Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Club Penguin 2009/2010 Anniversary Party Yearbook Cheats!

The new Yearbook is here!  Just like in the past, this Yearbook has hidden pins for each month.  Check 'em out:













Pretty smoove Yearbook, huh?   Which pin is your favorite this past year?  The Puffer Fish is kinda kool, huh?

Play Bin Weevils!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids


Stickers303 said...

My favorate pin would have to be the sandwhich :)


Zack4812 said...

awesome!! -Zack4812

Dread 97 said...

in June if u click on the phone that the agent is holding it lits up! click it again and it turns off! -Dread 97

Gategirl87 said...

I didn't know that it showed the pins in the yearbooks! ☻ ☺ ☻

Anonymous said...

My fav pin has to be the toothbrush. It came during the Medieval Party and it was so random lol XD


Anonymous said...

thats cool. Can you get the pins for yourself though???

Dedgie02 said...

I dunno what my favourite pin is, they are all awesome!

*Being crazy and awesome!*

Cooldude Sm said...

In April if you click on rookie then his face items change! Check it out!

Dj Wazzer said...

Stickers303 said...

My favorate pin would have to be the sandwhich :)


I like the ticket pin! Its awesome!

- Dj Wazzer

Dj Wazzer said...

Dread 97 said...

in June if u click on the phone that the agent is holding it lits up! click it again and it turns off! -Dread 97

Cool! Thank you for letting Mimo know!

- Dj wazzer

Anonymous said...

my favirote pin is fireworks pin!

Swimy said...

my favorite pin is the campfire one back in dec. of 07

Anonymous said...

I remember my first pin was the Cupcake pin! I found out where it was because of this site! And it looks so yummy... *drools*


Dedgie02 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
thats cool. Can you get the pins for yourself though???
No you can't. They are never ever repeated and you can't get them from the year books, you can only view them.

*Being crazy and awesome!*
<<~Dedgie02 (CPG MOD)~>>

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
thats cool. Can you get the pins for yourself though???

You could but you had to play this year.Pins never repeat and you can't get them out of books.

Anonymous said...

thats cool. Can you get the pins for yourself though???

you have to earn it.

mickman5 CPG mod

RonShad said...

april 2010

if u click on the green penguins head it changes

Anonymous said...

I ♥ the way the snowballs change different colours :)

Dj Wazzer said...

Ron said...

april 2010

if u click on the green penguins head it changes

thanks for letting Mimo know!

- Dj Wazzer

Anonymous said...


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