Cool new multiple player log in glitch. Go log in at as you normally would. Then open a new browser window and click:
Then, click on the flame at the bottom of the screen and it will take you to another start up screen.
Now, click start button and log in to another penguin. If you go to the same server, you can play 2 or more penguins at the same time. I actually did 5 penguins at once! Cool, huh?
Try it and let me know if it works for you. (Thanks, C 3po886)
UPDATE: Club Penguin has now fixed this glitch. Oh well, it was cool while it lasted!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Awww its for members only :(
cool glich
It doesn't work
doesn't work for me : ( i tried it three times! and i use two completely different browsers one time.Ex; internet explorer and google chrome
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Hey mimmo, this dont work for me it just comes up with some stuff about not being able to have more than one cp thing open at once! hat shall I do? (CPG Mod)
It isn't working for me, Mimo. I always get the orange pop-up thingy. I do all of what you say to do. Can anyone help?
Thats Mama Luigi to you Mario!
Heh heh!
No problem Mimo! :D
Kewl. Also, you sound just like someone I know from another website..
It doesn't work for me, it just says "close the other tab" I will keep trying.
That Glitch didn't work for me. Does going on a PC computer make a difference? - Paws Kitty
Mimo, have you seen the new Card Jistu Fire Start Screen? There is an amulet on the penguins neck too.
it didnt work for me
ohhh i cant get in :'(
Doesn't work 4 me...
Sorry Mimo, I've tried it and it doesn't work anymore. :(
Hey Mimo they fixed it! waa
hey mimo. you know wilington and wenks? the game you posted about? that game had been around for a while. just to let you know...
AWESOME! Nice glitch mimo :)
it owns
mimo can we have a mod change next week? :) hope we do.
I doesn't work they probaly fixed it.
Giraffe 7528
it wont work for me. :-(
I doesn't work!
it doent work no more i tried it
it doent work no more i tried it
it doent work no more i tried it
cool mimo that rocks
AW!!! It's ninja members ONLY D:
It didn't work :(
It Didnt Work-Tyletron
i think its just your computer cuz i have tryed every glitch and it NEVER works
They fixed it. Now it will just say you can only have one penguin on. COME ON CP LET US HAVE SOME FUN!
they already fixid it.
ROCK ON!!!! I can play as me and my sister and cheat my way up to a ninja :D
:( i tried it and it didnt work
It didn't work for me. :(
nice work Mimo keep up the great work!
Woah haha it worked but my server was full and i was with my friends so i could'nt leave them. :'(
They already fixed it :/
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
Noooo! I don't know why but it wont work. Maybe i just read it wrong.. but i am sure i did read it correct.
not working. probly fixed it already or maybe i did it wrong. ill try again
nope they fixed it
Sweet glitch, nice job C3po886
it didnt work for me. :(
FREAKY! didn't work though. ;-(
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
A lot of people check his site everyday, including me! To become a moderator, you have to answer people's questions or comments, and put MOD in training, just like what I am doing right now!:)
-Lilac5674 (MOD in training)
99claudio99 said...
it doent work no more i tried it
Dude, y did u post this 3 times?????
~Syka CPG Mod~
Hey everyone, its Confupenguen. ive been getting on more recent to get all the free stuff and check out the site, so i might comment a little more now. hope to talk to the cpg members soon. and, this is really the real confupenguen, im not a fake, comment later
remember the name
not working anymore
MIMO! i know what the amulets are for! it when you finish your fire training you might get that!
its like the ninja mask when your done with car jitsu training!
i didn't work for me and its pobably a memeber thing cuz im a member and it ddin't work either didnt work 4 me. do u have 2 use a trainer, like penguin storm or something? (im not allowed to have a cp trainer)
it WONT work and wat happened to all the quickie parties
AWWW the fixed it
didn't work...
hmm.. it doesn't work for me :( oh well.
Rock on,
Paws Kitty said...
