Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Club Penguin Mirror Ninja is back! So Weird!

Ok, what's the deal? Remember back in August when the shadow of the Ninja disappeared from the Mirror in the Ski Lodge and the Light House? Remember? Huh, do ya?

Well they are back! HUH!

The Ninja shadow is kinda hard to see so I circled it.

I didn't want you to forget what I looked like so I circled me.

But why are they back. I need some good theories. Did the storm bring them back? Tell me! Tell me what you think.

I posted this back in August when the Ninja disappeared Click here to read about it.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Ethan Carbonaro said...

Very cool mimo. Probably the most obvious theory is the new room. There will probable be new Ninja stuff in the new room. They will probably dissapear after the new room comes out.

Anonymous said...

I am CatGirlBlue!
I think the ninjas are back because of some new secret mission we will have or maybe something special just for the ninjas. Thanks for keeping us posted Mimo!

Anonymous said...

i think the shadows are back beacause of the new mission and all those stuff im really exited! and this time i wont look up the mission on youtube im gonna do it all by myself!

Anonymous said...

I think they got hungry and went to get pizza, then rode an iceberg to mexico for a vacation and just got back

Anonymous said...

i their back because their almost done with the dojo? or maybe their already do im not sure i haven't gone on cp in a while.


wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...

yeah that is strange

misstiss66 said...

Wow that's so interesting. I don't know why the shadows are there, but it's cool how you always notice if they're there or not. You rock!

limadude said...

i think they are going to do somthing cool! (dont ask me what,but they will).

Tomichael said...

I think they came back just becaus eof the new ninja room.

Anonymous said...

i just they r trying to make it realistic ever since the volcanoe started they left probably to help or u just couldnt see the shadow cause its dark

Syka said...

Weird! I think something BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG is going to happen between agents, ninjas, Herbert, and all of smelly zebra kind. (JK on the zebras) ;-)
Warped and proud! ~Syka~

Anonymous said...

hi mimo i am soccerdude95 i think that there is goin goin to be a new room!!!
i think that pizza pie is AWESOME. bye!!!!

limadude said...

about the circling yourself thing... its really THE SMARTEST THING! I FORGOT! (sorry i screamed)

MandC said...

thats weird???? I think there will be a added addition to the ninja hide out like a underground snack shck with those good little energy drinks =D.

MandC said...

thats weird???? I think there will be a added addition to the ninja hide out like a underground snack shck with those good little energy drinks =D.

pilpulp said...

Oubiously the next mission involves ninja's so ninjas are getting prepared to work with agents like g went to talk to sensei!

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Hey mimo ya know how all the fire on Club Penguin flames up high if you wait in a room long enough? Ya that went away to

pilpulp said...

Anonymous said...
i think the shadows are back beacause of the new mission and all those stuff im really exited! and this time i wont look up the mission on youtube im gonna do it all by myself!
Lol thats what I do for missions! But I agree with your theary.

:Kepp thinkn :)';':( pilpulp

Ethan Carbonaro said...

pilpulp said...
Oubiously the next mission involves ninja's so ninjas are getting prepared to work with agents like g went to talk to sensei!
Good theory.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
I am CatGirlBlue!
I think the ninjas are back because of some new secret mission we will have or maybe something special just for the ninjas. Thanks for keeping us posted Mimo!
Maybe the ninjas will stop Herbert once and for all.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Does anyone play any other games on Mimo games other that Chobots or Webosaurs?

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Tomichael said...
I think they came back just becaus eof the new ninja room.
Same here.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

I wonder why the volcano kinda stopped smoking so much.

Iceberry089 said...

I saw it earlyer,so and there was one at the dojo and pizza palor

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Woe is me. I hope to beat the new mission. I wonder what the meddel will be.

Iceberry089 said...

p.s could be a moderateer for your web

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
i think the shadows are back beacause of the new mission and all those stuff im really exited! and this time i wont look up the mission on youtube im gonna do it all by myself!
Gasp! Cheater! not really I do that for my other penguins if I forget how to do it.

Jess31299 said...

Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I think that there will be ninja's for ninja's! Well what i mean is ninja's do special training in the hideout and the ninja's have to earn more belts but they are diffrent colors like black would be the lowest and it would go up to all these new crazy colors and the last belt would be rainbow! And thats my theory!

zed199 said...

