Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


egap siht no knil neddih a si ereht

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


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Unknown said...

i get it thats kool

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Found it!


Anonymous said...

ahh! where is it?? it isn't an existing link, is it? like when you click on something that usually leads you somewhere, you didn't change the hyperlink, did you? its a new link, right??

Anonymous said...

COMEON! Post one of my comments PLZ!

Anonymous said...

uhhhh...huh? i only speak english!

Anonymous said...

Nice job mimo i got it!

Anonymous said...

i need a hint or a tip!
-Elmos Buddy

Anonymous said...

I think I got it, but I think I know what you said, but it doesnt make sense :(

majassyla said...

i get it mimo, nice clue, somewhat hard, thanks anyway

Pinkiwinki9 said...

Ok, I know what to look for, but I can't find it!!!! I will keep looking for the thing. I'll let you guys know when I get it!

Anonymous said...

plz tell me where it is i looked 4 an HOUR (no kiding lol) plz where is it!!

Anonymous said...

Where is the link

Anonymous said...

found it !

Anonymous said...

cool mimo! this is sand flipper ill see you there! i didnt find it but i will for sure

Anonymous said...

Oh i get it! Mimo you rock!!!

Anonymous said...

i dont get it can you help me mimo777

Anonymous said...

I might have possibly found it but it's in jiberish, like seriously. I'll try to look for loop holes, but if u could give a hint? I would be ur best friend 4ever~!!!!

~Moogasa :D

Anonymous said...

I got the clue.

good clube mimo777.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's so cool but I couldn't find the hidden link. Please tell a hint or just tell where it is.

Please post my comment, no one posted my comments before.

-Xj7 Black (pengi name)

Fuzz top 111 said...

Pease please give me a clue or tip i bag you anyone please!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

where is it i have ab no ida plz giv clue

Anonymous said...

i get it it was fun

Hellomimmy said...

I dont get what it means

Fuzz top 111 said...

Hey mimo,
is it visabel or invesabel thats the qwestion?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i cant find it..

Anonymous said...

get what you said but can't find it...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eulc Eht Tog I
-1Edud Agem

Anonymous said...

sorry can somebuddy help me i did not anderstand any thing expet the word "no"

Anny Ning said...

can someone give a hint as to the general location? please? =]

Anonymous said...

i gonna miss it.can you make it the day before?i'll be at school/in bed then.

Anonymous said...

if anyone finds the clue, post if it's at the top bottom or the middle or the page

Anonymous said...

Where is the Hidden Link???

Anonymous said...

can u give us a hint on what side it is on? please?
if so, thanks a billion!

Anonymous said...

Found link, found words at bottom, havent figured out the clue!!!

Waddly penny

Anonymous said...

genius, mimo! my mum helped me find the clue! but wot time?

mushi0786 said...

i dont get it

mushi0786 said...

could u make them easie thanx mimo rox yeh

Anonymous said...

:( could someone help me please

Anonymous said...

What does it mean?!

CP Name: 2kitty9

Anonymous said...

hi plz post

Anonymous said...

I got It it mimo Nice Clue

Anonymous said...

help a little please im begging
hint tip please

ps i found a glitch when you move the concert lights they change much faster if you move it fast

Anonymous said...

come on

Anonymous said...

I get it but i cant find it! can u nudge me in the right direction

Anonymous said...

i got the message but where

Anonymous said...

what where?? where where WHERE?! I got all ur party clues....

majassyla said...

Mimo, could you please give the clues immediately? i'm so excited that i can finally see you! mimo777 rules!!

Anonymous said...

can anyone plz tell me where it is ive seemed to look everywhere but i cant find it plz tell me plz

Tai said...

is the link on this post?

Tai said...


MishMash215 said...

hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
I understand it...but where is the link!
I think some poeple might have to help me on this one...
Thanks MImo & Everyone Else!

Anonymous said...

i only speak english and i dont understand!!!!!!!!!

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
Is everyone getting pumped for Me & Kimberrlley's birthday party?!?!
I know I am!
Here are the details once again:
Server: Big Foot
Room: Dojo
Time: 7:00am (CPTZ)
Date: 10th of May!
I hope everyone can come because I can't wait to see everyone on CPG!
This is gonna be a Huge Birthday Bash!
Thanks Mimo & everyone Else!
MishMash215 (Upcoming Birthday Boy)

Anonymous said...

its a hard one

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
Grrr...I still cant find the link!
Does anyone have any good tips for me?
It can be a birthday pressie!

