Sunday, April 15, 2012

What's the Deal with Club Penguin and Earth Day?!

What's up with Club Penguin Earth Day party? I just don't get the point of it. I mean do they want us to worship the earth or something?

Why should we have a whole day devoted just for a planet where we live? We don't have house day? And if we have Earth Day, what about the other planets? 

I think it's stupid and I don't get it. What do you think about Earth Day?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Hey Mimo You got a Point, Also I suggest you have a Partay Some time!

  2. Maybe it's to give awareness that the earth is important cos' it's the only planet we've got. But I think we should live like every day is Earth Day.

  3. they have it to raise awareness of what bad things we are doing to the earth

  4. anonymous and mimo you have great points mimo its not like if we celebrate for one day its not going to fix the world but it is the only one we have

  5. Mimo do you really care our Mother Earth? well, atleast once a year we give importance to our planet who give us life and daily needs also by joining the earth day it reminds us how important does earth have in our life. It's not the celebration to worship the earth its celebration to give importance and to be aware.

  6. You have a point but Earth Day isn't about celebrating about Earth.
    It's a day for promoting environmental awareness so kids will learn how to treat our Earth better.
    We cannot take everything we want from the Earth or else terrible things will happen to our ecosystem. Many people do not know about this so it's a good idea to teach us all about how to look after our world because we've only got 1.

  7. We have one earth , it is slowly being destoryed and people like you are meaning i can never be fixed.

  8. i'm pretty sure is a day where we try our best to help the envorement since earth probaly wants to be eco-friendly and by far this is the only planet with oxegen and there for life.

  9. Mimo, They have Earth Day to raise awareness for the Earth, and to open our eyes to the harm we are doing to the Earth. It is our only planet, and if we can't live on it, where are we?

  10. I dont care what you say Mimo, Earth day should be respected. Youre just being offensive.


  12. Mimo you should honestly know better. We have to support this planet with everything we got.

  13. You Got A Point there Mimo Onley People Cares About Earth ??
    Even Astronauts If there was no Moon or other Planets Less things to Study Right But Bad :{ i recomend Earth Dau as a BOO !!
    know great we are just kids and we cant handle big deals like a big celebration !! just mind it :{
    im Paintboy0900 - Good Thinking Mimo !!

  14. I think it's to make us realize what we are doing to mother earth..telling us to protect our earth and not to exploit it before its too late!

  15. We're supposed to save the planet because of all the bad things happening to it. We need to save the endengered animals, habitat, rescources, all because we love our planet and this is our only one.

  16. cause we do mimo you are so no hearted earth day is to protect stuff on earth like the animals endangered animals

  17. okay well, I understand your opinion, but you should really look into Earth Day first. It's an actual day to raise awareness to take care of the Earth because, it's where our lives are lived and the only place we can live so far. It's important because everything on Earth is a cycle, so it's literally what comes around goes around. We've been putting trash and pollution into the cycle, and that's what we get back. So Earth Day really gives people courage to actually go out there and take care of our planet even though this is what we should do everyday.

  18. I don't think it's pointless because Earth is the only planet we can live on so we need to treat it with respect. Its not just about celebrating earth itself, its about celebrating what's on the earth. Its to raise awareness.

  19. It's not just a silly club penguin event, it's an event supported allover the earth. It's to show awareness about what we're doing to the earth- destroying it. Alot of people do one thing on that day that you normally do that affects the earth e.g turning off the lights.

  20. High five, yes If they want a day about earth it should be an eco day:P

  21. Are you insane? It is like the most important event of the year! Because coins for change is cp only. We have to have a day that everyone celebrates. But why is it called earth day? Why not animal day? Why not spring day?

  22. earth day is for caring for where we live

  23. I totally agree Mimo!!! The earth isn't dying we don't need a holiday just for the earth! And Club Penguin has such a big deal with it because Disney owns CP and we alllll know how Disney promotes environmentalism which is totally fake....

  24. On Earth Day, we remember to appreciate nature and learn ways to protect our environment. Find ways that you can help keep the planet clean and help protect our environment!

  25. Earthday is about respecting the earth which we are destroying. Animals are dying and you are sitting around saying 'Oh. What's the point of thanking the earth for everything. We should thank houses instead.' Houses were built by us- the earth isn't. Show some respect! It helps young kids know that the earth can't keep giving if we don't give back.
    Personally, Eco warrior.

  26. we celebrate earth day to spread awareness of the earth and not to pollute the earth

  27. Earth Day is to raise awareness about the enviroment! its not stupid

  28. mine i love your blogs but earth day for me is really good
    its about saving the planet and also the party is not bad, like last year the new full animal costumes were only about 100 coins!

  29. Well, 1 it gets us a NEW free item. So who cares? ITS A PARTY GUYS. Maybe its going to be like a 'Coins For Change' celebration. For the people that get the money. Maybe those poor people get to have had a celebration. Don't cry, it is not like its a party the deletes all accounts. Gahh. Also what's a problem with the Holiday Party? We are celebrating Christmas why do we need it on CP. That is basically what your saying about it, but its about our Earth. PLUS have you searched on GOOGLE about 'earth day' because it may be a celebration.

    Sorry I know what you mean, just pointing a point out! ;-)

    Tahh, BHUZ55POG ~ Add me! I am like so not rare!

  30. OH MY GOSH MIMO AND OTHER PEOPLE WHO THINK EARTHDAY IS JUST PLAIN STUPID YOU JUST DONT GET IT!its celebrating everything earth has given to us and do you guys even pay attention to the party?its decorated like animal habitats and plus theres animal guys just dont get earthday.