Does anyone play any other games on Mimo games other that Chobots or Webosaurs?---------------------------
i do. i play planet cazmo,secret builders, and franktown rocks.
-zed199 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees

Sodigirl said...

I HAVE IT! I believe that Herbert the Polar Bear is capturing ninjas! The ninjas are sneaking out from their hiding places to show us that they are still alive and fighting! Herbert also stole the puffles,and is planning on using them to build a big warm bonfire. Or to try and erupt the volcano early to kill us all. We need the gold to use to our advantage when Herbert comes around because he is a greedy bear. We will bribe him with the gold to tell us where his secret hiding place is (the volcano perhaps), and will basically tell us how to free the ninjas. Then we won't even give him the gold, but arrest him! He might even get away though. Over and Out,


cookie3303 said...

woah i wasn't expecting that. cool mimo.

Anonymous said...

take a pic of the valcano it comed down look from Djrock85766

UKLover10 said...

I think that there will be a new samurai room. samurai and ninja will battle it out.

Snow Nick said...

hello mimo they came back because theres going to be a new advinture coming out like a ninja mission but why did cp take the storm away and stop the smokey volcanio? well keep us posted mimo

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
I think they got hungry and went to get pizza, then rode an iceberg to mexico for a vacation and just got back
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ good idea but I think they went to Dinsey world. After all CP is owned by Disney.

otiekinz said...

hmmm i dont know! did the black flaming puffles dissappear? it makes me wonder.........


Anonymous said...

i know ive seen them i wonder what they are and no one forgets what u look like lol

Anonymous said...

i bet the shadows are going to secretly be hidden in the mission too

Anonymous said...

i think the shadows are going to be in the mission too

otiekinz said...

well ok this whole ninja- new room- lightening storm- new misssion thing started when the shadows dissapeared. maybe its telling us that things will setl down a bit, or maybe a super cool new surprizingly AWESOME thing will happen to non-members!!!! hehe


otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

Tomichael said...
I think they came back just becaus eof the new ninja room.
maybe but how do you know its going to be another ninja room?

at your service,
otiekinz(cpg mod)

matter36 said...

they're for the new mission!

otiekinz said...

HEY i just got this crazy wierd thought! what if the the-new-room-that-supousuvly-on-the-tallest mountain-or valcano ends up being the new toteally awesome new ninja hideout!! and the old ninja hideout would be a big awesome club only for non-members with a secret underground room with who know what would be inside it!!

cool thought huh,

sprocket07 said...

i think that one theory could be that the shadows only appear when something to do with ninjas happens. for example. remember when ninjas first came about? we kept seeing silouetts every where. as for the puffles... i think they went away because the volcano stopped smoking cause they like heat. ya so i hopped that was reasonably accurate.

SmileyStar10 said...

The ninjas have something to do with the new mission coming up! Remember our last last mission? In it Herbert was planning something with puffles. The sunflower seeds might have been bait. The black puffles might be held hostage or something.

Anonymous said...

I think the shadows where gone going to rockhoppers island and having chocolate smoothies from a treasure chest and got back and saw Halloween stuff so they screamed and hid back where they where before.


Judy said...

i have a feelin that there is gunna be a new kind of ninja like a double black belt or something or they might be out to help the other ninjas for the new mission!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the ninjas are back to help, or maybe introduce something new!


otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

SmileyStar10 said...
The ninjas have something to do with the new mission coming up! Remember our last last mission? In it Herbert was planning something with puffles. The sunflower seeds might have been bait. The black puffles might be held hostage or something.
yes! i remenber now! i think it is about the new mission(s?)!! with the misterous black pufffles in a random spot around club penguin. i think your getting to something SmileyStar!

at your service!
otiekinz(cpg mod)

sparkpink216 said...

Hey, that's a really smart theory!
It is possible. Probably, it is true! I would never have thought up that! Cool!
sparkpink216 CPG mod (in training)

sparkpink216 said...

To Catgirlblue: That just might be it! Aren't you glad to have Mimo keeping us posted about stuff we don't even pay attention to, but we should? Btw, that's an awesome, super theory!

Anonymous said...

zed199 said...

