Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What would you do?

I just had a thought. What would you do if Club Penguin was eaten by a giant hamster and you could NEVER play Club Penguin again?


I will pick the best couple answers and post the wieners.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

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Rofegme said...

i would punish your hamster for plotting this.

Rofegme said...

I would punish Carl for eating too much pie and thinking Club Penguin was pie too.

Anonymous said...

I would be a lil sad... But theres always webosaurs :D

Holly said...

i would eat club hamster

Unknown said...

I dunno.....i would get a heart attack or something like that.......CLUB PENGUIN RULES!!!!

Davmanred (CPG Mod) said...

~I would never look at a hamster again and would smell zebras for the rest of my life! I smell zebras when im sad!~
Davmanred (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

What can I say? First of all i would sream and shout. Later i would dance and jump and spinn around, shake my head going crazy. And then i would ask: But wait a min WHATS CLUB PENGUIN

Holly said...

I would eat club Hamster and then make him cry until his pants fall off. :)

Anonymous said...

i whould go round shouting at people for no reson at all and call the club penguin team and shout at them too !!!!

Anonymous said...

I would recreate club penguin - except it would be club orange and you would have to be a fruit:) lol

- cherubrox

ZEMgem said...

If Club Penguin was eaten by a giant hampster, I would slide down a fireman's pole, jump into my orange space suit and hunt down that hampster and force it to eat a gigantic choco-chip cookie. Then I would take it home to my igloo and we'd have hot chocolate and fishcake sandwichs!

Unknown said...

I will be create a new Club Penguin world and invite you to moderate him :D

steph said...

if club penguin got eaten im would cry or if it was just a joke i would lol

Wilam247 said...

I would Cry for 2 months

Syka said...

I would run away to the land of the smelly zebras to eat fried celery and never enter the hamster section of a pet store again. LOL. ~Syka~

Hover bot said...

i would TOTALLY FREAK OUT! Then have some donuts to cheer myself up.

wk96 said...

Play chobots :P

Drigerbest said...

I will go and play with my plush toys. o.O

Tommy 234 56 said...

lol idk mimo!

Anonymous said...

I would get a SWAT team and search for CLUBPENGUIN Inside the Hamser


Anonymous said...

the hamster would turn into a puffle and i would keep him!

Bd20! said...

I'd get a huge hamburger to eat the hamster then club penguin would come back!!
Weird theory but you never know...

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I would wait till CP grows back.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i would create a nother clup penguin called club penguin 2
that would be a temporary club penguin until i found the hamester and punched his belly and got sick the rest that came out i would sell it in the market and what people dont want i ill just put it back into the hamsters belly again...THE END

Anonymous said...

Maybe i would make something to repair this thing. I don't know, maybe talk with other penguins on ....this site, because i don't know another place/blog about club penguin.And we would talk about this thing, how to repair this thing.

im axi97 on club penguin.

Anonymous said...

WELL! now that could be problematic... hmm yeah BUT FRED CAN FIX IT!

I wud, offer the hamster the webosaurs island for cp island back... hmmz yeah tough one mimo!

- Freddyp9

Kavallee said...

I would find that hamster and eat him but puke club penguin back up.

J M's Blog said...

play a game like clubpenguin, like panfu or chobots!

Anonymous said...

i would hunt down the hamster for 2,034 years and then when i finally caught it, i would turn it into 5,000 hamburgers.


vali2109 said...

i would just co to the magic zebra of club penguin and ask it to plz make it come back.....that will always work out with sure.

Unknown said...

I would wait till penguins could fly, then I would have a dog fight uhh I mean Hamster fight. With him.


-Kevster24 said...

Play Somin Else there are plenty other games


Anonymous said...

i would go and play pokemon and other pokemon games

Anonymous said...

find the hamster give him a surgian operation take club penguin out and the close his belly
then make the hamster my pet and rule the world...THE END (The dark one at lest)

club penguin username:maikey

Ladylolly22 said...

hard 1 um i would be so sad and rebuild it out of candy floss with my new bf mimo

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo! Club Penguin is my life, I play on it as much as I can. If it were not here then I suppose I could get into some other cool games like Webasaurs!


Jojordan12 said...

Well id make a new club penguin then set a team up to catch the hamster :D

Anonymous said...

i would be REALLY REALLY SAD! I mean it's my best game. I'm big fan of it and i hope that will never happen.

Your fan Tony

Anonymous said...

Well I would make the giant killer gerbil eat the hamsters so everything is good now........and they all lived happily ever after somehow!

