Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, August 2, 2010

** CONTEST OVER** Mimo's Club Penguin What's Different Contest! EPF!

It's Time for the one and only original and world famous Mimo Club Penguin What's Different contest!

See if you can spot 11 differences between this picture below in the Club Penguin HQ! Some are hard, some are easy. Some of you will get them all. Some of you won't.

Leave a comment and list all 11! And see if you can do with without cheats. Whatever that means.

See if you can be one of the top 50 posting the correct answer! I'lll post the right answers in a couple days.

Yeah, I know. I still need to post the wieners of the last contest. *sigh*

Cry Bayb
Splash Man 1
Tool Bear
Ninja Run 09
Bube Dzver
blacki pingi
Happy Dog Pp
Jojo Yoyo1
Bob 1
Kyler Schotts

Ok, so I got carried away! Lots of extra wieners! ;-)


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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Virtual Worlds for Kids

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Rofegme said...

Offtopic, but it's been a while since you had a Club Penguin party (I haven't been visiting recently so maybe there was a party just recently).

Anonymous said...

UGH! ive only got 10... but i will find the last one and be a weiner!

Austria5555 said...

can i give u a picture with mark thing in Paint.With answer

This is the Answer

I am not from USA so sorry if my english is wrong


Jake said...

Awesome! I never enter these things because... well I can't find anything different xP Oh well...


Ninja Run 09 said...

OT Is your name pronounced Mee-Moo,Mee-Moe,Mim-o,or Mim-oo?

Muddy Duki said...

Fudge, this is hard :P
I only got 5, 6 more to go!

~Muddy Duki~

Cocoapizza9 said...

Wow, that's hard...I only got 8.

Tycoon101 said...

Rofegme said...

Offtopic, but it's been a while since you had a Club Penguin party (I haven't been visiting recently so maybe there was a party just recently)
yes, it is off topic :P but anyway, there hasnt been a mimo club penguin party lately...

Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

Gategirl87 said...

I have never been to one of your parties before, Mimo! I would love to come to one! Please have a party soon. ☻ ☺ ☻

Anonymous said...

mimo, do the ones are winners win something?

Tamir said...

I found 7 :D thats fun but i'm too lazy to find more.

Dominatayu said...

This is off topic but i dont know if you posted this yet but

When you take the test to become a epf agent to get a 100% throw a snowball at the camera and then hide behind a pillar where you cant see yourself

Dilillili said...

Off topic, but please accept my friend request on 7 Wizards. Oh and, PLEASE MAKE A CLAN!

JKX said...

i've found some but when will u post the answers?

Arikichan said...

How do you I submit the answers?

Anonymous said...

i found the 11 things

Anonymous said...

off topic but do you think we can meet on cp and i can only find one thing lol

kieran said...

hello mimo i think i have done well but that is up to you tis was a very hard spot the differents contest :)

Nugget 356 said...

I agree we should have another cp party i still not seen you yet and i really want to. so please can we have another party. :)

Inesh Bose said...

Musicboy74 is my buddy!

Bin58 said...

Rofegme said...

Offtopic, but it's been a while since you had a Club Penguin party (I haven't been visiting recently so maybe there was a party just recently).

he just had a party on Camp Pete. I was there. i need to think wheres the diffrences!

Katie said...

Mimmo's in the picture but not in the place. Yeah!! x

Anonymous said...

i found seven of the diffs but not the rest

Anonymous said...

i cant i have short trem memorery!

Anonymous said...

I found a cool glitch where if you walk in the VR transporter and then quickly walk out, you'll still get transported!

Unknown said...

just wondering if i got an answer wrong will you respond telling me what i did wrong

Unknown said...

so tired ive been doing this for more than two hours

Anonymous said...

Tamir said...
I found 7 :D thats fun but i'm too lazy to find more.


hey nice and i am to lazy to find anymore as well! i found 6...


magicsharpies said...

i feel so loved... u writed mah name... im such a n3rd xD

Wwerocks88 said...

I only got not good at these contest.Actully,im not good with any contests!

Unknown said...

mimo did i get it? because i wasnt posted i hope i got them all :(

Anonymous said...

i found this spot the dif easy as it is the only spot the dif where i have found all difs and got my name posted and i was very happy when my name was posted thxs mimo

flare blitz said...

Ive got ten but i cant find the last one!

Anonymous said...

i got them all but how do i post my answer....?:)

Unknown said...

why didnt i get it i got them all didnt I? :(

theman009 said...

Ohhh its over.

Snow1oo said...


Anonymous said...

i found them all! without any cheats

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how to tell the diffrence lol.

Bolt Fast,CPG MOD

meguin said...

found them!

sitar.tomaz said...

im the wienner to :D

mrflib22 cp cheats! said...

Mimo here is a update on cp. evr since the psa was changed 2 the epf they dont send paychecks for being agents only 4 being a tourguide!plz post this

Alivn702 said...


Alvin702(CPG MOD)

Rofegme said...

Rofegme said...

Offtopic, but it's been a while since you had a Club Penguin party (I haven't been visiting recently so maybe there was a party just recently).

he just had a party on Camp Pete. I was there. i need to think wheres the diffrences!


I said a party in Club Penguin. :)


Rofegme said...

