Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Like My Club Penguin Igloo: August 1!

I have more names of penguin who liked my Club Penguin loo for August 1!

Remember you can like my igloo every day cause there is no limit of how many times your name can be on CPG!

Here are the new names!

Jkm5                  Dbdb3
Dw47                 Josh5692
Alfie94568         Danny Wilson
Mario Joe1          Herbie8910
Frailes                 Minun951
Dogster8920       Pengi05721
Callum                Pinkkano445
Minamax 3000    P181156679
Jaymunk              A1321 
Mars74201          Unown Q
Pinkpoppy9         SteadyEddie

Thanks everyone! You all are awesome!

Let me know what you think about this little game thing? I wanna know!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Anonymous said...

Mimo777, how do we get to your igloo? I'm not friends with you.

Anonymous said...

It's pinkano445 not pinkkano445

Anonymous said...

A new website design which might be easier to navigate would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Your begging for likes O.O

Agcub said...

Mimo777! I found something interesting out. If you use all of one item in one igloo, lets say, a rug. If you go to another igloo design, you can use that rug again!

Anonymous said...

You can't like an igloo unless that person is on your server or your friend.
And mimo won't accept my request

So I cant like your igloo

Love Zozmachine

pengi05721 said...

Thanks Mimo!

Mihir Deshpande said...

Dude ! I would like to [like] your igloo but i cant see it in the open igloos list!Is it that u can see it only in one server? Plz let me know!

Tom said...

This is a really cool idea mimo I love it

Anonymous said...

is you accept my penguin Cool Fluby to be friend, im gonna LIKE your igloo.

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