing a great job at modding! Keep it up!
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Don't worry! The awesome CPG MODS will help you with anything you need!
The Penguin Play Awards are when penguins can vote on the best plays based on different categories. Then, there is a party at the stage and a lot of famous penguins are backstage!
Hope I Helped!
- Toysgoenby (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo.
You will never guess what we got in the mail today?! A Club Penguin Postcard! Me and my brother sent Club Penguin a Christmas card and they sent us a Postcard in return! It's so cool! If you want to see it we can scan it and send it to you.
Alexrider14 and Vallanding
I'm sure mimo would really like to see that! Send it in, and see what he thinks! ;)
Anonymous said...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name.
Squidzoid Vs.Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal is what you are thinking of. I like that one too. ;)
Anonymous said...
I will vote for:
01. The 12th Fish
02. Underwater Adventure
03. Norman Swarm has been Transformed
04. Haunting of the Viking Opera
Can you believe this!! CP only released 3 NEW plays in the whole 2009 year!! Geez!
I agree with you on the geez part! How can they host a Penguin Play Awards 2010 with only 3 new plays? I dont get it either! ;)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Yes! You are 110% right! As I mentioned in a different post, I recently e-mailed CP asking them to do stuff for nons and they replied saying instead of advertising, they have memberships and they use the member money to fund the parties and etc.
Hope I Helped!
- Toygoneby (CPG MOD)
P.S. Congratulations on being a Mega Mimo Mod! I am still trying to be a mod... I have been trying since October '09!
Safa153 said...
Anonymous said...
if we had another award i would vote for Quest of the golden puffle again because it ROCKED MY SOCKS!!!!
I think this time, we cant vote for Quest of Golden Puffle. Because it has already been awarded last year! Just my idea ;)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Still, I think CP is trying to set it up like a real award show and in a real award show, it would be boring if (ex.) The Black Eyed Peas could only win ONE award.... and plus 2 awards is better for bragging rights!
Hope I Helped!
- Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Katmicah said...
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It's ok! We all understand! That's what Mods do, help other people!
The Penguin Play Awards was an event that happened at the Plaza in the middle of 2009/beginning of 2009. We all got to vote on our favorite plays so far, Fairy Fables, Quest of the Golden Puffle, Ruby and the Ruby, and Gamma Girl and Shadow Guy. Wehn you entered teh stage, there would be PLENTY of chairs and a WIDE screen saying penguin play awards (in other words, it would look like an award show). Then there would be a backstage. There, you would be able to get a free item, a Penguin Trophy, and sometimes you could meet Cadence, Gary, and the Penguin Band there! This room was for members only. The Quest of the Golden Puffle won for most of the categories, and as you can see, when you look at its Trunk, it will show as Penguin Award's Favorite (something like that). Hope this helped!
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
It's great that you are helping somebody new, but one of the MOD guidelines is that we keep our responses short... good description though!
Hope I Helped!
- Toysgoenby (CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 asked:
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a play at the clubpenguin stage that is about a penguin named Twee reading out of a storybook. But not just any story book, but a certain story book that is like all off your favorite fairytales put together with an added funny twist and Twee's comments on each story and what she thinks should be in the story are in the script, also.
Hope this helped!
What's with the sheep in the pic?
The sheep is a costume in the Fairy Fables play, his (or her) name is The Big Bad Wool (play on the name The Big Bad Wolf from the Three Little Pigs)
Hope this helped!
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
It's an old play on clubpenguin. Located in the stage.
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Hmm... How to explain? Well the penguin play awards is a time when all the penguins got to vote on their favorite plays! Their were 5 catagories, the Quest fo the Golden Puffle won most of them, so if you hear of a play winning one, i hope that now you know!
Hope this helped!
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It's from Fairy Fables.
Ok, I won't be Modding as much as I was over the break, skool is horrible! :p I will be Modding, though! As much as I can! Thanks for all the nice comments you guys put on the last post! I try my best! ;)
Go CPG4!
