Of course everyone on Earth and most other planets knows this site and our family by "CPG". Right?
Well, my friend Ethanator found this Dilbert Comic...
If you can't read it, the first line says:
"Hows the CPG project coming long?"
Ok, probably not but it's still phunnie. Thanks again Ethanator. You rock!
Do you read Dilbert?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Gotta love dilbert.
You should make a CPG project XD
-VYOLIT! CP prodigy
Hey Mimo, sorry I haven't been modding. I've been away on vacation to Mexico! But I'm back!
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Awesome! If you have a big TV screen it'd be way awesomer! It'd be like a gigantic computer!
TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Awesome! If you have a big TV screen it'd be way awesomer! It'd be like a gigantic computer!
Please do not put CPG MOd after your name id you are not modding. Thanks. By the way cool Mimo. Imagine if he said your name in the comic. that'll be sooo cool
Hahaha! Garfield is FUNNY! lol :)
Awesome i love those comics! -Juno1598(CPG mod)
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Cool! Isn't it sad you can't play club penguin on it. :(
Nev2 (trying to be a mod)
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Cool! You could dress it up as a super-computer on halloween!
Ethanator said...
Gotta love dilbert.
Dilbert rocks! I've read his comics for a long time.
Vyolit said...
-VYOLIT! CP prodigy
Calvin and Hobbes is my all time favourite! Garfield has new comics though, which makes them both equal.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
Ps. Mimo, on my first 2 posts, i forgot to write CPG Mod.
lolzzzz I know eathanor from webosaurs ace finding it eathan its funny. And why don't we call mimo presidant Mimo lol.
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Dear Captain Str00del
That is awsome! I wonder if you can do mimo games on there.
<~Dedgie02 (CPG MOD)~>
What's Dilbert??
TulipPearl1 said...
Hey Mimo, sorry I haven't been modding. I've been away on vacation to Mexico! But I'm back!
Hey that must of been fun!And don't worry mimo will surely understand. Luis2414
Ethanator said...
Gotta love dilbert.
Lol. mhmmmm. This comic is pretty awesome ;)
--Miss Brook22 (CPG Mod)
TulipPearl1 said...
Hey Mimo, sorry I haven't been modding. I've been away on vacation to Mexico! But I'm back
Nice! How was your trip? It's good that you're back! ;)
--Miss Brook22 (CPG Mod)
Wow! Thats cool! Nice job Ethanator!
imo if you add up the percent from the poll its 98% fail
good eye buy the way
andy capps the best and archie and calvin and hobbs
good ol dilbert
Sorry, never heard of what is Dilbert Cartoon because im a malaysian.(but i'm not a malay, i'm a chinese)
I don't really think that it's talking about us because there is lots of other CPG in the world and not all of them mean Club Penguin. Also, what project have we beem putting on?
Yeah when I read the comic that's exactly what went though my head, lol!
~ Bon Bon 8888
i do read dilbert and garfield. i wouldn't just assume CPG stands for club penguin gang.
P3NGU71884 said...
What's Dilbert??
Dilbert is a comic strip like Garfield and Clvin and Hobbes. But in my opinion, Dilbert is a 3 and Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield are 10!!
-VYOLIT, CP Prodigy (cpg mod)
i saw that on the sunday newspaper of the daily news, i actually had no idea what they were talking about....untill now [=
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Very cool!!I wish i could do that.I would be on the wii all day long.lol
-Zacfan15399(hope to be cpg mod)
Oh mimo when are you going to do a cpg mod check thing again??(i've forgot what it is
Caster75 said...
I don't really think that it's talking about us because there is lots of other CPG in the world and not all of them mean Club Penguin. Also, what project have we beem putting on?
a zebra owning project! Were sending zebras to people around the world! JK anyway we have many projects like ...... a f=having fun project!
TulipPearl1 said...
Hey Mimo, sorry I haven't been modding. I've been away on vacation to Mexico! But I'm back!
Dear TulipPearl1
Awsome! How was Mexico?
