Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Club Penguin Sneak Peek! NEW ROOM?!

So it looks like Club Penguin is going to add something to the Dojo! Looks like Club Penguin is working on something that has to do with the Ninja Flaming Puffle! SWEET!

So will you be able to make YOUR Puffle a Ninja and make him FLAME?!

I think it has something to do with a Samari and the Tallest Mountain! Maybe a new ROOM!

What do you think?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Safa153 said...

No idea ;)

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

awesome post! ;)


Tombakernerd said...

YAY! It looks like a machine to turn your puffle into a ninja! Maybe thats what the "Fiery Surprise" was about too. Maybe it turns your puffle into a mutant salad monster...

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is super cool - Bye

hug66 said...

WOW! AWESOME! It looks like that Light Bulb with the Flame in the middle, will be powered by Black Puffles! Awesome post Mimo!

claudio said...

i dunno this is hard ;)

Anonymous said...

yay! i want a new room sooo bad!

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

You misspelled Samurai :p Also, it looks like it will be for members only because ther is a members badge in the sneek peek.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Anonymiss (CPG Mod in training) said...

i have a cheat 4 u mimo!
on the log-in page it still says 101 days of fun and the pop-up is
:load error
please try clear your cache and try again!
i even have a screen shot!

anonymiss (penguin name)

Little Fireball said...

A new room would be very cool! I'm not so into turning your puffle into a flame. Not too 'awesome' but cool.

Anonymous said...

Cool I dunno how u keep up with these posts I never can lol

ur pal hazzawazza ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo I think its gonna be a new room
Paint Mario

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo I think its gonna be a new room
Paint Mario

Anonymous said...

i hope the room is for members only!!!

Anonymous said...

whats a CPG mod?

Anonymous said...

can someone pwease tell me what a CPG mod is!!!

Anonymous said...

thats awesome XD

Unknown said...

they will move the snow under the arch and uwill go to a new roomi say awnser 3 weeks tops. i say theywill make samuri costumes

Racket2000 said...


~Racet2000- Cpg Mod

goog2004 said...

Not really sure Mimo....

Anonymous said...

sweet finally they put a new room in :D

CPAlphaTeam said...


It's Samurai, Mimo, Samurai.

Physic said...

Ninja Party! :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure there adding a training awesome new ninja room too!

... said...

I think it's going to be a part of the Dojo like you said and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a room because you can see the Moderator symbol at the right hand corner of the pic. I think it also has to do with the Flaming Puffles!! Yeeee I'm so excited! XD


Fishy Boy2 said...

Mimo, there is a black puffle on top of the Rockhopper thingy in the Ski Village that is on fire. Also, I think the room will be a members only ninja room.

~Fishy Boy2~

Anonymous said...

Looks like a kool room I hope it's for non members to! Milo please add me on twitter I've already added u habo910 - club penguin shawry98- twitter

Guitarking97 said...

i see it, if u look closely u can see a bridge, i think there will be a samari training room!

Anonymous said...

Questions, questions. Maybe it'll be a new Egyptian room. Maybe it will have something to do with the Halloween Party. Possibilities
;-) Rock on Mimo and Mods!

Anonymous said...

mabey a Card Shop :)

Anonymous said...

I reckon you enter through the ninja black belt room, u can sort see the chalkboard :L

Anyways, looks good, I can't wait!

Ohio State97 said...

Mimo look at that image you posted see the mountain its next to the flame ok now go to the dojo court yard on the right of the dojo is that mountain

lizcat68 said...

no idea
--catherine379 (CPG MOD)

vampiregirl015 said...

i think ninjas are gonna be able to be samori saweet :)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
can someone pwease tell me what a CPG mod is!!!

Zxz192 said...
A CPG Mod is someone who answers questions on this blog

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Waddle5197 said...

Anonymous said....
whats a CPG mod ?
A CPG mod is someone who helps answer peoples ( or penguins ) questions. kinda like what im doing right now. lol !
Hope this helps ~

slinky59402 said...

so cool! Im excited! Samurai card jitsu ranking? Maybe XD


Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?
CPG Mods are people that help out Mimo. There jobs are to answer people's questions or wonderings or if you have cheats and hints!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?
a person who answer pplz quesstions like me to become one go to the sidebar for rules

wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)

Kranendonk said...

Ummm ye3a. Idk. This looks more like a mission to me.

The Unfamiliar Artist said...

I think its a new mission because if you look at the bottom right corner you can see the arrow thing!

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?
A CPG MOD is somone like myself, who answers other peoples questions all the time.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

the first pin on clubpenguin was a four leaf clover :D

Dooyaga (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo I think its gonna be a new room
Paint Mario
Uhhhhh, Isn't that what Mimo posted ABOUT? LOL!

