Spike Hike has chosen his team for the Club Penguin Scare Games. Check out what he has to say:
The party's getting close! Hope you've all got your scare strategies ready! I'm joining the JOX! Who's with me?! Here is a sneak peek of our team's house. Let me know what you think!
So, are you going to be joining Spike Hike?
-Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
![Mimo's on Twitter](http://thirtyonethirty.com/bannerads/mimotwitter2.jpg)
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It is hard to choose a team, because i like all! I'm still thinking about it :D
-->Nutzzz [^_^]
how does jaws theta chi become jox?
Oooh I like this team too! but I think I will have to see the other teams frist! :)
Of course Spike Hike would pick the JOX team!
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