Ok, I am getting impatient with Club Penguin! Are YOU?!
It's been like a zillion years since the last Club Penguin mission!

So here are a couple things we kinda know right now.
1. The new Club Penguin mission will be released December 29. Let's hope they don't delay it like MOST times!
2. At the end of the last mission Herbert dropped a packet of seeds. So what does that mean?
3. The spy camera up in the tree showed Herbert talking to Kultzy and showing him the plans to how to capture Puffles.
So, will Herbert steal Puffles?
What are those seeds going to turn into?
I am ready to rock another Club Penguin Mission!
What other rumors have you heard?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
i wonder where that one penguin that clubpenguin said would help out comes.....and why do we earn glasses if the mission is about puffles?
ps. i think the seeds turn into puffle O's!
When they get rid of all the puffles a new puffle could come out and save the day! YAY! but also in epf they steal puffles and the new character looks like D from epf so it might be linked.
I hope you got that.
btw! please can you respond mimo777! you rock!
How do you get the glasses in one of the old missions please!From DJ Simo1
maybe the seeds are puffle eating plants?
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
I totally agree!
P.S I am on the iceberg on rocky road right now!
Hmm, I am guessing that the seeds will turn into puffle-o's and he will take all the puffles and make a puffle army! Makes sense to me anyway!
Hi mimo! well done for spotting that the message isnt there! i wud never would have spotted that. Do u think it could be the best ever mission or not!
Maybe Herbert has seeds to plant a puffle statue and he needs like one of each colour of puffle to make the statue multi-coloured. Or he's planning to trick us out because we tricked him out with the fake puffle and got him caught so maybe hes gonna catch us or G or someone. Weird ideas, i know.
Alisha435 (CPG Mod)
I totally agree Mimo,
C.P. always plans to release things so qucikly,for us,waddlers,to be excited.And they keep on too long with the release.Do you remember when the ''Lime Green Dojo Clean'' was released?We had to wait a couple days for them to clean it because it was infested with bugs.
P.S.:I heard that Herbert is trying to build an enourmous bean-stalk so he could reach the sky to get the REAL Golden Puffle.
Hi Mimo!
All I could say was that I think the seeds have something to do with Herbert's plans. And I think the glasses are for scanning areas of where Herber is.
---Master Blaze---
ok mimo ive got 2 ideas of what this means (and ive known this for a long time know)
1.herberts uses the seeds to plant an O-berrie bush too make the black puffles go on fire and burn down club penguin and to keep himself warm.
2.herbert steals all the puffles to lead us into a trap!
I hope this helped! ps you are cool mim
No Rumors lol.
Just like the last mission on Elite Penguin Force the puffles get trapped and you have to save them lol! Maybe it's the same thing...
Yeah i wish club penguin would finally get the mission out as i have been waiting for ages!! P.S i am in my iggy on abominable right now!!
i heard it was going to be about the volcano...
from lavaspark
Hmmm, Mimo i hope it's soon!
~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
Anonymous said:
How do you get the glasses in one of the old missions please!From DJ Simo1
I dunno what glasses you mean but ill try to help. If you mean Night Vission Goggles then you can get them out of THE FISH book in HQ. Hope i helped
~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
iglo20 said...
i wonder where that one penguin that clubpenguin said would help out comes.....and why do we earn glasses if the mission is about puffles?
ps. i think the seeds turn into puffle O's!
Lol, good idea! =) But I think Herbert gonna do something 'very different' with seeds!
Also, I am really curious about new mission! Anyone remember, when was the LAST mission? June, May..?
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
DJ Simo1 said...
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
Of course you can! But you have to try this way, please!
1. Answer people's question correctly (Just like me)
2. Put (CPG MOD) while answering question.
3. Please do NOT put (CPG MOD) unless you are answering question.
4. Keep modding! If you are good you will be a CPG Moderator and your name will be on Mod List!
Hope I helped! =))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
music_lover10 said...
Hmm, I am guessing that the seeds will turn into puffle-o's and he will take all the puffles and make a puffle army! Makes sense to me anyway!
Totally GREAT and really CREATIVE idea! Keep sharing your 'super' ideas with other CPG followers!
You are 'awesome' :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Actually,Mimo,the 29th it would become one year without a mission.