Glad to help!

~ Dooyaga (CPG MOD)

Dooyaga (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?
A CPG Mod is a Club Penguin Gang Moderator,
if your a CPG Mod your job is to answer questions on comments and if u work hard enough u will get posted on the CPG Mod list! And that tecnacly makes u famous ;D

Glad to help!

~ Dooyaga (CPG Mod)

Dooyaga (CPG MOD) said...

Fishy Boy2 said...
Mimo, there is a black puffle on top of the Rockhopper thingy in the Ski Village that is on fire. Also, I think the room will be a members only ninja room.

~Fishy Boy2~
Ya, we all figured that out when a couple of penguins found a secret message in the newspaper 3 weeks ago. Ever since then there has been some pretty strange things going on in CP.

Glad to help!

~ Dooyaga (CPG MOD)

Unknown said...

it may be a room for agebts only cuz of the moderator sign
and it would be that volcano near the dojo and a new costume a samurai costume
and maybe sell flaming black puffles lool!
lanloon5(CPG Mod)

Racket2000 said...

Anonymous said...
the first pin on clubpenguin was a four leaf clover :D

Cool! For good luck!

~Racet2000- Cpg Mod

Racket2000 said...

Ohio State97 said...
Mimo look at that image you posted see the mountain its next to the flame ok now go to the dojo court yard on the right of the dojo is that mountain


~Racet2000- Cpg Mod

Anonymous said...

cool ideas guys keep up the good work!

pipy777 CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

That looks awesome thats all I'm gonna say!
-Autumn Ice18 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?
A CPG Mod is someone one Mimos site who answers people questions, like the ones you asked. To become one, just answer a bunch of questions, and eventually you will be added to the list! Pretty cool eh?

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Fishy Boy2 said...
Mimo, there is a black puffle on top of the Rockhopper thingy in the Ski Village that is on fire. Also, I think the room will be a members only ninja room.

~Fishy Boy2~

No offense but mimo already posted something about all the black puffles.

Fooberedo said...

Cool. Maybe after that happens you can beat Sensei like ten times in a row and become a samurai! I'm sooo excited

Surf Flipper said...

That's so awesome! I hope it isn't a member-only thing. :/

Catluver6 said...

NEAT-O now all we need is a NEW MISSION! maybe we should make a protest to get clubpenguin to hurry up and make the next mission its been almost 9 months since the last one :/

P.S. mimo u ROCK


Kirbysmall45 said...

I don,t mean to burst your buble mimo but it might be a new secret agent mission. Just a guess. but it might be a room too.

Aaareio (cpg mod) said...

anonymous said

what is a cpg mod
dear anonymous,
a cpg mod a penguin who helps mimo by answering question. to become a mod you have to answer questions like i am and for your it to count you have to say your name(gpg mod) like i am

Unknown said...

Thats Really Cool Mimo!

Ba6abi6o said...

Hey mimo i think i know what will happen, there will be a ninja mission, maybe:) Just like if you were a secret agent.

Frockle92 said...

Oh yah, It is gonna be another hideout for ninjas i bet

Brettcox(cpg mod) said...

i got it!! its going to be a new room . in card jitsu the black puffle can play to.i think its going to have a new room for the above ninja skills there will be a door in the ffe (ninja room).u will have to earn samurai to get in the room! pretty good guess dont u think ohhh and wait it will turn out that the black pufle (mabey the white)are the masters behind card jitsu and tought sensei every thing he knows and a party people commet my guess!

Brettcox(cpg mod) said...

whats a CPG mod?
-----------------------------------a cpg mod is a club penguin gang moderater :]

Brettcox(cpg mod)

Cft98 (CPG MOD) said...

can someone pwease tell me what a CPG mod is!!! from Anonymous

A CPG MOD is a person who answers questions for people like you. So bring your clubpenguin questions here!!!!

Cft98 (CPG MOD) said...

I hope the rooms are for non members too! That wouldn't be fair. I wish I were a member!! :)

Cft98 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

is it an only members room?


Vyolit said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?

Okay, a cpg moderator is a person who helps mimo on the cheats, and gets their name posted on the site. There are rankings to the mods. Moderator, super mod, legendary mod, mimo mod, and the newest one, mega mimo mod. See the sidebar for more info. Vote ME for moderator!....

Dont forget the name! Waddle On Mimo's Site and Clubpenguin!(WOMSCP) - Vyolit( cpg mod)

Pizza513 said...

i think its a new mission!