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It's where penguins vote for things such as plays.
loved ruby & the ruby cuz i loved the mystery even though i solved it the last time it came out! (not including the one that came out last semester)
-Red Jamster
Fluff528 -I COMPLETELY agree! (This message is mostly directed towards kkkkkk123) You DO NOT say cpgmod UNLESS you answering a question. Oh and Mimo, i forgot to put cpgmod on the end of my other answers! Srry!
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy Fables is a play about a fairy named Twee, who is telling fairytales, completely out of the ordinary. She even made Repunzel into "Grumpenzel"! It's girly, but kool!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG4! (CPG Mod)
I like the Ruby and the Red or whatever it is.
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
That's one of the characters in Fairy Fables, the "Big Bad Wool"! Phunnie huh?
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy fables is one of the plays held at the stage, in the plaza. The plays change every once in a while, but mainly they just rotate around the same plays. Fairy Fables is a remake of a fairy tale.
Cheiky, CPG Mod
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
The Penguin Play Awards is/was an award show held at the stage in April '09. It's coming soon, though! You yourself get to vote in different catagories for the best play, like Best Costumes, Best Set, so on. Hope I helped!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
NO! Clubpenguin NEEDS member rooms because they need money to make clubpenguin better for everyone! And to convince people to become members and so that they can make money, they SOMETHING to convince them (us), to become members. so, in the end, its better for ALL of us! And i am srry if you disagre, but it is true.
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
Well, the penguin play awards is pretty new, and happens once a year. The users of club penguin get to vote in different categories such as best costume and such things. There is a member's section in the back, but the front is for all. The penguin play awards are held at the stage.
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
I agree! Disney has made tons of new member events for every occasion. I love Disney, and they do need to make $$, but really...!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
It is a play at the stage about Fairies. Lol, True though!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
P.S (a lot of people are posting on the CPG update blog so I will post on this blog so people will see my comment!lol)
A CPG Mod Rule that a lot of people are not getting is "When You are not answering a question, do NOT put CPG Mod next to your name" EXAMPLES:
Cp is the best game ever!!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is Cp the best game ever?
To me Cp is definnently the best game ever!
-Fluff458 (CPG Mod)
Please folow this important rule!
You are right! Also here's a really good example too. In the last mod change I wasn't on the list as a new mod, but then I heard from Saavy that if you put (CPG Mod) after your name when you're not answering a question then it will actully lower your chances and I listened to that advice and now I am one!
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
It's a Character in Fairy Fables.
Baa Baa Baa...
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
This will be the first time I see Fair Fable.
Hey Mimo how ya doing! I know this is off topic.
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Cool! Glad to see you then!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
sali0516 said...
Fluff528 -I COMPLETELY agree! (This message is mostly directed towards kkkkkk123) You DO NOT say cpgmod UNLESS you answering a question. Oh and Mimo, i forgot to put cpgmod on the end of my other answers! Srry!
Dont worry, Mimo probably counted it though!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I will vote for:
01. The 12th Fish
02. Underwater Adventure
03. Norman Swarm has been Transformed
04. Haunting of the Viking Opera
Can you believe this!! CP only released 3 NEW plays in the whole 2009 year!! Geez!
I just noticed that! Woah! Club Penguin needs to get busy!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Mimo, can we meet sometime for you to add me on Club Penguin since i am a Mimo Mod? If i comment a time that i can meet so you can add me, will you come?
Pleas Answer Mimo!
If you can't i understand.
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It is a thing were you vote for your favorite plays. Like the golden globe awards.
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
It was a play about fairys at the stage.
CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I will vote for:
01. The 12th Fish
02. Underwater Adventure
03. Norman Swarm has been Transformed
04. Haunting of the Viking Opera
Can you believe this!! CP only released 3 NEW plays in the whole 2009 year!! Geez!