Does anyone play any other games on Mimo games other that Chobots or Webosaurs?---------------------------
i do. i play planet cazmo,secret builders, and franktown rocks.
-zed199 (cpg mod)
Um Mimo plays planet cazmo and franktown rocks he is a big fan of planet cazmo hope you see him on there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees
Hey anooymous the reason the box deminsion has that stuff is that it was decerations from the adventure party they needed a place to put it i always thought it would be cooler if they changed it every party but they dont hope this helped


Anonymous said...

it would be cool if the new mission was agents vs ninjas


Anonymous said...

i would say the ninja shadow and the disaperence of the puffles are combind. p.s Mimo you ROCK keep on posting MADD stuff i love your site i don't go to anyone elses site your all ways the first to update with awesome stuff bye from 005bh (Club Penguin Name

Anonymous said...

Mimo do you have a clubpenguin email?

Skloop said...

Tomichael said...
I think they came back just becaus eof the new ninja room.
maybe but how do you know its going to be another ninja room?

at your service,
otiekinz(cpg mod)
Because Sensei has been talking about how its for the "Next Step In The Ninja Journey" :D Im so excited XD

Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Skloop said...

Anonymous said...
i think the shadows are back beacause of the new mission and all those stuff im really exited! and this time i wont look up the mission on youtube im gonna do it all by myself!
Lol that sounds like fun, i'll do that too!

Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Skloop said...

MIMO! I just had a good idea from that last modding I just did! We should have a mission party! When the new mission comes out, we'll all meet up and do it together, and the first one back gets a prize!

Skloop, King Of Things

Skloop said...

Ethanator said...
Hey mimo ya know how all the fire on Club Penguin flames up high if you wait in a room long enough? Ya that went away to
Wow youre right! Nice find, this is so weird, its like a trade off XD

A Haiku By Sensei
"I give back ninjas,
You Return Me My Fire,
It Will Make Sense Soon"


Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Skloop said...

MIMO! I think that this means something! Maybe Herbert is actually disguised as Sensei, and thats not really him :D Hes getting us to get fire so he can be warm, which is all he wants, which we know since hes done it before XD

Skloop, King Of Things

Skloop said...

I'll mod the other posts after school Mimo! Bye!


Anonymous said...

I think they are coming back for a ninja Mission!



We penguins started the volcano with the fire items, right? well what if herbert's keeping the volcano going or something? and the brand new mission has to do with something happening to the dojo, and the ninja help the agents to stop herbert!!

joguzz said...

Hey Mimo, I have a glitch. When you click on shaded part of the ninja in the ski lodge, it says would you like to become a secret agent. And I think they will use the gold amulets in the new mission, with ninjas in it!

Racket2000 said...

sprocket07 said...
i think that one theory could be that the shadows only appear when something to do with ninjas happens. for example. remember when ninjas first came about? we kept seeing silouetts every where. as for the puffles... i think they went away because the volcano stopped smoking cause they like heat. ya so i hopped that was reasonably accurate.

I EXACTLY agree with you!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

otiekinz said...
HEY i just got this crazy wierd thought! what if the the-new-room-that-supousuvly-on-the-tallest mountain-or valcano ends up being the new toteally awesome new ninja hideout!! and the old ninja hideout would be a big awesome club only for non-members with a secret underground room with who know what would be inside it!!

cool thought huh,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yeah! Now THAT'S a cool thought!

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

I think they come back when something new about Ninjas happen.

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

Anonymous said...
het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees

After the Adventure Party, all the plants and trees awere stored in the Box Deminsion.

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Racket2000 said...

limadude said...
about the circling yourself thing... its really THE SMARTEST THING! I FORGOT! (sorry i screamed
LOL! I forget you too...I TOHUGHT YOU WERE ORANGE... WhATEVER...

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Anonymous said...

How bout they popped out of the volcano!lol!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo if you look through the telescope at the beacon you can see the storm leaving club penguin.

max43203(CPG MOD) said...

mabey they are not ninjas mabey there mods

Unknown said...

I bet this has to do with the new mission and the new room. The amulets we are building is gonna be a furniture item that opens a path to the new room.

goofy73 said...

hiya anonymous! you said

i think the shadows are back beacause of the new mission and all those stuff im really exited! and this time i wont look up the mission on youtube im gonna do it all by myself!


wow great idea i think you may be right hmmmmmmm ;)

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

goofy73 said...

hiya ethanator! you said

Does anyone play any other games on Mimo games other that Chobots or Webosaurs?


yup i do! and be sure to follow mimos twitter and you could see where he is on the games on mimo games you actually get to meet him on the games!

