Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Club Penguin Glitches Galore!

Wow!  After yesterday's update, Club Penguin has been full of glitches.  This one has happened before, but it is really phunnie!  When you dance and you click your player card to change for clothes, your items will dance without you.  Here is Me Santa showing off his new dance skillz!

Here are a few more glitches all you awesome penguins have told me about:

  • Floors in igloo's do not apear.  It tells you to "Clear you cache."
  • Your penguin will load in a room before other penguins appear.
  • Member igloo stuff is missing.

Have you found anymore glitches?  If so, let me know! (Thanks, Anabel979 for being the first to tell me about the glitches)

Play Herotopia!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
 Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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 Virtual Worlds for Kids


Anonymous said...

yes i noticed all of those lol army70345

Spycomic29 said...

That's so cool, good job everyone for finding those glitches!

Amymanson CPG Mod said...

Thanks Mimo, the clothes one is acutally quite fun to watch your penguins clothes moving about!
Amymanson CPG Mod

dude2217 said...

wow nice find,
i was just wondering as it was my cp birthday (I was 3 years old!), i was wondering how old on cp you are mimo or the rest of the gang

Brandon Foulkes said...

Hey Mimo, I have 2 things to say:

1st, There are a new sort of fade graphics on the player card now when it's opened (It's preety sweet) and 2nd, When you go into your iggy, the room loads before you load. Kinda wierd huh?

Your no. 1 fan,
Bran, UK

lilhukz said...

Wow thats wierd another good post to keep you up to date with Mimo ;) Check tommorow for more awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

Brandon Foulkes said..

Hey Mimo, I have 2 things to say:

1st, There are a new sort of fade graphics on the player card now when it's opened (It's preety sweet) and 2nd, When you go into your iggy, the room loads before you load. Kinda wierd huh?

Your no. 1 fan,
Bran, UK


Sorry no. 1 Mimo fan. Mimo posted the faded player card a few days ago. Nice find anyway!

-Bubbles62681 (CPG Mod)

Dj Wazzer said...

Amymanson CPG Mod said...

Thanks Mimo, the clothes one is acutally quite fun to watch your penguins clothes moving about!
Amymanson CPG Mod
I like this glitch too! Its quite funny :)

- Dj Wazzer

Dj Wazzer said...

Brandon Foulkes said...

Hey Mimo, I have 2 things to say:

1st, There are a new sort of fade graphics on the player card now when it's opened (It's preety sweet) and 2nd, When you go into your iggy, the room loads before you load. Kinda wierd huh?

Your no. 1 fan,
Bran, UK

Thanks for letting mimo know, but mimo has already posted about the fade graphic

- Dj Wazzer

Anonymous said...

I looged on and checked my player card and my items were not there! Wat happened?

Unknown said...

if u go to a room look at the top right corner you will see flashing penguin names


Muddy Duki said...

Oh I thought this was only happening to my penguin! I couldnt load the floor, so I tried buying it again, and it told me to clear my cache. I did it, then restarted my computer, I even reinstalled flash player! Then I emailed club penguin.

Also the "+" button to make your igloo faster doesnt work

~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)

Unknown said...

new glich give a tour then quickly swich cloths and u will still give a tour


rrmc86 said...

ok mimo got a glitch dance put player card up stop dancing take off clothes stop dancing put on diffrent clothes what happenned was my penguin had noclothes on but it did on the player card it stoped when i went into another room!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo and gang iv noticed that when you copy something and try to past it in to say it it doesn't always work

Hannah mcc

alisufi48 said...

ya mimo i just checked it out is is the best glitch ever!
no hassle!
if only...
o ya and some other penguin did that to !

Chaos6267 said...

I think everybody's a bit behind today. Tootsville said a store would open today and it hasn't yet! Although these glitches are actually kinda cool. Or at least the clothes dancing is. I kinda wish Club Penguin had more glitches. There should be a glitch party, where they purposefully put in a lot of fun glitches. Ok... maybe not, but wouldn't it be cool?

Spycomic29 said...

Amymanson CPG Mod said...
Thanks Mimo, the clothes one is acutally quite fun to watch your penguins clothes moving about!
Amymanson CPG Mod

Oh yeah, that's really cool. Also, when you are modding only put the (CPG Mod) beside your name at the end of your comment. Not as your "Name/URL". Only put the CPG Mod thing by your name if you are actually modding.
Spycomic29 (CPG Mod) <- See? I just modded you!