How Strange said...


why is there a black puffle in the forest?

-How Strange

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

whats a CPG mod?

A cpg mod is a person that answers peoples questions for mimo like i am doing right now :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

can someone pwease tell me what a CPG mod is!!!

sure a CPG MOD is a person that answers other guys questions for mimo like i am doing right now :D

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?

Well we're not exactly sure if it's even a room or not. And if it is, my theory is a yes.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

2 day is my birthday!(monday) Im 14! =D
-Katy Nugent (PrincessEmeas)

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! -swettie422

Anonymous said...

i think its for memebers only

Anonymous said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
awesome post! ;)


You can say that again! Cool post and awesome sneek peek mimo! I should call you mo. Cool post mo! lol.

-Birdygurl (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Tombakernerd said...
YAY! It looks like a machine to turn your puffle into a ninja! Maybe thats what the "Fiery Surprise" was about too. Maybe it turns your puffle into a mutant salad monster...

Hmm... good idea, but i think its a robot parmesan cheese block that turns your puffle into a blob of invincible nacho cheese and its hair tufts are made of tortilla chips.... thats most likely. And more realistic than your idea! Rolf.

Translation of rolf: rolling on laughing floor.


-Birdygurl (cpg mod)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...


A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Pizza513 said...
i think its a new mission!
Yeah maybe and hopefully ;-)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

I can see a hot sauce bottle in the sketch so maybe its something to do with the puffles EPA the DS game theres a secret puffle room thing so maybe thats it
Hmmmmm, ok thats all the thinking I can do for one day ;-)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Hopefully its not a member only room though...

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?
Yeah CPIP is cool, im sure mimo will tell us as soon as he finds out, he always does

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?
Well we're not even sure if it's a room yet but if it is I think that sadly it might be members only

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Kirbysmall45 said...
I don,t mean to burst your buble mimo but it might be a new secret agent mission. Just a guess. but it might be a room too.
Well its about time we had a new mission isnt it?

Brindlepup said...

Anonymous said....
hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?
Of course Mimo will tell you! Keep checking back to CPGang for more info on that stuff. Remember Mimo would never do something like that, and not tell us about it, he never forgets about that kind of stuff.
-Brindlepup (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

It will be for members only because only members can get a black flaming puffle. Good thing I am a member! Well atleast til November. :(


Anonymous said...

It's gonna be connected to the secret ninja room cuz you can see a bridge at the bottom right corner!

Vyolit said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?


I sure hope not! Everything is all membery! Blah it's just not fair to nonmembers! Geez when clubpenguin say free they don't mean free! Anyways, I don't think so. See that m Badge on the right? It stands for moderator, so it may be a new mission/ agents only room.....

Dont forget the name! Waddle On Mimos Site and ClubPenguin! (WOMSCP)-Vyolit( cpg mod)

Zatch67 said...

Mimo I think this might be a ninja only place.

ps:It will be arfter fall fair

Unknown said...


Unknown 2 U said...

Anonymous said...
can someone pwease tell me what a CPG mod is!!!

Unknown 2 U said...
CPG Mod Stands for *Club Penguin Gang Moderator* A CPG Mod helps anyone who asks a questioon or just needs help. Like me! If you want to be one, Read mimos post on the right hand side!

Unknown 2 U

Lil Maney[CPG MOD] said...

Hey Mimo,

Cool Post! (:

-Lil Maney[CPG MOD]

HeatEdgeSword said...

I think that they want us to become samurai.

Sklooperis said...

Pizza513 said...
i think its a new mission!

Im not sure, since I can see the moderator symbol in the corner. That isnt there during the missions.

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?

Actually, where not sure if its even a room yet! A lot of people think its a new mission. I dont think it would be fair if its only for members!'

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Cft98 (CPG MOD) said...
I hope the rooms are for non members too! That wouldn't be fair. I wish I were a member!! :)

Cft98 (CPG MOD)
I hope they dont make it for members, a lot of my friends are nonmembers! Also, not to be a pest,lol, but your not "supposed" to put (CPG Mod) next to your name unles your answering a question. Sorrez XD

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Brettcox(cpg mod) said...
i got it!! its going to be a new room . in card jitsu the black puffle can play to.i think its going to have a new room for the above ninja skills there will be a door in the ffe (ninja room).u will have to earn samurai to get in the room! pretty good guess dont u think ohhh and wait it will turn out that the black pufle (mabey the white)are the masters behind card jitsu and tought sensei every thing he knows and a party people commet my guess!
That sounds pretty cool! I wouldnt be surprised if it is like that, or at least very simialr! I guess we'll just have to wait....