That Glitch didn't work for me. Does going on a PC computer make a difference? - Paws Kitty
Paws, it doesn't make a difference. I've tried on both and it doesn't work now on either one. Misstiss66(Cpg mod)
they fixed it!
It didn't work for me and I'm a member! :(
Hey mimo i lov e this site its so helpful and one day i seen a advertizment in the corner about getting a free toot(from tootsville)it said mimo plays on tootsville so i figured to click on it and i lov etootsville but i cant figure out how to get a free toot stuffed animal it keeps takin me to the membership page but which one!!!!!!!plz help me
I bet CP fix it
It did not work is there a time that you need to click on the fire thing?
It didn't work for me.... :( it would have been sooo cule using both Birdygurl AND Birdy Gurl, my extra penguin. Thx, mo, but it's not working. You probably have a different computer or something. :(
Appleywazza said...
Hey mimmo, this dont work for me it just comes up with some stuff about not being able to have more than one cp thing open at once! hat shall I do? (CPG Mod)
November 9, 2009 12:39 PM
Maybe mimo just cot it earliy so you should try and find another way to do this.
Hope i helped
Karate song (CPG mod)
Will you get banned?
LuckyG10 said...Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Well, its Mimo's choice, and Im not a mod myself. u have to earn it! try hard! answer questions! from now, my motto'll be.. Helping is PHUN!
Sparkpink216 CPG MOD(in training)
Anonymous said...
It doesn't work for me, it just says "close the other tab" I will keep trying.
Thats right, u should keep trying! and have you been doing it on a "tab"? because mimo sad browser NOT tab. Hope that helped. Helping is PHUN!
Sparkpink216 CPG MOD (in training)
Paws Kitty said...
That Glitch didn't work for me. Does going on a PC computer make a difference? -Paws Kitty
Well Im not sure if we all have the same kind of computer as mimo. i dont think going on a pc computer really makes a ddifference. maybe, but as i said, not sure. who really cares, right? Helping is PHUN!
Sparkpink216 CPG MOD(in training)
Leggofmyeggo said...
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
To get that background you have to meet Sensei and click on the little box thingy on his player card.
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
So do I! But I still have to work for a spot on the Mod list. You can look at all the rules on the right side bar where the post says CPG Mods or something close to that.
Burpy678 said...
It isn't working for me, Mimo. I always get the orange pop-up thingy. I do all of what you say to do. Can anyone help?
The members of clubpenguin probably fixed it. They, for some reason, hate it when you have more than one penguin up.
cp fixed it o well
It does not work! I think you need 2 computers!
99claudio99 said...
it doent work no more i tried it
Yeah I'm pretty sure they fixed it. BTW why did you post that 3 times in a row? We get it, it doesn't work anymore.
Catluver6 said...
ROCK ON!!!! I can play as me and my sister and cheat my way up to a ninja :D
That is really, really smart. I never thought about that.
haja8 said...
It did not work is there a time that you need to click on the fire thing?
Probably not, they probably just fixed it.
it didn't work
ain't workin for me?Even though i am one of the best cpg mods this is the first question i dont have an answer for
Paws Kitty said...
That Glitch didn't work for me. Does going on a PC computer make a difference? - Paws Kitty
well mimo has a mac so no
~Wii Mimo Mod
Leggofmyeggo said...
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
dude i thought u quit a few months ago with confu
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Everyone wants to be moderator! Even I do. And almost everyone on cp checks mimos site everyday. You have to answer questions! You can't just beg! more details on the sidebar.
-Vyolit (cpg mod)
cool mimo
I just open new tabs at the login, and that works fine for me.
It would be cooler if I can understand what you just said ;-) haha
anfel1 said...
I bet CP fix it
Yeah sometimes things only happen on certain computers at certain times. Certainly! :) lol
Anonymous said...
it WONT work and wat happened to all the quickie parties
Hey check mimo's twitter for all his quickee parties, he normally has lots on the weekend ;-) Party hardy
darn it. it's been fixed awww have to be quicker next time mimo U ROCK!
thanks. whoo!
dont work it says multiple disconnection on club penguin browser at a time
it doesnt work to me. theres a screen that pops up and says that you cant open 2 club penguin browers at the same time
Leggofmyeggo said...