Club Penguin can't release a lot of new plays in the year. Plays take a lot of hard work and they have to do other things. We were lucky we got 3 new plays this year. As i said, Club Penguin is very busy they have to update several other things so don't push them to make new plays.
Syy (CPG Mod)
What's with the sheep in the pic?
There is a sheep invilved in Fairy Fables.
CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
On CP they have a contest for the best Club Penguin Play and that is the penguin play awards.
CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
The sheep is one of the characters in Fairy Fables, one of the plays at the stage. It's costume is available for purchase by members via the costume trunk.
Cheiky,(CPG Mod).
LegoBoy1665 said...
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
Awesome! I think that won in the Penguin Play Awards last year.
Stickers303 said...
Polkadotblu9 is doing a great job at modding! Keep it up!
I agree! Doing a great job, Polka! (Mind if I call you Polka? Haha :p)
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG4! (CPG SUPER Mod)
Fairy Fables is a play that is coming to the stage, there is even a card jitsu card with the same picture with the sheep in in the sheep is also one of the main characters in the play
-Penguie1199(CPG MOD)
Cool. I'll vote for Ruby and the Ruby. Love the mystery secrets and the Noir costumes.
This is off topic but... I think Mimo should have...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name
It is called Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl
CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)
Club Penguin can't release a lot of new plays in the year. Plays take a lot of hard work and they have to do other things. We were lucky we got 3 new plays (this year). As i said, Club Penguin is very busy they have to update several other things so don't push them to make new plays.
Syy (CPG Mod)
Don't you mean last year
CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Congradulations... I wish I could remember my first comment... ah...
CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)
This question is way of topic but what is pangaea?
Pangaea is when the continents were joined together as one single landmass but later they slowly drifted apart as the theory of continental drift.
Iflowerkid(CPG MOD)
Syy said...
Anonymous said...
I will vote for:
01. The 12th Fish
02. Underwater Adventure
03. Norman Swarm has been Transformed
04. Haunting of the Viking Opera
Can you believe this!! CP only released 3 NEW plays in the whole 2009 year!! Geez!
Club Penguin can't release a lot of new plays in the year. Plays take a lot of hard work and they have to do other things. We were lucky we got 3 new plays this year. As i said, Club Penguin is very busy they have to update several other things so don't push them to make new plays.
Syy (CPG Mod)
Syy, a lot of penguins are spending money on CP memberships. So it'd be a good idea if CP would just hire more people to minimize the load of work.
P.S. i will vote for the 12th Fish!
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
I KNOWW! That's the one thing I really hate about Club Penguin member events, nonmembers are discluded. They only do this so they could earn money. It's NOT fair! And I am a member, but I know what it feels like! :/
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
mrgameandwatchpengin said...
i don t think the quest for gold puflle,fairy fables etx.
will be in the vote this year cuz there were in it last year
i will vote for norman swarm for all of them
I am sure they will. They are going to include EVERY play from last year and we all get to vote what top plays are going to be in the Penguin Play Awards! :)
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
penguin play awards 2010?! SAWEET!! I LOVED PENGUIN PLAY AWARDS
I LOVED IT TOO! It felt like you were famous...with the red carpet and everything! :)
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
Vasetown said...
Hey Mimo! I'm probably gonna vote for the Viking Opera if it's there! Otherwise, I would vote for Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl and have a Superhero parade around Club Penguin! lol!
Vasetown ;-]
(Hey ppls, do you think I should be a CPG mod?)
That is great! I honestly loved all the plays Club Penguin has done. Yes, I think you should be a Mod. The thing is being a Mod is a little difficult because people can get higher comments than you and higher ranks. And you will have to be a little active for some posts, due to school. But if you would like to be one, just go see the Mod Rules! :)
Happy Holidays!
Katmicah (CPG MOD)
I liked the first EVER play, alien adventure. Awesum set and costumes.
waddle on!!
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
Fairy fables is basically a fairy tale with a twist, instead of the big bad wolf, we have the big bad wool, (a sheep)and instead of rapunzel theres grumpunzel. All the characters have their classic names changed.
