Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hey Club Penguin, What's Up With Dropping Our Fav Parties?

This week CPG has heard from Safa 153 and from a bunch of you about Club Penguin dropping our favorite parties lately. I think it's time we discussed this!

Let's start with Christmas, yeah Christmas.

Club Penguin did have a party, but they called it a "Holiday Party". But they dropped the Christmas. Hmm.

St. Patrick's Day? Nope, no party. I wonder why?

Easter Egg Hunt? You wish. Didn't happen!

So, let's give Club Penguin a ton of credit. Their parties and stuff have been getting better and better, right?

So what do you think about Club Penguin dropping our favorite holiday parties? And WHY do you think they are dropping them?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

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Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...

Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America"

Mimo756 said...

I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier

Unknown said...

The reason is because of religion.

foofie zack

Slider94 said...

Well I think they renamed Christmas Party to Holiday party to include all religions (even though the whole theme was christmas lol)
St. Particks Day Party was dropped b/c they were busy with the Penguin Play Awards and all the other stuff goin on that time.
The Easter Egg Hunt was dropped b/c April Fools party is here (Sometimes aster is in march and they can fit both Easter and April Fools) Well thats the general reason!

Maria ! said...

:O well i think there DOING SOMETHING BIG PARTYYYY !!! or there budgets low .....

LuckyG10 said...

What happened to the camping party? That was my favorite!

Sissyc97 said...

I kinda agree with Alex (Polkadotblu9). That is true. I just wish it was because they have been working to hard on the new mission!!


Santa1456 said...

I think that this REALLY STINKS and cp is not having these parties either because of religion or not everybody "celebrates" these holidays.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D

Unknown said...

They dont plan their parties well i dont think they had the penguin play awards and no st.pats because they spent to much time on the penguin play awards i think they need to plan their parties better


Anonymous said...

yeah, maybe its religion. I mean, Jesus's birth, His death, and St. Patrick was a missionary for Christianity. Maybe Disney is anti Christian. :(

Anonymous said...

I know, i am very disappointed. I understand they were probably busy with Puffle Rescue and the awards during St. Patrick's Day, but i am shocked that they didn't have an Egg Hunt this year which means no Blue Bunny Ears for us. :( But yeah, i guess it is because of religious reasons.

Will The halloween Party be next..?


otiekinz said...

I've been noticing that! St. Patricks Day was my first ever party on cp last year and i thought it was AWESOME!! But I understand why they called it a holiday party then a christmas party.


Anonymous said...

They didint have easter egg because easter was to was to soon and you cant have two parties at one time

otiekinz(cpg mod) said...

davishelloworld said...
I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier
Lol!!! Maybe they are trying to make the parties that we recently had a HUGE success which means maybe they had to cut some parties, just a thought.

otiekinz(cpg mod)

Unknown said...

Yeah i know! But calling it "holiday" isnt a big deal. it is a holiday. so people get over that..... and they skipped the WATER PARTY. THE BEST PARTY EVA!

Anonymous said...

They didn't drop April Fool's so I don't care XD.


Unknown said...

it's probably religion. not all people celebrate christmas, easter, and st. patrick's day.

Anonymous said...

i just felt an earthquake!

Anonymous said...

*sniff* ITS UNFAIR!!!

pollydolly42 said...

probaly because relidgon but i dont go to church on easter im not christan but my family still hosts a easter egg hunt in our neighborhood!and not all people are irish but its still fun to celebrate but i like the idea of a holiday party

ludaniel said...

I think they have been shortening them out because maybe of the new mission. They've been working very hard for this next mission. Plus, I celebrate Christmas because its my religion

Anonymous said...

It's because evil Disney wants to make children sad.

BIG halo NEWS said...

they don't have enough time to get the st pattys day ready or the Easter
party because of all the stuff there doing

ludaniel said...

I especially want to know about the easter. Im a very very old penguin in clubpenguin. Ive been playing since December 2006 and i know a lot of old stuff and items. My bro was older than me by a month. He has a snowflake shirt and a ice crown. There used to be no Night Club. Instead there was a free item sign. Also there was the snowflake shirt in the ski hill. I remember getting the easter bunny hoods for the last two years.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Maybe since the partys are getting better and better it takes langer and longer to make them


Matt said...

It's all about political correctness- not everybody celebrates Easter or Christmas.

misstiss66 said...

Yes, I understand the whole religion thing. But still, they should still have the parties. So what if they don't celebrate it? We can still have the parties because they are fun for all.

Slidoo said...

I emailed them earlier today, and they said it is because not enough of their players celebrate these events. However I think, and all the peoples who comment on my blog think it is TOTALLY unfair!


Anonymous said...

I emailed them and they said that not all penguins around the world celebrate these holidays

Replay22 said...

well i think maybe later in the year the will be a huge party like the water party a party that has nothing to do with the real world like easter or christmas. Just a thought

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo 77
I think they are dropping our favourite parties because
They may have alot of work like the big catologs
New stuff each week
Maybe they may be too busy
From 1w34e

Replay22 said...

well i think maybe later in the year the will be a huge party like the water party a party that has nothing to do with the real world like easter or christmas. Just a thought

Crystal said...

