Monday, June 27, 2011

Club Penguin Music Jam 2011 EXTENDED ONE MORE WEEK!

Oh that Billybob guy. He loves us so. Doesn't he?

Sure he does. And he is showing us just how much by making the Music Jam Party last one. more. week.

Here. He made us a vid. Enjoy!

Do you think Billybob ever sleeps with a nightlight? (Thanks, Girlyhockey2)

Play Skinny!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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  1. WOOT! I love the music jam!

  2. CP+CHEESECAKE ROCK!June 27, 2011 at 10:27 PM

    It's probably because they need to work on:
    a) Next party
    b) blackout in July.
    :D :) :D :)

  3. Because why?

    ANSWER: because of the glitch that made club penguin impossible to access! i couldn't go on for about 1 week (durn the music jam) so EXTEND it for the week i missed it!

    Common scene!

  4. I'm gonna spend it by lookin' for G Billy and Petey K (I already met Stompin' Bob and Franky, they're super nice ;D)

    ~Dora64185 CPG Mod

  5. No problem, mimo! That's what I'm here for!!

  6. Girlyhockey2 said...
    No problem, mimo! That's what I'm here for!!
    this is unrelated to ur comment but i love ur name

    ~daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope))

  7. @daphnie58245 Thanks! I hope you get that spot as a CPG mod!