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Syka said...

Anonymous said...
het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees

Several months ago, in July, Rockhopper brought all sorts of crazy plants. CP had an Adventure Party, and the plants invaded the box dimension. They've been there ever since.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Syka said...

Jess31299 said...
Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I think that there will be ninja's for ninja's! Well what i mean is ninja's do special training in the hideout and the ninja's have to earn more belts but they are diffrent colors like black would be the lowest and it would go up to all these new crazy colors and the last belt would be rainbow! And thats my theory!

WOW! Your imagination is awesome! I would love to see your theory come true. A rainbow belt? This is too much. I am overwhelmed by your creativity!
Warped, proud, and impressed! ~Syka CPG Mod~

goofy73 said...

hiya anonymous! you said

het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees


well it has trees and plants and flowers because remember when rockhopper came and his boat was FILLED with plants, well we had a party when the plants all started growing on clubpenguin and after the party we put the plants in the box dimension, so then we declared it clubpenguins "storage closet!"

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Syka said...

Sodigirl said...
I HAVE IT! I believe that Herbert the Polar Bear is capturing ninjas! The ninjas are sneaking out from their hiding places to show us that they are still alive and fighting! Herbert also stole the puffles,and is planning on using them to build a big warm bonfire. Or to try and erupt the volcano early to kill us all. We need the gold to use to our advantage when Herbert comes around because he is a greedy bear. We will bribe him with the gold to tell us where his secret hiding place is (the volcano perhaps), and will basically tell us how to free the ninjas. Then we won't even give him the gold, but arrest him! He might even get away though. Over and Out,


Hmm. VERY INTERESTING! I like your style, kid. (LOL, we're all kids!) Maybe it will happen. If it does, or if it doesn't, I think you should be a mission designer for CP!
Warped, proud, and impressed! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Syka said...

Snow Nick said...
hello mimo they came back because theres going to be a new advinture coming out like a ninja mission but why did cp take the storm away and stop the smokey volcanio? well keep us posted mimo

The Halloween party is over. ;-( The volcano hasn't quit, it's just smoking now.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees

Zxz192 said...
After the adventure party, all the plants got stored in the Box Dimension

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Syka said...

otiekinz said...
hmmm i dont know! did the black flaming puffles dissappear? it makes me wonder.........


Yes they did! They got a taco, (the VOLCANO TACO from Taco Bell, LOL), visited Greenland, went to Africa to see the smelly zebra exhibit, and are now in the volcano. ;-) My theory.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Anonymous said...

I saw the shadow in the lighthouse MOVE!
That is weird!

Chester Beanienoodle said...

"I didn't want you to forget what I looked like, so I circled me."
Lol. Nice find. I think they came back because of the ninja journey...


Chunkyman1 said...

Phew! Thank Goodness you circled yourself! I almost forgot what you looked like! lol

Karate song said...

It must be sensei time to go and he need us to help him keep the ninja dream alive so he send ninjasto make shadow again to remind us of the time when agents were on everyone side. He wants us to remeber the times when the agents were trying to find the ninjas to help them. He wants us to remeber the time we came to club penguin not know much. I wants us to keep his dream of everyone living in peace alive so we must help him. we must keep the dream alive, for sensei. Whos with me.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea!

1.Maybe they disappeared to help make the new room and now they have come back because they are not needed.

Or 2.Maybe because they were catching zebras in a different world and know they've returned because the zebras are now back into there right places lol!


Syka said...

Anonymous said...
I saw the shadow in the lighthouse MOVE!
That is weird!

Yup. Mimo made some vids when he first saw the ninjas moving about a year ago. Check 'em out on Mimo's YouTube channel!
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Anonymous said...


Mimo how silly of you
We could never forget how u looked lol!


Paws Kitty said...