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Frockle92 said...
Oh yah, It is gonna be another hideout for ninjas i bet
Sounds sweet!

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Catluver6 said...
NEAT-O now all we need is a NEW MISSION! maybe we should make a protest to get clubpenguin to hurry up and make the next mission its been almost 9 months since the last one :/

P.S. mimo u ROCK

"We Need A New Mission!", "We Need A New Mission!", "We Need A New Mission!!!!!" LOL

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Fooberedo said...
Cool. Maybe after that happens you can beat Sensei like ten times in a row and become a samurai! I'm sooo excited
I dont think so because once you become a ninja, you beat Sensei every time, so that wouldnt work =/

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Fishy Boy2 said...
Mimo, there is a black puffle on top of the Rockhopper thingy in the Ski Village that is on fire. Also, I think the room will be a members only ninja room.

~Fishy Boy2~
Sorry, but Mimo already posted this =/ Maybe next time

Skloopeirs(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?
Im sure Mimo will tell us when it opens, dont worry :)

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
the first pin on clubpenguin was a four leaf clover :D
Sweet find XD

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

lina said...
it may be a room for agebts only cuz of the moderator sign
and it would be that volcano near the dojo and a new costume a samurai costume
and maybe sell flaming black puffles lool!
lanloon5(CPG Mod)
Cool idea ;)

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Agent wodle said...
I think its a new mission because if you look at the bottom right corner you can see the arrow thing!
Yeah, but those arrows are in most rooms in Club Penguin, even when you arent doing a mission! Go look, they are blue with white arrows. Sorrez :(

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
can someone pwease tell me what a CPG mod is!!!
A CPG Mod is someone that answers questions on this blog, like how im doing here!

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Racket2000 said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?


I dont think soooo...

~Racet2000- Cpg Mod

Racket2000 said...

Cft98 (CPG MOD) said...
I hope the rooms are for non members too! That wouldn't be fair. I wish I were a member!! :)

Cft98 (CPG MOD)

I hope so too! Even though im a member.

~Racet2000- Cpg Mod

Racket2000 said...

Brettcox(cpg mod) said...
i got it!! its going to be a new room . in card jitsu the black puffle can play to.i think its going to have a new room for the above ninja skills there will be a door in the ffe (ninja room).u will have to earn samurai to get in the room! pretty good guess dont u think ohhh and wait it will turn out that the black pufle (mabey the white)are the masters behind card jitsu and tought sensei every thing he knows and a party people commet my guess!

You have a great Imagination! Lol!

~Racet2000- Cpg Mod

Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Tombakernerd said...
YAY! It looks like a machine to turn your puffle into a ninja! Maybe thats what the "Fiery Surprise" was about too. Maybe it turns your puffle into a mutant salad monster...

Lol! That would be cool!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Senor Taco said...
yay! i want a new room sooo bad!

Me too!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymiss (CPG Mod in training) said...
i have a cheat 4 u mimo!
on the log-in page it still says 101 days of fun and the pop-up is
:load error
please try clear your cache and try again!
i even have a screen shot!

anonymiss (penguin name)

Yup, i saw that too!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i hope the room is for members only!!!

Noooooo!! I hope it will be for all of us!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Blahimurfish said...

umm...Mimo I think by Samari you meant Samurai.

Transformerz said...

Mimo! U should try Adventure Quest Worlds!

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?

Zxz192 said...
We dont know yet lol but i think it will be for everyone

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

whats a CPG mod?

Zxz192 sad...
CPG Mods help out on this site by answering questions and stuff, but we arent authors. CPG Mod stands for Club Penguin Gang Moderator. There is a list of CPG Mods on the sidebar on the right near the bottom

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?

Zxz192 said... lol yeah I wanted to be in CPIP too because you got a red construction hat if you did it. I didnt do it either but only because I didnt know it was happening or anything. But im sure that when it does come back mimo will mention it ;)

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

lol ninja puffle =] i think its a new room which WILL BE the tallest mountain and it has some more ninja-y stuff :D

Huds4 said...


CP are making the other side of the island!
Mimo sugested this on sunday 21st of june 2009! here is the link to the post:

... said...

Anonymous said...
whats a CPG mod?
First of all, CPG stands for Club Penguin Gang which is this blog but you probably already know that. Mimo adds 'Mods' on here, and you can become one by answering someones question or trying to answer someones question. Then you put 'CPG Mod' next to your penguin or username so he and everybody else knows that you want to be one. Then after a while Mimo will have Mod updates and you could be added on the sidebar of 'CPG Mods'!

-Floppyj10 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

o srry -swettie422

Lard Beak CPG MOD said...