Doodlebug277 (cpg mod)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
I know what you mean!! im a member and if i can see that its unfair for Non-members, why cant disney?!
Doodlebug277 (CPD Mod)
Mimo! I didn't put CPG Mod at the end of my last post, but it was an answer!
snowball6778 said...
Thanks guys for helping me!
Another question!
Wheres this backstage everyones talking about?
The backstage is a member's only area and part of the penguin play awards. It is only accessible at the penguin play awards and is behind the main area of the stage.
Cheiky (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
This is off topic but... I think Mimo should have...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name.
The superhero one was called Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl Vs. Squidzoid, or something similar to that. The play, (I think), was so popular that they released a sequel, with another monster. The costume has a special animation that makes you hold like a plasma ball.
Cheiky (CPG Mod)
Firestar9003 said...
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
I think that the member areas should be there, and I'm a non-member! Even though it may seem unfair, members do pay quite a lot for membership, and CP tries to make as many perks as they can for members. All parties should have member areas, and most parties also include non-member items too! As another person commented, Club Penguin doesn't use advertisement much except on the Disney site, so to make money to support CP, they create expensive memberships
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
penguin play awards 2010?! SAWEET!! I LOVED PENGUIN PLAY AWARDS
I didn't really enjoy the awards, sadly. As I view it, it was a big thank you to members,(which I am not), and totally outcast the non-members. The voting was good, but I wish non-members could get some item out of it.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
This is my first comment!
Welcome to CPG! Lol,
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
(You also said:)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
I will answer both questions. Fairy Fables was a kinda cool play with great costumes. It was about faires. The sheep was one of the cool costumes.
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Snowball6778 said...
What's the penguin play awards?
I don't know a lot of things since i've just started CP pretty much so help!
It's a party where you vote for your favorite plays and the plays win awards!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Anonymous said...
This is off topic but... I think Mimo should have...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name.
I agree! MIMO! Make a Hall of Fame pleassssse!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
LegoBoy1665 said...
I will be voting for Quest For The Golden Puffle because I LOVE Indiana Jones.
Legoboy1665-CPG Mod
It is kind of a Indiana Jones Play.
-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)
619reyrey2 said...
I don't know it is so hard to choose they are all so good!
I know!
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
Yo CPG MODS need to ask ya something. What's Fairy Fables?
A Play at the stage.
-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)
i missed the penguin play awards last year but i will vote for quest for the golden puffle because the costumes are great and its based on indiana jones and almost everyone likes indiana jones. Also does anyone remeber what the first play was? I cant remember!
Hey mimo whats with the thinking sheep in the pic?
From: Moomo1234
Anonymous said i missed the penguin play awards last year but i will vote for quest for the golden puffle because the costumes are great and its based on indiana jones and almost everyone likes indiana jones. Also does anyone remeber what the first play was? I cant remember!
I can!!! It was called "space adventure" It was kool but could have been better!!
archie (CPG MOD)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Firestar9003 said...
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
Just 'no'(?) Can you explain this please? And here's an advice. If you try to go up on Mod List, this will be better if you dont answer people's comments with short answers.. Try to comments as long as you can!
Good Luck and Keep Modding ;))
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Kkkkkk123 said...
Well done for being a Mega Mimo Mod!
Yeh even though I'm a member it is awful for those non-members, I feel for you! Seriously!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG4!
Thank you! I hope you go up on mod list quickly!
And thanks for feeling for nonmembers, lol! =)
Keep Modding!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Toysgoneby (CPG MOD) said...
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
Yes! You are 110% right! As I mentioned in a different post, I recently e-mailed CP asking them to do stuff for nons and they replied saying instead of advertising, they have memberships and they use the member money to fund the parties and etc.
Hope I Helped!
- Toygoneby (CPG MOD)
P.S. Congratulations on being a Mega Mimo Mod! I am still trying to be a mod... I have been trying since October '09!