Alisha435 said...
Maybe Herbert has seeds to plant a puffle statue and he needs like one of each colour of puffle to make the statue multi-coloured. Or he's planning to trick us out because we tricked him out with the fake puffle and got him caught so maybe hes gonna catch us or G or someone. Weird ideas, i know.
Alisha435 (CPG Mod)
Lol, I think so! Your ideas are weird! But do you know you are really creative!! :D
Really different ideas! CPG Followers love different and 'weird' ideas of course! :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i have a thought Herbert P bear esquire could plant seeds which could turn into puffle o's then he could make the puffles follow him and then capture them.
P.S. I'm starting to think he's smart because they never do anything like that in puffle roundup.
Nick Nick 6 said...
I totally agree Mimo,
C.P. always plans to release things so qucikly,for us,waddlers,to be excited.And they keep on too long with the release.Do you remember when the ''Lime Green Dojo Clean'' was released?We had to wait a couple days for them to clean it because it was infested with bugs.
P.S.:I heard that Herbert is trying to build an enourmous bean-stalk so he could reach the sky to get the REAL Golden Puffle.
Yeah! You are totally RIGHT!
Also your ideas can be true! Enourmous beans sound awesome! And I think CP will release new mission AFTER Christmas Party...
What do you think?!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Master Blaze said...
Hi Mimo!
All I could say was that I think the seeds have something to do with Herbert's plans. And I think the glasses are for scanning areas of where Herber is.
---Master Blaze---
That sounds mysterous! I really wondered what glasses are for! Lets wait and see! :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Thoghts on mission
Seed thoughts: Maybe the seed packet has something to do with Rockhoppers plants, just a thought
Puffle thought: Herbert hates puffles, he doesn't understand why we have them. Maybe he might try to get rid of them by buying all the puffles and we (including that new famous penguin!) have to try and save them but we get caught in a trap. But one puffle escapes and saves the day! Again just a thought
DJ Simo1 said...
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
You can only become a CPG MOD by modding like i'm doing right now!
If you have already done it, keep trying cause Mimo only put's names down who he thinks is ready! I'm trying as well, we'll just have to see if Mimo put's our names down
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD)
iglo20 said...
i wonder where that one penguin that clubpenguin said would help out comes.....and why do we earn glasses if the mission is about puffles?
ps. i think the seeds turn into puffle O's!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
bubhowe said...
btw! please can you respond mimo777! you rock!
Sorry, but Mimo can't respond! It won't be fair to everyone else!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
I think I know!!! He's going to grow enough O'berry bushes to attract every puffle in club penguin, then use their fur to make some kind of a coat for himself to stay warm!! It's brilliant!
iglo20 said...
i wonder where that one penguin that clubpenguin said would help out comes.....and why do we earn glasses if the mission is about puffles?
ps. i think the seeds turn into puffle O's!
we don't know why we will get the glasses but we have ideas. thats what people are guessing.
p.s. thats a great idea!!!
aniandina (cpg mod)
I think that hes going to plant puffle o seeds and lure4 the puffles that way then hell trap him.... but thats just me
here is what i think...
the seeds had flames on it so i think that he (herbert) was eating spicy seeds and he will use them and give them to the black puffle with o berries cuz when we gave the puffle an o berry with hot sauce he went wild! so i think he will give them to some black puffles to make them set cp on fire, and we will have to save the day! the glasses could be for spying. we could give them to a secret agent black puffle and he could spy for us.
i heard that herbert will capture the puffles and use them to capture us secret angents and then ruin cp!!!! ahhhh!
rock on mimo
Maybe Herbert gets a sleigh and gets his reindeer(which are the puffles) and tries to ruin Xmas!!!
=( that would be horrible
I know. It has been ages since the last mission! However, i think we might get it before or after the christmas party. As for that famous penguin, it is probably Dot in a different suit. But i hope we see Jet Pack Guy and rookie again in Mission 11! IDK what Herbert is up to, but it sounds interesting.
Hey Mimo777,
why do you think it'll be out on December 29th?
It's weird that in the clubpenguin video game the puffles got stolen too!
I WANNA MISSION NOW (well on 12/29/2009)!!! I can't wait, i've gotten SO bored.
