Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, April 11, 2014

Exclusive Earth Day 2014 Costume Code!

April is Earth Month! Club Penguin wants to help the environment, let's ALL help!

There is a special code for EVERYONE to unlock an exclusive bear costume.

For each costume unlocked, Club Penguin will donate $1 USD (up to $50,000 USD) to help National Parks! Our friend Olivia Holt from Disney Channel has the details in this video!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter


gtfbhghhj (penguin name) said...

Mimo! If you go to the iceberg and dance with a water/fire ninja suit on with more ppl, the sky turns pink for fire, and if there are a lot of fire dancers clouds will come and meteors will fly across the screen.
With a lot of water dancers, rain will come.

Anonymous said...

gtfbhghhj thanks for informing us about your recent discovery, you'll find that this occurs in every room on CP where the sky is visible.

Waddle On!

P.S Olivia Holt is pretty .

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