Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Club Penguin Reviewed by You!

Last week Club Penguin asked about what we thought was happening with the Volcano. Here is what waddles98990 thinks:

"I think we are lucky it hasn't exploded alredy. Some ninjas say the valcano has feelings and is celeberating holloween with a storm. Others say it is not a threat because it has always been there before. I for one have no idea and I am pretty shure sensei is the only one who knows for shure. Then again maybe even he is puzzled by this amazing firery mountain! (Waddle on CP and plz post!)"

For next week, Club Penguin wants to know, "What do you think it would be like if your penguin shrunk?" Saweet! The new Norman Swarm play sounds awesome! I think there will lots of extra large stuff to make the penguins look like they shrunk. How coolio is that?

Be sure to post a comment about what you think it would be like if we all shrunk!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

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Karate 2 said...

It would be awsome

Anonymous said...

It would be awesome!!!!!


Whizzbobrox said...

Yup. Kewl. Mini penguins. Nice.

Pottingmix said...

If my penguin shrunk, I'd be able to walk under igloo doors. After that, I'd eat the biggest item in their house so that I can grow bigger to tease them when they come home that I can reach the window when they can't! Ha ha ha! So funny!

Zxz192 said...

lol i think it would be cool to get shrunk, Ive always wanted to see what its like to be small! lol

Freddyp9 said...

Bwah Penguin crew JUST beat You dude awesome site, not been here a while rofl WEBO PARTYS ROCK!

- Fred

Anonymous said...

i think it would be cool i reakon they should do a suit then when you wave/dance it makes you shrink or like you said big clothes.


Anonymous said...

If we all shrunk, would we be puffles' pets?
Flappy Pengy (Cookielover)

Dedgie02 said...

I don't think a volcano has feelings I mean come on it's a volcano! all though it could be something like a secret base somehow or it could become one and if it is already run i bet zebras run it and are planning to attack!!

CoNa131 said...

Thats a cool reviewed by you and i think that it would be great because it would look like a super villan has come and shrunk us so no one could stop him/her :)

rene123 said...

if we were shrunk we would have trouble eating pizza,go take a walk would be very hard,so much things so big!!mimo rocks!

Ti44andPantalimon1's Club Penguin Card Jitsu Cheats said...

I think the special kind of stone is a bit of rock of a volcano!
O yeah and whats the point of banging a gold anvil when theres NO amulet on it!

Lil Man 2k9 said...


~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Yeah we are kinda lucky, but it would be cool to have a lava party!
Nad that in ninja hideout it would be some special thing there.

Anonymous said...

I would hunt ants! Althogh they will be igger than us! Mimo what about you!

Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)

P.S. Plz make me a CPGMOD mimo!

Unknown said...

Wow that post is really good(except the exploding!

pilpulp said...

I'd get my squidzoid costume and step on penguins lol!

pilppulp said...

Anonymous said...
I would hunt ants! Althogh they will be igger than us! Mimo what about you!

Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)

P.S. Plz make me a CPGMOD mimo!
1. Don't put (cpg mod) unless you are helping someone or congratzulating someone
2. Don't ask mimo to make you a mod it puts your chances down. So help people to become a mod and tell other ppl who do this that they shouldn't

Anonymous said...

If all penguins shrunk we would swim in the pizza! Lol swim with the dead fishys!


pilpulp said...

Anonymous said...
If we all shrunk, would we be puffles' pets?
Flappy Pengy (Cookielover)
We will find out soon! Or we might turn into gnomes lol.

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo saavy here! im back to modding now, just have like 4 tests this week, im so busy! :(


pilpulp said...

Ti44andPantalimon1's Club Penguin Card Jitsu Cheats said...
I think the special kind of stone is a bit of rock of a volcano!
O yeah and whats the point of banging a gold anvil when theres NO amulet on it!
Theyr'e making amulets with the anvil :)

pilpulp cpg mod

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

that would be so cool if you shrunk it would be weired too :D xD


Anonymous said...

If I shurk then my new clubpenguin would be in my iggy

Karate song said...

Anonymous said...
If we all shrunk, would we be puffles' pets?
Flappy Pengy (Cookielover)
Maybe, but we can fight them if they get to mean right? Hopefully they are nice to us if that happens but then again if we shurk the puffle might not even cared that were small right.
Hope this helped

karate song(Mod)

Chilly Rider said...

i would crawl in side carl(because he ate cp) and play!