I don't know if it's just me... but now that I said "Offtopic" in the first comment, it seems that now a lot of people are commenting in the post with the word "Offtopic"...

Rofegme said...

Ninja Run 09 said...

OT Is your name pronounced Mee-Moo,Mee-Moe,Mim-o,or Mim-oo?


It's pronounced Mee-moe.


Anonymous said...

mimo did you get mine?

Unknown said...

great job weiner you rock
-fluffysheep1 (cpg mod)

Min98555 said...

Hey mimo

Can I say somethin. If u fans r wondering y ur not getting monthly checks from the EPF that's y they have the field~ops in place of the checks. I found out by the cp team and thay told me about it. Oh and waddle on.

Unknown said...

How and where do we post our entries?

Zerg And Pro said...

Hi, Mimo, this is off-topic, but remember that contest you had like a month ago, where you had to come up with some funny words that match the picture? I don't know if i had missed it, but i wanna see the winner!

Muddy Duki said...

What are the answers? I wanna know now that its over!

~Muddy Duki~

Anonymous said...

Do the winners get a prize??

Unknown said...

Rofegme said...

Ninja Run 09 said...

OT Is your name pronounced Mee-Moo,Mee-Moe,Mim-o,or Mim-oo?


It's pronounced Mee-moe.

ok good because thats how ive been saying it

Unknown said...

alexchads1 said...

How and where do we post our entries?
to enter you have to comment saying all eleven things but dont worry he wont actually put it as a comment hope it helped -waddle on
-Fluffysheep1 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Do us weiners get something for winning?

Let me know plz, Thanks. ;)

Anonymous said...

yay i am a wiener!!!
i am FERNANDO1216

Rofegme said...

Asxcfgbn1234 said...

Do us weiners get something for winning?

Let me know plz, Thanks. ;)


You get your name on the post. And you have a lot of fun too. (maybe frustration along with it)

-Rofegme (CPG Mod)

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how to tell the diffrence lol.

Bolt Fast,CPG MOD
Jojojo33342 said...

You only put CPG Mod when you mod a comment. Like this. So whenever you answer a comment, put CPG Mod next to your name. Just a reminder!

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mimo, do the ones are winners win something?
Jojojo33342 said...

What do you even mean? I can't even understand what are you talking about?

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i found all 11 wooooo!! yes HAHA!

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...

Arikichan said...

How do you I submit the answers?
All you have to do is put 11 answers in the comments and Mimo will see if you got them right but it is ok he will not post it but he will know if you got it right from wrong
Hope this Helps
Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...

Fяєdfαи4єνєя said...

Awesome! I never enter these things because... well I can't find anything different xP Oh well...

I just do it for the fun of it
Hee Hee
fLiPpY6521(CPG MOD)

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...

JKX said...

i've found some but when will u post the answers?
mImO said he will post the answers in a few days

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

Flippy6521(CPG MOD) said...

fluffysheep12345 said...

so tired ive been doing this for more than two hours
Wow that is pretty long. It took me like half an hour to get all of them. This one is pretty hard compared to the other ones I did
FlIpPy6521(CpG mOd

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...

fluffysheep12345 said...

why didnt i get it i got them all didnt I? :(
You might have got one of them wrong so that is why you didn't get it or you posted it a little to late and the contest was already over because there was like more then 55 wieners
Flippy6521(CPG MOD)

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mimo, do the ones are winners win something?
Jojojo33342 said...

What do you even mean? I can't even understand what are you talking about?

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
HE/SHE SAID "Mimo, Do the wieners win anything?"
Hope this helps
Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...

Rofegme said...

Ninja Run 09 said...

OT Is your name pronounced Mee-Moo,Mee-Moe,Mim-o,or Mim-oo?


It's pronounced Mee-moe.

O I always thought it was pronounced My-Moe I am kinda confused now o well I guess I will call him Mee-Moe from now on i GUESS. Maybe, maybe not I kinda like My-Moe better but whichever one is right is the one that I will call Mimo
Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Yeah im #4!!!!

Unknown said...

11 1 hour to find

Anonymous said...

i got all 11!
sorry MIMO I cant list them all :(


sidhant9 said...

i got all 11!
sorry MIMO I cant list them all :(


mario30206 said...

well mimo this is really hard i only noticed that there was a circle missing in those squares

Anonymous said...

No offense but you spell weiners winners>

Manic 0 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mimo, do the ones are winners win something?
Jojojo33342 said...

What do you even mean? I can't even understand what are you talking about?

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

he means do the winners win anything
i dont think so

Dianac99 said...

I looked at this thing an hour after I woke up. I didn't think it would all be submited so early! I started working on it yesterday, but then I had to go visit my great-grandmother in the hospital. So, I never got a chance to actually finish it! :(

[~Jazz~] said...

I didn't know there was a contest... o.O

Anonymous said...

Rofegme said...

You get your name on the post. And you have a lot of fun too. (maybe frustration along with it)

-Rofegme (CPG Mod)


Thanks! There should be more though!

owendaft said...

iv only got one is there one with the light and its not on the floor?

Anonymous said...

GRR!! I found all of them but the contest is over!

Carabu said...

Anonymous said...
GRR!! I found all of them but the contest is over!
Oh that's terrible. Maybe you can try again for the next What's Different Contest! Good Luck Next time and good job finding all of them!

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