They don't want people of other religions to feel left out of the parties because they don't celebrate it.

Anonymous said...

i think its a bad thing that they are not having our fav parties


Puppett514 said...

I was thinking about this eince they dropped the St. Patricks Day party. I was wondering why you didn't discuss this sooner Mimo. Thanks. I agree with Alex, its because not everyone in the world celebrates these holidays, but I think that everyone enjoyed them anyway! No matter if they didn't celebrate the holiday or not!

Anonymous said...

i think club penguin is going green because they have all that eco junk in the catalog


Anonymous said...

i think that they are dropping these parties because they are worried that they are too much of one religion, and they worry that if people of other religions see that, that they wont want to play on club penguin. That is still not an ecuse though....

SweetRejection said...

christmas: well, not all of us celebrate christmas
st pat day: idk o_o
easter: its about the rise of jesus, and not everybody is a christian

Firestar9003 said...

davishelloworld said...
I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier
No, it's just that they are adding more stuff to the parties.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)

Firestar9003 said...

Anonymous said...
i think that they are dropping these parties because they are worried that they are too much of one religion, and they worry that if people of other religions see that, that they wont want to play on club penguin. That is still not an ecuse though....
There, that's a good reason why.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)

Firestar9003 said...

qwpeoriu said...
The reason is because of religion.

foofie zack
Yes, that's probally right. The Religion. Like some peeps dont celebrate Christmas.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)

Firestar9003 said...

It's because the religion. Like I'm not supposed to celebrate Christmas but we do.


Unknown said...

it's pretty obvious it's something to do with religion

I don't celebrate any of the things they didn't have a party for
but i still like the holiday parties

Firestar9003 said...

Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...
Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America"
Two things. Yes, that because the holidays. Plus,the club penguin team lives in Canada.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)

Firestar9003 said...

Nice Mimo!


Silver said...

Yeah, like the ppl said before it's probably because of religion, but maybe not the St. Pat's Party . . . I just don't know Club Penguin very well!! But yeah, I think that's the main reason. It's a shame too cuz I was REALLY looking forward to the Easter Party this weekend and was hoping they'd surprise us!! LET'S REBEL AGAIN!! lol but yeah notice that it's the HOLIDAY party and not the Christmas Party, we went over this in school around Christmas when we were Caroling . . .

slippeestars said...


its not fir there religon partys exspecaily i celebrate all of these so they should have themi have a idea you should put your religon in cp and have a serten servers for peeps who dont selebrate um im mad but i had a good easter happy easter

Wilbur5700 said...

CP, we love your parties but call it Egg Hunt or Egg Scavenger Hunt not Easter Egg Hunt/Scavenger Hunt. Christmas, well if you are going to take it out use other religions like Haunnukah, Kwanza and Christmas. St.Patrick's Day, taking that away was silly. Also taking away other fun parties like Member and Winter Fiesta. >:(

slippeestars said...

and its not because off the april fools party that the easter egg hunt was not herebecause last year they made it earlyer same with st patriks day with the awawrd and it tiks me off that they renamed the cristmas party its cristmas for a reson!so dont change it to happy holoday its marry cristmas

Asol1524 said...

I emailed Club Penguin about why there weren't these parties a while ago. They said they didn't have them because all the people that play Club Penguin don't celebrate those holidays. Please post this on your blog!!


Kristel234 said...

Mimo, i emailed them and they said since club penguin is expanding over the world, they are dropping non entire worldly celebrations.

slippeestars said...

aanonomous said ...
yeah its relegion,its jesuss birth and deth
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thats why im angry i celebrat these and go to church so im so mad they didnt have these

slippeestars said...

oh and you have to blame cp!email them because we all seem mad!becaus cp could have done the annule egg hunt with the april fools party cause its not a party its a egg hunt!

Stickers303 said...

I think they are dropping them becuase some countrys have differnt beliefs and stuff. Like Me (Australia) were not meant to celebrate Halloween but we do anyway. Not many people do it. So if you go trick or treating here in Auzzie you wont get much candy because some reason we dont celebrate it! I love halloween though =D


iggy4u said...

i know i was wondering why they were not having the easter party!

eeyore doll said...

Hey Mimo,
Thats Exactly what I was thinking! On St.Patrick's day, they only had igloo items that we St.Patrick's theme! No clothes! And instead of having A St. Patty's themed party, they now have the Penguin Play Awards.And now, we don't get our annual Easter Egg Hunt?!? Whats up with that?!? I might understand why our Easter egg hunt was cancelled, since it was REALLY close to the April Fools Party,(Maybe Club Penguin Didn't want to have two events at the same time). But another reason I think it was cancelled is because many people play Club Penguin, and some people might not celebrate Christmas and Easter, (and St.Patrick's),and other religious Holidays, so they just might want to be respectful. I am so mad about this because those were my fav parties, but in a way I understand.


Stickers303 said...

But I think CP should do these partys. Like the St Patricks Day Party... If your like chinese and your country China dont celebrate it, I think it will be a great online experience for the chinese person to do on Club Penguin.


idontknow11 said...

i think its cuz' of religious reasons...there are people who dont 'believe' in the reasons for these holidays...