- Chilzo z17e (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I want to be a Wiener!

Anonymous said...

blame it on disney

C 3po886 said...

I would either (if i was the penguin) do my RUN-FOR-MY-LIFE thing... and get in a weird random space ship and fly to.. uhh..... chobots... uhhh...... yeah chobots or that webosaurs place... O.O

VOH Creator said...

i would play chobots forever!

Farting King said...

I would find mimo and try to convince him to create his own online game "mimo club" and sell it to disney to get tons of money so he can make his own zoo at his backyard full of zebras and all kinds and colours of hamsters! Could you please make the membership for disney's "mimo club" cheap and send us invitations for the grand open ceremony of your backyard zoo?!

~Farting King

Samil said...

I'd move in Club Bears. :D

Zulase said...

Probably find a new game.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo ~

I would Scream my head off and would go back in time before it happend and ride the Giant hamster To tootsvile!!!


Wahah said...

if club penguin was eaten by a giant hampster i would follow the hampster around until club penguin came out the other end :)

Unknown 2 U said...

Woah that would be weird!!!
Ok this is what Unknown 2 U would do in 10 EASY (???) STEPS!!!
1. Find everybody I could that was left alive.
2. Get all those Penguins to come on a quest with me
3. Set out to find the giant hamster.
4. I would pick up a GIANT banana
5. I would make a little hole in the top of the banana
6. Then, when I find the Hamster, I would stick the Banana up his bottom and BLOW in the hole.
7. I would sit back and watch the fireworks
8. Then I would look for and find Rockhopper Island in the floating Banana skin
9. Then I would (with the help of the other penguins) build Club Penguin all over again!
10. Then I'd sit back and let it all happen AGAIN!

Unknown 2 U

C 3po886 said...

get a giant penguin army and EAT DA HAMSTER FOR LUNCH.....

-C 3po886 (CPG MOD)

Pengumoose said...

I would want my membership money back!

Flimsywimsy said...

I would find loads of giant monkeys and then tell them to make a new club penguin, but out of chocolate that can't melt. If it does melt I would eat it and hopefully barf!! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

id make it real and make everyone dress up to look like penguins and play the club penguin games but in real life

Anonymous said...

I would be sad but there is always secret buliders?;)

Safa153 said...

Hmmmm, just thinkin about it lol...

=> Safa153

wes said...


.... i be really sad becuz i like club penguin

vue23 56 said...

ill be happy woo no club penguin LOL jokes ill try and bring back vue23 56 and make him save cp then he would be unbanned

@$T3R!X said...

I would feed the hamster laxative and make him poop out CP. Then I'd be Club Penguin's hero.

Wahah said...

me and my pet parrakeets would dress up in orange space suits, fly towards the giant hampster with balls of fruit and through the fruit at him and then he would spit club penggie out!

Anonymous said...

i'd make a new club penguin....
i'd call it... club for penguins!

Safa153 said...

Actually no chance! I dont enjoy CP on these days... Lol.. maybe I want a party? :))

=> Safa153

Anonymous said...

I would play webosaurs MWAHAHAHAH!!! Even though I would miss Club Penguin:( WEBOSAURS ROCKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would go next door and ask my friends toy hamster "Did you eat l;ub penguinn?"and if he reliped "SQUEAK!" I would kill that toy!


Safa153 said...

Hmm, I think Club Hamster Stomach would be nice too!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

woolly_socks said...

NAUGHTY HAMSTER NO NUTS FOR FIVE WEEKS AND I'D BAN THE HAMSTER FROM HAMSTERZ ON DS P.S ON WEBOSAURS THERES NEW CAVES FOR memebers and bone armor for non- members plus theres a glitch! in the new members cave everthing on the left handside is stuck there! go check it out (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

basicly, i would e mail club pengin(if they r still alive!)
and ask them why they had been eaten by a hamster and did they have any cool footage
my username is memooma

Safa153 said...

I cant do anything, if a giant hamster eats CP! I think Gary should think about it! Hmm I think he makes Penguin Rescuer 3000! Awesome, huh?

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Me? i would make a new thingie like thet, called, club Star Wars

Anonymous said...

i have a question wouldn't we be in side the hamster??

Jitsu Jedi said...

Me? i would make a new thingie like club penguin, called Club Star wars. you can be a wookie!

Safa153 said...