The seeds might be tropical. After all, herbert did want a nice warm BEACH!
im getting inpatient too i guess theyre going to capture puffles are over the island and send them where herbert came from and treat puffle bad so penguin will beg for him to give the puffles back and he will only do it if they make him king of cp but youll save the day or its all the missions put toghether
me 2 mimo!!!
maybe herbert will put the seeds in the food and puffle saliva will act like water and they r going to grow plants! mimo why ELSE would hav rockhopper sell the trees?
I've hear rumors that Herbert jas those seeds too attract the puffles so he can catch them to use them as his minions to help take over CP! Which I think I agree with I guess.
Well that new penguin person.
They should make a orange puffle.
bubhowe said...
btw! please can you respond mimo777! you rock!
Sorry but Mimo will NOT reply to a comment
Maybe Herbert poisoned the puffle O factory.
I really want that mission to come out to Mimo! I keep checking the HQ but nothing. They sometimes do delay it, but didn't one once come out early?
DJ Simo1 said...
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
Sorry you have to really work at it to become a mod even if you were mimo's best friend...probably.
You know how he didnt like cold? I think he is trying to plant seeds and make is own little environment of non-coldness. Mabye a new room?
Ethanator said...
bubhowe said...
btw! please can you respond mimo777! you rock!
Sorry but Mimo will NOT reply to a comment
Yeah, and if you say meet me on powder ball or whatever he wont meet you he is toooooooooooo busy. Plus who'd reply to awesome!!!!!?????.?.
rember when yarr went missing? i be that herbert stole yarr and are next mission will be save yarr!
maybe the seeds will turn into puffle os and herbert will catch the puffles when they eat it!!!!
haha, i like the date they are releasing it. thats the day after my birthday, so its kinda like a bday present!!! :)
When the heck was the last club penguin mission. They're fun and all but, really, I hate the long wait! Can't they make epf missions online now? Not DS!?! This stuff is making me so made, I want to eat a few bricks, and get my mind off of things with some PS3
Thx for deleting that comment. Im trying to be a mod? Think im doing good? Oh yeah don't post this, well you can but, yeah.
Pilpilp cpg mod
Anonymous said:
How do you get the glasses in one of the old missions please!From DJ Simo1
in the F.I.S.H book. You have to get it if your a member. But you have to find the secret place and then it will pop up.
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
DJ Simo1 said...
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
You have to answer questions to become one or correct someone. Use this as a example.
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
i heard that they are gonna steal all of the white puffles
You know what i think. That herbert is going to use those seeds to burn all the snow on the island!
Didn't Gary say those were sunflower seeds????
Puffles are being held hostage!!!
We also know that glasses are a special item.
Throw in the ninjas and you have...
(OK that's just weird but hopefully you get the message)
I think I know. Herbert hates club penguin right? And he's trying to get warm right? Well maybe he's going to steal all the black puffles, give them o-berries, and make them makke fire! He might also use the other puffles to make puffle sweaters! He will never take are puffles! Oh and also love everyone ideas. There so cool!
ok i heard a rumor that there postponing pizza this friday at school =( back on subject i think the seeds r magic puffle bean seeds that will grow into a big bean that puffle will come to.#1 fan japjake2
We all know that plants grow in spring.So the next mission will come in spring!
I can't wait 'til the mission is out and ITS ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
Oooh ooh I know!!!
The seeds will grow into giant robotic zebras and eat all our puffles =D
I think its getting released on the 25th of dec for CHRISTMAS!
Mimo, why is there a blank tv screen in the HQ? Its been there for ages. Is it something to do with a new room? If it is a new room, i hope that it's a cool one.
Alisha435 (CPG Mod)
its probaly going to be kind of a long mission because it has been a whole year
It's obvious, the seeds are to plant puffle o's so Herbert will round up the black puffles and feed them puffle o's therefore keeping himself warm from their fire. He might even make hot sauce ones.
I got it the seeds are puffle O's hebert wanted to use them to steal the puffles
Safa153 said...
Nick Nick 6 said...
I totally agree Mimo,
C.P. always plans to release things so qucikly,for us,waddlers,to be excited.And they keep on too long with the release.Do you remember when the ''Lime Green Dojo Clean'' was released?We had to wait a couple days for them to clean it because it was infested with bugs.