Oneoh10 said...

You can see the storm in the binoculars. Kewl.


ludaniel said...

I think that i would fit into the toilet and be flushed away. My penguin will fit in small holes

Mikey322 said...

Anonymous said...
If we all shrunk, would we be puffles' pets?
Flappy Pengy (Cookielover)
----------------------------------- Dear Anonymous, It depends if there are puffles in the play.

Santausa said...

Well if any of you watched some youtube videos of hacks then you will see that there is a hack that turns you small.....maybe clubpenguin will make this happen to all the penguins (kinda like the puffle thing on april fools it was a hack first and then clubpenguin used it to do it to everyone)

Daisy said...

I'm just going to post what I told Club Penguin:

I think it would be really cool if my penguin shrink, then again not. There is always ups and downs to each situation, I believe. The up side of the situtaion is that if penguins shrunk on CP we could get into small doors and maybe even discover a new room, then again that room may just be a trick also. We never know what could happen on CP do we?

My penguin name is Pinkbelly14

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Hey mimo are you going to still have a party? Or did I already miss it and you didn't make a post about it?

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Whizzbobrox said...
Yup. Kewl. Mini penguins. Nice.
That could be like a movie title. Mini penguins

Anonymous said...

We are lucky it hasn't exploded! lol
Queen Binawa (Penguin Name)

ludaniel said...


Ethan Carbonaro said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi mimo saavy here! im back to modding now, just have like 4 tests this week, im so busy! :(

I can beat that. (I wish I couldn't)I had like 8 tests this week because I was sick and missed a bunch of days. Also two of the tests I could have taken any time but I procrastinated and waited till the very last minute. Lastly my teacher hates me. Not even joking she hates like 5 or 6 kids and I am one of them. Why? The world may never know.

ludaniel said...

YOu didn't know that game. It was planet cazmo

ludaniel(CPG Mod)

Matter36 said...

Mimo in the newspaper on page b4 hover ovet the yelloe penguin and there will be a emote!

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
I would hunt ants! Althogh they will be igger than us! Mimo what about you!

Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)

P.S. Plz make me a CPGMOD mimo!
Not necessarily. Being shrunk could vary quite a bit. You can shrink 1 100th of an inch or you could shrink 5 ft. Now I don't think that CP will make us shrink 1 100th of an inch. Just trying to make it clear that it could vary.

Anonymous said...

lol you didnt spell already right

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Hey soz I havent been modding for like ever, internet has been on the fritz ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think I know what that mysterious blaack stuff in the middle of the amulet is! It may be that rock on the right in the Dojo Courtyard because there is a paper to the left of it saying there should be an axe hitting it! It's also cut in half!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Matter36 said...
Mimo in the newspaper on page b4 hover ovet the yelloe penguin and there will be a emote!
Sweet good spotting matey potatey ;-)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
lol you didnt spell already right
I know, hes weird ;-) Sometimes they are clues but most the time its just bad spelling haha :)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
We are lucky it hasn't exploded! lol
Queen Binawa (Penguin Name)
I hope it explodes dudette ;-)

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
If we all shrunk, would we be puffles' pets?
Flappy Pengy (Cookielover)
Depends how small you shrink. But puffles are pretty small so I'm not sure.

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
I would hunt ants! Althogh they will be igger than us! Mimo what about you!

Jitsu Jedi(CPGMOD)

P.S. Plz make me a CPGMOD mimo!
Sorry, but Mimo can't just make you a mod when other ppl out there are actully working for it, you have to answer questions. For furthur details go to the side post where it says CPG Mod's and you can click on the link. B.T.W. please don't put (CPG Mod)unless you're helping or answering someone's question.

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Ethanator said...
Hey mimo are you going to still have a party? Or did I already miss it and you didn't make a post about it?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh yeah! I forgot about that, I didn't go either if it already passed, but Mimo usually always tells us where it was and stuff after the party.

wild hmaster[CPG MOD said...

u rock mimo

Penguie1199 said...

Thats fantastic mimo

Anonymous said...

If my penguin shrunk I would see what it was like to be a puffle so I would play puffle round up and I wouldnt be rounding up, I would be rounded up! Lol can you imagine when you were playing puffle round up you saw a penguin playing a puffle? Lol! But I think the penguins would be harder!

Anonymous said...

I'll just live on a giant pizza, eat it all and become fat... XD

SJaaay said...

I would have felt like a penguin midget! LOL

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