Anonymous said...

They should have a winter holiday party and in all the diffrent rooms it should be decorated for a diffrent holiday ... or maybe all 3!!!


Anonymous said...

Christmas, St.Patrick's day and Easter are all Christian holidays (or holidays formed around christian beliefs). I'm thinking that CP is bringing to mind that not everyone who plays believes the same things. That's my guess.
~HobblyWobbly <(") WOBBLE ON!

Stickers303 said...

Im not baptized but I still love easter...And not becuase of the eggs! *Looks around suspicalsly*


Stickers303 said...

Im emailing CP!


GalaxyShyft said...

Yeah, every event that they have cancelled has been tied to religion....Christmas is when Christ is born. St. Patricks day is when the St. Patrick explains the holy trinity. And easter is when jesus rises again. I'm guessing CP is going non-catholic and getting rid of those partys. That really stinks. But we have a say in the world and i say we go against them and write why we shoudl have them. WHOS WITH ME!??!?

Rebellion. Thats what i cause... :D


Anonymous said...

hey! bring back the parties!

CakeBoy (CPG Mod) said...

Slider94 said...

Well I think they renamed Christmas Party to Holiday party to include all religions (even though the whole theme was christmas lol)
St. Particks Day Party was dropped b/c they were busy with the Penguin Play Awards and all the other stuff goin on that time.
The Easter Egg Hunt was dropped b/c April Fools party is here (Sometimes aster is in march and they can fit both Easter and April Fools) Well thats the general reason!

Well, there actually was that candle thingy in the coffee shop for the "so called" Holiday Party. And maybe you are right with the reasons for the egg hunt and St. Patrick's day party. But the word will never know.

Anonymous said...

their gonna put all the parties together

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
yeah, maybe its religion. I mean, Jesus's birth, His death, and St. Patrick was a missionary for Christianity. Maybe Disney is anti Christian. :(


i agree with you. I think the "Holiday" party says it all. MAYBE just MAYBE the easter was put off because its close to april fools day, but i still dont agree with it. They had NO reason that i can see for the other partys.-.-

Bluie Penny

Ponchee's cheats said...

Club Penguin is starting to spread all over the world, and they need to do holidays that most people celebrate. But I dont know the exact reason why.

Anonymous said...

christmas and easter are RELIGIOUS holidays. i am christian but wouldent you be mad if u were jewish and they didnt throw a passover party?? on the other hand, they're just being stupid for not having the st. patrick's day party.thats not religious at all

Blackhole190 said...

It's because of religion. I think they should just change the name. But come on!!! Don't drop it completely!

Anonymous said...

they obiously dont want to leave no one out. so if in the pass they have celebrated christmas, they wanna chhange things because not everybody celeprates christmas,or St PAtricks day or Easter. And my just having reguler parties that everybody celebrates its easier. That way EVERYBODY is included and no one feels left out. thats what i think.

Anonymous said...

Its because not all people celebrate those holidays. Why would it be fair for people who play club penguin mostly everyday to celebrate holidays, that they do not celebrate in real life. I honestly think they are on the right path, by making the website equal and making everybody happy.

Anonymous said...

hey mimo if you go on clubpenguin and select the santa hat the put it on a dance the put on the propeller hat

Anonymous said...

what about the jewish that's peoble why they crossed out the christmas party

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if u ask Clu Penguin about the St. Patricks Day and Egg Hunt they will say that its because of Penguin Play Awards and April fools.

redbren said...

i just think that it takes so long to make a party happen that they just don't have time to make cool parties right after the other. and religion because it may offend people

Anonymous said...

i think....wait...I KNOW they did this because of "political beliefs" have any of u NOTICED the "friends for CHANGE" and in "send it on" the lyricss state "we won an election, a chain reaction...." i mean, really. its because of the new united states president's beliefs. face it, clubpenguin in going DOWNHILL!!! KEEP THE TRADITION CLUBPENGUIN! its ALWAYS BEEN "Christmas party" and there has ALWAYS been an Easter party! CP tried to "cover up" and "hide" the fact that there was not going to be an Easter party and they did that by overwhelming the participants with the play awards and the April Fools party since "everyone can do it" trust me, i know. im an older participant on CP, i have been there since the start. i know everything thats going on in the political world!!! anyways, thanks. i finally get to share whats going on with CP and hopefully everyone fully understands this!!!


Anonymous said...

davishelloworld said...
I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier
No, it's just that they are adding more stuff to the parties.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)
both of u r wrong. the whole idea of this comes from political beliefs and religion "issues"

Anonymous said...

Yes, I understand the whole religion thing. But still, they should still have the parties. So what if they don't celebrate it? We can still have the parties because they are fun for all.

Frankie=Cool said...

because of religious purposes...yeah i know right

Nay said...

There better be a good reason for this CP! Ya know, the holiday party was actually pretty nice! But, come on! My friend is new to CP, and he was so excited to be a part of all these parties! He is PRETTY bummed out! (Hes not pretty lol!) I was looking SO foward to the egg hunt today. Hey Mimo, can ya please count up all the comments on this post, then email to CP how many people are furios!

Lava22 said...