I think the Ninjas are back because of the new mission, and Gary needs help getting all the Ninjas to defeat Herbert (or at least capture him). Or maybe they are coming and Herbert is trying to make them on HIS side.... hmm. I.D.K. - Paws Kitty

verty1 said...

hey mimo i now a minor glitch. i know haow to stand on water. all you have to do is go to the iceburg and then go to ummm...that game thats there go beside it and it will ask you would you like to play? then click no. then you can stand on water or drill!!! this is from verty1

El Lux said...

Hey Mimo! You should make your own virtual world called Club Mimo! That would be awesome!

mellzzz said...

hmmm i i think the ninjas are back because the sensei must of sent a signal or something or they saw the volcano and thought about coming back orrr they heard aout the new mission and wanted to solve it.

NiKo said...

Mimo,I think I have some ideas:
1)Ninjas are trying to build a secret room in the Dojo(hope it's for non-members too)where Sensei can give Special Power-Cards and to teach the ninjas hidden-techiniques.
2)I am not sure,but I think the Volcano woke 'em up!

P.S.:Mimo you rock!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh on the wall in the lighhouse there is pictures but one is like a white porthole thing theres a ninja in there too i tink.

cool jazz4 said...

i know bach in some when they showed us that pic well you could see a like ninja warrior thats wat it is

problemATTIC said...

when you become a ninja, is the ninja clothes for non members aswell as members?

Anonymous said...

i think sensis magical beans are making him fart so much that ninjas r hiding so sensi doesnt fart in there face!!!


Anonymous said...

i lv what sodigirl said. i think its a really good idea!!!
and a room for non-members only would be cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the ninjas are back because of the new secret mission you told us about.
The ninjas might be helping us.
Will the secret agents join forces with the ninjas and end their rivalry?
we will just have to find out...

polkadot wafer!

Sky Blue1551 said...

I really dont mean to be rue of anything but those shadows have been there for a while now...

Safa153 said...

MiMo, sorry for not Modding.. 1st exams have started yesterday and it will end in a week...
So sorry.... :S

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)


Jordan said...

they need a place to stay wen the room comes out there will be jumping ninja shadows all over the place

Anonymous said...

Herbert kidnapped all the ninja shadows, and turned them against club penguin, then put them back, but really, thy're working for him, now!

Jobbi Jones said...

The One In The Ski Lodge Has always Been There

ZRLehner said...

I am ZRLehner!
I think that the ninjas were captured by the PSA. (Because if you play in abomitable enough you will see the wars they have againsted eachother.) But after the storm that the ninjas caused, the PSA is so baffled by them that they let the secret ninja gardians back to their hidden abode.

BreathofWind said...

i think that there is a new mission coming up!

Syka said...

problemATTIC said...
when you become a ninja, is the ninja clothes for non members aswell as members?

No, sorry! To purchase items from the ninja catalog, you must be a member.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Racket2000 said...

problemATTIC said...
when you become a ninja, is the ninja clothes for non members aswell as members?
No, srry,

~Racet2000- Cpg mod

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
oh on the wall in the lighhouse there is pictures but one is like a white porthole thing theres a ninja in there too i tink.


I'm sorry to disappoint you but that is a shadow but not a ninja one


ricardomt said...

well, i think the amulets puffles and shadow are related.
They want us to make the amulets, the shadow of the ninjas are here because they are well helping
those puffles who turn fire when they see a ninja may be changing places, or even, they are doing something at the volcano.
This's just a theory but it could be the bull's eye
(maybe the tunnel at ninjas room [where is the ninja catalog] is a connection to the volcano)

Unknown said...

I think that the storm will come back and the Ninjas and PSA/EPF will have to work together to stop it!

Anonymous said...

How do you know, there is coming a new room? How do you know it is connected to the mission?
Theres is many possibilities!
- Evda, often at Alaska

Santa1456 said...

Awesome! I think this is all because of the storm. becuz when they first came it was a storm.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D

greenpriness99 said...

maybe its the new secret mission maybe all secret agents/ ninjas will reach a new rank and new secret missions, or maybe the ninjas and secret agents will team up to defeat Herbert!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe theres a mission involving Ninjas...

Zxz192 said...

Sky Blue1551 said...
I really dont mean to be rue of anything but those shadows have been there for a while now...

Zxz192 said...
No they havent. They WERE here for ages, before ninjas came to CP but a few months ago the shadows just disappeared. And now they have come back!

