Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, September 10, 2007

Tipping the Iceberg - Update

We've written about tipping the Iceberg before. You can read that post here. We thought it was time to revisit Club Penguin's most favorite rumor.

Many have emailed Club Penguin and asked them about it. So have we. They told us no one has done it yet... But they suggested trying a different approach.

So it IS POSSIBLE! Now, we just have to try a new way to do it.

Many Penguins have iceberg tipping parties but there are always too many penguins that are mean and stay on the other side of the iceberg.

Our email from Club Penguin told us to try a different method. So, we have an idea. Try tipping the Iceberg by bringing your Puffle! Has anyone ever tried that?

Should we have a Iceberg Tipping Party? Let us know what you think!

We think we should have an exclusive private CPG Puffle Iceberg Tipping Party. Then you can meet me, Mimo777. We can send a secret message to all you who want to join Club Penguin Gang and who want to join our Iceberg tipping party.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

That would fun to try
lets meet


i like to go on aurora
im usually black with no c;othing

Anonymous said...

Thats a great idea!!XD I'm sooooo there!!! Remeber to tell me!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Awesome lets try it!


Anonymous said...

THAT WOULD BE COOL AND I WOULD LIKETO BE A CPG member and i have tried tipping the iceberg it work got me some cash!!!! XD

- Charmerry

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm Lols885 and I never fell for the iceberg tipping gimmick. anyways, we should each bring one color of puffle.... blue maybe? because Red surfs.

Anonymous said...

I want to try it!I usually go on the American Server and into Snow Globe or Avalanche.I have Red,Blue,Purple,Black and Green Puffles.

- Sunny289

Anonymous said...

I usually go on walrus. We should all wear as much as possible on our penguin and bring an instrument and a puffle. We should also round up other penguins in the town to join us. Dont wear propeller caps!

Anonymous said...

yes please put it in the news paper please your the best club penguin team

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

would it work if u flood it with a fire penguin suit. sincerely -dz6000 P.S. witch server do u usally play on.

Anonymous said...

witch side should u tip the ice burg would it help if u tried to flood the ice burg when you are whereing a fire penguin suit sincerealy -dz6000 P.S. what server do u usally go on i go on american server and ehen I go to vannila, snow globe, attitude, snow angel, and tuxido but mostly vannila how bout we meet some time to discuss the tipping the ice burg thing how bout we meet at the ice rink 6:20 at vannila see ya there mabe.

Anonymous said...

We should totally try it some time... but what if CP clued that you could to get us excited but it really isn't true? i'm not really sure but i'll come anyway.


Anonymous said...

How did this rumor start anyway? You should do some investigating!


Anonymous said...

i wuld love to join CPG. if ull let me email me on wat 2 do at

Anonymous said...

Hello.I am Joanna7777.I will be today 11.09.07 at White Out.We will get more people.And puflles.Afcourse be sure i will be there so wait me there.Or i will wait you.

Anonymous said...

I want to try tp the iceburg but i dont know how to join the gang. would you be able to tell me?

Anonymous said...

Huh that a amazing idea

Anonymous said...

Yeah that would be great! Let's meet sometime.

Anonymous said...

I wanna try that too. Count me in! My name is tomaattisose in CP.

Unknown said...

Yeah. Count me in.

I'm Priincezz93.

Bright pink,

blue lei,

flower headress,

green sunnies.


Anonymous said...

I want to be in the party because i want to join the CPG.

Bulbasaur 39

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its imposslible open ur eyes and see the realyti plp >.<

Anonymous said...

ohh wat's there tiping ice berg.people:yes.ohh i tip tip it who want to see me in the iceberg and the exited i get a room and three shop's one is nemer's catolage,nemer's puffles one new puffle is there it's gold and some times she's scared its so batyful it is sheap it's 99999999coins and 99999999999 pirate coins is it so sheap ohh its so sad for you because it is only in blizzard and it's a secret room i know some people are there yeah

Anonymous said...

That is SOOOOO COOOOOOL!=P you have to tell us if you are really going to do it and if you are, do tell us when and which server. And try to pick a server which isn't full so that i can go in and TRY to tip the 'berg!lol
(sorry for any speeling mistakes if there are)

bookhater said...

yea we should... email me the time!
my email is! Thanks.....oh yea my penguin name is cindyjong93

truckosawrus said...

yer ok ill do it my names wooster55

Anonymous said...

hi i'm sashapn2.I have tried it whith a puffle.I' so bloody there only whats the date and the time?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my cluboenguin nick is akimototairi

You can find me at Dojo

Anonymous said...

I would like to. Go on Husky tomorrow at 7.00pm in UK time

Anonymous said...

yeah i'm in for it jsut e-mail me with the details

Anonymous said...

how about you just sit on the ice berg.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Can't wait to set a date and time.!


Anonymous said...

neacler is my name i want to meet u sooooooooo bad ur awesome dude meet me at thelight house go on server fjord

Anonymous said...

how do you join club penguin gang?

Anonymous said...

yes ill do it but i want to join cpg please my penguin s name is ether w44rig55 or 4rig5 and you can find on snow cone or wallrus and im allways brown

Anonymous said...

I think that would be an awsome idea!!! I want to meet you!

Anonymous said...