Well after a while everyone as been to those parties, even though they are cool some people may get tired of looking at the same green buildings, santa hats, and eggs. I agree some of them are reginional though.

Nay said...

Oh ya, ditch the lame boxes for April Fools! We want wacky! Drawn rooms, being puffles, ice burg as a pot! Ys know what, I'm emailing CP right now, and everyone should email them now too! They better have the water party!

Puffin42 said...

Religious infringement... Instead of "Easter Egg Hunt," they could have just called it "Egg Hunt"...

Matt26187 said...

Probably because there are different religions playing the game, and they probably don't believe in it...

Pokefire said...

I think because they don't have enough time because they are working on the NEW MISSION :D


Piper said...

Maria ! said...
:O well i think there DOING SOMETHING BIG PARTYYYY !!! or there budgets low .....
I thin it's because of religion, but it could ALSO be that they are planning something BIG!

Rock n' Waddle On!

Piper said...

Firestar9003 said...
Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...
Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America"
Two things. Yes, that because the holidays. Plus,the club penguin team lives in Canada.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)
Umm, Canada is part of North America. North America isn't the north of the U.S.A, It's a whole continent. K?
Rock n' Waddle on!

Piper said...

SweetRejection said...
christmas: well, not all of us celebrate christmas
st pat day: idk o_o
easter: its about the rise of jesus, and not everybody is a christian
I feel that way too. I am Christian, so I am kinda disappointed that the parties are gone, but it makes people who aren't in that religion don't feel left out.
Rock n' Waddle on!

Anonymous said...

i know the parties have been so fun maybe because different peoples religions???? :/

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Them meanies dropping our fav partties and i was reeally waiting for the St Patrick day party!

Anonymous said...

I think they think that we don't need so many partys but we do!You need more partys mimo777! -Juno1598(CPG mod)

JDFZ said...

all of these holidays are for christians....ST. patricks day....CHRISTmas....easter(the end of lent and such) it causes alot of controversy

Flippy6521/Jordan_sam said...

Hey alex(polkadotblu9) It is like they should have it because the creators of Club penguin are from BC Kelowna and stuff so they should have it like they had it before but not the other years so yeah

Anonymous said...

yea, they're are cool, (mostly for members) but because Club Penguin is getting bigger and in more countries and languages they can't celebrate them because easter, st pats and Xmas are to do with Christians and England N.America and New Zealand

Anonymous said...


Miley Fan217 said...

I've emailed them already, and it's because of religion. Which is totally unfair if you ask me. Changing the name of "Christmas Party" to "Holiday Party" or whatever isn't THAT big of a deal. I can just brush that one off. Canceling the St. Patty's party was just ridiculous. And the egg hunt could have been squeezed in. Sure, people aren't religious in all the same ways, so they could have shaped the hunt differently. Instead of calling it, "Easter Egg Hunt." Just name it, "Egg Hunt." Really, it's that simple.

I blame Disney.

Anonymous said...

thats like soo wrong.

Anonymous said...

they are droping them because some family's dont celebrate those holidays and then parents complain about it

Anonymous said...

i say we send lots of angry letterz with lots of >:( and :( so they will realies that what their doing is wrong remember mimo they listened about the language bar who knows we might just get them to change their minds and mimo mabey one day you will be the person who own clubpenguin XD

my clubpenguin name is darkmage459

Anonymous said...

Because there HOLIDAY partys! with everyone arguing over how to celebrate the holidays, Disneys smart to stay out of it!

Caitiecat12 said...

yeah unfortunately its because of religion BUT THEY SHOULD STILL HAV IT!!! North Americans aren't the only ones who are Christians, people in Europe and Australia are too. Christianity is actually the main religion of the world. Mimo777 and the rest of CPG should make a petition or something to ask CP to get these parties back!!!! THEY NEED MORE RELIGIOUS PARTIES! I'm really disgusted with Club Penguin. :(

Cheiky said...

Well, I generally accept that these holidays are very close to each other, making the animators and game designers or whatever have to work harder. If this is so, then the mentioned club penguin movie might be the cause of the cancellation. the St. Patrick's day party has been going on for a long time, and the items are the same. Therefore, there really is no need. I also feel that they are running out of suitable colours for the april fool's hat. They only really set it up to please us. Knowing that the Penguin Play Awards was a big hit last year, they decided to put it on to please us. So you see guys, the parties are designed to please US, and they are really trying hard to satisfy everyone, such as all religions with the Holiday Party. Keep calm and the awaited mission and movie will come soon!

Dewey'sNook said...

Thank you for bringing this up Mimo. I was so angry when they called Christmas a 'Holiday' party, and I used to live in Ireland, so i was depressed about St. Pats, and i always loved the egg hunt! Thanks for bringing this up! :)

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Well let's see. CHRISTmas I wonder why. St. Patricks day was a CHRISTIAN and its a CHRISTIAN holiday. Easter, couldn't imagine why. Maybe the fact that it too is also a CHRISTIAN holiday!