  31. Earth Day is to give awareness so that people stop polluting our planet and that future generation don't do the same mistakes. One day in the whole year may be small, but it's better than nothing. It's the only planet we've got, and I would like (future) grandchildren to have a clean planet to live on.

  32. The people here that comments about bad things about earth day and don't care about Earth are the ones who are stupid what if in the next few years the earth is polluted. what about your children? they will live in nice happy houses but will not breathe the good oxygen. what about the animals? they will be extinct like the dodo bird and the tasmanian wolf. The trees? they're the ones giving oxygen! if they are all dead what would you breathe? nothing! so why don't you care about earth day? we should be appreciating Earth cause club penguin wants us to be aware on the bad things we're doing to our only planet. Earth.

  33. are you serious?! Mimo I've always supported you on everything, but I gotta say that for once you're wrong. I mean if you just think that Earth day is to celebrate a piece of rock we live in, then you're wrong! It's not a celebration, it's to create awareness of how bad we are affecting the planet

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. I never said I don't care about the earth. Come on. Let's not take this too far. ;-)

    - Mimo777

  36. i dont care for mother earth just sayin

  37. Mimo i comppletely disagree with me. Earth Day is a day to remind us to care for our planet, because so far it is the only planet that has perfect conditions for us to live in. Not so perfect now that we have been destroyng it.

  38. I think Earth Day is a good idea. It raises environmental awareness and promotes eco-friendly decisions. Whoever came up with the title "Earth" day may want to try to change it to "Environment" day but it is still a nice gesture. We should celebrate Earth Day all the time!

  39. Unlike the other planets, Earth is the only planet that maintains life, etc. (well possibly Mars too, since it has ice???) anyways, it makes us aware what we are doing to the Earth (like pollution and wasting Earth's resources and destroying the environment). So we must treat our Earth. If we continue to damage the Earth... soon, there would be nothing left. And Earth won't be a good place to live on with bad conditions. I personally think "Earth day" isn't stupid at all.

  40. i am so mad about what curly 9 said in his is that enviroment thing fake!

  41. and guys its not just a clubpenguin party!Earthday is a real holiday.

  42. This was honestly a ignorant post. Our earth needs to be protected and kids are the future. If we don't take care of the planet it can lead to severe damage. Why NOT have an earth day?

  43. Completely agree, Mimo. I'm not one to state my opinion on things such as this, but man-made holidays like Earth Day just anger me for some reason. I don't believe that a whole day should be promoted to hugging trees and what not. We've all seen how Disney promotes this stuff, and of course it had to effect Club Penguin. I see what they're trying to promote, but it all comes down to the fact that there are so many higher powers (companies) that are destroying the Earth anyway, and there's really nothing we can do about it. It's brain-washing really. If humans really cared about Earth, we probably wouldn't have polluted it in the first place. But, that's not exactly in our nature, is it? Now, I agree that we should pick up trash if we see it, or recycle our cans. But, to make a whole day out of it is just stupid. Trying to explain this in the least harshest way I can think of, but I already know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this comment. I could go into further detail about the subject, but that's probably not for right now.

  44. actualy anonymous there is 99 persent of life on mars

  45. That is just mean. Eath Day, we celebrate nature life, HUMANS! Be green(not litteraly) and recyle and reuse, does your science teacher teach you that or what?

  46. Earth Day is an environmental-related event. Basically, it is meant to raise awareness of current issues like: Endangered animals, global warming, pollution and the destruction of forests all around the world.
    Personally, I think Earth Day is a brilliant thing.

  47. In my opinion, I don't like what you said at all. I love our planet and it's the only one we got. Earth Day is the day where you forget about everything and do some serious Earth business. Like for example, pick up litter from other careless people. Plant a tree. Donate money to charities that give the money to endangered animals. That kind of stuff. Honestly, I think everyday is Earth Day! So do your part now!

  48. Anonymous said...
    actualy anonymous there is 99 persent of life on mars


    That's why I said "well possibly Mars too"..

  49. I agree with the comments that say Earth is important. It is, and there isn't 99% life on Mars (where did you hear that?), just possible signs of life that could've been there a long time ago. And the thing is, some people really respect the Earth, while others (some big companies, including) just take it for their advantage. Earth Day is just to raise awareness, that's all.

  50. Anonymous said...
    Yeah, Me too ;-) ~Mikey8w~ (CPG MOD)

  51. Earth day is very important and I hope you would understand! Its to raise awareness that the Earth is going to be destroyed by man. Earth is where we live in, our home, thus the day to commemorate it. Only planet we can survive on, so special. Hope you would think diff about Earth Day after what I said.

  52. It is not about worshiping the earth its about keeping it safe. Would you rather live on Mars?

  53. um i think earth day is awesome, #1. because its on my birthday and #2. so we can remember to be thankful for a place to live. We can remember to care for the earth and to keep it clean and healthy so many more generations can live on it! I hope u change your mind about earth day mimo!

  54. Mimo you have a good point however..many people take the planet we live in for granted. Humans are the number one issue anyways. (Especially gas *cough*) We need to protect the earth..eventually Earth WILL explode most likely 500 years from now.


  56. You really don't get the point of you?

  57. It's because the Earth is being destroyed everyday, little by little. Club Penguin holds the Earth Day Party so that we would remember to take care of it - they're NOT telling us to worship the earth. If you want a House Party, then throw yourself one in your own igloo. Nothing's stupid about it, and plus, it's fun!

  58. Hey, we need to look after the Earth, guys! We need to make sure that Mother Nature is respected! You know, trees clean the air, don't cut them down! We need to save energy, turn off the lights and the T.V. when you're done! Come on, guys!


  59. BTW, why would they ever hold a planet for other parties (even though that would be cool~)? It's not like we live there...