Chaos6267 said...

Brandon Foulkes said...
Hey Mimo, I have 2 things to say:

1st, There are a new sort of fade graphics on the player card now when it's opened (It's preety sweet) and 2nd, When you go into your iggy, the room loads before you load. Kinda wierd huh?

Your no. 1 fan,
Bran, UK
Yay! More glitches! Cool ones too! You're really observant, finding these glitches! Although the iggy one is kinda annoying. Otherwise glitches are cool.
-Chaos6267 (Hoping to be CPG mod)

Coolman12743(Zack) said...

Mimo, I just noticed that if you have all the EPF tactical gear, and you dance, you do a very cool move!
Plz gie credit! ;-)


Curt13 (Non mod for CPG until membership comes back) said...

Curt13 says...
This is my last mod for awhile,because i am losing my membership :/ :(

OMG im modding myself but it is serious

Skloop- Ex. CPG Mod said...

Mimo, it's Sklooperis, remember me? I was a Mimo Mod a while back.

You do realize that on that calendar with the Card Jistu: Water thing on it is a 2011 calendar, don't you? Doesn't that mean it's NEXT November?

Anonymous said...

also in the box demesion,the orange puffle doesnt come,the jack o lantern does.


Anonymous said...

happy 3rd birthday dude2217 congratulations ,i have been trying to get an answer for your question i came up with mimo has been on club penguin sinces 2007 (i think)but he made club penguin gang in may 2007
Averityorla1 CPG mod

Anonymous said...

once you throw a snoball twice, and throw another your arm doesnt move


Anabel979 said...

Yayyyy ! (: Thanks for the rest of the glitches, and thank for sayinh my name ! :D

Santa1456 said...

I think I might have found another glitch, I don't know if this has happened to anybody else, but in the top left corner, by the newspaper, random penguin names will show up. It's funny.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D

Ceejerz said...

I found a glitch! When you go into a penguins igloo, all the penguins are in one space in the igloo. But penguins that arrive after you, are in the space. Its really weird...

Anonymous said...

Mimo, these glitches are really "phunnie". I love the clothing one because it's so funny to watch your clothes dance all by themselves! By the way, nice job finding all the glitches penguins!

Linky said...

For me, it loaded my igloo blank then a minute later, everything appeared.


kimosabe550 said...

Anonymous said...
I looged on and checked my player card and my items were not there! Wat happened?
It's a bug! *squish bugs using laptop* my laptop! O.O

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG MOD)

tati said...

I found a new glitch! Theres stuff in my igloo that I didn't put in!

kimosabe550 said...

Brandon Foulkes said...
Hey Mimo, I have 2 things to say:

1st, There are a new sort of fade graphics on the player card now when it's opened (It's preety sweet) and 2nd, When you go into your iggy, the room loads before you load. Kinda wierd huh?

Your no. 1 fan,
Bran, UK
Cool! but Mimo already posted that glitches :( Good job anyways :D

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG MOD)

kimosabe550 said...

dude2217 said...
wow nice find,
i was just wondering as it was my cp birthday (I was 3 years old!), i was wondering how old on cp you are mimo or the rest of the gang
If I'm correct Mimo joined in from 2007 :) So he 3 years old too! :)

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG MOD)

kimosabe550 said...

Muddy Duki said...
Oh I thought this was only happening to my penguin! I couldnt load the floor, so I tried buying it again, and it told me to clear my cache. I did it, then restarted my computer, I even reinstalled flash player! Then I emailed club penguin.

Also the "+" button to make your igloo faster doesnt work

~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)
Rampage glitch eh?

-kimosabe550 (CPG MOD)

Buddytoe said...

dude2217 said...
wow nice find,
i was just wondering as it was my cp birthday (I was 3 years old!), i was wondering how old on cp you are mimo or the rest of the gang


Greetings from Mexico, dude2217! Mimo created his account on April 2007. That seems like a loooong time ago! His first pin was the box pin. I joined Club Penguin in August 2007.

Hope this helped,
Buddytoe (CPG mod)

Buddytoe said...

Chaos6267 said...
I think everybody's a bit behind today. Tootsville said a store would open today and it hasn't yet! Although these glitches are actually kinda cool. Or at least the clothes dancing is. I kinda wish Club Penguin had more glitches. There should be a glitch party, where they purposefully put in a lot of fun glitches. Ok... maybe not, but wouldn't it be cool?