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...
Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America"
Pretty much every country has something at least close to all these holidays. (Maybe not St.Patricks day)

Anonymous said...

why cp why easter egg hunt was my fav

Ethan Carbonaro said...

davishelloworld said...
I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier
It's a multi-million dollar company with like a zillion staff members. I don't think thats the problem.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Thank you for addressing it Mimo! You rock. Unfortunately we all know the reason why :P

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Santa1456 said...
I think that this REALLY STINKS and cp is not having these parties either because of religion or not everybody "celebrates" these holidays.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D
Not everyone celebrates other holidays. A lot of people don't celebrate holidays like April fools day or Halloween. Im sure there are a lot more.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
yeah, maybe its religion. I mean, Jesus's birth, His death, and St. Patrick was a missionary for Christianity. Maybe Disney is anti Christian. :(
Ya think? Walt Disney was a Christian! He's rolling in his grave.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Oh ya I forgot to mention that once Michael Isner (Either the president right now or former president or the Walt Disney franchise) invented gay day at disney world. Just saying that this might have something to do with it.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

blueebeel said...
Yeah i know! But calling it "holiday" isnt a big deal. it is a holiday. so people get over that..... and they skipped the WATER PARTY. THE BEST PARTY EVA!
The term "happy holidays" was originally to get the word Christ out of CHRISTmas.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

☺Slidoo☻ said...
I emailed them earlier today, and they said it is because not enough of their players celebrate these events. However I think, and all the peoples who comment on my blog think it is TOTALLY unfair!
MOST of CP's players come from the US, Canada, and the UK. Canada and America celebrate easter, and all three countries celebrate St. Patricks day. Same thing with Christmas.

Digital Boy said...

Maria ! said...

:O well i think there DOING SOMETHING BIG PARTYYYY !!! or there budgets low .....

It would be almost impossible for their budget to be low considering that Disney bought them and paid over a million dollars for CP and that with all those members they are making a ton of money.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Replay22 said...
well i think maybe later in the year the will be a huge party like the water party a party that has nothing to do with the real world like easter or christmas. Just a thought
You do realize that we DO live in the real world. Club Penguin IS in fact fake.

Digital Boy said...

If there was no Easter celebration why did they put the bunny costume in the catalog?

chickorita78 said...

well.......I live in Australia(aussie:) )but we still celebrate halloween, christmas, easter(had an easter egg hunt, everyone kept steeling my eggs), and yeah, but not st patrics(we dont know how to celebrate)but no easter party so sad:(.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

SweetRejection said...
christmas: well, not all of us celebrate christmas
st pat day: idk o_o
easter: its about the rise of jesus, and not everybody is a christian
What do you think Christmas and St. Patricks day are about? Coincidence?

Caitiecat12 said...

Hey Mimo777 and CPG, sorry for being so angry I've cheered up very slightly because my Dad thought of this great idea!! Club Penguin should have some severs which have these Christian parties (seeing as that's the main religion of the world) and also have some severs for the other people who don't want to celebrate these events. Like when it's the Christmas Party, they could have the Holiday Party, when it's Easter and St. Patrick's Day they could have something else. Please MIMO777 and CPG, help me convince CP to do this!!!

Anonymous said...

I almost cried when I logged on to CP and there was no Easter Egg hunt! They have had Easter Egg hunts since the beginning. Matbe this is Disneys fault, do you think it is??? And really I don't mean to be offensive but who cares about the religion. or it might offend people. Most of the people that play CP live in North America and we ususally celebrate these holidays. Anyway, I'm still sad there was no Easter Egg hunt.

sprocket07 said...

maybe it costs too much money on like pencils and stuff? or maybe they're just improving so much on their psrties they don't have time for their minor parties. idk...

sprocket07 cpg mod said...

Anonymous said...
I think thats kinda of messed. Thats so not fair! I think they are coming up with new ideas for the parties. Isnt the fools party kind of diff. I havent beeen to the party last year so ya. They must be planning somethin BIG!!!!!!
yeah your right it's soooo not fair! TTYL!!! -sprocket07

Anonymous said...

its stupid.... how are ppl offended by the fact the party all started about JESUS?!!!! soooo.... most ppl i know dont belive in religust stuff and they still celebrate it!!! WHO CARES!!! I WANT EASTER HUNTS BACK!!!! UGHHHHH ppl who think that its wrong to have a party about easter then go some where else!! grrr

sprocket07 cpg mod said...

Slider94 said...
Well I think they renamed Christmas Party to Holiday party to include all religions (even though the whole theme was christmas lol)
St. Particks Day Party was dropped b/c they were busy with the Penguin Play Awards and all the other stuff goin on that time.
The Easter Egg Hunt was dropped b/c April Fools party is here (Sometimes aster is in march and they can fit both Easter and April Fools) Well thats the general reason!
yeah i think so but april fools isn't in march just to point that out... idk i'm weird about small things like that. but yeah i think youre right! TTYL!!! -sprocket07

sprocket07 cpg mod said...

Maria ! said...
:O well i think there DOING SOMETHING BIG PARTYYYY !!! or there budgets low .....
yeah i think that their budgets are low. TTYL!!! -sprocket07

sprocket07 cpg mod said...

