Monday, June 27, 2011

Good Old Disney Lays off workers at Club Penguin

This is not what Club Penguin wanted. But it happened anyway. Club Penguin laid off some employees. How many? Don't know. Why? Don't know. How will this affect our fav game? Don't know. Why is Rockhopper Red? Don't know.

You can read the story by clicking right here.

For you Disney haters of there, I'm sure you will love to use this news to hate on Diznee even more.

However, I think its not going to change much. Club Penguin is still the best.

It would be cool to know how many. I'm guessing just a couple. How many do you think?

If you notice some changes, please let me mo know. ;-)

What do YOU think Club Penguin SHOULD do away with?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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  1. Please start playing webosaurs again Mimo I have your blimp please start playing we all miss you here at webosaurs!

  2. they need to give there jobs back. They dont care about there players, or their workers now. those people who got fired could be homeless, and their family is in danger!Disney is mean!

  3. I think i know why! I think they layed them off because maybe they are the people in charge of updating the site URL thingy.

  4. Anonymous said...

    they need to give there jobs back. They dont care about there players, or their workers now. those people who got fired could be homeless, and their family is in danger!Disney is mean!

    No offence or anything, but are you being serious? There not going to end up homeless because they got fired from a job that pays ALOT.

  5. I think that club penguin fired so many people because they didn't have enough money to pay for their domain.
    Mimo, Rockhopper is red because he wanted to be red. LOL.

  6. They probably fired them because they forgot to renew the URl. This got Disney and Club Penguin in serious trouble.

  7. Maybe they layed off the bad, lazy workers?

    -Greenncool :)

  8. Dude my music won't work at ALL i think it's because of the disney lay offs, don't ya think?

  9. Wow... I just saw this but i think they had to have a reason they wouldn't one person without a good reason. Right?

  10. Club penguin should lay off the idiots who won't give us classic cp back!

  11. Well personally I think they should lay of Rockhopper... dont you think his ship must be falling apart from rowing back and forth from Rockhopper Island to cp???? Ohh and maybe Sensei.... he should retire and he dont like me much anyway.