<~Dedgie02 (CPG MOD)~>
LOL i saw tht in the comics and i thot of u but it prolly isnt u lol
cool, but they could be talking about some other kind of CPG. It could mean something completely different.... hate to burst your bubble.... if you have/had one
I read dilbert, love dilbert, and breathe dilbert. I can't believe I didn't catch that one.
calvin hobbs rocks and garfield and andy capp and archie and horrible hagger i know im a comic book geek
Ethanator said...
Gotta love dilbert.
I know and congrats on telling Mimo about the comics!
Waddlin' around,
Wilbur5700(CPG Mod Trainee)
Anonymous said...
Awesome i love those comics! -Juno1598(CPG mod)
Juno i do to but please if you aren't modding please do not put (CPG mod) by your name. Ok?
Waddlin' Around,
Wilbur5700(CPG Mod Trainee)
TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Awesome! If you have a big TV screen it'd be way awesomer! It'd be like a gigantic computer!
Ha ha, funny you say that, my family owns a projector for our big T.V. Not a movie theater sized one but like, 3/8 of the size. Possibly. I dont know. LOL
~Bumper98(CPG MOD)
"Everyone should go green"
Anonymous said...
Awesome i love those comics! -Juno1598(CPG mod)
Same!Sometimes I get them, sometimes I dont! LOL, and please dont put "CPG MOD" after your name when you arent modding, thanks!
~Bumper98(CPG MOD)
"Everyone should go green"
Zacfan15399 said...
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Very cool!!I wish i could do that.I would be on the wii all day long.lol
-Zacfan15399(hope to be cpg mod)
Hey Zachfan! No need to put "Hope to be a CPG MOD" after your name! Just put "CPG MOD" after your name when you are modding! Thanks! And to answer your other question, Mimo normally does mod changes maybe, every 3-6 months. Does that sound right? Thats noramlly the time apart from each mod change.
~Bumper98(CPG MOD)
"Everyone should go green"
Oh Yeah! I saw that and only vaguely made the connection, but it's nice that you guys noticed it.
Anonymous said...
cool, but they could be talking about some other kind of CPG. It could mean something completely different.... hate to burst your bubble.... if you have/had one
That's true. It could be like Comcast Program Guide or something.
If it is Club Penbguin Gang then thats cool to.
-JD543 (CPG MOD in training)
P3NGU71884 said...
What's Dilbert??
A pretty funny comic strip. It's in a lot of papers around the US.
Ethanator The Uber Mimo Mod
(Uber means awesome in German)
Caster75 said...
I don't really think that it's talking about us because there is lots of other CPG in the world and not all of them mean Club Penguin. Also, what project have we beem putting on?
Its only a joke. Scott Adams (The author of Dilbert) probably doesn't even know that CPG exists. Just kinda funny CPG is mentioned in a huge comic strip
Ethanator The Uber Mimo Mod
(Uber means awesome in German)
Whane said...
i do read dilbert and garfield. i wouldn't just assume CPG stands for club penguin gang.
Just a joke
Vyolit said...
P3NGU71884 said...
What's Dilbert??
Dilbert is a comic strip like Garfield and Clvin and Hobbes. But in my opinion, Dilbert is a 3 and Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield are 10!!
-VYOLIT, CP Prodigy (cpg mod)
You deffinately have to have a...special sensce or humor to like Dilbert XD I like him though. Very random.
Anonymous said...
cool, but they could be talking about some other kind of CPG. It could mean something completely different.... hate to burst your bubble.... if you have/had one
*Sigh* XD Totally joking. But ya it's just a coincidence XD Kinda funny.
where are the midevil pivits on toots vill? plz help!
Nice Mimo!
Ethanator said...
Gotta love dilbert.
Yes, I love him too.
-Firestar9003(CPG MOD)
I love Dilbert!
I don't want to sound mean but it doesn't sound like they meant the Club Penguin Gang because they mentioned it once. Another meaning of CPG is Clinical Practice Guideline. Though it would be cool.
He may not be talking about CPG. It has to specifically say Club Penguin Gang. Who knows what Dilbert is talking about...XD
Cheese98r said...