Anonymous said...
I know, i am very disappointed. I understand they were probably busy with Puffle Rescue and the awards during St. Patrick's Day, but i am shocked that they didn't have an Egg Hunt this year which means no Blue Bunny Ears for us. :( But yeah, i guess it is because of religious reasons.

Will The halloween Party be next..?

NOOOOO! NOT THE HALLOWEEN PARTYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! the music IS I REPEAT IS as good as the music in zelda spirit tracks which has some pretty kewl tunes. i like the one at the disco thing. but yeah the easter eggg hunt was like, right up there in my remember to do stuff list (AKA my calendar). im sad now : .( t t y l : (

Anonymous said...

I like that they are trying to make it so the parties aren't just on Christian holidays. I am not religious and think they are doing the right thing like just because so people are Christian not every party has to be. I didn't like those parties as much any ways. But I do think they could use a few more parties.

Anonymous said...

I think it is because of religion if they do christmas people might say they are being racist for not celebrating Hindu, Jewish, muslim etc festivals and if they did include all of them it would be a lot of parties!!

Anonymous said...

religion. i'm not christian. easter, christmas... that's all religious. they're making it welcome for everyone. marketing strategies!

Magno20 said...

Mimo777 christmas is called a holiday on Microsoft publisher

Anonymous said...

I think that its a mission. Maybe Herbert stole all the props for the party's?

Andz said...

It's because Disney made Club Penguin religiously neutral, and they do not want to celebrate Christian holidays, such as Easter, Christmas and St. Patricks day. As a Christian I find this wrong, as most of the world population is a Christian, and other religions perhaps enjoyed our parties.

Wizzer10 said...

It must be religion but if they want it to apeal to all races why stop! Does england and america have to stop celebrating just cuz people of other religions live there. As for saint patricks day which is just fun in all countries even if it is a bit more serious in Ireland. Based on the contents I just want to say I was trying to offend CP there not anybody else!

Wizzer10 said...

Firestar9003 said...
Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...
Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America"
Two things. Yes, that because the holidays. Plus,the club penguin team lives in Canada.

-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)
Umm, Canada is part of North America. North America isn't the north of the U.S.A, It's a whole continent. K?
Rock n' Waddle on!
-----------------------------------Britain anyone! We celebrat too. No actually our american masters tell us to shut up and drink tea all day, like we dont exist. Like thats gunna happen! Sorry but please stop doin this horrid stuff, Brits view this blog too!
Sorry again,
Wizzer10 (ooo im a poet and I didnt even know it!)

Doodlebug277 said...

I can't be calm right now sorry :| the st. patricks day & the easter partys were my favourite. if they don't get a grip soon the will have to feel the wrath of me.


Doodlebug277 said...

Maria ! said...
:O well i think there DOING SOMETHING BIG PARTYYYY !!! or there budgets low .....


LOL I think their budgets probably low or their trying to save a bit of money by cutting out some partys (sadly the best ones)

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

Shadowscythe said...

I emailed Cp and they said they didnt do the St. Patricks Day party, because "Not everyone celebrates St Patricks Day" which is true.

Maxiemill said...

its because all religions dont celebrate some of those partys
Also because they want to make more players and maker more money by not only doing one religion

Anonymous said...

Why oh WHY did they get rid of the egg hunt?! That's one of the best bits of CP! I know it might be about religion. But couldn't they have done what they did with the Christmas/Holiday Party and just change the name? The St Patty party could be the Lucky Clover party. I think it was so silly to get rid of the egg hunt because if your religion is different you don't have to do it! But if you want to then you can! WHAT'S UP CLUB PENGUIN?!

Anonymous said...

Hey, i phoned club penguin about the easter egg hunt and they said if they do have it it will be this week.

-Irish Rover

Jordanisaac1 said...

It's really straight, through.The are working on Herbert's Revenge and The New Mission.As you said party#s are getting better.They also want the mission's to get better ~Jordanisaac1

Unknown said...

It's because those are christian holidays. there are also jews who play club penguin (like me) and moslems and tons of other religions...

Unknown said...

i think it mihgt be to much money

pony931 said...

Slider94 said...

Well I think they renamed Christmas Party to Holiday party to include all religions (even though the whole theme was christmas lol)
St. Particks Day Party was dropped b/c they were busy with the Penguin Play Awards and all the other stuff goin on that time.
The Easter Egg Hunt was dropped b/c April Fools party is here (Sometimes aster is in march and they can fit both Easter and April Fools) Well thats the general reason!


Ya, i agree with Slider94. They were trying not to make ppl feel left out by stopping d religious party. and they were too busy to do the other ones!

Kingfisher81 said...

I do celebrate them all, And i understand some people dont celebrate these events. Maybe, if clubpenguin doesnt celebrate them next year or any partys they wont do anymore...Mimo could have partys on those occasions!

Harvey said...

Alex (polkadotblu9) said...

Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America.

Most people DO celebrate these times especially easter and christmas because you get chocolate and presants!
im in the UK in sudbury and i definately celebrate christmas and easter - but i dont celebrate ssint patricks day..and im trying to get spelling right!

-Peace man218 (Harvey)

Anonymous said...

hey! I was wondering too.I like there
parties but the least they could do is throw parties for good reason!

Kingfisher81 said...

