Lookie Lookie, wanna find Rookie? If so, you are in luckie! Club Penguin has posted the exact times you can meet Rookie this weekend! Woot!
Here is where you can find him:
Saturday 22 - 10:00 am Penguin Standard Time - Marshmallow
Sunday 23 - 10:00 am Penguin Standard Time - Ice Box
Do you like that Club Penguin now posts when and where to find famous penguins? Does it help you find them or are the servers always too full?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

it makes it harder for most of us because now those server will fill hours before tht time btw mimo i think i am about ur age and started bout same time as u just guessin cuz ive played clubpenguin for 2300 days now how about u
Mimo, can you post where rookie first goes when he logs onto a server.
YES it helps!
Two of us met him, and another just missed him.
The ones who missed will try again tomorrow.
I already found him yesterday.
The server is too crowded.
it can be helpful i guess but its so annoying, 20 minutes till hes meant ot be on marshmallow and the stupid server's full. it doesnt help that they dont update automatically ._.
Oh wow ive played for 2201 days aha
the servers are always WAY too full
Hey mimo u dont need my name thats ok cp posted a video for the holloween party
It has bot pros and cons.
PROS: You know exactly where and what time Rookie will take place.
CONS: The server and room is full 3 hours before Rookie is there.
Whoa! This site is still up?! I used to play CP 4 years ago and I'd come on this site every morning. I was clearing out my email and I found a 5 year old draft written to you regarding some caption contest, so I came here to check if this site is still up. Well, I'm still amazed.
I went to the lighthouse to find him ( just in case ) and guess what?! THEIRS A WEIRD RED LIGHT IN THE SEA!!!!!!! CHECK THE TELESCOPE!
I have been on for 4 years now and it has changed SO MUCH! THe servers are ALWAYS FULL even 5 hours before i woke up at 5 am and i got in but ALL the rooms were full. SO i never have met Rookie. Oh well. I liked it better when they didnt tell. Add me im Rhealady123
The third kid found him yesterday, still two of us to go!
Thanks again!
Hello Mimo,
I have something to tell you, so please read this to the end and then, un-approve my message. I do not know your e-mail so I wanted you to read my message through a comment. You can post this on your blog, but, please give credits to Kedu97. Thanks :)
I do not know if this was/is a glitch, but I managed to add Cadence as a friend. I also tried to get the upcoming background which you can see in the picture below, but, sadly, you cannot, because it will say the item is unavalable.
Please read this to the end.
Hi. Sorry, I sent you two messages because, in the last one, I forgot the link. SO.
I was able some months ago to add Cadence as a friend. Now, I can get her future backgrounds for free without meeting her, AND, I can see when and where she is now! :) Alright, here's a snapshot. It's NOT a CPPS, or anything else, it's the real Club Penguin.
If you want to put this to your blog, you have my approve, but, just give credits to me (Kedu97). Thank you :D
I have already met rookie in the April fools party. Thats good enough for me. But one person who I really want to meet is... HERBERT the vegetarian polar bear because I would like to throw a snowball in his face.
And is it just me, or is CP becoming... you know... nevermind...
I've already found Rookie. I want to find Mimo777. ;)
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