Monday, June 27, 2011

Club Penguin Map Update Is Here!

Woot! The new Club Penguin map is here!

This awesome new map is much more accurate then the old map. And, you can choose what you want to do and where you want to go much quicker.

You can choose Games:

You can choose Places:

You can choose Shops:

You can choose Pets:

I think once we get used to it, we will love the new map!

I particularly like that now there really is a Tallest Mountain, a Wilderness, and enough space for the new room I call the Town Center.

And, what's up with that lake? Another new room, possibly?

Let me know how you are liking the new map, k?

UPDATE: Some ppl have not been able to get this new map. Club Penguin loaded it and then removed it for some reason. Weird!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


  1. Tallest mountain is for the Frost Jitsu?

  2. mimo doesnt that they would put pets in the selection sound a little suspicious. i think there are going to be new pets


  3. Hey Mimo! Glitch to report! The new map isn't showing up for me!

  4. it didnt' appear for me

  5. It's not up for me. :(

  6. Looks pretty cool and detailed! Saweet!

  7. it hasn't come out for me yet

  8. mimo please mention that the new map i currently only available on certain servers

  9. The new map sucks and takes too long time to load! I liked the old map but I guess we're gonna use this forever :(

  10. mimo there is a glitch with the new map it showed up 1ce for me then the next time i used it it was the old 1 again i wonder whats wrong give me credit ~red and pika

  11. i hate this new map its too confusing. i'll never get used to it after years of playing with the other map

  12. mimo the map isnt up anymore!!

  13. dude mimo the map isnt up anymore!!

  14. I currently hate this map.It makes cp load SUPER SUPER slow.It uses WAY too much flash and graphics.I'll never get used to it when I have used the old one for years. ):

  15. I don't really like the new map... I liked the OLD OLD map better... Remember that map? Good times... good times... This map is too confuzzling for me...

    ~Dora64185 CPG Mod (I hope...)

  16. Anonymous said...

    The new map sucks and takes too long time to load! I liked the old map but I guess we're gonna use this forever :(

    Hey there!
    Well maybe we won't because there was another map before this new one! Then they changed that then they changed it again! Although I do agree... The old map was much better... Oh well, we'll just have to wait another 3 years possibly...

    ~Dora64185 CPG Mod

  17. mimo remember that sneak peek of the new room in the ultimate guide cp book? well i think the lake is part of it!

  18. The map is working for me....That very suspicioud.....By the way,Mimo i emailed cp one month ago and they sad a grey puffle would be a great prize at Adventure Party.

  19. I cant believe they removed it

  20. Dear Mimo, Club Penguin is just stuck in loading now...

  21. Mimo. go to clubpenguin and click membership. Underneath the $5.95 it says "prices subject to change"! That means they are going to RAISE their prices. Mimo PLEASE post about this in a post so everyone can know!

  22. i HATE IT!! this is the reason why i quit clubpenguin disney is destroying everything clubpenguin shouldnt have been bought disney is thing just for T.V and for 5 year olds!!! it just sucks what next they delete everything and make something new?
    ~Phillies Kid

  23. Lol!! In "My Babysitter's a Vampire", episode Lawn of the dead, the name of something is "Puffles". I think they need their games to get someone of the names for stuff.

  24. I hate this map. I can't find anything. The iceberg is nearly cut off things are too far apart and awkwardly spread. Plus the old map was easy and down to the point. But no, good ol' club penguin has to change everything. The news, the map... what's next a whole new website?! Club Chicken, join today... good job cp.

  25. Anonymous said...
    i hate this new map its too confusing. i'll never get used to it after years of playing with the other map
    ikr its all confusing and bunched up and... ahh! CP has done it again. They just have to change EVERYTHING.

  26. I remember opening the map and clicking the place I want to go with pretty much NO looking. :( This map confuses me and I can't find anything. I've used the same map sinces 2006 :(

  27. the icons for the rooms dont even look like the rooms that much either

  28. Well actually, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It takes longer to load unfortunately, but it's still pretty cool. It will be easier to get to rooms like the Dance Lounge. Overall, this was a pretty good update.

  29. The igloos are also updated!


  30. Is that lake frozen, or is it strangely not?

  31. i got the new hat! but i already had the banckground

  32. Hey they extended Music Jam until July 4th :D ~ Shylough

  33. this map is so much more better!!!

  34. Mimo. There is a glitch. If you put on a communications gear and dance. You'll wear tactical clothes. They roll and you do the communications dance.

  35. Fantastic. I didn't like the original map all that much because everything seemed too close and bunched in.

  36. I dont like the new map.

  37. i miss the old map! They should not have changed it.

  38. If If you click on member igloo's your penguin username will be there! I'm not a member and it was there, though no-one elese can see it.

  39. I don't like the new map. :( They should give us the option to choose.

  40. They should've make a buuton that will change the map to the old map for the slower computers (like graphic changing).

    B.T.W since I saved a DJ3K mix, I can't play DJ3K or enter my igloo.
    Did it happen to anybody else?
    because if not, I HATE CP!!

  41. Aw man Since I have made music i cant open the music anymore :'( Wat up wit that?! ~ Shylough

  42. Why do they don't give you coins for card jitsu ect? (I'm NOT greedy it's just a question)

  43. Hey Mimo,saw a new room behind the tallest mountain.


  44. Mimo click on the 'shops' tab on the map

    LOOK no martial arts catalog