That'd be awesome!

Anonymous said...

also on my penguin when you go to your iggy the basic iggy loads and nothings in there!! and it has to load agin!!!

Anonymous said...


Buddytoe said...

LOL! I'm remembering when I joined Club Penguin and I saw the butterfly pin. I walked over it and got it. Then I asked myself: now what?? It was so funny that about 1 week later I found out that I could use it!
Ahhh... the good times back on 2007...

Anonymous said...

Rootoo564 said

Anonymous said...

Mimo when I load my stuff they show the loading sign for a couple of seconds then the loading sign turns into a x.


spydro2 said...

hey mimo waz up? i was playing cart surfer with my black puffle and when i did some of the tricks my penguin flashed yellow. i did this when my penguin was black so i dont know if it works for the other colors.


Jojojo33342 said...

Hm. Is that so? Well, I don't see myself doing it. But I see other people doing it. Hm

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
yes i noticed all of those lol army70345

Guess you didn't notice them first though, otherwise Mimo would've given you credit. But good work!

(Going back to Waddle On!) Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

DMA0712 (CPG Mod) said...

Spycomic29 said...
That's co cool, good job everyone for finding those glitches!

Gotta love cool glitches like that, huh?

Waddle On!

DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

hey! i love you site! and i just wanted to tell you i fawnd a new glich (not shure how to tell you inyather way) it's in puffel rawnd up. the puffels mack no noise! i just thot i'd tell you ^^

Gategirl87 said...

Me Santa is a guy?! Anyways, that's pretty funny! I am going on CP right now, to go and try that glitch. Thanks, Mimo. ☻ ☺ ☻

Anonymous said...

Ya! It's cool! It's like the clothes dance at all different times than your penguin... xD

Anonymous said...

dude2217 said...

wow nice find,
i was just wondering as it was my cp birthday (I was 3 years old!), i was wondering how old on cp you are mimo or the rest of the gang
Kewl! Thats a bit younger than I am! But, you have been playing a long time! Happy 3 years! :D

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Brandon Foulkes said...

Hey Mimo, I have 2 things to say:

1st, There are a new sort of fade graphics on the player card now when it's opened (It's preety sweet) and 2nd, When you go into your iggy, the room loads before you load. Kinda wierd huh?

Your no. 1 fan,
Bran, UK
Wow! You've discovered some cool glitches! Let mimo know if you have more!

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I looged on and checked my player card and my items were not there! Wat happened?
Ahh! It's a glitch! Be sure to write to CP, telling them about that!

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I just noticed that if you have all the EPF tactical gear, and you dance, you do a very cool move!
Plz gie credit! ;-)

I tried doing this! It's awesome! Let mimo know if you have anymore cool things!

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Chaos6267 said...

I think everybody's a bit behind today. Tootsville said a store would open today and it hasn't yet! Although these glitches are actually kinda cool. Or at least the clothes dancing is. I kinda wish Club Penguin had more glitches. There should be a glitch party, where they purposefully put in a lot of fun glitches. Ok... maybe not, but wouldn't it be cool?
Lol! That would be chaotic! Good idea!

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

also in the box demesion,the orange puffle doesnt come,the jack o lantern does.

A jack-o-lantern now? Cool! Clubpenguin must be getting ready for Halloween! :D

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

once you throw a snoball twice, and throw another your arm doesnt move

Really? Wow! Thats an awesome glitch! Whats with these glitches?

~Ron68 (CPG mod)

Unknown said...

when u clickk ur penguin the items appear weirdly.

Anonymous said...

lol yeah my igloo i walked in and the only thing there was... a pile o' goo

Brendantaco2 said...

Accualy, the "your penguin loads in a room before anyone else" isn't a glitch! It's a update from Club Penguin :D!

Anonymous said...

once i had went in the room its was all while- except for the penguins, chat bar and chat history.

Cristie Cool said...

i found another glitch when you enter a room and no one else loads yet or when someone else enters that same room, you see their name on the upper left corner next to the newspaper. i thought i'd tell you.

Waddle On
- Cristie Cool

Anonymous said...

i found one!
When my house loads,my jack o lantern is right infront of me and its way ove on the other side of the house!

still dont have a catchphrase...

-Flare Bltiz (CPG MOD)

Tommo555 said...

Thats right I found that dance glitch yesterday. Good detective work penguins!

