Friday, December 13, 2013

2013: Puffle Catalog!

Club Penguin has updated the Puffle Catalog. So here are all the cheats:

For the first cheat, do this:

Go to page 4 in the catalog.
Click Rockhoppers ship.

You now have the Puffle Condo cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Go to page 6 in the catalog.
Click the joker penguin.

You now have the Water Dish cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Go to page 8 in the catalog.
Click the "Z".

You now have the Grey Bed cheat!

I am sooo glad we finally have a new Puffle Catalog! Aren't you!? And those puffle wigs! I hope they come out with more and more of them!

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter 


  1. i was really hoping to see the Rainbow puffle's and golden puffle's bed and house. Still waiting fro those, i believe they deserve one too.

  2. Mimo I just wanted to tell you that you forget the one hidden item the Grey House
    You need to click on the puffle sleeping in the house