P.S.:I heard that Herbert is trying to build an enourmous bean-stalk so he could reach the sky to get the REAL Golden Puffle.
Yeah! You are totally RIGHT!
Also your ideas can be true! Enourmous beans sound awesome! And I think CP will release new mission AFTER Christmas Party...
What do you think?!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
You know, I got lucky and the lime green dojo clean came out the first day, I could play it! Weird. Some people could some couldn't
~Ponchee (CPG Mod)
Safa153 said...
iglo20 said...
i wonder where that one penguin that clubpenguin said would help out comes.....and why do we earn glasses if the mission is about puffles?
ps. i think the seeds turn into puffle O's!
Lol, good idea! =) But I think Herbert gonna do something 'very different' with seeds!
Also, I am really curious about new mission! Anyone remember, when was the LAST mission? June, May..?
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Actually, It doesnt have to do with puffles I think. He already did it in our last mission! Remember? The golden puffle? But he might have another plan with puffles...
Safa153 said...
music_lover10 said...
Hmm, I am guessing that the seeds will turn into puffle-o's and he will take all the puffles and make a puffle army! Makes sense to me anyway!
Totally GREAT and really CREATIVE idea! Keep sharing your 'super' ideas with other CPG followers!
You are 'awesome' :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
COOl IDEA! But there is one hitch in it... Puffles wouldn't be mean to penguins unless they drink some sort of potion.... I think if herbert DOES do that it might mean something... HES A PART TIME WIZARD!
DJ Simo1 said...
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
Well, you have to follow these steps to becoming a mod:
(1 Answer questions. (Like I am right now.) Answer a couple. And answer correctly!
(2 Put (CPG Mod) Next to your name when answering questions.
(3 Dont put (CPG Mod) When not answering questions, like just a normal comment.
(4 Keep Modding! If you keep modding, you might get put on the Mod list!
(5 Still keep modding! Soon you will become a mega mimo mod! Then Mimo will add you on Club Penguin!
(6 If you dont Mod it a while, mimo might take your name off the mod list. If you are moving, you better tell Mimo first so he knows!
Hope that helped!
~Ponchee (CPG Mod)
WHEN IS THE NEXT MISSION COMING OUT? Maybe herbert will make a puffle army and try to make us agents Surrender! Who knows? Maybe Herbert wil skip that plan and make another plan.... WHO KNOWS? Cant wait until the christmas party Mimo!
XD i hate puffles i hope he catches em :P
I get it he had his seed for feeding to puffles and the are Giant Scruffles (zombie puffles) At first i thoght it was the adventure party.
I think, that the puffles Herbert would steal, was the golden puffle.
Dj sumo1 said
"How do you get the in one of the old missions please! from DJ sumo1
are you talking about EPF or clubpenguin(if it's about clubpenguin you can't and if it's about EPF then i can't tell you because i don't have the game!
hope this helps!
Iglo20(CPG mod).
Matt storm95 said
XD i hate puffles i hope he catches em :p
Well if you hate puffles so much and hope he catches them then i don't think you'll want to do the new mission because you may free the puffles and even if you don't do the mission other agents will free them instead.
Iglo20(CPG Mod).
maybe they don't have a message because it's an unexcpected attack
P.S. my idea is probably wrong
I think that the packet of seeds will eat all the puffles and turn them into zombies!
The 29th???!! Thats ages away!!!!! >:(
DJ Simo1 said...
Hmm Mimo can i become a Mod Please I am a HUGE mimo fan Please My Name on club penguin is DJ Simo1
(Please i know this isnt anything got to do with the post)
Hi DJ Simo!
To become a mod you have to:
1. Answer any questions
2. Correct people
3. Congratulate contest winners/ new mods
If you do any of the above stuff, put DJ Simo1 (CPG Mod) the end of east post.
If you do it often, Mimo may pick you to become a mod! For more information about becoming a mod, see " CPG MOD RULES."
Hope I Helped!
Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
I know me too i am soooooooooooo impatiant. they should make a new 1 like every 2 weeks!
Ponchee's cheats said...
Safa153 said...
music_lover10 said...
