Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28th Monster's University Takeover Items!

Here are today's items for the Club Penguin Monster's University Takeover Scare Games:

What do you think about these items? Do you like getting new items each day, or do you think it is just annoying?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Ashley22894 said...

I love getting new items, but it is annoying having to wait for them

Mixed Coler said...

Why is there (what looks like) an underwater door under the bridge by the Scare Challenge entrance?

mario30206 said...

im quitting club penguin because im tired of the members only stuff.why the heck do they only let members roar in the party, it's so stupid!

I like cheese said...

The items are "ok."

Anonymous said...

Even the unlockable Percy Costume doesn't roar which makes no sense at all. The unlockable code is DISNEYMU.

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