Anonymous said...

my screen went all black and i couldn't move my penguin or touch anything.\Mickman5

Anonymous said...

MIMO major glith, when a puffle goes into the grey puffle house other than white)it comes out as white example a green puffle goes to sleep in the grey puffle house and white would come out and then go back to green. -fuzzyjuzzy1

embo rules said...

this was all happening to me ! i was soo confused when i saw the dancing thing... i asked everyone else but i dont think anyone else saw it.. weired. and when ever i went into an igloo i apeard there and then it went back to loading and said loading furni.. stange stuffff...

Unknown said...

thx to the post of new glitches and more ppl just keep confirming them; its now gonna be patched soon. Well have fine while the glitches last until the end of the update...

Anonymous said...

there is another one,
when you press s, the penguin will not sit immediately
and the penguin names on the top of the screen, I saw it on the town.. look

Amymanson CPG Mod said...

Hi Mimo i messaged Club Penguin support about the glitch where members load there igloo and then it loads again with furniture.

Heres what they messaged me back :

Hello, Thanks for taking the time to let us know that this is happening. We are aware of this issue, and are working hard at getting the problem fixed as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we really appreciate your patience and encourage you to let us know if you come across any other bugs that need to be squished! If you ever have any other questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to let us know. We are always happy to help. Take care,
Club Penguin Support

Amymanson CPG Mod

1234epig said...

I found one glitch this morning. When you go to an igloo first it loads empty then it loads again and the furniture goes back up.

Anonymous said...

If you hold down J you say jokes really fast. i think thats new.

kimosabe550 said...

Coolman12743(Zack) said...
Mimo, I just noticed that if you have all the EPF tactical gear, and you dance, you do a very cool move!
Plz gie credit! ;-)

Thanks for sharing it with us! :D But Mimo already noticed that and most of all people already knew that :)

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

kimosabe550 said...

tati said...
I found a new glitch! Theres stuff in my igloo that I didn't put in!
Awesome! Great job finding it O.O I've never find anything Boo Hoo!

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

kimosabe550 said...

jam4798 said...
I can make my shoes flow... kidding and please dont use too much caps :)

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

kimosabe550 said...

Skloop- Ex. CPG Mod said...
Mimo, it's Sklooperis, remember me? I was a Mimo Mod a while back.

You do realize that on that calendar with the Card Jistu: Water thing on it is a 2011 calendar, don't you? Doesn't that mean it's NEXT November?
Welcome back! And I hope you can mod again. And Mimo already posted that calender :D

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

Averityorla1 said...

well done Anabel979 for being the first to tell mimo about the gliches.

Chaos6267 said...

I think everybody's a bit behind today. Tootsville said a store would open today and it hasn't yet! Although these glitches are actually kinda cool. Or at least the clothes dancing is. I kinda wish Club Penguin had more glitches. There should be a glitch party, where they purposefully put in a lot of fun glitches. Ok... maybe not, but wouldn't it be cool?

I answer:
well mabey tootsville are a bit behind and theirs so much in the catologe its took longer than they expected.Yes it would be cool having a glitch party awsome idea.

Amymanson CPG Mod said...

Hi Mimo, i messaged Club Penguin about all the glitches and they messaged me back this:

Hello my feathered friend, Thanks for taking the time to let us know that this is happening. We are aware of these issues, and are working hard at getting the problems fixed as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we really appreciate your patience and encourage you to let us know if you come across any other bugs that need to be squished! Trick or treat? Halloween is nearly here, and it's even more spook-tacular this year! Did you submit your igloo for the Halloween Igloo Contest? I bet you won't stand a ghost of a chance waddling through the "Dark Chamber". Be sure not to miss out on this a-MAZE-ing adventure! If you have any other questions or comments please let us know. We're always happy to lend you a helping flipper. Waddle on!
Club Penguin Support

So that means there working on all the glitches, and also did you read the bit about the Dark Chamber for the Halloween Party? Thats another secret for you to post!

Amymanson CPG Mod

Dude2217 said...

kool ur both a few months older than me :D

kimosabe550 said...

Averityorla1 said...
well done Anabel979 for being the first to tell mimo about the gliches.

Chaos6267 said...

I think everybody's a bit behind today. Tootsville said a store would open today and it hasn't yet! Although these glitches are actually kinda cool. Or at least the clothes dancing is. I kinda wish Club Penguin had more glitches. There should be a glitch party, where they purposefully put in a lot of fun glitches. Ok... maybe not, but wouldn't it be cool?