Thank you for your agreement! I think exactly like you! =D
And work HARD if you want to be listed on Modlist and keep modding! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i think norman swam had some pretty good outfits..but golden puffle is the BEST!
Firestar9003 said...
Safa153 said...
What? Penguin Play Awards II? Member event again? I want to see at least ONE party without a member only room! Did you know when 'member only rooms' first started? On Music Jam 08, after Disney buys CP! YEAH! Get it?
Actually there were some member parties without Disney for example, Cove Party 07, Underground Party 06 etc. But now there is ALWAYS 'one' room for members...
Im not a member on CP as you know, so I often comment about non rights, lol! Do you think I am right? Just reply ;)
=> Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD) (CPG MOD)
-Firestar9003(CPG Mod)
Cheiky said...
I think that the member areas should be there, and I'm a non-member! Even though it may seem unfair, members do pay quite a lot for membership, and CP tries to make as many perks as they can for members. All parties should have member areas, and most parties also include non-member items too! As another person commented, Club Penguin doesn't use advertisement much except on the Disney site, so to make money to support CP, they create expensive memberships
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
I am gonna change my ideas about CP! Thanks! Yeah, CP doesnt use advertisement (except on Disney) and have to make money, huh? But my latest idea is, they dont have to make at least one member room in ALL parties.. Just an idea.
Keep modding and good luck!!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
This question is way of topic but what is pangaea?
Pangaea is what the continents all joined together was called. That was a very long time ago, though. The plates underneath the earth's surface moved, causing the continents to move. That is how all the continents were formed.
-misstiss66(CPG mod)
Hey Mimo!
Can I please be a mod?
I have been on this site for almost three years and still have no idea how to become one.
If you ever get down to this potentially last message, can you please consider making me a mod?
Thank you,
snowball6778 said...
Thanks guys for helping me!
Another question!
Wheres this backstage everyones talking about?
In the penguin play awards last year they had a backstage for members where you met Aunt Arctic, Candence, The Penguin Band or Gary!
I met Gary in there! I only have to find the Penguin Band, Sensei and Aunt Arctic!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG5!
What does the sheep have to do? Should put a fairy fables pic:)
From: Moomo1234
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo whats with the thinking sheep in the pic?
From: Moomo1234
That if one of the characters in the Stage play, "Fairy Fables", the Big Bad Wool. Lol, get it? Wool? Wolf? Haha...?
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG4/5! (CPG Super Mod)
Racet2000- Cpg Legendary Mod said...
Anonymous said...
This is off topic but... I think Mimo should have...
He would put Famous/Great CPG mods on there... best parties on there... best plays on CP... etc. Just an idea. Oh, and my vote is the super hero one. i forget its name.
I agree! MIMO! Make a Hall of Fame pleassssse!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
To Anonymous, great idea! To Racet, yeah I agree! To Mimo: PLEASE?!?!?!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG4/5! (CPG Super Mod)
Fluff528 -I COMPLETELY agree! (This message is mostly directed towards kkkkkk123) You DO NOT say cpgmod UNLESS you answering a question. Oh and Mimo, i forgot to put cpgmod on the end of my other answers! Srry!
Lol im Fluff458 but thanks for understanding!!!
Carly said...
Hey Mimo!
Can I please be a mod?
I have been on this site for almost three years and still have no idea how to become one.
If you ever get down to this potentially last message, can you please consider making me a mod?
Thank you,
Wwell, you see, Mimo can't just automatically MAKE you one. Here is how it works: Just answer a comment someone leaves, like I am. You have to do this often, so the Club Penguin Gang "workers" will realize what a great Mod you can be. (Not trying to brag) I Modded so much, I was the first to enter the "Mod Team" as a Super Mod! Mimo only updates the list every so-often, you probably have to wait another month or so. Sorry if this is a long comment! I hope to see you on the Mof list soon!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG5! (CPG Super Mod)
Kkkkkk123 said...
snowball6778 said...