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
To get the sensei background cust find sensei, click on his player card and click the button with a box to get a gift(the background). Hope this helped.
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
To beocome a mod just answer other peoples questions for mimo. You can find more info on the be a club penguin gang mod page. Hope this helped.
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
it says unable to have too cp things up at once
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
To get the Sensei autographed background you have to meet him sometimes Mimo organises a comment tracker, you can't ask Mimo to add you because other people will ask and it will not be fair!
-Matt26187 (CPG Mod)
LuckyG10 Said:
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Matt26187 Replies:
you have to earn mod and work real hard to earn mod.
-Matt26187 (CPG Mod)
Sorry Mimo but this glitch doesn't work :( I have tried a few times but nothing .Isn't a problem .I am not sad.
It worked for me!
I was Evda, Evda2, Oasiliao, Hallowi and Mijo!
- Evda
I never manage to multi login on a PC only a mac
Go macs!! :D
Nickup9(Cp screen name) said...
Will you get banned?
If it's a GLITCH that he didn't create, no. He didn't have anything to do with it. He just FOUND it.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~
MIMO MIMO MIMO you know in the video where Sensei stands and there are penguins around him (not ninja) well if you look behind him you will see a road somewhere, is it a new room? or another entrances?
Yeah, an awesome glitch but CP fixed it as you see ;))
=> Safa153
Crisy43 (CP Name) said...
Awww its for members only :(
Unfortunately YES! Im a 'non' too, so it really annoys me! I hope nonmembers will be able to go to the new room...
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
You can be a moderator but you need to be answer people's questinos -just like me- And there will be a MOD SHAKE UP every month and you will see you name at the mod list, if you are good!
And DONT forget to put (CPG MOD) by your name while answering questions!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
C 3po886 said...
Heh heh!
No problem Mimo! :D
WOW, it's you lol! Good Job dude! It's hard to get credit from MiMo!
You are awesome, lol! :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Frad1206 said...
Mimo, have you seen the new Card Jistu Fire Start Screen? There is an amulet on the penguins neck too.
Yeah! This is awesome! You will be able to see AMULET in Ninja catalog really soon, and you will be able to open 'secret' ways with it (Of course if you are a MEMBER NINJA)...
Thanks for your help! Keep sharing your tips with other CPG Fans! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo can we have a mod change next week? :) hope we do.
I think so. Im really excited, are you? :)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Lilac5674 said...
A lot of people check his site everyday, including me! To become a moderator, you have to answer people's questions or comments, and put MOD in training, just like what I am doing right now!:)
BTW, you dont have to put 'training'; you can put (CPG MOD) too! But dont forget to NOT put it unless you are answring questions...
Here to help!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD) (Just like me)
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Zxz192 said...
You cant become a mod just by asking, because the whole thing is pointless. Some things u gotta work hard for and this is one of them ;) check the mod rules for details on how to become a CPG Mod
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Nickup9(Cp screen name) said...
Will you get banned?
Zxz192 said...
No you wont get banned ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
oww :(
Oh man
They stopped it before I got a chance
I'v e never been able to do something like that!
Hey mimo, if you go into the dojo courtyard theres a black rock for the part of the amulets!
Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, if you go into the dojo courtyard theres a black rock for the part of the amulets!
Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)
Yeah, he knows. And only add da 'CPG Mod' after ur name if you are modding!
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~
WOOT WOOT! leggo and confu are back! :) xD welcome back guys we all missed u :)
haja8 said...
It did not work is there a time that you need to click on the fire thing?
dear haja8
nope, just click it, dont bother anyway because club penguin has fixed the glitch :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Nickup9(Cp screen name) said...
Will you get banned?
dear Nickup9
Nope, you wont get banned. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Leggofmyeggo said...