Zxz192 said...

problemATTIC said...
when you become a ninja, is the ninja clothes for non members aswell as members?

Zxz192 said...
The only ninja clothes there are for non members are the Ninja Facemask and the Black Belt

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Blacksnake10 said...

It is very simple. ever since the volcano, the shadow ninjas have heatend up the volcano and then stopped. Cool right?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the ninjas are back for the mission. Hmm...... Are they new PSA member or could they be the PSA's arch enemies. (My name is Queakers1

Anonymous said...

(My penguin name is Hnwjanuary11)
I think they r back, bcuz...well to tell u the truth idk but i will try 2 figure it out...(in the meantime, im gonna email club penguin about it lol)

pipwater192 said...

I think that there is going to be a battle between the ninjas and secret agents, and there is going to be a new room where they will battle.

iggy4u said...

thats weird why would they come back now?

Anonymous said...

WIERD!I think they are waiting for the arrival of the volcano.u c,when the mirror ninja looks down,he's looking to see if its ready!
i forgot that u turned aqua!!!;)anyways,u rock my socks!

Syka said...

Jobbi Jones said...
The One In The Ski Lodge Has always Been There

Not exactly. The ninja shadows first appeared about a year ago, stuck around for a while, and disappeared for a few months. Now, they have returned!
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Anonymous said...

maybe because of the goldsmith thingy...or maybe about the new ninja thingyy...

Syka said...

Yo, Mimo. Dude! What's with the delay on the pointless vid?
Warped and proud! ~Syka~

pilpulp said...

Ethanator said...
pilpulp said...
Oubiously the next mission involves ninja's so ninjas are getting prepared to work with agents like g went to talk to sensei!
Good theory.
Thanks! :)

plipulp said...

Hi everyone but I'm frazzled....... Remeber in the last mission the seeds and herbert was going to do something to puffles but then the golden puffle trap came into action and those black puffles? Did herbert take them away somewhere and thats why they disapered


pilpulp said...

otiekinz said...
HEY i just got this crazy wierd thought! what if the the-new-room-that-supousuvly-on-the-tallest mountain-or valcano ends up being the new toteally awesome new ninja hideout!! and the old ninja hideout would be a big awesome club only for non-members with a secret underground room with who know what would be inside it!!

cool thought huh,
Cool thought but disney wouldn't do that cause then no one would buy the member ship's but Great idea

plipulp said...

SmileyStar10 said...
The ninjas have something to do with the new mission coming up! Remember our last last mission? In it Herbert was planning something with puffles. The sunflower seeds might have been bait. The black puffles might be held hostage or something.
Almost exactly what as I was thinking! :)

Anonymous said...

wait in the mirror isnt that a shadow????

KT said...

Hey Mimo,

Havent you ever wondered how CP checks people who were reported by other people. Cuz this like guy came up behind me and like said the F word. People thought it was me who said it and I GOT BANNED FOR IT. I MEAN REALLY. THERE SHOULD BE SOME WAY TO EXPLAIN STUFF. THEY DONT DO A GOOD JOB OF CHECKING IT. I am soooooooooo ANGRY. There should be a better way to check it.

Banned for 24 hours
-Sad Bumper98

Anonymous said...

i think that Sensei is leaving us. When he comes the ninjas disappear, so when he is going to leave the ninjas appear. the ninja shadows will tell us of his coming.

Alking501 said...

XD lol i dont think we will forget what u look like mimo. im pretty sure there only putting the ninjas up cuz of the amulet

Anonymous said...

hey mimo. I've always wondered what the piece of paper on the wall (next to the ninja mirror) in the ski lodge was all about. have you ever figured it out? thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It doesn't look much like a ninja..
More like the side of a puffle...
I f have just made up and THEORY!

Maybe gray puffles are coming and club penguin wants to show us that it is TRUE!
I rock!! lol\

-Olivia48yes - cp user...

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look much like a ninja..
More like the side of a puffle...
I f have just made up and THEORY!

Maybe gray puffles are coming and club penguin wants to show us that it is TRUE!
I rock!! lol\

-Olivia48yes - cp user...

Dorrall said...