And, when Rockhopper visits, he sees a giant hamster instead of an Island and says: Oh My GOD! And then he calls other Rockhoppers- The Emperors- from their island and rescue us!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Archie said...

i would go on a other game like yours mimo and i would be a beast at it and then be a cool person at my school cp rules waddle on

Anna 131 said...

im not sure.Im not obsessed with CP anymore.I only go to all the parties. CP is getting boring a bit,sadly.
Anna 131

Safa153 said...

If CP is eaten by a giant hamster, that would be very easier to find Famous Characters-including MiMo-! And then I would try to find them all and get their sweet backgrounds and say everyone ''Look! I found Aunt Arctic!'' Rofl...

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I would go inside the hamster's stomach and find club penguin and then I would tell the penguins to come here........AND THEN WE'LL EAT CLUB HAMSTER!

Safa153 said...

CP Team would do a VIP Hamster Pass for members! So nonmembers can find MiMo easily! With no crowds! Awesome!! :D:D

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Anonymous said...
i have a question wouldn't we be in side the hamster??
Of course! Think about it, you are in a hamster! ;))

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

club penguin cheat master said...

i would faint and get disney done!

Gmodhalflife2boy said...

I would kill the hamster and then kill the owner and then...carry on with life.

Anonymous said...

get out my rifle

rock rahul1 said...

I would call Herbert and make some wierd plan with him (he is master mind) and call the crab to help us too.

yours only
rock rahul1

Anonymous said...

I would give Carl surgery to get the penguins out and then get in a group and build clubpenguin over again, exept BIGGER!

Anonymous said...

If club penguin was eaten, I would fosilize all the hampsters in the world! MUAHAHAHA! Plan B would be this: I would find an army of transformers and make Megatron shoot the hampster.

Safa153 said...

Unknown 2 U said...
Woah that would be weird!!!
Ok this is what Unknown 2 U would do in 10 EASY (???) STEPS!!!
1. Find everybody I could that was left alive.
2. Get all those Penguins to come on a quest with me
3. Set out to find the giant hamster.
4. I would pick up a GIANT banana
5. I would make a little hole in the top of the banana
6. Then, when I find the Hamster, I would stick the Banana up his bottom and BLOW in the hole.
7. I would sit back and watch the fireworks
8. Then I would look for and find Rockhopper Island in the floating Banana skin
9. Then I would (with the help of the other penguins) build Club Penguin all over again!
10. Then I'd sit back and let it all happen AGAIN!

Unknown 2 U

WOW! You are really creative! Awesome!:D

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

cesca said...

i would help someone to make one like it again:)

Anonymous said...

I would see if there was any other penguins and make a new milatairy and destroy club Hamster

Anonymous said...

i would play planet cazmo and webosaurs and ask for my membership back of if they dont, aaaarrrrr!!!!
-habo 910

Anonymous said...

I seriously wouldn't care less

From Mingofang

Bollo24 said...

I would wear a big swim suit and take a years supply of cheese and go inside the hampster and play from its belly!! it could be called clup hamster penguin belly penguin club thing... er, or just fish it out with the worlds biggest fishing rod and pull it out maybe...

FireIce said...

I will recruit a gang of ninjas who hang out on Rockhopper Island led by me and Sensei and we would have a huge showdown. And once the Ninjas become victorious there will be a new play called "The Giant Hamster vs Sensei's Ninjas!" XD

- FireIce

crazy piplup said...

i would say "mr hamster!! how dare u eat club penguin!! u should never eat something aga- can u plz eat my evil teacher?"

Pengutibba said...

I would... Get a fireman to poo on Carl, then slide up a roll of toilet paper, go to the desert and eat cacti for the rest of my life, never seeing Club Penguin or Hamsters again. :D

DNA369/hammmy said...

I'd play webosaurs cause its better than cp anyways!

Lard Beak said...

How about getting an army of zebras that smell funny to eat Club Hampster? But then the hamsters would get a bunch of webosaurs to eat Club Funny Smelling Zebras, and then the zebras would make the hampsters be sick and Club Penguin would be put back together!

Anonymous said...

Kill Carl, and hope mimo and the gang wont hate me.

mhmad said...

i will kill all the hamster noway i lone hameste and if hamester distroy the club penguin i will love it and i will love hamestre

Anonymous said...

I would eat the hamster, but is that only the online one, coz if not I would go over to my ds.

Edward Friske said...

I would obviously make Club Polar Bear! Duhh! -Mr Edman4

mewana said...

I would put the hamster in a cage and lock it THEN i would make another website saying help the internet!put your hamster in a nice cage and lock it!

