Friday, December 13, 2013

Penguin of the Week: Lost Dragon!

Check it out! Lost Dragon is this weeks POTW!
I LOVE how Christmassy their igloo is, but you know what I love even more? A purple dragon wearing accessories and playing a guitar! Hehe! YOU ROCK! :D

He has received a green viking helmet too! Awesome! Nominate penguins!

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter


  1. How does this guy deserve POTW? All he did was decorate his igloo and dress up as a dragon. There are FAR more deserving people that are nice that should take his place instead, seriously.

  2. POTW for wearing a dragon costume?
    This is too much!Much worse than POTD!!Maybe if I wear a swimming tube they will give the POTW for me!! Ridiculous......:\
    Apparently not satisfied with Club Penguin(Disney)

  3. Hey, watch me get POTW and waste s spot for someone else far more deserving just for dancing cause if wearing a dragon costume isn't inspirational enough, then I might as well dance with the Gingerbread costume and Daffy or whoever does POTW will make me POTW just for dancing with a Gingerbread costume without doing any good deeds.
