Here is a cool trick. You can change the big blue penguin on clubpenguin.com home page.
Step 1. Go to www.clubpenguin.com
Step 2. Click on the "N" on the "Nightclub" sign on the banner.
Step 3. Now repeatedly click on the big blue penguin to change it.
Awesome! Which one's is your favorite? We like the Ninja the best. If you know of any other Ninja secrets, post them here.
-Club Penguin Gang
kewl id like to join
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After that if you click on the penguin it will change even more!
if you click on the coffee shop door a penguin will come out!!!!
u can click on the penguin and it will change style
i find out a new cheat waer clothes than take of all your clothes but keep your player cade up and put one your tour hat dont close it than wave its so cool
hey if you do that and click on it it will change even more
If you go to fun stuff a blue penguin comes out of the coffee shop but a green penguin also comes out of the gift shop! And if you mouse over both doors quickly, they meet and the blue one says Hello!
my name is gara9 and if you wait for 30 minutes you will be a ninja and say a word every 10 minutes
um there is regular ninjas and fire ninjas in a volcano and the trainer named sensei. p.s. im from the future
Okay heres what will happen (lawl) CARD JITSU
i miss that old homepage
there will be card jitsu then in a year there will be card jitsu fire and then another year card jitsu water and the third year clubpenguin will tell us no snow ninjas p.s. im from the future too
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