Anonymous said...

I would check every hampster on the the planet to see which one did. Then I would eat the one that did.

Unknown said...

carl is the name of my dad

Anonymous said...

i would make a shrinking ray, use it on myself and a helicopter,Fly inside the hamster hook a hook on to club penguin with my helicopter and pull it out and every one could play club penguin again. I would also be famous! I might even get 1000000000 coins from billy bob!!!


Santa1456 said...

I would play club penguin inside the hamster!

benon247 said...

i would go on toontown its funner than clubpenguin

blueredamber said...

I would do a deal with the hamster so he gives us cp back and he will be a new pet for return we give him 575769 pots of fries and we have a party to celibrete him on cp. => :> :) :¬)

JulesRules said...

I would pick up my lightsaber and embark on an epic journey to punish Carl. Then I would go to Webosaurs and PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG!

Unknown said...

I would buy a hamster!

Anonymous said...

i would kill hamster and destroy threre world

Anonymous said...

If club penguin was gone, I would play Elite Penguin Force on my DS. ;)

-Red Cheese42

Anonymous said...

get a GIANT bowl of hamster food, then tie up carl then force him to spit up cp. or just have some yogurt.

Dadler1234 said...

Take the hamster tell him hes a bad boy call him punk jump on him kick him with your superpowers into a cave the size of the cn tower order some giant rabbit to eat him up! then take the bunny launch it to outer space then i would take a jetpack with a space suit with a giant knife and stop him from planning to destroy chobots or webausars so i could have somthing to do on the computer then i willtake the dust f the hamster and the rabbit and throw it to the sun and fianally atomic explosion on the sun and my job here is done boys ;-D

Tapyera said...

i would get a Flame-flower and kill the hamster if that doesn't work i will teach it how to kill dora the explora!!! hahaha and i will morf it into a dragon and make a game called "Hamragion"

Anonymous said...

i would go on MapleStory.

Unknown said...

I would eat a banana and cry and also i will eat the hamster!

Tarheelgrl08 said...

i would fine that hamster, and choke him until he spit up club penguin. obviously, then i would eat a sandwhich made out of the hamster.

Anonymous said...

I would go aww...then i'd get over it and play something else.

Anonymous said...

I would eat the hamster and have a purple zebra hit my stomach and the hamster would feel the pain.


Knowledge (CPG Mod) said...

I would slowly shrivel up into nothingness, until dying. Then I would come back as a ghost with a tortured soul, roaming the earth and exacting my revenge on Club Hamster, and that particular giant hamster.


SJ said...

id force the hamster to eat donuts until it got very big then i would eat it and see how it feels being eaten

catera1 said...

i would hate hamsters forever! i love club penguin! rock on cp!


Unknown said...

i would scream as loud as i can and plot to lock up all the hamsters and force them ot fix it and watch me scream!!!!

laughs evily!!!!!!!

mahahahahaha mahahahahaha

hbk399 said...

=i will make a new club penguin and no hamsters allowed

Unknown said...

Play WoW :P

Anonymous said...

PN (penguin name) tonymac13

i would be like what no how could this be. then i would find a way to copy CP so people cpuold play again. yay!!

Anonymous said...

that hamster would be in davy jones locker wen i was done with him


Gbg10 said...

i would throw a fit for the rest of my life!!!!

Farmer Dan said...

I will beg Mimo777 Why it happened! Or maybe I would Play Webosaurs all day long until I meet Mimo

Peaox said...

I would go inside the Hamster to play on the dark island

ciaran121 said...

play chobots, planet cazmo, webosaurs or somethink like that

Anonymous said...

i'd probably end up living on the streets. CP rocks! Waddle on!

Ads354 said...

I would run around in circles until Rockhopper comes so I can hijack his ship and go to Rockhopper Island.

BreathofWind said...

I would actually get all A's in school till it came back(haha I do it anyways !)
I would also watch hamster on a piano a million times on youtube
-ArtSmartGirl on webosaurs( girl who likes baton:)

limadude said...

I would get a giant penguin to eat the hampster! Oh! You just got served you fat hampster!

kittirox said...

i know why you made this cp is having massive timeout and connection errors everyone thinks that cp is coming to an end because of this

Kenley said...

I would put the hamster in the computer and force him to make a Club Hampster (with Orange Puffles and Funny Smelling Zebras)!

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

I would go get Carl the hippo and challenge Carl to a hot dog eating contest

limadude said...

I would
to the floor!

Rachel said...

i would take my puppy out, and hamster goes buhbye.


rikey1111 said...