Hmm, I am guessing that the seeds will turn into puffle-o's and he will take all the puffles and make a puffle army! Makes sense to me anyway!
Totally GREAT and really CREATIVE idea! Keep sharing your 'super' ideas with other CPG followers!
You are 'awesome' :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
COOl IDEA! But there is one hitch in it... Puffles wouldn't be mean to penguins unless they drink some sort of potion.... I think if herbert DOES do that it might mean something... HES A PART TIME WIZARD!
No offense but Herbert a wizard? He's not clever enough to work out spells and potions. Any way he wants to stay warm, maybe puffle Os have something to do with a black puffle cause when a black puffles has them he turns to fire! Hold on Black Puffle turns to fire...New fire dojo....This a totally new subject....Maybe a connection, black puffle and fire dojo!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD)
I cant wait for the new mission to come out
Thoghts on mission
Seed thoughts: Maybe the seed packet has something to do with Rockhoppers plants, just a thought
Puffle thought: Herbert hates puffles, he doesn't understand why we have them. Maybe he might try to get rid of them by buying all the puffles and we (including that new famous penguin!) have to try and save them but we get caught in a trap. But one puffle escapes and saves the day! Again just a thought
Hey Your Idea is awesome and very creative! I think You have a good idea when you said he didnt understand about the puffles! And the seeds with rockhopper is creative to!
they were o berry seeds
I've heard that this is the last club penguin mission EVER! Thats why its taking so long... makes sense, right?
Anonymous said:
Bmf7364 responds:
Hostage? Its not like Herbert is getting ransom money for it. All Herbert wants is the extinction of penguins to live in peace with Klutzy. Sorry dude :(
I think the seeds are puffle o seeds and herbet will create a puffle o farm which will atract all the puffles and herbet will capture them!?
Maybe???? The new character looks like Dot the Diguise Gal from EPF!
What about the glasses????
Could they be heat sensor???
Laser vision??
or just something to make u look cool!
his is the second mission that is relesing on the 29th of december!
i heard a giant plant will cover like the whole island and G will burn it with some big machine
I think like everybody the seeds turn into puffle'o's. But he gives the puffle'o's to the puffles and i think you have to wear those glasses to protect you identity! i also thing there is going to be a new puffle! and by the way Where does herbert live ????? who knows? thanks mimo
mabey the seeds grow into puffle nip for bait
how old r u mimo?
hmm....maybe the seed will turn into poisonous puffle O's so that all the puffle will be asleep.Then he will capture all the puffle!
hmh! very strange! :|
i know! i think iglo20s idea is awesome!
music lover's idea is like that story about the mice in hameln.
patrico2000 said...
I've heard that this is the last club penguin mission EVER! Thats why its taking so long... makes sense, right?
Did I read it right (reads again)
Oh man (crys) I love da missions
They best (except Mimo of course) but oh oh oh man (crys harder) (sniffs) I love da missions they amazing!
Kkkkkk123(CPG MOD)
P.S. It does sound right by the way, there taking so long to keep us waiting, building up tension!
Anonymous said:
Wow! I would have never though of that.
Pester555 (CPG Mod)
i think the seeds are going to grow into o berry bushes makes alll the black puffles eat them and then go on a rampage across club penguin!
Hey Mimo
Great site, well at first I thought that Rockhopper's plants and the seeds would be connected, but now I'm thinking something with puffle o's, but I can't wait for the new mission, but i know what you mean club penguin is driving me insane with all this waiting
There is also an blank screen on the top right hand corner at the HQ....it's been there sense the dojo came ,but it maybe for the fire dojo....I don't know because I'm not a member.
You kno wat i also thik that they r puffle O's and then herbert might put mind controll dust in it btw how come at the place where they say suff that is coming up it has jellyfish, a puffle and herbert BUT n klutzy!
GAAAAA!!!!!!!! ITS JAN 3RD!!!!
It's been like two weeks or so now but cp hasnt given us anything on why the new mission hasn't been launched yet. Not even a message! ::Sigh::
Well I myself think that the seeds are O berry seeds and Herbert will kndnap all the puffles on the island and send the puffles on exile on an iceberg, just like the way he came to cp!
the next misiion comes out october the mysterous penguin is the director and the packet of seeds is corn
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