Anonymous said...
I am CatGirlBlue!
I think the ninjas are back because of some new secret mission we will have or maybe something special just for the ninjas. Thanks for keeping us posted Mimo!
Ethanator said...
Maybe the ninjas will stop Herbert once and for all.
I say...
yeah i hope lol
i dont like polar bears cause penguins beat all
that's why i join THE club penguin :-)
keep on writin'

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
het mimo why do you think think the box dimensio has flowers and trees
Because thats where they put them all after the adventure party :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Skloop said...

MIMO! I just had a good idea from that last modding I just did! We should have a mission party! When the new mission comes out, we'll all meet up and do it together, and the first one back gets a prize!

Skloop, King Of Things
That's a cool idea but it would probably be hard to do plus the next mission is for EPF :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Syka said...

Anonymous said...
wait in the mirror isnt that a shadow????

Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Syka said...

Bumper98 said...
Hey Mimo,

Havent you ever wondered how CP checks people who were reported by other people. Cuz this like guy came up behind me and like said the F word. People thought it was me who said it and I GOT BANNED FOR IT. I MEAN REALLY. THERE SHOULD BE SOME WAY TO EXPLAIN STUFF. THEY DONT DO A GOOD JOB OF CHECKING IT. I am soooooooooo ANGRY. There should be a better way to check it.

Banned for 24 hours
-Sad Bumper98

Oh, dude. Poor you. That is just stupid YOU got banned for it. You should've reported HIM.
Warped, proud, and sympathetic, ~Syka CPG Mod~

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Ethanator said...
Does anyone play any other games on Mimo games other that Chobots or Webosaurs?
Not me but you might ask some of your other friends.

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo. I've always wondered what the piece of paper on the wall (next to the ninja mirror) in the ski lodge was all about. have you ever figured it out? thanks!
Hm...I'm not sure, maybe it's a note from G or the ppl who built clubpenguin. It could actully be from any famous penguin.

Anonymous said...

mimo.. about ur poll... of course its unfair!! how else are they gonna make money!! its un fair to nonmembers but its fair to members who paid MONEY!!! ur playing for free.. that wat u get... like the apps on a ipod touch. the apps that cost money are WAY better than the ones that are free!!!

penguinjunkie said...

maybe there is going to be an invasion! Maybe there will be some evil ninjas that will try to invade the dojo and we have to stop them with our awesome skillz lol

Jagielka5000 said...

That is so strange i remeber what happened a couple of months back so strange well done finding them i didnt notice

Dedgie02 said...

Awsome. AAAAAAHHHHHH they're watching me!

Hildagard said...

New room!!!! Lol. there might be a surprise party... maybe. probably not though.

Anonymous said...

hiya anonymous! you said

i think the shadows are back beacause of the new mission and all those stuff im really exited! and this time i wont look up the mission on youtube im gonna do it all by myself!


wow great idea i think you may be right hmmmmmmm ;)

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
ORRR its going away because the storm is shadows disapear when it is dark hope this helps
king joe 77(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

turtle140 (CPG MOD) said...
Skloop said...

MIMO! I just had a good idea from that last modding I just did! We should have a mission party! When the new mission comes out, we'll all meet up and do it together, and the first one back gets a prize!

Skloop, King Of Things
That's a cool idea but it would probably be hard to do plus the next mission is for EPF :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)
yes they are going to have an epf mission but most likely, with all the stuff about G(ary) and Sensei and the Volcano, that there will also be a PSA mission. Just saying.
-JD543 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

they probely came because of the new room and they appeared the day construction on the new room started.

kittyhub54 said...

I am not sure if in the second picture you are referring to the mirror on the fireplace. Kind of looks like a ninja in the mirror if you were not referring to that

Anonymous said...

They might have came back because of the new mission, and ninjas could be envolved in it. I don't know. well, you rock my sox!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo
i think is is because to the storm. Also the storm hasn't dissapeared completely yet. if you look through the binoculars at the cove you can see the storm offshore

bbbesarttt said...

did you see whats in telescope in light house?

Dedgie02 said...


Anonymous said...

penguinjunkie said...
maybe there is going to be an invasion! Maybe there will be some evil ninjas that will try to invade the dojo and we have to stop them with our awesome skillz lol
That would be awesome! JD543 (CPG MOD)

Binnie 1998 said...

i think its some kind of ninja signal that means we have new ninja work 2 do *wink, wink* ;)

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