#1: cry at all hamsters in the world
#2: cry at billybob, rockhopper, and all other famous penguins
#3: cry at cp
#4: blame my self and live in tears for ever
#5: tell you i'm serous
I'm serous

Bookworm4129 said...

I would get a penguin to eat the hamster

Anonymous said...


i would hunt club penguin makers down and make them eat fried hamster with cheese! and then i would go ask the government to find someone else to run club penguin, and then i would go run a petition!!
- DOG911

cjcdogs said...

i would find the hamster grab it by its ear and take it to a doctor where i would have him operate on the hamster and then put clubpenguin back. the end

Flipper 9886 said...

I would cry for years and then set my GIANT dogs on him.
Why would carl eat so much??
Flipper 9896

CJB44 said...

I would take the remains of rockhopper's beard and bury it next to my hamster ; )

Anonymous said...

id probably ask the hamster how he fit the island in his tiny body until he told me or i went insane bigflip99999

CJB44 said...

I would tap the heels of my ruby slippers over and over until it came back. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

Sissyc97 said...

i would use 5 steps:
1. call the cops
2. kill the hamster
3. take a snack break and eat some chocolate pie
4. plan funral for hamster
5. if the cops dont show up, bribe them to, with some chocolate pie

Unknown said...

If clubpenguin was eaten by a giant hampster, i would run around screaming: " THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" then i would recreate clubpenguin only it would be called club zebra and you would be the top moderator and you would be called: "the all mighty zebra lord" and it would be tons of fun =:D

Mayazakigrl said...

I Would make sure that hamster would never walk again (BWAHAHAHA!)Then I would Send my penguin to Central Park Zoo to live with Skipper, Private, Kowalski and Rico. then I'd start playing Toots or the ew Nickelodeon game Pet Pet Park.

imalwayscool said...

I would start a giant scheme to rob all millionaire hamsters of their loot, then I would board a plane to Fiji where I would live out my days sipping ice cold smoothies on a warm sunny beach.
But, if that doesn't work out I could live in a big box and mourn about the lost of club Penguin for the rest of my days.

Bandit100 said...

I would recreate Club Penguin and then I would be The Hero!

slippy 64048 said...

i dont know?
get a hobby and waste my free time doing that. i guess.:P
(is very boring and neutral)

Mew Mix said...

I would run around in circles screaming "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!! A GIANT HAMSTER ATE CLUB PENGUIN!!!! NUUUU!!!! MOMMY!!!!!"

Then I would dunk my head in the toilet and start talking in it.

Hope you like what I would do. :)

~Mew Mix 2

Anonymous said...

I would just go to billybob and tell him that clubpenguin was eaten by a hamster and that he has to start it over again, but we would have coffee and zebra cake first.

Ffyddie said...

I didn't copy any comments, I posted mine then looked at the others. Sorry if u think I copied u...

Samantharb said...

I would.. Umm..

I would get my hamster and make it fat and then I would make it go and find the Giant hamster and let my fat hamster be sick and then it would explode ClubPenguin all back into place, and we could fix a few things :3

Thats what I would do xD

Anonymous said...

I would...go on clubpenguin storm instead lol

Anonymous said...

Hmmm id probly cry for a while then punish carl and all hamsters for doing this horrible thing!lol!


Testy640 said...

I would try to make owning hamsters illegal in the united states and Canada.

no1 thats me said...

well because of you it wouldent be to boring because you put me on loads of games to play like tootzville and webosaurs
but i would be sad :(

Gracie said...

Well i don't not about you people... but i would hide in my room until and think of away of my penguin to eat club hamster.

Unknown said...

i would eventually go crazy and eat carl for eating clubpenguin and say HOW DO YOU LIKE IT

Anonymous said...

ummmm weird and radmon

i would hmmmm

i would eat all hamsters in the world for doing that and the go and try to save it from the one that ate it.... or i'd just eat carl and only carl

Alex Eskimo said...

I would go crazy. I wouldn't eat for 39 years and I wouldn't wear socks for the rest of my life. I would also play crazy sad music on the piano. Then after my 39 year starve, I would take a can of soda and paint it purple, then throw it off a cliff. But of course if anything I would definitely invent a device to go back in time to find the person who shut down CP and I would put them in a sleeping bag and strand them on the island in the pool.

Planejerle18 said...

I would hunt down the hamster then i would share a turnip flavored snow cone

Erni5 said...

I would eat bacon.

Snoweconez said...

