Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Buddy List Party #1 The first 5 Buddies added!

Rainy Rain

See you at the second party!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

Can we be buddies?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

why didn't you add more ppl?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo~

Kimberrlley1 here. Thanks so much =). Your party is going great by the way, and MyCatCarmen is out of the hospital! =)

Well thanks again so much,i appecitate it!


Anonymous said...

Thnx very much mimo777!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i was there the whole hour!! It was fun but i couldn't be yur buddy

ill keep trying when its the next party!!

u rock!!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i frogot but i got all the clues i wish i could have beed there please have a party soon!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys! Good job!

Anonymous said...

thats only 4 people...

Anonymous said...

He mimo if your in the town
Does it count too ask if your there?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was there but i didnt get accepted:( But i will see u at the next party!Look 4 me!MIMORULZ!!!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i loved the party it was amazing but u didnt add me waa and i cant come to ur second party because its to late at night

good luck to the rest of u

Anonymous said...

I have a glitch! Go on Club Penguin, and keep hitting the key "W" on your keyboard. Hit it as fast as you can, and many times. It will look like you are swinging your arms!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well at least i know it is today now!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo I saw you in the party lol my penguin name was kirby 246 I sent you a freind request ,remember, but I was not one of the first five so you answer no but that is ok :-) anyways I can't go to the second party :-( but I already met you. p.s You are very cool :)

Anonymous said...

thank you so much mimo for adding me (bugladyblue)
but some glitcher hacked and showed that ur not on my buddy list but im so excited for the secong partay!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

MIMO hope i get added next time im Gallardo41

Dingodie said...

I added Kimberly!! I saw you!!!


Anonymous said...

lucky people

Jason5000 said...

Mimo At Your Next Party Can You Be My Friend Or Can You Today (April 05 2008) My Penguin Name Is Pichu 300000 And Im A Huge Fan You Didn't Want To Be My Friend Last Time But Can YOU This Time?
Please Post Another Comment And Tell Me.

Eduardo Ortuño said...

here's a question, the hints that you gave us about the pool balls, will you give the other clues, or do we have to go with the same server place and time? -buddytoe

Anonymous said...

Ok well I think I know the time.

Anonymous said...

congratz too all the penguins that made the list!!!!
-lillie 190

Joanna7777 said...

Dear Mimo,You added me but I logged off because my internet stopped.Now I don't have you at my buddy list.Please tell me where to see to add me again.
Joanna7777(So sad:-( )

Dingodie said...

I will add anyone!!

-Acww575 (currently on Mukluk)

Anonymous said...

That was a awesome party!! I wasn't your first five but I am now 9china9s buddy and zoezoe11!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I tried so hard, but I couldn't find where the party was. I really want to be your buddy!!! :,(

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo,

Kimberrlley1 here. You added me, but then i logged off by accident. When i logged back in, you didnt show on my buddylist. Are we still buddies?

Thnaks mimo. im very happy and excited!


Anonymous said...

mimo i was there it was so cool you talked to me and sent me a card when i got the card i was so happy i hoped you would add me but i kept bugging thats probaly why. mycatcartmen is my friend she is nice please mimo add me! next party? sorry for buggin you.
sand flipper

Anonymous said...

Hey Coloniel,

Kimberrlley1 here, ready to answer your question.

You asked how mimo flashed around parts of the room?

Well, its actually an illusion. It looked like he was flashing, but it was really because there is so many people in the room. Clubpenguin was going very slow with all the people in that one room lol! ;-)

Thanks for the question &+ thanks mimo.

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

please add me next party: Sand Flipper oh and after the party i went right to clubpenguingang and when i went back on all my freinds were gone including mycatcartmen

Anonymous said...

hey mimo im Sweet Smile remember? i really wanted to be ur bud. oh well. at lease you sang wit me!
~Sweet Smile!

Anonymous said...