Ryan said...
Oh ya, ditch the lame boxes for April Fools! We want wacky! Drawn rooms, being puffles, ice burg as a pot! Ys know what, I'm emailing CP right now, and everyone should email them now too! They better have the water party
Yeah! u are right! The Water party has no religion into it, so it HAS to come. It was awesome last year!
~Kingfisher81 (CPG Mod)

Harvey said...

Anonymous said...
I know, i am very disappointed. I understand they were probably busy with Puffle Rescue and the awards during St. Patrick's Day, but i am shocked that they didn't have an Egg Hunt this year which means no Blue Bunny Ears for us. :( But yeah, i guess it is because of religious reasons.

Will The halloween Party be next..?


Yeah im dissopointed asswell!
They will defontlly do the haloween party - and i dont think they will do BLUE bunny ears..
and mostlly it is religious reasons.

-Peace man218 (Harvey)

-cpg mod

Harvey said...

davishelloworld said...
I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier

and lazier! - lol

Anonymous said...

Maybe Disney's fault? Hmmmm suspicious...

Kingfisher81 said...

Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...
Because they say "Not all people celebrate those holidays, we are the only people because we live in North America
I live in Australia, and i celebrate all those special events.
~Kingfisher81 (CPG Mod)

Nev2 said...

I know that a ton of people have said this before but, not everyone would celebrate St. Patrick's Day because that's celebrating Christianity. Since they put CP in different languages a lot more people all over the world played CP.

fudgecake4 said...

you might not like some celebrations from all the loud noise exmple bonfire night.or if you live in a differnent country.or your religon.but it might be there getting older.there getting lazeier

Anonymous said...

you know everyone people without religion think that people, that are not Christian, feel offended.but they don't I know loads of people that are not Christian that send me Easter cards.they are more offended of people taking them as a if club penguin have dropped the parties
for that reason I'm pretty upset!

Maisie Law said...

its because of stuff like religon.your all right

Jenny and dogs said...

I hate it! But maybe its bcos they might be giving us a big one 4 a surprise?

Raxel3 said...

GalaxyShyft said...

Yeah, every event that they have cancelled has been tied to religion....Christmas is when Christ is born. St. Patricks day is when the St. Patrick explains the holy trinity. And easter is when jesus rises again. I'm guessing CP is going non-catholic and getting rid of those partys. That really stinks. But we have a say in the world and i say we go against them and write why we shoudl have them. WHOS WITH ME!??!?
I dont agree with u cause...disney or cp not being to be a anti-christ its only for our all religion reasons...and not all ppl celebrate not a christ but i respect them (christ ppl) so if theres a party in cp that connect with the christ religion....i just follow it and enjoy it...if i complain to the cp group is just make a very big trouble...


gflounder11 said...

they might have run out of ideas but surley they could ask us for some ideas? and if it is religion then can't they make partys for other religions to??

yoshi blue said...

Well i know why with st Patrick caus not everyone celebrates it cause i dont i celebrate something else

вιя∂ρℓαтɛ said...

I think they did that because they are mean. :) Joke :)


Anonymous said...

i think it is because disney and their products reach kids all around the world, and they dont want any kids of other religions being left out, but to leave the massive amount that do celebrate them, it is unfair.

Agent Tobes said...


Mario000 said...

Lets face it, Christmas is a religious event for Catholics, Christians and some more. St. Patrick's Day and Easter, same reason. They don't want to offend other religions and there are 100's or even 1000's out there.
Or the other reason is they had alot to do on the game. But who really cares about the Penguin Play Awards? They could of worked on the new mission.


Kimberly506 said...

lets hope that they are preparing for somehting big!

Pengutibba said...

It's because Disney ruined it.

Anonymous said...

i live in ireland and droping the saint patricks day party really offened me

Phillie26 said...

mimo, dont forget the winter fiesta

Unknown said...

yo its me again the guy from ireland i am not christin i just like st patrick and easter so GIVE US PARTYS CP

Uilleam Beag said...

They also dropped the Fiesta Party, Thats usually in Febuary

burj said...

they dont have to make it about religion eg

st. Patrick day /Irish day

easter party / spring party

its only Christian if you make it that way and the dates
there pagan

Unknown said...

I sent them an email,

I would just like to ask one question.
Why don't we have St Patricks day and Water party anymore? I heard lots of penguins saying that they would love if we could have them again! I think you made Club Penguin so great and all my friends and I think that it would be great to add St Patricks day, Water party, Summer party etc.That would make it awesome!
I would appreciate if you answer.Thank-you,

This is what they said.

Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to write in. With all of the excitement of the Puffle Party and the Penguin Play Awards, there simply wasn't enough time to plan a St. Patrick's Day Party. Did you know that there is usually only one party per month?

Club Penguin is also working towards making all of the parties more applicable to all of our penguins who waddle in from all areas of the globe. Because not all penguins celebrate or know what St. Patrick's Day is, we thought it would be best to focus more on the parties that all penguins can participate in!

At this time, we're not too sure whether the Water Party will be returning to Club Penguin this year, but we really hope it does!

Be sure to keep checking out the What's New blog and the Club Penguin Times for more information and updates on all the exciting events coming up!