I would throw purple llamas at that hamster, then drink some moo juice, then have a nervous breakdown. Then I would listen to the Beatles for a whole day, and eat SUSHI beacause it is nice. :)

Oneh10 said...

I would move to Jupiter with my pet Coke and we would cry ourselves to sleep because a hamster ate Club Penguin.

Oneoh10 said...

I would move to Jupiter with my pet Coke and we would cry ourselves to sleep because a hamster ate Club Penguin.

Chilly Rider said...

i would go inside Carl and play Club Penguin inside him

also u wrote WEINERS not winners

abby said...

1. Kill him
2 Shove somethin big in his mouth
3. send him to heaven or the opposite
4. Tell him to just eat himself
5. Give him a Lady hamster so he could just EAT HER!!!
6. Make a plushie of clubpenguin so he just gets confused and eats it
7.Feed him shampoo
8.Tell God
9.Tell Jesus
10.get an army and make him faint

jotbhloutue said...

i would go up to carl slap him in his wittle face softlyband then burp him until he throws clubpenguin up and then imn the gift shop it would be a mop and you would have to mop carls barf up until club penguin is clean!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't care lol i could live

Pandaman5523 said...

I Would Freak Out! I Would Call The Hamster's Mom And His Mom Would Ground Him Forever And Tell Him To Cough Club Penguin Back Up.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be able to go on because he would of eaten me to

Forn2 said...


plipulp said...

I would SCREAM then jump on my computer, tie it up and lock it, shove it in my closet, forget my password, And PROTEST!!! "I HATE HAMPSTERS!" thats all :(=:)

djalako said...

i would probably go outside and finally get a life

766mhz said...

Have The Creators Of Club Penguin Build A Bigger And Better MEGA Club Penguin- 766mhz

Anonymous said...

i would eat the hamster

nate said...

i wold make a new web site called club penguin and you can waddle around and meet new friends

Omega1234 said...

Hmm...If a hampster ate Club Penguin I would be sad. After I got over my saddness I would jump in a convertable with the hampsters mom and chase her or him down. Then his or her mom would yell at him while I discovered a new place called Niugnep Bulc (ClubPenguin spelled backward). It would be he Alternate Universe to Club Penguin. And everything would be opposite and all the people would be dragons.

lizzy said...

i would MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would die laughing thinking of the really fat hamster that ate my world!
:o) But I would be sad too...

~UT Soca Girl
A CP Super Fan

Anonymous said...

i would buy an even bigger hamster and tell it to eat the one that clubpenguin ate

- Little Rossy

Unknown said...

I'd get all my Club Penguin playing friends together and eat
Club Hamster! Then for dessert I'd eat the hamster that ate Club Penguin!!!

CPROCKS said...

i would sceram until i fantid wake up and KILL THE HAMPSTER and then hope it barfed cp out

Hoka said...

wake up and say: Oh this was all a dream!

Starrox said...

I would dress up as a giant hamster and run around shouting THE SKY IS FALLING!!

Bubblepop909 and MichelleLaBelle101 said...

I would buy an island, name it Club Penguin, then build it to look just like Club Penguin and finally make a real Club Penguin!
P.S. Everyone is invited!


OceanMan400 said...

I would crush him like the little furball of roadkill he is!!!


Anonymous said...

I would ask the hamster to eat me too, I cant survive without Club Penguin.


James 1 said...

i would eat carl, then go to wherever the pplz make CP, make them start over (or ELSE), come back to orlando, ride some rides, get a slurpee at 7-11, and take a nap

Anonymous said...

Accually I would just play something else...

Racket2000 said...

First I would call my dad. (The lawyer) Then I would sew the hamster! With all that money the hampster had I would repair Clubpenguin. But if that didn't happen... I WOULD JUST STAY HOME AND CRY!!


Skull of Fir said...

I would give the giant hamster a giant puke pill and grap club penguin when he barfs.

Coolrockpop8 said...

If a hampster ate Club Penguin... I would SCREAM all around and make a new club, club fight evil hapster, than i would go and become a shodow troop and woth my shadow troop experence, and PSA Agents experence, and EPF experence, and 1 year and 10 months experence, and Ninja experence, and Offical Guide, Star Reporter and Rockhoppers book unlook experence,and 1 code experence, i will attack the evil hampster and tell him this is not the ice for his boo boo... and then i make him go to his room and say... Oh wait, i work for club pengee!!!!

Ab Lo said...

I would hire a penguin to eat Club hamster.

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