Thanks guys for helping me!
Another question!
Wheres this backstage everyones talking about?
In the penguin play awards last year they had a backstage for members where you met Aunt Arctic, Candence, The Penguin Band or Gary!
I met Gary in there! I only have to find the Penguin Band, Sensei and Aunt Arctic!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD) GO CPG5!
Kool! Last year, at the PPA (Penguin Play Awards :D) I met Cadence and PB! I only have to meet AA (Aunt Arctic) now! I missed her during the holidays!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG5! (CPG Super Mod)
Snowball6778 said...
What's with the sheep in the pic?
Well, Fairy Fables is a play about a prince delivering croissants to a grumpy princess. the princess doesnt like croissants, so the Big Bad Wool [sheep] and the prince gobble them up. The picture is the big bad wool.
CP Prodigy, Vyolit [cpg mod]
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Carly said...
Hey Mimo!
Can I please be a mod?
I have been on this site for almost three years and still have no idea how to become one.
If you ever get down to this potentially last message, can you please consider making me a mod?
Thank you,
Wwell, you see, Mimo can't just automatically MAKE you one. Here is how it works: Just answer a comment someone leaves, like I am. You have to do this often, so the Club Penguin Gang "workers" will realize what a great Mod you can be. (Not trying to brag) I Modded so much, I was the first to enter the "Mod Team" as a Super Mod! Mimo only updates the list every so-often, you probably have to wait another month or so. Sorry if this is a long comment! I hope to see you on the Mof list soon!
Warped and waddling!
Your friend, Hnwjanuary11, CPG5! (CPG Super Mod)
Hnwjanuary11 is right, you have to work hard to get on the list, even I'm not a mod yet! I bet if I try a little harder, then eventually Mimo will put me on the list. And Hnwjanuary, you put see you on the (mof)<-mod list!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
mrgameandwatchpengin said...
i don t think the quest for gold puflle,fairy fables etx.
will be in the vote this year cuz there were in it last year
i will vote for norman swarm for all of them
I don't really remember my favourite play, though I'm sure Ruby and the Ruby was good. Personally, Norman Swarm was pretty average, and actually quite boring to me. I think it will win best for costume though.
to snowball6778
i am not a mod but i will answer your question anyway. Fairy fables is a very popular play on club penguin. To take part in the play check out the club penguin times to see whaen it arrives at the stage!
Hope this helps!
Creamy Soup xx
Moomo said...
What does the sheep have to do? Should put a fairy fables pic:)
Ha! That sheep is from the fairy fables play. ;)
Hey Mimo!
Can I please be a mod?
I have been on this site for almost three years and still have no idea how to become one.
If you ever get down to this potentially last message, can you please consider making me a mod?
Thank you,
All you have to do to become a MOD is to answer others questions on each of Mimo's posts, like I am right now. Then, Mimo will switch around his MOD board, and you see if you made it! ;)
snowball6778 said...
Thanks guys for helping me!
Another question!
Wheres this backstage everyones talking about?
The Backstage is a member only room featured at the Penguin Play Awards. There's usually a free item and cool decorations. You can also meet rare penguins there.
Misstiss66(CPG Mod)
SmileyDog said...
i think norman swam had some pretty good outfits..but golden puffle is the BEST!
January 5, 2010 11:15 AM
Oisin: I like The Golden Puffle, but Club Penguin repeat it again and again and again... It gets a bit boring!:-)
Kirby: *squeak* The Golden Puffle is tasty too!<(*_*)>
~~Oisin1001 (CPG MOD) And His Pet Kirby~~
Fairy Fables is a play that has a slight twist to a story! So it's like Repunzal but the Prince brings some food and the Grupunzal (Repunzal but angry) get's really angry! There also a sheep involved and a fairy, the fairy tells the tale to the audence
-- 222Sally Cpg Mod
to snowball6778 ( the 2 questions you asked
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