My buddy list is messed up. idont know why? i added zoezoe11 and mycatcartmen now there not on it:( now im really sad do u know why that happened mimo??? can u post a comment if u know?


Anonymous said...

OMG! just yesterday i met Brio2 the last featured penguin. it was so cool i was shocked to see him. but he didnt want to be my buddy:-(

Anonymous said...

hi mimo,
is there gonna b a free item if u participated in the cpip??? i hope there is, cuz it ended yesterday and there still isnt 1. :-(


Unknown said...

i was there and i saw all those people

Hopper1520 said...

I cant come to the 2nd party because it is too late!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! This is Jessicamary. Sorry I haven't been able to answer questions, but I am in Florida visiting my grandma.

Anonymous said...

Pichu 30000,
Here was your question:
Mimo At Your Next Party Can You Be My Friend Or Can You Today (April 05 2008) My Penguin Name Is Pichu 300000 And Im A Huge Fan You Didn't Want To Be My Friend Last Time But Can YOU This Time?

Sorry, Pichu but Mimo can't be your buddy unless you get to the second Mimo party in time to be one of his buddies. Also, he can't meet you on Club Penguin just to be your buddy because then he would have to meet ALL of the penguins that want to. Sorry! Good luck and I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

mimo plz look for spark6782 shes a member hope i u add me for your second party

Anonymous said...

Bye for now everyone! I probably won't be on again untill Tuesday. :(


Anonymous said...

i wish the head hint made more sense.

see you at the next party;-]

Club Penguin Cheats said...


Anonymous said...

i had a game to go to but ill see u there


goofy73 said...

kimberrlley yay! ur mimos buddy. when i saw ur name on the list i started yelling kimberrlley kimberrlley yay! u rock congrats i am so happy!

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

i can never get the clues i havnt been to any of ur partys cuz the cluz r too hard still, u rock mimo

Anonymous said...

I tried to ask you but you said no but i got zoezoe11 and Mycatcartmen

goofy73 said...

i see tooly. tooly is another cpg mod.

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

Hey Goofy!

Kimberrlley1 here just saying thanks! =). Im rly excited too. but for some resson, right after he accepted me to be his buddy, clubpenguin went all weird and it logged me out. When i logged back in mimo wasnt on my buddylist. R we still buddies?

Please answer this! thanks &+ thanks mimo,


9 ice slope said...

hi mimo.i've never seen you before can you add me im mostly in the dojo,i tried the smell thing and it worked! pLz plz plz add me. all of you pins are great !

Anonymous said...

mimo remember me blue speed 7 (you probably dont so many penguins lol) anyway i added zoezoe11 mycatcarmen 9china9 tooly228 and straw0000 and logged back in a they werent on my list how strange anyway cool party i asked u like 1000 times to be my buddy but no oh well better luck next time well done to the penguins that are your buddies im sad cause i cant come to your other party (even tough i know when it is):( too late 4 me soz wouldnt be your buddy anyway to many penguins anyway hope you do this another time thx 4 the fun

FCP head commander blue speed 7

p.s can u plz plz plz come to my birthday party on tuesday on yeti america 4pm english time my igloo on map (im a member lucky me) plz my mum and dad are on holiday and im at my grandma plz mimo

Anonymous said...

earlier this morning i was really bored so i posted that comment about this dream i had last night i dident think that it woukd get posted and i was right it dident get posted it was really weird!!!! i hope the person that aproves the blog thought it was funny
p.s. i figured out why all of the people were in the boiler room!! it was because everyone thought there was a tornado

Anonymous said...

come here to find cheats

Anonymous said...

i cant go to the second party! aw man!!


Anonymous said...

im so sad!i didnt get any of your clues

Anonymous said...

i was there

tim howard 1

Anny Ning said...

nooo... i thought it was tomorrow... and i cant come today bcuz i have a piano lesson! NOOO!!! *sobs*

lolz jk but mimo u should have a party again sometime and add more people. please??