Anonymous said...

WHERE IS IT?(i got it;)

Anonymous said...

huh?? i get the message.. but i cant find it!!

Anonymous said...

i get it, bt where is it? plz post!

Anonymous said...

Mimo i dont see it :(

Help me please!


Joanna7777 said...

Cool.I found it.

Anonymous said...

I got it mimo! Everyone he's a hint to the clue:
Its the date
wow mimo! thats cool how you hid it!Please post this mimo!

CP Name: Bozobam

Hope that helps everyone!

Anonymous said...

heii mimo 777 cool clue this has once happened in a book called deltora quest:lake of tears when that happened xx__Noura__xx :) i luv u mimo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Could we have a hint please?

Anonymous said...

Its me again mimo!
I just went to twitter to see if you had any new updates and found that you answered my question mimo!
Thanx mimo! that was really helpful!

CP Name: Bozobam

Anonymous said...

Hmm..the time always says permanent link if you mouse over it for around 5 that part of this clue or a red herring?

Anonymous said...

there r heaps of links on the page

deaglemaster said...

hey i got it 1 go you rock mim

Anonymous said...

i need to find it thats all

Anonymous said...

That was so easy mimo!
but where is the ya know...thingy?
i cant find the ....

Anonymous said...

i get that coz it was easy. i dont
no where it is though?

Benno, said...

Is It Visible?

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

Squibblety here

Here is another clue for anyone whos stuck...

Its the Date hmmmmmmm????

Thank you


Anonymous said...

What is that?

Anonymous said...

I think I got it sknaht omim

Anonymous said...

where is it??

can you help me out, Angel9101?

Pingu 2157

Anonymous said...

i got what you said but couldnt find it...


Anonymous said...

Where is it? Can someone give me a clue?

Anonymous said...

i dont see the _ _ _ _ on the site, mimo. help me

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
"uhhhh...huh? i only speak English!"

Well its in English just decode it.
Yours truly,

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo
Sorry i dont speak vietnamese
I only speak E N G L I S H
Thankyou for listening =]

Anonymous said...

I got wat is it says but just doesn't make sense...

Anonymous said...

I need a hint or tip! I know what it says but I can't find it!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I cant find it! does it even exist??? is it big or small?

Anonymous said...

Yay! a new eulc!

Anonymous said...

kimberly we need you to help us!!

Anonymous said...

can someone lead us to where it might be???? like bottom of the main page????

Anonymous said...

cool but where? :P

Steve5429 said...

Que? Yo soy leen en espanol!

Anonymous said...

plz sum 1 tel us where it is!! or at least a hint!! kimberrlyy canu help us at all like u usually do? that owuld be awesome!!


Anonymous said...

Cool mimo, but leave a clue hihi.

Anonymous said...

wheres the link

Anonymous said...

what is a link

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how do you find it ?

Sarah B said...

Where's the link?
Double B

Anonymous said...

I know

Anonymous said...

Mimo do you mind putting this under a catagory

Anonymous said...

I think you need to make it a tad bit harder...



-Mavrick 3

Anonymous said...

drah si siht omim

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, can we have a few hints please?

And please tell kimberrly that she is a nice penguin! :D


Anonymous said...

I got the clue, but I can't find the "sight" (I don't want to spoil it for those of you who DONT have it! Sorry!)

-Mavrick 3

Anonymous said...

is this a clue for the party

Anonymous said...

Man, I have decoded the code, but where is it located?? Anybody got a hint?


Anonymous said...

i figured out the message, i just can't find a link! please help! i already figured out the last two clues!

Anonymous said...

cant find it!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what it says but i cant find it

Someone Please, a hint or something

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I understood the message, but i can't understand where the site is somebody help me!!!!

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

lol.....I Dont Understand Spanish

Anonymous said...

i see what it says but i dont know where it is

Anonymous said...

What? wat was that?

Anonymous said...

is this for the mimo's party?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo,check the telescope and you will see the migrator moving away.

Anonymous said...

I FOUND Ii found itT

Anonymous said...

Hi, i fond something. In theatre then you click big yellow lever yhre a golden puffle is gone and the yellow in there!

Anonymous said...

I got it !

Nice hint!