Happy waddles.


+ said...

its because some people dont believe in easter, xmas, and are not from ireland

Lime013 (CPG Mod) said...

They also dropped the winter fiesta.

The previous year they dropped the water party.

So what now? No more halloween?

They also probably want us to make our own parties.

Zacfan15399 said...

Sissyc97 said...
I kinda agree with Alex (Polkadotblu9). That is true. I just wish it was because they have been working to hard on the new mission!!


I too wish that CP were working hard on the new mission so they can get it out this month, but they are proberly still working on the bug-free thing. GRRRRR!!

Zacfan15399-Hpe to be CPG Mod

Zacfan15399 said...

☺Slidoo☻ said...
I emailed them earlier today, and they said it is because not enough of their players celebrate these events. However I think, and all the peoples who comment on my blog think it is TOTALLY unfair!


OMG!just because not enough of their players celebrate these events.I bet that they are just saying that because they are just getting abit lazy or they are losing money or something like that.Club penguin best not ditch the halloween party i really enjoy that.

Zacfan15399-Hope to be cpg mod.

slippeestars said...

in my way cp has droped non catholic partys and they want it to be fair and im catlic so im mad like how dose it make us catolics feel that they do these partys bubt none of our religon>:(

Anonymous said...

i think club penguin are getting lazy... they arent even making good parties anymore... like the water party or st.patricks day party. none of them happened, which sucks. i just hope the new people at cp are going to make better parties.

Wildmagegirl said...

It's quite clear really, and yet horribly unfair. They do not want to discriminate against anyone due religion, beliefs etc. If you ask me, that's a bit silly.

I live in Ireland and here, St. Patrick’s day is celebrated by everyone, it's not a thing about religion, it's a national holiday celebrating Irishness.

As for Easter, why not have a Spring Festival where they celebrate nature renewing itself - baby lambs, rabbits, EGGS!

Ok, Christmas, I'll give them that - fair enough.

However, why do they feel that they should not discriminate due to religion and beliefs but they have no problem doing it with money? All the time these days, Club Penguin are having "Members Only Events" and what is this? Segregation about who can afford membership and who can not. We are in a recessionary crisis (Ireland at least are falling quite hard) and yet, Club Penguin insist on kicking out the underdog! It's utterly ridiculous!

slippeestars said...

if your cristian like me done feel sad like its not fair for us how dose disny think we feel!huh! do they care fore cristains

slippeestars said...

next thing you now theres not a halloween party because its all saints day easter was the reserection of jesus crist and crist mas was the birth of jesus crist they call it crist_mas for a reson

cplvr! said...

I Know The Reason Is Religion But Its Still Not Fair! They Still Enjoy The Partys

Nereid (Jesslania said...

Hmmm.... I did not like the April fools party.... Last time it was cool. The easter egg hunt. I missed it last time oh man! Ther are only 5 soloutions:
1. (The most common) bcuz of religion.
2.(second common) busy with the new mission? I bet it's gonna be BIG.
3. (third common) A HUGE SURPRISE PARTY!!!
4.(fourth common) Club penguin is low on budget?
5. (last common) sigh. They are getting lazier and lazier. (I would hate it if that happened

Nokama1 said...

Probely they are too busy.....

Blue Show No said...

I think they are spending so much time on some parties, they absolutely have NO time for some of the best parties. I understand that,and probably because of the "Christmas party" being called the "Holiday party" and there was no easter egg hunt it was either that some peepz dont celebrate those holidays and i respect that or that they have no time to make them or RENAME them. ;D
~Blue Show No CPG Mod to be soon?
PS. Is that how to do the CPG mod thing because I wanna be a cpg mod

Orang0 said...

Matt said...
It's all about political correctness- not everybody celebrates Easter or Christmas.

Yeah, but, some people DO! I mean, we should start a group to ask for our parties back.

Anonymous said...

It's because not all of us are christian

Luis2414 said...

davishelloworld said...
I know whats up with it? They might be getting lazier and lazier
Lazier!!!They have been have little parties but each one is terrific!Luis2414 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

I think club penguin does not like these parties! :(

Luis2414 said...

That would be cool if they had a party for all three.Luis2414

guilepenguin said...

i hate clubpenguin now!!!! they dropped our fav parties coz they can not be bothered to run them !!! we pay good money to be member on cp and they then drop out fav parties????whats going on oh yes they are getting lazier and lazier!!!!!

Pochoma123 said...

CP didn't have the St. Patrick's Day party since they were so busy in March, that's what the response to the email I sent said. And Its only April 5th, they can still have an Egg Hunt

iamapplepie said...

billybob reads this and he might change it to make more partys cause hes a mod right?

tvingis said...

Hi, well, I am little bit sad, cuz there wasn't a Easter party with eggs searching, pin and a gift. ;/

Anonymous said...

maybe because theres more penguins and there computers arn't working as well" asusmega

spycomic29 said...

Club Penguin has been dropping those parties probably because of the Christian themes behind them. And since they're now owned by Disney, Disney doesn't want to have to deal with those themes, since they support something completely different.

Sasybob said...

Maybe cuz some ppl don't livein those countries or celebrate those holidays

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