XSoccerBoy1997X said...

cool guys

Anonymous said...

I probobly wont be your buddy again im a huge fan sigh

Anonymous said...

i found this out on the club penguin blog.

Here are just a few things to look for during april.

A Brand New Mission!
The Return of Rockhopper!
Book Room Update!
New Igloo!
New Room!

Anny Ning said...

hey kimberrly, congratulations!!!! woot! and congrats to everyone else who made it on his list! =D

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That is so cool to bad i missed the party.

Anonymous said...

cool mimo!!

Screenhog101 said...

I was not there.:(

goofy73 said...

hey floobersnoot i see u

you're friend goofy73

Anny Ning said...

mimo go to the party site now! theres lotsa people waiting =]

Anonymous said...

hey mimo guess wat??.......I DONT CARE ABOUT BEING ON YOUR BUDDY LIST!! you just love all this fame dont you?

violet5599 said...

Hey Mimo! Violet5599 again! Yea I remember kimberrlley1! I haven't seen her since that quickee party you had at the ice rink! She's still on my buddy list! =) Hows it goin kimberrlley?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man!
I tried going into the room, but it's full.
Oh well. Mimo, I hope you give us another chance to be on your buddy list! It was really fun figuring out the clues!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo this is GuitarGurl I wanted to thank you for adding me to your buddy list and also let you know that Mycatcartmen is doing better. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

wheres mimo? is what we say, remember me sand flipper i was there it was fun you would like dissapear and telaport to places and i would always wonder where did he go. that was a cool party mimo it was the funnest ever! i hope to see you again

sand flipper

Anonymous said...

am i sending you to many comments? i just like to talk to you i saw you at the party and it rocked you didnt add me but i dont care we are still pals.

~Sand Flipper~

Sk8rboidud3 said...

Dear Mimo777,
Since most people can't find you,you should make your clues very dificult so only a few will go so you won't get so many request's and also everyone want's you to add everyone who ask's. Also delete EVERYONE you have so you can add people.
From: sk8rboidud3

Anonymous said...

the late party was awesome i luved it!did u log off after we were playing find mimo cuz we could not find u anywhere! I guess the hardest was in the attic i would have never looked there!


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!

Kimberrlley1 here, just saying it was great meeting all of you last night =)! you are all so supportive!

thnaks everyone &+ thanks mimo,


p.s: Thank buddylist glitch is werid, isnt it?! Thats why mimo isnt showing up on my buddylist. I think he might have to add me again, but i dont know lol! ;-)

Anonymous said...

ur parties rule!!!


Anonymous said...

hey Kimberrlley1 it was great meeting with you and staying up till 12:00 eastern time last night.
me and my sister karmilita really enjoyed it. see ya around!

goofy73 said...

congrats kimberrlley u rock so much and u deserve it.

you're friend goofy73

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

could i plz be ur buddy

Club Penguin Cheats said...

Mimo i was at the second party

Dingodie said...

Your parties are amazing!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow the clues were so hard! I didn't come but maybe next time Ill try harder

Anonymous said...

Hey Violet!

Kimberrlley1 here =)! I remember you, were buds! ;-) And its going pretty good..mimo added me as a buddy!..but theres a really weird glitch so i cant see mimo on my buddylist.

Thanks violet + hows it going with you &+ thanks mimo,


Anonymous said...

Hey Floob ;-)

Kimberrlley1 here just saying thanks for all of the nice comments! =)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo,


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
everyone who signed up for the CPIP will get somthing- but they said they are going to deliver it by a new feature! Cool! It says so on the CPIP Blog
-Captain Ar1

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!

Kimberrlley1 here with really good news! I think clubpenguin fixed the glitch, because now i can see ALL of my buds =)! Im really excited! Well once again thanks, and thank you for being so supportive and nice last night ;-)

Thanks ALL &+ thanks mimo,


P.S: Ill be on clubpenguin a lot today! ill be on

server: BigFoot, Fjord, Mukluk, and IceBerg! Try and meet up with me =)

Musicboy8 said...

good job everybody that made it!
hope i can make it next time ( if there is a next time).