Oh, yeah... by the way....
Rockhoopers ship is GONE!!!! :( :o

Lil Undyne

katie said...

doog eulc egnelahc su rof ecno!!!

Mosswaves said...

mimo post another hint about where the "thing" is

Crawfish said...

i cant find it:(

Anonymous said...

i cant unscramble the last word!!!

Anonymous said...

-Elmos Buddy

hubcub said...

cool! you are a genius!

Anonymous said...

what ?? is this a clue?

Anonymous said...

i hav luked on pg 3 where is it?

Anonymous said...

good i got it mimo nice !
i love u

Anonymous said...


I evah reven neeb ot eno fo ruoy sytrap erofeb! I tsuj t'nac dnif eht seulc! I evah ecno, tub I togrof! zlp pleh! I lliw eb oooooos detniopasid, sa siht si a laiceps eno!

89lriG malG

Anonymous said...

what is a eulc anyway?

Unknown said...

i should have known i wouldn't be able to goto one of your parties i never do :((

Chubbie111 said...

Hi Mimo

Anonymous said...

Hey Waddle pengy!

Kimberrlley11 here =) You said: I got it! But what time?

A: Mimo will be posting another clue for time time! Cool huh?! I can't find this clue...ahh! Any help?

Thanks guys =) &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous!

Kimberrlley1 here!

Q: Is this for mimos party?

A: I belueve so =) Good luck finding it, i cant lol ;-)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

i understand but i didnt find the thing you want.

Anonymous said...

Super easy! I took less than a minute to find it out! I think this will be the first party which I can find all the clues! =) I got a little confused at first, because where I live that day has already passed... ;)

Anonymous said...

kimberlly, u are such a liar. 1st u said ur a teenager then u said u were turning 13 now u say u are 15. Can we trust anything u say?

Unknown said...

Hey mimo have u played aqua grabber lately when u play it it shows a shadow of a giant squid what up with that

Unknown said...

Cool clue

Anonymous said...

er? have u turned into an alien?

Unknown said...

Mimo, There's a new mission on CP and I can't get it. Will you post a walkthrough soon? (Plz Post)


Anonymous said...

lol it sounds like language from m country but it isnt


Anonymous said...

Mimo please help give a clue of where to find the link or somthing just please help us

Anonymous said...

where?to what?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous

Kimberrlley1 here! I was very dissapointed when i saw this comment to me:kimberlly, u are such a liar. 1st u said ur a teenager then u said u were turning 13 now u say u are 15. Can we trust anything u say?

I am a teenager, the reason i said i was 13 was because i madea typo in the comment =) It was a mistake, but yes, i am turning 15! on Sunday =) Im really excited! And trust me, you can believe everything i say, because i am not the kind of peron who lies about ANYTHING =) I am sorry i made a typo guys, and it was just a mistake. I hope you guys forgive me!

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Dont tell kimberrly we cant trust her. It was just a little mistake, called a Typo


Buda7 said...


Anonymous said...

i found everything but i dont get it! i think the page is supposed to b a clue about when the party is , am i right?

Anonymous said...

mimo come on plz give a hint or at least tell us if its on the top or the bottom. this is so unfair or if ppl who got the eulc can u give hints.

Anonymous said...

nice i know that!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for it...........

By the way, my club penguin account is cpnoodle and I'm usually on the first brittish server.

Zillowmon2006 said...

Good one mimo,but i cant find the ****.

Anonymous said...

Found It!!

Anonymous said...

Found it!
"mimo was here, really"

Anonymous said...

Hey Knd!

Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if it was a clue about the party?

You're right! Check out my starting hints once they get posted! Good luck guys =)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Good hint but I can't find it.

Anonymous said...

ok ive been looking for like an HOUR! i thought i found it once but i didnt. im sad. tear tear cry cry!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

?mottob ro, elddim, pot ?egap emoh eht no eulc eht si?

~3554 eiggam~

Ray Toolbear said...

MImo I think I know what the pin is going to be. Since the pin isn't going to be released on the day of the party it will be released the week before. So the pin has to be the Medieval Times Pin. It could be a banner or a Jousting Stick. Probably!!!

Sarah B said...

I found it but when I press it nothing happens!
Double B

Anonymous said...

translate plz!!! plz post one of my comments!!!

Anonymous said...

!yllear - ereh saw omim
Snowball 05

Anonymous said...