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
You misspelled Samurai :p Also, it looks like it will be for members only because ther is a members badge in the sneek peek.
The thing in the top right corner is the moderator sign actualy. It's in evry room. ;)

-Lard Beak CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

MIMO i know it, the blank screen (top right corner) at hq could be for the new nija room!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe it's the elite penguin force secret puffle training room!

Sklooperis said...

woot! i had 13 comments in a row up there! XD lol

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?
We dont know because it isnt out yet, so we will have to wait...

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymiss (CPG Mod in training) said...
i have a cheat 4 u mimo!
on the log-in page it still says 101 days of fun and the pop-up is
:load error
please try clear your cache and try again!
i even have a screen shot!

anonymiss (penguin name)
Nice catch there! And thats awesome that your penguins name is Anonymiss lol

Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

looks likes boiler room

Fishy Boy2 said...

Dooyaga (CPG MOD) said...
Fishy Boy2 said...
Mimo, there is a black puffle on top of the Rockhopper thingy in the Ski Village that is on fire. Also, I think the room will be a members only ninja room.

~Fishy Boy2~
Ya, we all figured that out when a couple of penguins found a secret message in the newspaper 3 weeks ago. Ever since then there has been some pretty strange things going on in CP.

Glad to help!

~ Dooyaga (CPG MOD)

Uh yah thnx for trying to help, but it didn't really because I already knew that XD. I only said it because Mimo didn't post about the one that was there... Or did he?

~Fishy Boy2~

slippy 64048 said...

My theory is it a new festival for the new night time when Antarctic is in darkness. maybe or its just a temporary thing.

Anonymous said...

like cool i dident know that
that was there a puffle mushin that could make your puffle a ninga
cool ha

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

thx for following me mimo u rock

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?
No one knows hopefully not but it looks like it will be :(

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Dex Dude said...

Ashley said...
I have an important question! Are you ever going to show us yourself? Can we maybe do a contest were like whoever wins gets to see a picture of you? Also is ZoeZoe your sister? I'm sorry if you are offended by me asking you all this personal info...
-UT Soca Girl
(CP name)
Well he obviously doesn't want people to see his personal information. No one does. So Probably not...

~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)

Unknown said...

i Think There Will be A Sensi Place With All Ther\se Fire Thinimcbopers!!

Random Matthew722 said...

Hmm, new room maybe? ;)


Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?
Im sure he would tell you but you can also check the cpip website just in case :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
hey uhhh mimo i really really really want to be in cpip, but i don't know when it will open again, when it opens up can you tell us?


CPIP is usually opened when ClubPenguin is say that there are upgrading. If that happends, go to CPIP & u might just be lucky! ;D

Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Random Matthew722 said...

whats a CPG mod?


A CPG Mod stands for ClubPenguin Gang Moderator.

We help penguins by answering questions, if they don't understand, like what I'm doing now. ;-)

Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
is it an only members room?


We don't know yet, but i don't think it will because it's not a party. ;-)

For example, when the stage came, it was for all penguins. :D

Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Nolo Manolo said...

I think it will be only for members :S

Anonymous said...

might be a ninja place cuz i saw a ninja on the picture

Unknown said...

It could be a new mission! Or something in the new room... Or, A NINJA EATING CHEESE MONSTER!!!!

Matias said...


ℓαzℓσ said...

im replying to saavys comment.its not a members badge its a mods badge


England said...

did it say when it comes out???

Jeff said...

hey mimo in the pizza parlour the pizza in the r black like there burnt

Lianna154 said...

Maybe this is the new window in the HQ. Cool!!

Anonymous said...

mimo OMG i cant get on my penguin whats up please help me mimo [my penguin name is naruto 67 76]

Anonymous said...

i cannt open the cp page!!! wat is going on???

Anonymous said...


fisher123466 said...

I think there will be a utamate battle between the three elements

Unknown said...

mimo i commeneted about da coolness and i didnt get posted... i tried to help :(

clark410 said...

okay mimo, you see that in the ninja hideout they are dropping fire into the center of cub penguin!
what they are trying to do is make the tallest mountain a volcano!!!!
its going to be a samurai room.
you level up to ninja then samurai!!!
i know it!!
its a volcano!!!

-clark410 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about that it sounds great!!!!!!!! I thought it would be cool asked CP and look wat dey did!!
Mambo 546

Anonymous said...

i think its ether a ninja party or a new room

lizcat68 said...


Anonymous said...

Hey mimo can you plz go on chobots and make me an agent (ill be on server mimo city at the cow mission1,im Anorthosis)

Anonymous said...

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