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
well, you cant get the ninja background now because you can only get it when you meet sensei. And most of us all met sensei and got his background :)
Saavy (CPG Mod)
Nickup9(Cp screen name) said...
Will you get banned?
Don't worry cp cant ban you for finding glitches but its fixed now anyway.Hope this helped.
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Sorry, you have tow ork at being a mod :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, if you go into the dojo courtyard theres a black rock for the part of the amulets!
Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)
Thanls for the cheat!I didn't spot that until you told me!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Srry! Mimo can't just make you a mod! You have to work for it by answering people's questions!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
LuckyG10 said:
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Lucky, in order to become a CPG moderator, you have to answer other people's questions. For more help, check the side bar on the right that says "Be a Club Penguin Gang mod! Click "click here for more info."
Hope this helped!
Misstiss66(CPG Mod)
Safa153 said...
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo can we have a mod change next week? :) hope we do.
I think so. Im really excited, are you? :)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
I'm really excited! Here's some FYI: MOD CHANGES ARE !THIS! WEEK!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
it does not work for me!! :(
Hey in the video of the card jitsu fire thing the yellow penguin starts as a white belt, here's what happens in the card things
Ice - Yellow penguin has white belt
Drawing - Yellow penguin has orange belt
Water - Yellow penguin has brown belt
Battling Sensei - Black belt
Ninja Hideout -NINJA!!!
I'm not sure if this is important or not but I just wanted to say!!
So how do you get the Sensei Ninja background? BTW next time i c the rest of the Club Penguin Gang, you have to add me :) not saying you do mimo, just your siblings ;). I need to have all of u for my collection!!
When you could meet sensei, you could this background!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Hey Mimo
I have got an idea for another type of contest.You pick a clothes item(for example,the Black Whirlpool Snowsuit)and ask us when it first came to catalogs(like Nov'09).Rockin cheats!
Jaden Joey (CPG Mod)
Hey,Mimo when i try to log on at Willington and Wenks it would not work, Do you know whats happenning?
ahahahaha it wont work why?
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
Mimo only makes people who help other people moderators. Hope this helped.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D (CPG Mod)
it doesnt work for me it said u may not have more than 1 clubpenguin on at 1 time i think
Safa153 said...
Frad1206 said...
Mimo, have you seen the new Card Jistu Fire Start Screen? There is an amulet on the penguins neck too.
Yeah! This is awesome! You will be able to see AMULET in Ninja catalog really soon, and you will be able to open 'secret' ways with it (Of course if you are a MEMBER NINJA)...
Thanks for your help! Keep sharing your tips with other CPG Fans! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
November 10, 2009 7:10 AM
Queen Binawa
It doesn't work!!
um yea for those who said i posted the comment three times i didn't do that on purpose im wondering how that happened so yea...
the glitch didn't work for me
the first time itried it, it didnt work. The second time i trried it i kept clicking over and over and it worked
Burpy678 said...
It isnt working for me, mimo.
I always get the orange pop-up window thingy. I do all of what you say to do. Can anyone help?
I think I might be able to help. Club Penguin fixed this glitch so it doesnt work anymore, but I had luck and for some reason the 1st time I tried it it didnt work. The 2nd time i tried it it did. That probablly wont work for you, so im sorry to say your out of luck.
Hope I was a help! =D
-Gloat A CPG mod
aww man i tried it yesterday and it didnt work!
Jonathan said...
it doesnt work
I know CP fixed the glitch, but like mimo said it was cool while it lasted.
-Gloat a CPG mod
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site every day.
I visit his website every day too! Although you visit it every day thats not what be a mod is. A mod answers other peoples questions and tells them something, like im doing right now.
-Gloat a CPG mod
Paws Kitty said...
That Glitch didn't work for me. Does going on a PC computer make a difference? -Paws Kitty
Going on a PC computer probably won't make a difference.The glitch just didn't work because Club Penguin fixed it so it doesn't work anymore.