Anonymous said...

Ugh the only clue I'm missing is the date ;] maybe next time


Anonymous said...

Oh Mimo about that twitter site you gave us of your party, It keeps turing into something called "Rick Roll" for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys and gurls!

Kimberrlley1 here! No ?'s at the moment, but i cant wait to answer some when they come ;-) lol!

Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo,

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Im Mimo777c0ol can u be my buddy

Unknown said...

awsome party mimo!

Anonymous said...

?you didnt post the other party buddies! ?

Anonymous said...

hey its me sand flipper somethings going really wrong to the buddy list and its happening to everyone! all the friends i added get deleated and i cant deleat anyone! so pen flippy was deleated and now i cant get him back on. when i make a friend then log of and go back on they are all gone!
its wierd you rock mimo777!

Love__Musicx(Luckyluckble) said...

hi mimo
i was there and i got loads of pics of you and they re on my gmail now!!!!!!;-)
i was surprised you actually replied to my request 8-o!!!
i was luckyluckble and i was probably really bugging you huh??
im friends with kimberlley1 and mycatcartmen ah wel at least i have the next best thing , friend of a friend of mimo777;-)

Anonymous said...

Great news everyone! you know how the buddy list isnt working well now it does and all the friends that were on your list are still there! so dont worry if mimo is your friend and the buddy thing didnt work cause mimo will still be on your list! i just found that out this morning. sand flipper oh and tell pen flippy hi

goofy73 said...

what server are u on now kimberrlley?

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

floobersnoot why aren't we buddies anymore.

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

Hey Goofy!

Kimberrlley1 here! Right now im on server Fjord!

Everyone come to server Fjord at 12:00 clubpenguin standard time for a little quickee party! Everyone is invited ;-)=)

thnaks guys &+ thanks mimo,


p.s: mimo is finally on my buddylist =) yay!

Anonymous said...


Hey goof! Im going to kohls, be back in 30 minutes -=). ill go n server fjord =) and ill be there for the quickee party=)

Anonymous said...

MIMO I Have a great idea. How about we email CP, and ask them if you can have an unlimited buddy list!!

Anonymous said...

lol rickroller (:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!

Kimberrlley1 here! Hows everybody doing =)? Im having a really qucik party on server MukLuk at the dock! Hoep to see you there =)

Everyones invited =)

Thanksguys &+ thanksmimo.


XSoccerBoy1997X said...

Hey this queation is for Kimberrlley1. I'm wondering what places you will be at on big foot, fjord, mukluk, and ice berg. Please answer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!

Kimberrlley1 here with an idea =)!

My idea is that maybe sometime tonight, you have a quickee party...and ONE MORE lucky penguin can be added to you buddylist?!

What do you think?

Thanks mimo,


Ray Toolbear said...

mimo the buddy problem is fixeed!!

Anonymous said...

mimo you are so lucky!!!

Musicboy8 said...

good job people!


Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous!

Kimberrlley1 here, regardng your comment about the new CPIP tem being delivered by a new feature?

I have a really good prediction for this new feature=)! I think the new feature will be that penguins can send their buddies items from your dock of items =)! What do you guys think?!

Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo,

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anny Ning said...

hey goofy 73, on my account it also says we're not buddies anymore!! ugh this is probably the first glitch on CP that i really don't like =P can you meet me today in one of the servers?? go to Alaska under the US flag and meet me on the iceberg at 2:00 CPST, ok?

see ya later!

goofy73 said...

k floobersnoot!

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

im sure you are still buddies with mimo kimberrlley. and when i saw ur name on that list of five people i started to silent scream i was so happy.

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

i met kimberrlley!

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

floobersnoot u didn't show up but kimberrlley did! thats awesome but i want u to be my buddy too. u both rock.