SOB i never get to go to a mimo party! ill never be able to go

Anonymous said...

gniht eht dnif t'nac i tub eulc eht teg i.If you guys can read this than you will know what the clue is. Tinlun :-)

Anonymous said...

i got it! i have a secret for fin ding it but im not telling you

Anonymous said...

i can't find it help me

Riuchan said...

ppl its a two step clue!
i gotta find the link T^T

Anonymous said...

Ummm ok? I only speak english! Anyone willing to help?! AGHH! My brain hurts now... *rubs top of head* Owchies, Mimo! Cmon! Atleast a hint!!


Anonymous said...

Helllo Everyone

Someone found my parsword out on cp and they have banned me forever.!!!

What shall i do.
Can i ever go on club penguin again.?

Can i make a new account. Will i still have my friends list if i make a new account?

Please help me!!!

Sad Squibblety

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me Brad1072

HELP! I cac't find it!
Please someone good a good friend and give us a clue!I've spent all day trying to find it and i can't

please post this


Anonymous said...

come on i've got all the clues so far. SOMEONE GIVE SOME HINTS!

Eduardo Ortuño said...

kimberrly! please help! i can't find the you know what!
buddytoe(cp name)

Anonymous said...

is it some sought of code or a different language cause i only speak english.

Anonymous said...

I found out what the clue said but i cant find the "thing" HELP ME!

Anonymous said...

I found it! I'm so excited! Yay! Can't wait untill your party, Mimo! You hid that very well, although it only took me 2 min. to find. :P

Will you be accepting buddies at your party?


Anonymous said...

Hey Floob! ;)

"floob said...
ahh! where is it?? it isn't an existing link, is it? like when you click on something that usually leads you somewhere, you didn't change the hyperlink, did you? its a new link, right??"

Yuppers! It's new link. No words are even in this spot! =O

Good Luck! Hope to see you at the party! I want to add you on my buddy list, too! :)

*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-

Dallorgan the Penguin said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Squibbelty,
Thats too bad that someone got on your account! The only thing you can do is make another one, and make sure to keep your password a secret. Don't tell ANYONE, not even your best friend. Unfortunately, you can't get your friends list back or anything else form your last account. But I hope we can be friends again on your new penguin! :-) I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Mimo are you trying to be mean? This isn't funny. Give us a clue to where it is. This isn't fair. Most penguins don't get to go to your parties. How would you like it if you couldn't find the clue?

Anonymous said...

someone tell me if its at the top bottom or middle PLZ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that is way too hard to find. please help. i got the other party clues and i thought i was gonna get to go. boo hoo.

p.s. WHERE IS IT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I just did that Puzzle Shuffle thing in the newspaper in for moves!


Anonymous said...

Hey Look! My rare flower pots from Rockhopper have sprouted! Anyone's sprouted yet?


Anonymous said...

It's Brad1072

I've spent the whole day looking for the hidden link and I just can't find it!Can someone please be so kind and give us a hint or something!I beg of you,please!
MIMO please help we are all despret!

Thank you so much
please post this


Anonymous said...

nice clue mimo!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimberrlley do you have a website? becauz you said you were going to post "staring hints"

Anonymous said...

!pleh esaelp ti dnif t'nac i

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blackpearl give me a hint! I'm desperate!

Anonymous said...

ok i do not get it


Anonymous said...

Yes i found it it is at........
thanks mimo good one
this will be the first party ie ever been to

Anonymous said...

Hey Sqwuibblety!

Kimberrlley1 here =) Sorry someone got on your account! Thaty totally stinks! i dont understand why people so that, ya know?

I have an idea:

Username: Squibblety1
Password: what ever you want =)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Hi Mafi94! I'm learning to speak Spanish at school. I'm really bad at it, though! (lol)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mushi0786

"mushi0786 said...
could u make them easie thanx mimo rox yeh"

Mimo can't make the clues easy because then it would be waay too overcrowded! The server would be jamm packed and a lot of people couldn't get in. A couple parties ago, Mimo couldn't even get in to his own party! =O

Mimo does have Super Easy Parties, so look for those! ;)

*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-

DONBOT 34 said...

hey everyone donbot 34 is my cp account name i can usually be found on american mammoth or tuxedo servers, and im making a new youtube and id be happy to have some of you on it, and id love to interveiw mimo!

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