I don't want to sound mean but it doesn't sound like they meant the Club Penguin Gang because they mentioned it once. Another meaning of CPG is Clinical Practice Guideline. Though it would be cool.
Oh,I think your right,it must be Clinical Practice Guideline. Clinical Practice Guideline Project makes more sense then Club Penguin Gang project,well it still would be cool if it was Club Penguin Gang! Keep Waddling! -Carabu (CPG Moderator)
hello im replying 2 all the cpg mods and mimo. I do have a big screen and I visit ur site everyday! i told some off my friends 2 go to ur site. I think ur site looks fantabulistic on my big fat screen. [fantabulistic is a word i made. its a mixture fantabulous and fantastic.] u have the most schweetest site ever mimo! xD
Lewisrea said,
lolzzzz I know eathanor from webosaurs ace finding it eathan its funny. And why don't we call mimo presidant Mimo lol.
Because mimo is shorter
-Redzos (CPG mod in training)
P3NGU71884 said...
What's Dilbert??
Redzos said...
Dilbert is a comic. you know? where theres speech bubbles and things?
-Redzos (CPG mod in training)
Anonymous said...
i dont like dilbert that much but its nice that they know about you
Redzos said...
Its probably another CPG cause there is lots of CPG in the world but i dont know any but... there probably is
-Redzos (CPG mod in training)
we used to have delbert on our math homework sheets lol
you guys r soo cool!
omg that is so cool but dont forget that CPG may mean something else but its still cool
Bumper98 said...
Zacfan15399 said...
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Very cool!!I wish i could do that.I would be on the wii all day long.lol
-Zacfan15399(hope to be cpg mod)
Hey Zachfan! No need to put "Hope to be a CPG MOD" after your name! Just put "CPG MOD" after your name when you are modding! Thanks! And to answer your other question, Mimo normally does mod changes maybe, every 3-6 months. Does that sound right? Thats noramlly the time apart from each mod change.
~Bumper98(CPG MOD)
"Everyone should go green
Thx Bumper98 i'll remeber that.Oh,and yes 3-6 months does sound right.
Zacfan15399(cpg mod)
Vigste said...
TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Awesome! If you have a big TV screen it'd be way awesomer! It'd be like a gigantic computer!
Please do not put CPG MOd after your name id you are not modding. Thanks. By the way cool Mimo. Imagine if he said your name in the comic. that'll be sooo cool
It won't make a difference. BTW Captain Str00del 11, thats SO cool. I have wifi but whenever I use it, it doesnt turn out right. Figures!
Nev 2 said
Captain Str00del said...
hi mimo! im commenting on my Wii cuz i have wifi! ur site is on my tv screen. cool huh? thats awesome that'll he mentioned the CPG. rock on Mimo!
Cool! Isn't it sad you can't play club penguin on it. :(
Nev2 (trying to be a mod
I think if yo download Flash Player you can
Capt. Str00del said...
hello im replying 2 all the cpg mods and mimo. I do have a big screen and I visit ur site everyday! i told some off my friends 2 go to ur site. I think ur site looks fantabulistic on my big fat screen. [fantabulistic is a word i made. its a mixture fantabulous and fantastic.] u have the most schweetest site ever mimo! xD
Dear Capt. Str00del
Yep! Mimo's site is awsome! And fantabulistic is a cool word!
*Being crazy and awsome!*
<~Dedgie02 (CPG MOD)~>
Its something like Cereal Projetct but that would be phunny
Awesome Ethanator! Thats really cool!
*Soccerbro22* (CPG MOD)
CPG must mean something els in that. just because someone says CPG dosent mean it means club penguin gang
To nev2... nev2 said: its too bad you cant play cp on it. Yes you can. well could i used to play it on my wii but it wont work anymore >;( anyways... bye lol
I don't want to sound mean but it doesn't sound like they meant the Club Penguin Gang because they mentioned it once. Another meaning of CPG is Clinical Practice Guideline. Though it would be cool.
yeah thats what it says. you gotta look good at something before you post it in front of almost everyone in cP
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