I answer:
well mabey tootsville are a bit behind and theirs so much in the catologe its took longer than they expected.Yes it would be cool having a glitch party awsome idea.
--------------------<--like this!
Sorry to tell you this but, you should use the "-" to answer back questions

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

kimosabe550 said...

Anonymous said...
If you hold down J you say jokes really fast. i think thats new.
Cool! And I think thats not new but great finding anyways :)

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

kimosabe550 said...

michael said...
new glich give a tour then quickly swich cloths and u will still give a tour

Mimo already posted that along time ago :) But great finding :D

Best Fishes

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

clubpenguin cp maniac said...

hi mimo, i got a glitch about a penguin waddling their backs facing us and the clothes are floating. IT IS SO COOL!!!

by: Armycoolguy

Anonymous said...

Hey my flooring will not show up in my house!!!HELP ME!!!

Angelgod said...

OMG Another glitch is when your loading to go to your igloo it shows your penguin naked and you are missing a bunch of items! It's wacky! A lot of glitches going on right now!!!!
~ Pinkarooty

Im Pinkarooty the pink a roo penguin!

SonicCharuzard said...

I am annoyed because for me Club Penguin is loading a white screen.

Anonymous said...

i sent cp a message it said that they are trying to fix the problem

Agent Agent6 said...

Well, part of penguins' names would appear at the top left corner of the screen on Club penguin.

Anonymous said...

hey mimo! they fixed the igloo flooring!

Anonymous said...

I also find out that in the Dock, your penguin will go super fast, just like in the April Fool's Party 2008. However that glitch is fixed I think.

I also find out a 'Fade' Thing when you open your card. I seriously think there is gonna be CPIP again. I mean there has been so many glitches in the past days.

-Aussie709 (Another Mimo777 fan)

Anonymous said...

If you wear a beard and then talk to sensei in the fire dojo he will notice your beard!

-shannia cpg mod

Lavamation said...

I thought I found the Clothes one :( oh well!

Anonymous said...

I think the "flying clothes" glitch is just for Halloween.


jenasaequa1 said...

ok like your igloo will load be bofore u get there but it only loads 1/3 of the way and stops i had to log off. i tried again it still didnt work. im locked out of my own iggy! but i hope they dont take away the fade in the player card i like that. and my igloo stuff will move! ill set something on one side of the room, leave, comeback and it is somewhere else,normally in the spot where your items first come out but once it was on the completely different end of my iggy. these are not all i noticed but other ppl have already listed them :)

jenasaequa1 said...

also when i log on a server that say i have a friend on, i looked at my friend list and it was a penguin that annoys me, so i logged off(i didnt delete them because they can be nice sometimes) i got on another server and they where online there too, and the next server i tried. i tried like 5-8 servers and she was on every one i tried, even when it said i didnt have a friend on that server. huh

Anonymous said...

I cant get into any igloos

crzypengu said...

When I put on my special spy glasses from the last mission, i could not see my eyes on my playercard

lisastacy99 said...

Yes Mimo, I had a really annoying glitch when I was making my igloo for the contest! When I went out to get more coins, I came back and my furniture moved! Soooo annoying! Anyway I hope you win! Good Luck everyone!


lisastacy99 said...

Oh yes and also, sometimes in my friend list, some friends show as 'undefined' and theres just the arrow thing going round and round in the middle of the player card!

Anonymous said...

Another glitch is look at your stampbook! my buddy has 3 but if you look at the stamps they r all colored in try it out!:)
Jeserator:) :( :} :{:] :[ :|:\

Anonymous said...

i opened my friends list and it was blank and i really like the player card fade graphics

Goldylocket said...

Hey Mimo777! Remember when club penguin had that glitch that when you dance with a green hoodie on you turned a strange blue?
Heres the deal:
THAT BLUE is the same blue that:
The penguins that clap you when you win a surfing contest are.
The same blue GARY is
The same blue that the penguins at the end of the ski hill are.

That blue must be clubpenguins main color!

Waddle on!
Goldylocket (I'm back!)

Administrator said...

hey mimo777 there is one more glitch
if you go to your player card click the down button as fast as you can then the stuff in your catalog at the player card will change
check it out mimo its really cool

if it doesnt work then try again it will work or maybe they already fixed it?

Anonymous said...

I clicked my player card and it came up with my penguin and it was naked and then the clothes appeared.

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