Nickup9 said...
Will you get banned?
Well it doesnt work anymore but it didnt ban you while it lasted.
-Gloat a CPG mod
P.S. mimo would never tell you something that would get you banned
U rock Mimo!
Nickup9 said...
Will you get banned?
No, not if you downloaded something. You get banned for using a 3rd party program!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Paws Kitty said...
That Glitch didn't work for me. Does going on a PC computer make a difference? -Paws Kitty
No, clubpenguin just fixed the glitch! ☺
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
MATtheW said...
aww man i tried it yesterday and it didnt work!
Clubpenguin fixed that glitch! That's why!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
@ LuckyG10
Dear Lucky,
Mimo doesn't automatically make mods (: Just wanted to cleat that up. Second, I'm sure that you can find the link to the rules on being a mod somewhere here! And third, It helps alot answering questions in the comment sections on posts!
Hope that helped,
Awesome glitch Mimo! You ROCK!
too bad! i missed out! oh well... i like to see if some words show up. like i know "dimentio" doesnt show up. hes my favorite mario villain. ("Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Oh no, magic is no laughing matter. I am always deadly serious.") fawful is a very, VERY close second. ("I drizzled rage dressing on the country next door! Rage dressing on a salad of EVIL!")too bad... Keep on Wadell-ing!
LuckyG10 said...
Mimo can you make me a moderator I check your site everyday!
um, no he cant. yet. you have to do more then just check his site. answer questions in the comments and congradulate new mods. oh! thx for reminding me! one last thing! ive been forgetting to do this, put "CPG Mod" at the end of your name! Keep on Wadell-ing!
Wadell8 (CPG mod)
ok, to everyone that says this doesnt work for them (id do each one induvidually, but that would take me 3 1/4 years) mimo justsaid that they fixed it. you were probably late. like me. Keep on Wadell-ing! (CPG mod)
Mimo i just notice the volcano path in the backround in the dojo courtyard backround its cool
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo can we have a mod change next week? :) hope we do.
WHAT?! next week?! that doesnt give me much time... if he says yes anyway... ive just gotten back into modding! well id just have to wait huh? Keep on Wadell-ing!
coowip2008 said...
the glitch didn't work for me
Hey the glitch doesnt work anymore :(
We got a 4 day weekend in CHCH NZ so I could be doing some serious modding ;-) Sweet as broseph :) haha
Yeah welcome back Leggo & Confu!! Great to have you back at CPG!!!
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
Hey r u Matthew722 and you changed your name, or are you somebody else???
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
P.S. If you are Matthew722, do u still love doughnuts???
The Glitch Still Works!
It Hasn't been updated yet, it still works. I'm on my penguin and my sisters at the same time. There might be some communication errors though, the penguins took a moment to be able to speak with each other... But then they spoke perfectly! Sooo Cool!
it dose not work man :(
Syka said...
Hey r u Matthew722 and you changed your name, or are you somebody else???
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
P.S. If you are Matthew722, do u still love doughnuts???
OOPS! I forgot to PASTE THE COMMENT! LOL! Here it is: MATtheW said...
aww man i tried it yesterday and it didnt work!
OK? SORRY! ~Syka~
I don't understand why clubpenguin has to ruin our fun. Once they find a problem that's really cool, they fix it. It's not fair.
I'm not a member and it worked for about five minutes.
-Sherlock Boy
Hey Mimo,
I was gonna buy a new puffle but cattaloge wouldnt i crossed it and went out side to the plaza.Then the cataloge came out of no where.
Can u help me please.I am stumped.
does not work
madamad said...
Hey Mimo,
I was gonna buy a new puffle but cattaloge wouldnt i crossed it and went out side to the plaza.Then the cataloge came out of no where.
Can u help me please.I am stumped.
That's very interesting! I don't know how it would have happened, but, hey, then you could buy the puffle from the plaza!
Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
it dident work.
that looks so cool! too bad it ended already! imo, your awesome!
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