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

oh kimberrlley did u delete me. :( or did that glitch just happen. :(

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

floobersnoot your back on my buddy list! i guess it takes a matter of time.

you're friend goofy73

Anny Ning said...

lol well thats good goofy... i was there, at 2:00? hmmm maybe one of us was on the wrong server... well i usually go to alaska but as long as ur on my buddy list then it really doesn't matter =]

see ya!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Goof!

Kimberrlley1 here. Of course i didnt delete you =)! I logged off after you added me, so i think you didnt get added =(. Meet up with me later..and tell me where ya' wanna meet ;-)!

Dont worry goof, were still buds &+ thanks mimo!

Kimberrlley1 =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Cg78mg7!

Kimberrlley1 here =). Well, the servers i MOSTLY go on are bigfoot,iceberg, fjord, blizzard, and mukluk! If you would like to become freidns with me, just post a time and place youd like to meet me and id be glad to meet up with ya' =)!

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

goofy73 said...

see ya floob.

you're friend goofy73

Anny Ning said...

see ya later goofy, im sure we'll bump into each other soon =]

Anonymous said...

hey some mysterious penguin that wishes to remain anonymous (o.0) asked why mimo doesn't add more people. well, mysterious penguin that wishes to remain anonymous (o.0), mimo has to leave some room for his family and friends n stuff. also, if he added more people then EVERYONE would want to be one of those extra people and there's no WAY that everyone can fit on his 100-max buddy list! (dont you wish they would make the lists BIGGER???)

great question, though, it took me a while to think of a good answer =]

see ya later, pengs!!

Daiso said...

Number 3 is the best!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey kim.

Don't you remember me? I'm really sorry about the incident. I'm really happy your cat's okay.

Your friend

Chucksmi said...

congrats kim you are really lucky

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck!

Kimberrlley1 here, and its fine =)

dont worry about it, were cool 8 )

Thanks &+ thanks mimo,


p.s: ill answer ?'s after biggest loser =)

goofy73 said...

hey chuck, floob and kimberrlley hows it going guys. i love seeing you all on clubpenguin so maybe we could make a quickee party and anyone who wants to come can.

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

hey everyone i'm here to answer more questions. i just came back from baseball and carvel. ;-)

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

hey kimberrlley i love biggest loser. in fact my mom and my brother are watching it right now. i so can't wait for the finale next week. (:))

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

Hey Goof!

Kimberrlley1 here, almost goin to bed! Im going on clubpenguin for a little while though before, and i hope to see ya on! I love biggest loser too! I cant believe the 2 girls are in the finale ;-)! We have girl power lol!

Thanks &+ thanls mimo,


Chucksmi said...

Hey Goof Hey KIm

I love the biggest loser to. it's awesome. maybe we should throw a quick party.

Your Friend

Chucksmi said...

hey goof Hey kim Hey everyone out there look who it is

Chuck Chuck Chuck



Chucksmi said...

hey it's me again.

Are all of you out there excited about the new play that's coming out

yeah i thought so

See you soon

Chucksmi said...

I know it's me again. I am really tired. i'm going to sleep

Good Night.

I'm sorry but I have to leave.

Fine I'll stay

Well what do you expect. it's almost midnight

Anny Ning said...

well i ws gonna say good night to kimberrly but i think im a little late... =] lol

goofy73 said...

yarr. i can't wait for yarr and rockhopper to come back! lol hehe. i made this awesome joke up ok.

see you later

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

american idol gives back is so sad. =C i feel bad for all the people. good for you america for donating. this is an awesome thing to do because you are helping somany people who don't have life as good as you. =C please help.

you're friend goofy73(american idol gives back lover)

Anonymous said...

i was there two hours sooner and the connection was lost
i couldnt enter
im still very upset


Anonymous said...

add me im xomichelleo2!

Anonymous said...

can we be buddies

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