We should soo have a private party and that wuld be sooo cool i want to meet you!!

Anonymous said...

its w44rig55. on thursday it will be the hudreth news paper mimo!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh thatd be cool
lets definalty try it
im basketcase9 and im usually on artic
also id like to be cpg mem

Anonymous said...

Yo, it's Lols again. You can email me at CPG! You are always my first stop if I can't find anything on my own!

Anonymous said...

hey whats up>

Anonymous said...


- Charmerry

Anonymous said...

how can i join the gang bdway my email is

khazoona said...

yo count me i am your biggest fan!!!! your#1

Anonymous said...

I would like to join the party - let me no when! my name is wazawa in cp.

Anonymous said...

Lets try it on server mammoth because all of the famous penguins go there! im Frazzie on club penguin and go I go on mammoth. Cya there dudes!

Anonymous said...

i would like to try that!! plz show the date of when u will be doing that!!

Anonymous said...

totally! give us a day and a time and i will be there with my puffle!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sure ill do it -QBcrusher92

Anonymous said...

want todo that!!!! when is it???? please e-mail me at

Mcblugi said...

cool i want to do it so bad
i always go on mammoth which rocks!!! there are a lot of old penguins usually at the docks on mammoth and i am one of them!!!( im 459 days old!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ya,There should be a tipping Party thats a great Ideaa....but when to meet???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Id like to do it. But i dont understand club puengin time lol! but i guess i cud figure it out. n id like 2 b a cpg member. get in touch! wemblymania

Anonymous said...

Ya of course ill do it! my account is blacksundae2 on club penguin. When will the party be?

Amy_1010 said...

hey i wanna its 6:47 and im in central time so in penguin time i think its 4:47 lets go to idk crystal server k k

Anonymous said...

dude ill go to but go on icebound and meet at 10 cp time

Anonymous said...

I think that's a great idea! I'd love to meet sometime to tip! I'll be there if you let me know!
Userneme is Skyevail


Anonymous said...

I think that's a GREAT idea!!! It's 12:05 in CP time. I'm on Ice Berg server.

Anonymous said...

That is a relly good idea!
~With Luv~
Nicole <3333

Anonymous said...

that sounds fun can we meet?

Anonymous said...

that sounds cool we should meet
my username is mboy4567 and i go on icicle its 4:40 in penguin time

Anonymous said...

I WOULD LOVE A PUFFLE ICE BERG TIPPING PARTY!! my account name is HAUTEpink i usually go to Grizzly, Parka or Vanilla, let me know when that would be so cool!


Anonymous said...

cool lets do it -

Anonymous said...

cool ok - mmmeeisdevin

Anonymous said...

cool im mmmeeisdevin usally at icepalce. penguin name:mmmeeisdevin september 17 2007 9:00 pm

Anonymous said...

Sounds great!!! Too bad I'm in Australia. I'll be ASLEEP!!!

Anonymous said...

cool biolante 55 i go on mittens

Anonymous said...

that would be cool I go Altitude and I where a eyepatch with a Parrot and Im black and my name is N fox 10

Icey2510 said...

Hello My name is icey2510 i would like to join the club penguin gang and the iceberg tipping party email me at or

Icey2510 said...

I would like to join the iceberg tipping party and CPG My name is Icey2510

I am Usually black w/ the secret agent stuff on p.s. my igloo looks awesome XD

Anonymous said...

i want to join cpgang and to go to the ice breg tipping party.
can you plz send me the adress to

Anonymous said...

im so there. people will actually tip it this time.

Anonymous said...

btw thanks 4 the 2nd hint

Anonymous said...

Yo!Mimo Playa6 is so there I found the link and lookin forward to finally meeting some of u!!
C U L8ER!!

Anonymous said...

i would love to do that!for me it would have to be on saturday or sunday 6-8.[i have to get off the computer at 8:00]so unfair!

Anonymous said...

Hi im kinda new to club penguin. so could someone tell me about the "tipping the iceberg??" Why would we want to tip over the iceberg??? (im confused!)

Anonymous said...

glamgirl101, People have said that if you get enough penguins on one side of the iceberg it will tip over and you will get tons of coins and a golden Puffle and stuff like that. So people have tipping parties. It's more for fun than anything. Try it sometime!

Anonymous said...

Oh!! now i get it!!! that sounds like fun ill go! ill bring my puffle too

Anonymous said...

I think for the tipping party, we should all bring puffles and we should wear the heaviest clothes we have. go to the winter clothing shop and buy a big ski jacket and heavy things so we can put more weight on the iceberg.I think everyone should go to the winter clothing shop and get a big ski jacket!! then we would weigh alot more!! when do you want to have the tipping party?? ill invite all of my friends!! it will be soooo much fun!!

Anonymous said...

how do i join the club penguin gang

Delmarissa said...

would like to join the gang just let me know

Anonymous said...

lets meet

Anonymous said...

yea lets meet

Anonymous said...

Dance on the tip! It works!

Anonymous said...

i think we should tip the iceberg cause i wanna know wats on the bottom
ps we should stand on the side with the hill cause its heavier

Oliver said...

Yes I have tried it and it doesn't work!!! I tried it 10 times and its fake.

-Oliver0147 (CPG Mod)

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